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Old 10-15-2003, 02:19 PM   #270
Itinerant Songster
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littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.

Falowik rode into Bywater in the company of Doderic and Gorbadoc Brandybuck. The westering sun was still well above the horizon. He was tired of riding, even though the journey from Buckland was not long by horse.

The Water, just to the north of the road, reflected the intermittent sun and clouds; rain threatened. At least it had held off until they made it into Bywater. The horse and two ponies stopped before the Green Dragon Inn, not far from the stables. The man and two hobbits dismounted and led their mounts to the stables, and wrapped the reins to stable posts. Falowik led the hobbits into the Inn and was met by a commotion of activity!

Falowik was looking for one person. His face did not give away his anticipation - except for his eyes. The Hobbits passed around him and made their way to the bar, but Falowik hung back, hoping to see Uien somewhere in all this crowd of people. They had news to sahre, he was sure, and he hoped hers was good; at least better than his.
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