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Old 07-06-2011, 07:30 AM   #1048
Messenger of Hope
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Folwren is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Folwren is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
Eodwine and Saeryn

Eodwine nodded and smiled. "Lord, I thank you for your kind offer. Please allow my wife and me to think it over. I would not have my former retainers thinking that you and I are two eorls in one eorldom who could be played one off the other, and having rooms so closely situated to your own might get them thinking in ways they should not. That is my fear. But my wife and I will think on it and return an answer to you as soon as we may. And maybe I should not be called lord.”

He bowed, leaning on his wife's arm for support, and then turned with her.

Saeryn and Eodwine walked away together. She was mildly surprised as Athanar's generousness and courtesy towards Eodwine. But, then, he had been pleased, had he not, to have Eodwine kneel to him and swear fealty. Anyone would who had come and usurped power and then the rightful lord had come back and proved to be no competition, much less a danger.

They mounted the stairs and finally came to Saeryn’s modest room. It was not large, but it was comfortable. Eodwine sank down on the bed with grateful sigh. Saeryn began to unclasp the heavy cloak from about his throat.

“Eodwine,” she said, her voice quiet and tentative.

“Yes, love?” he replied.

“Why did the king give your title away to Athanar when Athanar had done nothing to deserve it, and you had done nothing to lose it, save becoming ill?”

"'Tis not a matter of desert but of things needful. One might say that King Eomer may or may not deserve to be king, but such has become his role, and I am happy that he holds it well. Besides, my dear, I am just a lowly landowner and farmer who was raised above his place by the good graces of our king. I did the best I could, but I think Lord Athanar takes to it more naturally than I."

Saeryn smiled bitterly. “You do not know him well to say that. If Athanar took the role because he was descended by blood from an eorl, as King Eomer received the throne because he was the heir of King Theoden, then perhaps I would not question the decision our liege has made. You were raised up because you were just a humble landowner and had proved your mettle in battle and Eomer knew your heart, but Athanar is going to stay in your place as eorl even after you have returned because why?”

"There is a word they use in Gondor. We have none quite like it in the Mark. Continuity. There has already been much trouble for these folk. They left Edoras with me. They lived poorly here all summer and fall without a decent hall. Their lord fell sick, seemingly unto death. Another lord was set over them and the folk have had to accept him or leave - Falco has told me of the troubles with Lithor and Erbrand, and of others. To unseat the new lord to make place for the old would be one change too many."

“No one minded living poorly for you,” Saeryn said. “You won their hearts and their loyalty because you were as willing as the next man to do a full day’s work. It would not be a change for you to take your place as lord, Eodwine. It would be going back to normal for all of us. Folk have accepted him because there wasn’t anything else to do. Where do you expect a family like Stigend and Modtryth with their son, or Garstan with his two little ones, to go in the midst of winter? I’m telling you that you could be lord, and it would be right if you were. Athanar knows it. That is why he called you lord Eodwine. Speak to him, Eodwine, and perhaps he will give you your rightful place.”

Eodwine looked at Saeryn a long time after she had finished speaking. There was that fire in her that had won him to her from the start. Had it turned into ambition for their family? He thought of speaking of her condition as a way to calm her down, but knew that it would not do. He sighed.

"The king gives me my place, not Athanar. You know that. I am here because of you and the others who have become part of us. That is unchanged. You and I will be friends to each of them, as always. Give it time. We shall see what comes. There is time. I am hungry and thirsty. Let us go to the kitchens now."

Saeryn looked at him. She still did not agree with his point and she still thought that given the right pressure, the king may change his mind. But now was not the time to discuss it, clearly. Perhaps when Eodwine had eaten and rested he would be more willing to see it her way. So instead of continuing the disagreement, she nodded, and lowered her eyes to the floor in a sign, if not of submission, then at least of resignation. She took Eodwine’s hand and helped him up and then together they went down to the kitchen to greet the women folk there and get some breakfast for Eodwine.

As they entered the kitchen, Saeryn stepped before Eodwine and announced his arrival. "Ladies. Your eorl has returned."

Last edited by Folwren; 07-06-2011 at 10:48 PM.
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