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Old 09-27-2004, 01:31 PM   #5
Laconic Loreman
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Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.Boromir88 is wading through the Dead Marshes.
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The meeting was adjourned and Ercuion still wonders if he should have suggested his plan, or not, then he thinks "Oh, it doesn't matter I'm heading out anyway." Ercuion leaves the hall and heads for home to gather his supplies. There his younger brother, Nefal, is waiting.

"Greetings brother, why are you packing so hastily, what is happening?" asked Nefal.

"Why you haven't heard about the spiders?" asked Ercuion.

"Yes, I have heard, so what?" Nefal replied.

"Well, I volunteered to go with the Scouting party in order to track down the spiders, and finish them for good." Ercuion said.

"And you expect to go without me, right?" Nefal asked with an uncertain tone in his voice.

"Yes, I can't have you come along, it will be too dangerous." Ercuion replied.

"Mother and Father are so far away, I've got no family or relatives out here, only you. You can't expect me to stay here." Nefal objects.

"You are not alone, Targon will still be here" Ercuion says stubbornly.

The door opens and a figure is at the entrance and a voice is heard "Well, young Ercuion, it just so happens that I've joined the party too, somebody needs to help Thranduil watch all you young rascals."

Ercuion and Nefal turn, and to there great delight, they realize it's Targon. Targon is a much older elf, then Ercuion and Nefal, but still younger then Thranduil, he is the "unofficial" guardian of the two boys. Since, their parents are a far way away, towards the edge of Mirkwood, Targon has always looked after the brothers.

"You are going too" asked Ercuion, with a false hope.

"Yep" Targon replied.

Nefal made sure he added in "See, now there's no reason for me not to go."

Ercuion uneasily agrees and tells Nefal to go get ready, they must meet at the front gate. The three of them make it to the gate, they are the first ones there, nobody is seen yet. Targon wonders off, Ercuion and Nefal find a comfortable tree to lay under. Ercuion tells Nefal about the whole meeting, and informs him of the evils to come. Then Nefal spots Lossenfirithion, striding up towards the gate, and almost immidiately Ercuion realizes some stress, or anger, approaching in Nefal's face.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing, just that darn Lossenfirthion. He always gets special treatment just because he's Thranduil's nephew. Well one day Thranduil will realize that I am a much better soldier then he." Nefal snaps.

"Woah, calm down, Lossenfirthion is a good soldier, and a good nephew to Thranduil, there is no need to worry about him." Ercuion says.

"I don't fear him" Nefal says defiantely, gritting his teeth, "He just get's special treatment from Thranduil is all I'm saying. Thranduil will wish I was in that young brat's place, he'll see."

Targon, out of nowhere just seems to reappear, "I hope that young brat, you are talking about, isn't me" Targon chuckles. Nefal runs off in utter disgust, he needs to get away from Lossenfirthion before any trouble starts.

"See Targon, that's why I fear for him, he's still young, and has a lot to learn about respecting your elder soldiers. Especially, if that soldier is the king's nephew." Ercuion replies uneasily.

"In good time he will learn, you have taught him well." replies Targon "Now, what are we going to do about dinner?"

Last edited by Boromir88; 09-28-2004 at 12:47 PM.
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