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Old 10-10-2002, 12:33 PM   #183
Desultory Dwimmerlaik
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piosenniel is a guest of Tom Bombadil.

Pio was up and dressed when the knock came at the door. 'Come!' she whispered as she opened it. Khelek entered and told her that Levanto had returned and had asked that she and Mithadan come quickly to speak with him.

A chill crept up her back at these words. 'Tell him we will be there directly.' she said as Khelek left. She woke the still sleeping Mithadan with a kiss, and handed him his clothes. 'We must hurry! Levanto has returned and I fear the news he brings is grave.'

Levanto's face was drawn and pale. His swim back to the Star had been hard and fast, and now he leaned heavily on the edge of the skiff. Pio came down to him first, her eyes taking in the hopelessness reflected in his face.

'What saddens you so, Levanto? Is the news so troubling that you can hardly bear to speak it?' Mithadan came down to the skiff and sat opposite her. 'Tell us what you have learned, Levanto.' he urged him. 'Let us then decide what we must do with it.'

Levanto took a deep breath, then began to tell them what Daisy and Bird had found. Gorthaur was concerned still about the dragon that had been spotted and had ordered increased security for the prison. More guards were to be put on to secure the site.

'Do we know how many more and how the patrols will be increased?'asked Mithadan.
'Was there any indication that there would be more ships to patrol the rivers and coastlines?'

'There were no specifics to the directive from Gorthaur, as I understood from Bird.' replied Levanto.

'What else, then did you learn?' urged Pio. Levanto told them of the 'List' kept by the Captain for the sacrificial victims. Two hobbits, every day were taken. 'Their bodies are later returned to the graves dug by their fellow hobbits, so Bird told me.' he said.

The chill feeling returned to Pio as she waited for him to go on. He hesitated, not able to meet her eyes. 'You speak only of Bird.' she asked him. 'Where was Daisy. Did you see her? Tell me how she fares.'

In a breaking voice, Levanto told them what had happened to the hobbit. That she had been thrown in the Locks, accused of stealing. How she had used the theft of a sausage to cover her reading of the letter from Gorthaur.

Pio's eyes narrowed and hardened to a flint grey. 'Is she in greater danger there?' she asked Levanto. 'I can not assure you that she is not, Pio. I just do not know.'

The Elf was silent, her gaze locked on the north. Mithadan thanked Levanto and bade him take what rest he could. The Man turned to her, and took both her hands in his.

'Let us talk, first, before you act on what you are now thinking, Pio. I can not promise I will not try to dissuade you with my reasons. But, let me hear you out and share what suggestions I may.'

Her eyes met his. 'Let me think on it a little. Then I will come to you.' She drew her cloak tightly around her.

Mithadan returned to the deck. Kali would need to be told, and he would do this.

[ October 11, 2002: Message edited by: piosenniel ]
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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