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Old 11-18-2009, 03:25 PM   #2
Legate of Amon Lanc
A Voice That Gainsayeth
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Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.
Sting Rules (in detail)

The game will start with Night 1 on November 28th, 9:00 PM GMT.


Like I said, this game will be relatively classic. The roles are as follows:

# ordinary innocents – their objective is to get rid of all the Werewolves.

4 Werewolves – their objective is to survive up to the point when there are as many Werewolves as innocents. They can PM with each other every Night and each Night they choose one person to kill.

1 Ranger – she stands with the innocents, but each Night, she can choose one person to protect. She can also choose to protect herself. The protected person, if targeted by the Wolves at Night, won't be killed and there will be no kill that Night. Ranger cannot protect the same person twice in a row. The Ranger and Hunter know each other's identities and can PM each other during the Night.

1 Hunter – she stands with the innocents, and at any point of the game, she can choose people whom she is going to watch and take with her in case she dies. That effectively means that the Hunter will send me a list of three or less names (maximally up to the number of living Werewolves in game), and if she is killed during the Night and there is a Werewolf on the list, the Werewolf who is first on the list will die alongside her; otherwise, nothing happens. If the Hunter is lynched and there is a Werewolf on the list, the Werewolf who is the first on the list will die alongside her; otherwise, the first person who is on the list will die alongside her. The Hunter can change her list at any point, however, in case of her death, I am of course taking into account only the list I had in my disposition before the deadline of the current Day/Night (i.e. for example if the Hunter is lynched, then Night comes, and she sends me another list after she died, I am not going to take it into account). The Ranger and Hunter know each other's identities and can PM each other during the Night.

1 secret role – will not be revealed on the admin thread and only the chosen player will know about it.


Each person has one vote each Day. The votes, once cast, cannot be changed by any means. The vote must contain the clear name of the player voted for with "++" before it, and be boldened, like this:

++Legate of Amon Lanc

At the end of each Day, the person who gets the most votes is lynched. In case of a tie, the person who reached the most votes as the first is lynched. Votes cast after the deadline (in posts with the timestamp "##:00" and later) will not be taken into account.

Person who does not cast any vote for two days in a row will be modfired.

The deadline for voting will be (unless I yet decide otherwise) 9:00 PM GMT. (Calculated from what should be 11:00 for us Finns. Please correct me somebody if I have miscalculated ) Game will start with a Night phase. As in every game, there will be Night and Day phases, each always taking 24 hours of real time.


Apart from the secret role, there will be two different special events taking place during the game. They will be secret in the beginning and will be all revealed in due time. You don't need to worry about them until they happen (which will be announced on the game thread along with the narration, also there will be a copy and a more elaborate explanation of them rule-wise posted on the admin thread at the same time). No player (including the secret role) is going to know about these two events until they are announced publicly to everybody.

Neither of the special things in this game will have any totally ground-breaking effect (i.e. nothing that will turn the game totally upside-down).


Posting on admin thread during the game is allowed only for the purposes of announcing absence, asking about clarification on the game rules (though I hope there will be no need for it), or other urgent matters. People who have been lynched or killed cannot post on the game thread or the admin thread until the game ends.

Any communication about the game between the players, living or dead, outside the game thread (or Night-discussions, if the role allows it) is forbidden.

PMs, either sent by the mod or by your friends (Werewolves, Ranger, Hunter...), cannot be quoted on the game thread. No out-of-game posts may be quoted on the game thread.

Please try to avoid any meta-game reasoning in your posting in the game as far as possible. It does not belong to Werewolf.

Likewise, narrations are not to be used as source of reasoning for the game. The narration's function is purely aesthetic and they are made to reflect the game's happenings, however, everything that is important in the narration is always repeated in the rules or Day/Night summary. If something is not mentioned in the rules, then it has no in-game impact whatsoever. (If you are not sure what the heck does this mean, you can also see below in the note at the end of this post.)

Likewise, if something is announced in the rules, but not mentioned in the narration, it still holds.

Excessive spam-posting on the thread (posts lacking any in-game content) will be met by warning followed by a modfire. Try to make the thread readable for others with actual information related to the game.

The pronouns used on the admin thread to describe some role have nothing to do with the person's actual gender.


You may pick a role you will have in the expedition, this is merely for narrational purposes. You can pick out of the professions listed here, or you can come up with an idea of your own fitting along the similar lines (anything that would make sense on such a kind of expedition). The same profession can be taken by several people, as there can be several experts from the same field in the expedition. The initial occupations could be as follows: meteorologist, hydrometeorologist, geologist, geophysicist, palaeoecologist, marine biologist, biologist, palaeoclimatology expert, engineer, mechanic, medic, sea pilot, navigator.


This is just a note of clarification about the role of narrations in this game to avoid misunderstandings. The main purpose of the narrations is aesthetic. That means, providing some background for the Werewolf hunt itself, which otherwise operates on well-known schemes. However, I won't be doing what most of the narration-writers do, that is, to try to adjust the narrations nail-and-tooth to the in-game happenings (like making it so that the innocents discover exactly three sets of wolf footprints on the very first Day, if possible next to a note addressed to the innocents and signed in blood by Fang, Grip and Wolf, predicting the early destruction of the village). Instead of making some hybrid (and thus risking that I ruin the impression of the story and at the same time fail in reflecting the game to the point that if somebody was following the narration by heart, he or she would "find" information which will completely misguide him or her in the game), I have decided to draw a strict line between the narrations and the game. In most of the games people are doing it too, but I feel it important to point out this time. That means: Your primary guide are the rules. If the narrations seem to you to imply something which is not stated in the rules, then it is not true. There are no in-game hints in the narrations whatsoever, unless it is specifically stated later in the Day/Night summary (and I WILL enclose a summary of everything happening in every narration, don't worry). And vice versa. The story has its own perspective, e.g. if it does not say how many Werewolves are around, but the rules do, of course you know how many people you are looking for, even if the characters in the story don't. The story's purpose is illustrational, and it draws from the game, but not vice versa. Since this is not roleplaying game, everybody of course says stuff on the thread which his or her character would not really say in the story. Therefore, you should not bother yourself with "but possibly my character does not know if we have a Ranger, should I talk about it on the thread?" and just talk about it. (I am stating the obvious here, but I am saying it just as to avoid confusion.)

"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories

Last edited by Legate of Amon Lanc; 11-28-2009 at 04:33 PM.
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