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Old 11-07-2013, 02:45 PM   #1807
Pervinca Took
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
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Pervinca Took is a guest of Tom Bombadil.
Yes, I saw HALL + OR, but when I couldn't fulfil the bird element I wondered if using the word "hall" for entrance was more of a northern thing I got from my parents. We always called the entrance corridor of a house the hall, but elsewhere I've only heard hall to mean something like an assembly hall, and wondered if the proper term for the former was really "entrance hall."

P.S. Wonder if Roac, (son of Carc), the raven in The Hobbit, had any echo of Roc, subconscious or otherwise.

7 E In France this twisted "The Lion King" by substituting ruler

Could this be ECTHELION? Contains THE LION plus EC which is CE (the end of France) twisted round, and the twisted round bit of France substitutes the word King. Also, Ecthelion, father of Denethor, was a Steward of Gondor, so kind of a substituting ruler until the king returned.

4 A Article originated ranging in the South.

ANBORN? The indefinite article AN plus BORN for originated. A Ranger of Ithilien (or Ranger of the South). I thought the only two named ones were Mablung and Damrod, but then I remembered the one who (I think) asked Faramir's permission to shoot Gollum. I always thought it began with A for indefinite article (AN fits this too, of course), but was toying with ideas of a southern mountain range before I remembered that there was a southern ranger beginning with A.

3 M American mystique muddled elf.

Having struggled unsuccessfully to merge something like US +SPELL, I googled American Mystique, and apparently they are a company that makes bomber jackets and flight jackets. But how on earth I get from that to Maglor, Maeglin, Maedhros, Mahtan, Miriel or Mithrellas, I'm sure I don't know!
"Sit by the firelight's glow; tell us an old tale we know. Tell of adventures strange and rare; never to change, ever to share! Stories we tell will cast their spell, now and for always."

Last edited by Pervinca Took; 11-07-2013 at 03:26 PM. Reason: To merge consecutive posts.
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