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Old 01-25-2007, 03:07 PM   #2
Elladan and Elrohir
Shade of Carn Dûm
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Halls of Mandos
Posts: 332
Elladan and Elrohir has just left Hobbiton.
It's such an iconic line from the book that I don't know that we even realize how iconic of a film line it has become: "I can't carry it for you, but I can carry you!" It's yet another chilling moment. Note that as Sam says this line, the score soars into the chorus of "Into the West," the credits song. This melody appears at a couple of key moments in the film (another one is Gandalf's "far green country" soliloquy).

To me, this is the point where Elijah Wood and Sean Astin transcend great acting. Maybe it's just because it's almost the end of the Quest, or because it's the movie version of my favorite story ever, or because everything -- not just the acting -- works together so beautifully to achieve this moment. But this is where Elijah and Sean take over the film, as they should - this is their moment to end all moments. We left Hobbiton with them in focus, and now here they are again in focus despite everything else.

Sauron's call to Aragorn, or whatever it is, does strike one as a bit bizarre. Of course, in the original designs of the filmmakers, Sauron was supposed to emerge at this moment (yes, in humanoid form, not as the Eye) and appear as an "angel of light", to use the biblical phrase. He would tempt Aragorn using the Annatar form that he had used to tempt Celebrimbor in the Second Age. Then, after Aragorn resisted, the two would fight.
Would have made a nice bookend to the Prologue scene, but I think I like it better the way it turned out. One thing it would have done is completed Aragorn's character. We've seen him struggle with his lineage, his weakness, his doubt, his fear, for three films. This confrontation with Sauron would decisively conclude that and finish the story arc for 'Gorn.
But, even the way it is, I think it still rounds out his character. We still have Sauron (apparently) calling out to Aragorn, tempting him in some way. When Aragorn turns back to his companions, it's another beautiful moment. And as he says, "For Frodo", with tears in his eyes, we know that he has finally beaten his demons, finally pushed his fears and doubts away. He has just heard from the Mouth that the Quest has failed, and yet he still has hope -- which of course is his name, Estel.
Awesome stuff, PJ.
"If you're referring to the incident with the dragon, I was barely involved. All I did was give your uncle a little nudge out of the door."

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