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Old 09-30-2005, 06:56 AM   #413
Feanor of the Peredhil
La Belle Dame sans Merci
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refuting the phantom

Oh, most phantastic phantom, how silly you can be.

You see, I had no qualms about the rest of high school, just sophomore year (which still lies in Mordor, thank you very much. It's my Mordor, and you mustn't tamper). And it wasn't for course work or anything like that.

I was taking as many classes as I can (I was advised repeatedly to drop my second science class), with... one study hall a week. Incredibly neat stuff like studying iolic modes in Music Theory, or differentiating between quartz and halite in Enviro, molecular biology.... The classes were simply fun. And I never fell below high honors grades once in high school. Even if one class lagged, my sickeningly high scores in others kept me high on the rosters. And even though back then, a two-page paper was something to fret [read: not care, but procrastinate] about for a week, versus now being a common place nightly homework assignment, do not think, m'boy of Omaha, that t'was the course numbers that soured me on 10th grade.

I did all of my homework while I was sitting in class and still had time left over to be the class clown and crack jokes.
If I can remember my homework schedule... it was somewhat like this:

History Class: do Bio homework.
Bio: do Enviro
Enviro: finish English
English: study Spanish
Spanish: do History
Health: draw because I had no art class
Music Theory: write my music, dissect classical pieces, finish other homework
Lab: do bio lab work
Study Hall: play flute in band room
Phys Ed: find all ways possible to avoid participation... except in soccer

In the end, my homework was generally done (this was before learning that there was not a single consequence gradewise to not doing it), leaving me with loads of free time after school. So it was not the homework that soured me on sophomore year, dear friend.

Sophomore year was simply a bit of growing up that I would not relinquish for the world, it having made me who I now am; however many memories of the experience are Mordor-worthy. I much prefer not to dwell on the petty fights, the "loves", the rumors spread about me, the threats made to me... sophomore year was, all in all, quite the experience... but at the time, it really sucked. And we are sending sucky things to Mordor. Capiche?
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