Thread: orc nature
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Old 08-22-2002, 11:21 AM   #8
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The fact that Orcs are in fact corrupted Elves seems to be undisputable. In the Silm, Tolkien clearly explains that Elves were "put... in prison and there in prison, and by slow arts of of cruelty were corrupted and enslaved..." It states that "this it may be was the vilest deed of Melkor, and the most hateful to Illuvatar." However, this does not explain the question of immortality, or of the female orc. Since at the awakening of the Eldar there were (obviously) females present, it can be assumed that some of those who dwelt in Cuivenen were ensnared by Melkor, and therefore there is reason to believe there are female orcs. The immortality question is very difficult to work out.

If orcs were immortal, it would explain their general hatred of life, because for them life is painful and evil. However, one would think that after thousands of years, perhaps they would be enlightened. Also, Tolkein describes the orkish language, to paraphrase, as very primitive and crude. If in fact orcs were immortal, then it could be assumed that their language would develop further, and not remain forever a totally barbaric and only partially adequate dialect.

Also, Tolkien uses the general phrase "orcs were multiplying" in many of his texts, usually with the coming of more evil times. However, Elves, who are immortal, did not give birth in the Third Age, which was a cause of their 'fading' in the lands of Middle-earth. How could orcs continue to multiply so?

In conclusion, the lifespan and many other issues concering orcs remains a mystery, a question whose answers cannot be wholly unlocked with the small ammount of resource material provided on the subject.