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Old 07-10-2003, 06:57 AM   #18
Posts: n/a

I have a weird felling I was born in middle earth I know some people might not believe this but it REALLY happened beyyond any doubt and this is what happened... I fell aslep and felt the wind on my face all of a sudden and then I woke up to see what it was and found my self ling on the grass it felt good and I was tired and I closed my eyes but then I herd the noise from down below it sounded like it was about to boil over! i figured out it was the ringwraiths and all of a sudden they started saying come back to middle earth and they wouldn't stop I got scared and I looked left and right right went to mordor because I could see the mountain and left went to rivindell because I could see the rivendell waterfall and I realised that I had EXTREMLY far eysite much farther than usual for I human and I ran awy towards rivindell and man could I run and the faster I ran the slower I got anfd the more powerful the ringwraiths got and then I triped and fell and I herd somone calling my name aradhelion and it kept on shaking me and saying my name aradhelion, aradhelion wake up it was only a bad dream. Its me LEGOLAS you said that you were going to pick flowers with your SISTER GALADRIEL and rememder what hapopened when you and your two sisters mom went to far and went to the outside the real earth were there is nothing but death so don't go pick the yellow flowers or you'll disappear to I don't want you to dissappear, I love you. all of a sudden there was a blinding flash and I looked out of the window (the same window Gandalf was looking out of and I was in the same bed that frodo was in) and Legolas was there and Galadriel was there and Arwen and they were all waiting form me to get out of bed so we can pick some flowers for our daddy ELROND and then I woke up and I was in my own roam or at least it was and ever since then I was always carful to remimber every dream I had of Middle earth... I woke up and tried to stand and my LEFT ankle (the one that I sprained in my dream) was sprained REALLY bad so I had to go to the doctor I told him the whole dream what I just told you and he didn't believe me and then the next night I had a dream that me and Galadriel were picking flowers and Arwen didn't go because she was to intrested in ARAGORN the first human any of us had seen but me and Galadriel got bored of watching him to see what he would do so we went to pick flowers and then Galadriel (after a couple of minites) had to go give her flowers to daddy and I went to pick some more flowers but I didn't realise that I had pick the really pretty (and pretty smelling)yellow flowers (wich turned out to be yellow Jasmen then I turned around to go home and I realised that the path was gone and I was standing on a hill and I saw this weird house with HUMANS and I was an ELF but when I started to cryy I noticed that all the flowers in my hand were those really pretty yellow flowers and that I WAS a human and I ran in the woods but ran back out because of all the weird animals that were there and pretinded that I was lost and my mom found me (my mom in real life) and then I WOKE up(remember that) and I watched all the family films and then my mom said that I wasn't in most of them because I was found out side and I asked her how she found me and she said that I was holding YELLOW JASMAINE and I was crying and speacking a different language and she recorded me speeking and it was in ELVISH becuse she found the tape and she asked me if I knew what language it was and I lied and said no and it WAS REALLY ELVISH it scared me half to death but I can't figure out how to get back to my real home in rivendell! Please help and tell me what I should do and what you think and what you think will happen to me!
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