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Old 07-13-2014, 09:30 AM   #371
Gruesome Spectre
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Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Heaven's doorstep
Posts: 8,034
Inziladun is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Inziladun is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Inziladun is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Inziladun is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.Inziladun is a guest of Galadriel in Lothlórien.
1. WWLXI: Grimm Tales (Wilwa's game)- Role: Old Witch (wolf). Result: survived end of game (wolves won).

2. WWLXII: Dead Men Do Tell Tales (Brinn's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed by Mutineers (wolves) Night 6 (wolves won).

3. WWLXIII: The Cottage of Lost Play (Mnemo's game)- Role: Wolf. Result: lynched Day 2 (wolves won).

4. WWLXV: Our Fate Lies With...Them? (Boro's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: lynched Day 2 (wolves won).

5. WW Threefold and Six (Eönwë's game)- Role: Wolf (saboteur, secretly aiding village). Result: lynched Day 3 (wolves won).

6. WWLXVII: The Rangers of the North- The Fell Winter (Nog's game)-Role: Ordo. Result: killed by Berserk Hunter Night 2 (wolves won).

7. WWLXVIII: A Full Moon Over Innsmouth (McCaber's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed by The Changed (hunter) Night 6 (village won).

8. WWLXIX: Meeting at the House of Usher (Mira and Nienna's game)- Role: Ranger. Result: lynched with the collaboration of 'innocent' Lovers (who ensured their victory, concurrent with the wolves) Day 5 (wolves won, Lovers won).

9. WWLXX: At the Prison of Ice (Legate's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed by wolves Night 3 (wolves won).

10. WWLXXI: Something In the Night (Gwathagor's game)- Role: The Lawman (wolf). Result: survived end of game (wolves won).

11. WW LXXII: Now There's the Truth of It! (Sally's game)- Role: Ranger. Result: survived end of game (village won).

12. WW LXXIV: War of the Wolves (Loslote and Hakon's game)- Role: Ranger!wolf (Ladybug Pack). Result: survived end of game (Ladybug wolfpack won, Anti-Lover won).

13. WW LXXV: It's Always Tea Time Here (Wilwa's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed by the Hunter Night 5 (wolves won).

14. WW LXXVI: At Moria: EXTRA Edition (Shasta's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed by the Hunter Day 5 (village won).

15. WW LXXVII: The Metamorphs of Wolf-562-e (Nerwen's game)- Role: Traitor (cobbler). Result: survived end of game (village won, by a strange twist I also won).

16. WW LXXIX: Fall From Olympus (Glirdan's game)- Role: Eros (Hunting Guardian). Result: killed by wolves Night 5 (village won).

17. WW LXXX: It's About Time! (modded, village won).

18. WW LXXXI: Under the Misty Mountains (Fea and Nienna's game)- Role: Elrohir (wolf). Result: lynched (along with many others, including Legate, my remaining packmate) Day 4 (village won).

19. WW LXXXII: Return to Tol-in-Gaurhoth (Lommy's game)- Role: Wolf. Result: survived end of game (wolves and Cobbler won).

20. WW LXXIII: The Nightmare on the East Road (Boro's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed by wolves Night 5 (wolves and Cobbler won).

21. WW LXXXIV: Middle Earth in Fifteen Minutes (Shasta's game)- Role: Wolf. Result: Seer-dreamed and lynched Day 3 (village won).

22. WW LXXXV: The Lost Philosophers of Maiar (Nog's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: lynched Day 3 (wolves won).

23. WW LXXXVIII: What Lies in the Dark (Sally's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed in Endgame (wolves won).

24. WW LXXXIX: The Terror of Tol Fuin (Modded)- Result: village won.

25. WW XC: Lord of the Rings 2: The Quest For More Money (Lottie's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed by wolves Night 2 (village won).

26. WW LXXXVII - The Valley Forge (Foley's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: survived to end (village won).

27. WW LXXXVIII - Trouble in the Misty Mountains: (Shasta's game)- Role: Wolf. Result: lynched Day 4 (wolves won).

28. WW XCII - Disaster by the Lake (Boro's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: lynched Day 1 (wolves won).

29. WW XCIII - Betrayal at Henneth Annűn (Pitchwife's game)- Role: Wolf. Result: lynched Day 4 (village won).

30. WW XCIV– Where the Stars Are Strange (Nerwen's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: survived to end (village won).

31. WW XCV- Meeting At the Town Cobbler Sally's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed Night 4 (village won).

32. WW XCVI - The Fell Winter of 2911 (Kitanna's game) Role: Seer. Result: killed Night 2 (wolves won).

33. WW XCVII: Werewolves in the Westfold (Meneltarmacil's game)- Role: Wolf. Result: lynched Day 2 (wolves won).

34. WW XCIIX - The Meaning Of Death (G55's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed Night 5 (village won).

35. WW C- The Father Christmas Murders (Lottie's game)- Role: Wolf. Result: lynched Day 3 (village won).

36. WW CI - Mutton yesterDay, mutton toDay and mutton toMorrow (Lommy's game)- Role: Wolf. Result: lynched Day 6 (village won).

37. WW CIII: Big Magic in Middle Earth Arcane Encampment (Sally's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed Night 2 (village won).

38. WW CIV: Spambot Apocalypse (Nerwen's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed Night 2 (wolves won).

39. WW CV: They Should Make a Movie About This! (modded)- Result: wolves won.

40. WW CVI: Tol-in-Westeros (Agan and Kath's game)- Role: Wolf. Result: killed by the Bear Night 5 (Bear, Lovers, and village won).

41. WW CVII: Restless Nights in Sleepy Hollow (Kitanna's game)- Role: Ordo. Result: killed Night 4 (wolves won).

1. Four times I've been killed by a Hunter, and every time I've been innocent.

Role Stats

Ordo: 20

Seer: 1

Ranger: 2

Hunting Guardian (combination Ranger and Hunter): 1

Cobbler: 1

Wolf: 14

Modded: 3
Music alone proves the existence of God.

Last edited by Inziladun; 10-18-2014 at 07:06 AM.
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