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Old 12-20-2003, 08:42 PM   #179
Spirited Weaver of Fates
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: In an endless sea of dreams!
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Nerindel has just left Hobbiton.
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Dúlrain felt like he was in the throws of a beautiful dream and if he never woke, he would at least be contented. Her song striped away the defences of his heart and held him in its spell; even if he did want to turn away, he was sure he would not be able. He knew not the words that she sang but the emotions of the song could be heard in her voice and seen in her amber eyes. It was a sad song and he knew that if a tear were to escape her tender eyes, his heart would break. However, tears did not fall and she began to sing another, squeezing his hand reassuringly as his body tensed with the application of the healing oils, but still his eyes stayed with her, her song soothing and comforting him through the pain.

However, the dream ended with the song as Benia turned to Kaldir, who was now telling her that he should be moved nearer the fire. As Benia stepped back, Kaldir bent down to lift him. Out of stubborn pride he raised his hand to stay his old friend, "No, I can walk," he protested, But Kaldir would hear none of it, which made him smile; Kaldir had never given into his stubbornness.

"It's a good thing you can walk tomorrow. You weigh a ton." Kaldir said smiling at him, he laughed weakly, happy to see that his brother had at least not lost his sense of humour, but broke off abruptly as a jolt of pain took him. He then thought of Dir, if not for the horse he would not have found them, But Kaldir reassured him that the stallion was fine and that he would go see to the horse now. As Kaldir walked away, he closed his eyes, to wince away the pain in his side, but opened them abruptly as he felt someone grip his hand tightly. Kaldir looked into his eyes and nodded.

"When in need, one will always find the other,"

"Thank you. I owe you their lives."

Kaldir's words were soft and heart felt like the brother he remembered, He had not expected such words after seeing how Kaldir's resentment had so marked Rauthain, but now in his heart he could see the old Kaldir fighting his way slowly back through the shattered mess Naiore had left. As he watched, Kaldir leave the campsite he wondered if Naiore's cruel torment still went on in some fashion and if Kaldir was the one to kill her, would she not win, Burying his old friend anew in hate and anger.

As the dark form of Kaldir disappeared into the night, Dúlrain looked about the camp until his eyes fell on the two women he had saved. Benia was helping the hobbit woman to soak her badly bruised cheek. He frowned trying to puzzle how and when the woman had acquired the bruise when last he had looked she had no..... then it came to him the orc that had struck him had a deep wound to his side, but hadn’t died instantly as he would have with a sword thrust. No, it must have been the hobbit and her dagger. His eyes widened in wonderment, he had heard that hobbits could be most valiant when needed. He glanced down at his side and vowed never to forget her selfless act, for if not for her, he would surely be dead.

He tried to sit up but only incurred another burst of intense pain, "You should not move" a soft voice whispered above him, he smiled as he looked up to see the southern woman sitting down beside him, "how are you feeling?" she asked her kind and gently eyes reflecting her concern. "Better for seeing that you and your friend are safe and well" he smiled. "But I should like to sit up if you would be so kind as to help an injured ranger, my lady?" he tried to laugh but ended in a grimace as another pain shot through his side.

"I will help you but only if you promise to be still and rest that you can heal properly," she whispered anxiously. Seeing her genuine concern, he nodded and let her gently sit him up. "That was a dangerous feint you used Master Dúlrain, but convincing, I almost regretted my decision to blow on your whistle."

"Dúlrain, please just call me Dúlrain, and to be honest it was not all feint," he confessed. “Had not the moonlight lit up your wondrous eyes like jewels in the night I might never had remembered the jewelled sword at my hip. for never before have I had the need to draw it.” but before she could reply Gilly came up to her and he heard her whisper something about looking for more sticks for the fire and to send Kaldir if she did not return thinking she would need him if more orcs were about.

"It is not likely that you will see any, Mrs Tunnelly. By all reckoning, it was a small band. And if there are more, they are not yet near." he quietly reassured her.

"Oh sir, you may call me Gilly if you like, and I thank you for the comfort as well as the saving of us! But if I can, I will make you something special for supper if you feel you can manage it. But first I must go have a look see what delicacies might be had in such a place as this." However, before he answer and insist that she should go to no trouble, Gilly had turned to her friend,

"You take good care of our friend here for me won't you Miss Benia? I think rather highly of him for saving our lives and wouldn't want any harm to come to him now!" He smiled as Benia assured her friend and moved to tend the fire in the hobbit's absence.

"Off course!" he scolded himself "Mrs Gilly Banks and Miss Benia Nightshade" he whispered remembering Léspheria giving him their true names at least a week past now. As he looked up, he saw Benia look at him surprised that he knew their names. "My apologies, my lady Nightshade, but I believe we share a friend in Lady Léspheria of Rivendell and it was she who gave me your true names."

"Léspheria is with you?" she asked looking out into the night, "She was but alas she, Amandur and a young ranger named Meathor have hastened on to Rivendell." he whispered. He could see Benia trying to puzzle out how the elf would be in the company of those hunting the Revennor of Mordor.

"Léspheria was sent to help us track one of her own kin, but I rather think she is more concerned in finding and helping the young elf Vanwe, than in capturing her mother and now that Naiore heads for her home in Rivendell, she hastens to warn her kin." he answered for her.

"What else did Léspheria tell you?" she whispered lowering her head so as not to meet his gaze. "Yes she told me of my friends chosen profession, but you should not judge him for it, he was not always that way. Dúlrain proceeded to recount a number of adventures and misadventures he and Kaldir had shared in their youth, how they had grown together to become fine and loyal rangers, but as he came to the point were they had been separated he stopped and turned to face Benia.

"So how is it that such a sweet and beautiful desert rose found herself so far north as to have been snared by a misguided ranger and forced into this hapless adventure?" he asked changing the subject and losing himself again in her exotic beauty.

Last edited by Nerindel; 03-18-2004 at 04:57 AM.
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