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Old 09-03-2009, 12:38 PM   #266
The Sweetest Spoiler
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satansaloser2005 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.satansaloser2005 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.satansaloser2005 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.satansaloser2005 is lost in the dark paths of Moria.
Ack, my head hurts from all the possibilities!

Oh, just noticed this.

The last Kit vote comes from Sally. Doesn't give a reason, though earlier she agreed with Boro that Kit "seemed off." Probably the weakest reasoning of the Kit voters. She spent the last hour and plus providing a tally but contributed little otherwise. Now why is that? Seems rather suspicious to me.
Erm, really? Didn't give a reason, did I? Of course I didn't, how silly of me. Not like I explained why her guard vote made her suspicious to me. Why would I think I said that? It's not like it's in post #115 or anything.

I think the wolves would be silly to not make two kills while they still can, but I also see Legate's point about a good frame job. The problem with his theory, however, is that if we strike gold and kill a wolf they can't make any more double kills, and as some others (Wilwa maybe? Heck if I remember) have pointed out it wouldn't be that hard to kill Legate at some point anyway. Still, I'm torn between lynching him and thinking it's simply too easy. Legate, you're not the ranger, are you?

Catching up again and then maybe getting some sleep. Can't shake the bad vibes from Wilwa, but at the same time not sure why I have them. Maybe she'll get my guard vote, with the same theory as the Legate guard yesterDay.

Also, where's Nessa and Alona? (And Hakon?)
"My heart always cowers behind the defense of my wit."
Friendship is two pals munching on a well-cooked face together.
Fenris bookworm.
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