Thread: Rivendell RPG
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Old 07-05-2002, 11:03 AM   #353
Haunting Spirit
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Middle Earth
Posts: 82
pippin_took0 has just left Hobbiton.

Thrakatburz's shoulder burned and feeling the cold of the ice coursing down her arm reduced the pain and brought her new strength, but she knew neither she nor Amanaduial could keep up an attack of this potency for long. While still directing an attack at Aman with her right hand, she reached for her dagger with the left. Still coutering the other witch's attack, Thrakatburz grabbed Lindir and thrust him in front of her, his slim frame just obscuring her own from the blaze Aman was creating. As soon as Aman saw what her enemy was doing, she stopped the flames sprouting from her hands, not wanting to hurt Lindir who was still dazed and confused.
"You can't keep up this magic for long Aman." Thrakatburz's voice said from behind Lindir, her arm reaching around him, placing her dagger against his throat. "Nor can I, but I could manage it up for longer than you if I needed to. We're on the same side, let's not fight about this. We would do much better to save our strength to attack our enemies instead of killing each other." Aman's arms dropped to her sides as the voice of the other witch penetrated every crevice of her mind. "You can have Lindir if you want," Thrakatburz continued, "he means nothing to me." She pushed Lindir forward, still staying behind him. Aman took a few slow steps towrads the approaching elf.
Just as the two were within each other's reach, Thrakatburz threw Lidir to the side and lunged towards Amanaduial, her dagger still in her hand. Aman was caught off guard and Thrakatburz had her in a vice before she could even think of using any magic. "You thought I'd let you get away with attacking me like that?" She hissed in her opponent's ear. "I can get on without some little upstart trying to kill me whenever I try to have some fun. You will die and so will Lin-" Her sentance was cut short as Aman ellbowed her sharply in the ribs and whipped herself away. Thrakatburz was almost instantly back on her feet and threw herself at Aman before she had time to conjure up a defense. Aman had had time to draw her own knife, but was still reluctant to use it against her former mentor. Thrakatburz was not so hesitant and had inflicted several minor wounds before Aman began to attack properly, but by now she was weakened and off balance. She struck an ill-timed blow at Thrakatburz who easily dodged and slipped her dagger into Aman's breast. She withdrew it viciously and watched with contempt as Aman crumpled into a heap on the ground. Confidently Thrakatburz turned to Lindir, wiping the blood from her hands.
"You never answered my proposition."
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