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Old 08-10-2009, 11:09 AM   #2
Laconic Loreman
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Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.
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The D-League vs. The Dark Monarch
Volume 1, Issue 2: The Dream

Four days had passed since Wild-eye and his brother had split. Wild-eye had fled out west, to a small mountain town in Nevada. Last time he was out here, was during his childhood, spent three weeks in July. It was the last time he felt truly peaceful and in solace. This sun, high up in the sky, glittering off a deep, dark-blue lake. The mountain air was warm but it was not sticky. That means no mosquitos, flies, or bugs of any kind, thought Wild-eye. And definitely no evil monarchs trying to destroy the world.

He knew what Tame-eye meant when he said "You know what you have to do," the problem was doing it. Now that he was out here, he finally just wanted to stay here, and hopefully she wouldn't bother coming out west. He did spread out notices about tryouts for any heroes, to the surrounding area. Most the people looked pretty nutty though. They were happy, and nice enough, but still nutty.

Wild-eye went to lay down in the bed of the only place in town where you could rent a room. A bed and breakfast, called Brams. He hoped people would show up tomorrow, and also hoped there were some good heroes left. People who would want to stop...her...that filthy, brooding, murderer. He turned out the lights and said "Well, at least people should show up for the food," and went to sleep.

Three figures were standing around his bed. He could hear them, but he kept his eyes shut. They were talking about killing him, talking about killing him for her. The three figures disappeared. Now he was out of the bed, but looking down at someone, lying in the bed. He had slashes across his face. Who was it?...It couldn't be...he was looking at himself!

Wild-eye woke up, sweat beading down his face. There was no mistaking this was a vision of his death. Not just a random nightmare. Who were the figures? He couldn't see their faces. He strained hard to try to remember something about them...nothing. They were just arguing about killing him, killing him for her. They must have succeeded, and done a mighty number on him.

He checked his phone for the time, it was almost 3 am. "Well, I guess my death won't be this night. Aint no way I'm going back to sleep. But when? And how did she get others on her side? I thought she worked alone? In fact, I'm pretty sure she kills indiscriminately, both villains and heroes. So why would she get others to kill for her?"

Whatever the answers were, Wild-eye knew now his time was short. He needed a new team of heroes fast.

(to be continued...)
Fenris Penguin

Last edited by Boromir88; 08-12-2009 at 04:56 PM.
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