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Old 03-12-2005, 01:19 PM   #142
Illusionary Holbytla
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Firefoot has been trapped in the Barrow!
As the wolves turned on the Big Folk, Sondo backed off, Rory and Marroc with him. The rest of the hobbits had scattered. No more did he heed the conflicting groups, and turned instead to his friends.

“Can you two carry the supplies we took by yourselves?” he asked. They nodded. “Okay. Can you take them to that stand of trees?” He pointed to a small thicket about a half mile distant, the way to which was largely hidden from the Big Folk and wolves. “We need to gather together and get out of here, but everyone has scattered. I’m going to try to round them up and send them your way.” They agreed to this plan and struck off toward where they had left the bundles. Sondo took off at a jog in the direction he had seen his sister fleeing. He wasn’t sure how much time he had; already a wolf and one of the Big Folk had been killed, and he did not want to be there when one side prevailed.

He found Sam before he found Sassy. He was hiding out in the midst of a few trees, clearly debating whether to stay there or not.

“Sam?” called Sondo softly.

“Sondo! Did you find what you were looking for?” he asked.

Sondo nodded, not really paying attention to the question. “Look, Sam, do you know where Sassy headed?” He knew that the two had formed something of a friendship.

“She bolted off that way,” said Sam, pointing. “I tried to stop her, but she wouldn’t listen.”

Sondo waved his hand. “Okay, fine. Would you go after her? I’m trying to gather up the hobbits. There’s a stand of trees a little way from here, over that way-” he gestured, “Take Sassy and anyone else you see and go there. Rory and Marroc will be heading that way, too; you should be able to find them. And try to avoid the notice of the Big Folk and the wolves, okay? I don’t want them on our tail.”

“Sure, Sondo,” said Sam. The two parted, and Sondo headed off around the perimeter of the fight, not knowing where to look next. The landscape had looked quite barren before; now, however, he realized that hiding spots were actually quite abundant if looked for. It was by pure chance that he stumbled upon Reggie’s hiding spot. Their conversation was brief; Sondo directed him toward the trees and asked if he had seen Bingo or Falco.

“Not for a while,” Reggie answered. “Falco not since before the Big Folk came over here, and Bingo since the wolves came. Do you want help finding them?”

“Just check trees and other likely spots as you go. The sooner we’re all together the better,” answered Sondo.

“All right.”

Sondo continued his search. He was more concerned about Falco than Bingo; Reggie had at least seen Bingo lately, and he couldn’t have gone far. Sam and Sassy might have even seen him. But Falco; he hadn’t been seen for a while, and he hadn’t looked so good when he came back to the group: limping, and tired-looking.

Before looking for Falco, though, he turned an eye toward the battle. Another of the Big Folk was down, leaving only two of them against five wolves, some of them injured. Sondo had little doubt as to the victor of the battle, and he figured the end wouldn’t be long in coming. The Big Folk saw the same thing, apparently, and gave up the fight, running toward their camp. The wolves were in fast pursuit, and Sondo knew the Big Folk did not stand a chance now - the wolves would be a great deal faster, and more agile to boot.

Hastening on, he spotted a tall rock that looked to be a likely hiding spot. He looked around behind it, saw nothing, and was startled by a voice from above, “I’m up here, Sondo.” Sure enough, Falco had managed to make it to the top of the tall rock, or at least some kind of ledge since he couldn’t be seen from the other side.

“Can you get down?” Sondo asked. He remembered now his throbbing wrist, forgotten in the urgency of his mission, and knew that there would be no way he could climb up to help Falco.

“Yes,” answered Falco. He started down, and though he tried to hide it, Sondo saw the difficulty the other lad was having. Falco was in much worse shape than Sondo had realized before. When he was about two feet up from the ground he dropped the rest of the way, whether by design or accident Sondo wasn’t sure. Whichever it was, it seemed to pain Falco to land so heavily on his feet.

“Our meeting place is about a half mile from here,” Sondo explained, tactfully ignoring Falco’s weaknesses. You’re the last one I had to find.” He bit his tongue at the small lie and hoped Bingo had been found by one of the others. “Come on.” He didn’t want to offer help to Falco, knowing Falco was proud that way, but he would gladly give it. Even though he had asked Sassy to keep an eye on him, he had (mostly) forgiven Falco by now, and wouldn’t mind counting Falco among his friends again.

He took a step in the direction of the tree stand. “Coming?”

Last edited by Firefoot; 03-12-2005 at 03:44 PM.
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