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Old 05-30-2006, 11:24 AM   #900
Stormdancer of Doom
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White Tree What if Boromir took the Ring?!?!?

Eh, what I meant to say was....

Imagine for a moment that there is a good couple of days of planning. The menfolk agree that the womenfolk should stay safely behind; the womenfolk protest vigorously; the menfolk stand firm. The womenfolk casually jest about chasing the menfolk along their planned route ("Now that we know where you are going, do you rteally think we will stay behind?") Ravion (and others) issue deep growls and dire threats. THe ladies reluctantly/laughingly/wistfully acquiesce, but only after pestering the menfolk regarding their travel plans.

THe dank, moonless, foggy, drippy night before the departure:

Everyone gathers at an inn outside the seventh wall of the city. Leafa, Mellonin, Bella are staying together in a separate room, so as to farewell the men in the morning. Two hours after bedtime, one of the ladies (say, Leafa?) has several nightmares in succession, and then leaves the room, sleepwalking/entranced a la Mellondu/Amroth. Mellonin and Bella go out in the fields to look for her; they see her riding north, on the flint road (no tracks) receeding into the fog; they run for their horses to chase her. She leaves by the North gate of the Pelennor.

The men wake up, wonder why the women haven't said farewell, and realize their horses are gone. They furiously "chase" them to the south Pelennor gate-- only to learn from the guards there that no women have departed all that night. They then scour the Pelennor, and later, learn that the women departed from the North gate.

Were the two Rohan girls headed home? Did they invite Mellonin to go with them? Why did they go that way? And should the party split up to find out why?


Comments, tomatoes, eggsses?
...down to the water to see the elves dance and sing upon the midsummer's eve.

Last edited by mark12_30; 05-30-2006 at 11:29 AM. Reason: details.
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