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Old 10-22-2004, 12:42 PM   #33
Pilgrim Soul
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: watching the wonga-wonga birds circle...
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Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.
I have wondered about those words of Haldir's and more frequently about Legolas' reaction to his message from Galadriel about the sea "Would you have her speak openly of your death?" - my conclusion was that for the silvan, and even Sindarin elves, Valinor has not the same significance as for the Exiles for whom the journey oversea is "going home". For Haldir going to Valinor because he had been driven out of Lorien by evil would be an exile. Lorien is home and however beautiful a place maybe... if it is not home it is not heaven. I mean as the relentless damp of an english November creeps into my bones, a carribean beach seems a great idea, but I would not want to be there forever, I think I would miss evern the murky days in time. There is something about Valinor that seems a little creepy to me... maybe I have a melancholy spirit but all that endless light and bliss..... it makes me think "Disney-land"/ cult and panic - i just know all those constantly happy, shiny people would get on my nerves very quickly ( I am currently working at a centre for adults with learning difficulties and I can tell you that the frequent practices of "Love will build a bridge" for the Christmas Concert has completely evaporated the milk of human kindness among the Office Staff). Maybe the idea of all that harmony implies the loss of "self", which perhaps is the true death.
“But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.”

Christopher Tolkien, Requiescat in pace
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