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Old 05-20-2002, 01:19 PM   #65
The Barrow-Wight
Night In Wight Satin
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The Barrow-Wight is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

The Barrow-Wight stood still as he contemplated the princess’ ‘excuse’ for taking his treasures. Was she lying through her teeth and likely to walk away with more if he let her? Or was she truly wearing it as party favors she intended to return. Regardless, it did not matter. The more she took, the better she would look lying on his barrow floor after he abducted and sacrificed her.

A pained looked cross his face and the crowd gasped.

I have got to break this terrible cycle, he thought. This ‘abduct and sacrifice’ routine is all I ever do. This is supposed to be a party, and I’ve already seriously considered murdering two of the guests. I really need counseling.

He looked down on the woman, his face melting into a less-threatening, slack-jawed leer that was supposed to be a smile.

“You may keep them,” he muttered. “They look better on you than on me. Now, if you’ll excuse me.”

He turned and made a bee-line for the keg.
The Barrow-Wight
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