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Old 04-13-2009, 12:39 PM   #210
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Kent2010 is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

Kent who is in your avatar? He looks almost exactly like a guy I went to school with.
Toby Flenderson, he's the HR manager in The Office (the American version), played by Paul Lieberstein. He gets treated so bad, I feel sorry for him.

I would like to clarify I think both you and Gwath have misinterpretted what I meant by this:

I believe everyone else on the list has at least made it known they are here and able to participate (now or during Day -1). 99.9% certainty we won't get a wolf, but we would avoid taking the bigger cost in lynching someone in Alonariel's place.
I did not mean that I am 99.9% certain we will not get a wolf today, I meant that I would consider voting for Alonariel, based on not showing up yet, possibility of a modfire, but she is most likely not a wolf. It would be a conservative move that would prevent us from lynching (or signaling to the baddies) someone we would not want to.

I am not throwing away today, if you want to look at some information look at the responses regarding the bonus votes. I'm still trying to figure out "the Machine of werewolf," but I have noticed a couple things...

When there is a new feature (from what I understand this is the first time bonus votes have been used?), baddies will openly speak about how to use the new facet to the game, or how a wolf might use the bonus votes, when they would use them...etc. Amongst the baddies too there might be a consensus to strategy/using the new feature.

I also posed the question to see if anyone would make a rehearsed, almost robotic response, as if someone has been discussing bonus votes with buddies for the past 36 hours and has "the answer." Frankly, I have no idea how I'm going to use my bonus votes, but I figured it was a topic of discussion amongst the wolves and thy vampire, so if someone had what looked like a rehearsed answer to the question, that would make me wary.
an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind
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