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Old 12-22-2001, 11:37 AM   #69
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Iīve seen the movie two times now, so i can finally make an objective critic, the movie was good, in fact really good (at least for me), the problem is that it is being compared to a masterpiece, i believe that no director could have made a good movie out of the FOTR without chopping pieces and adding a new life to the book, because it is a book translated to a movie you canīt expect it to be a replica of the book,<BR>it would be a weird piece of work, writing isnīt acting and visuals arenīt poetry, at least not at an equal level.<BR> For me it is a must see movie even if youīre an "anal-retentive" Tolkien fan, or if you just love him, or even if you donīt even know who he was, itīs way better than many others and itīs probably the best that could have been done, we have to be thankfull because someone finnally made us see the greatness of JRR Tolkienīs work with our own eyes, in a tangible way, not the ephimeral matter that has tormented humanity for centuries but the kindness of heart that has made us go further and further.
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