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Old 02-25-2004, 03:29 PM   #62
Theron Bugtussle
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Tolkien Church Lady & Witchcraft

Originally posted by Bekah
The majority of Christians accept LOTR and the Chronicles. I find that most who don't haven't actually read them.
If most Christians in your experience who DON'T "accept" LotR and Narnia Chronicles HAVE NOT read them, it is a sordid story, but found all too often in every type of situation--and not only among Christians.

However, I have a humorous story to relate. My children began reading the stories before I ever got around to checking them out. I had a vague uneasiness, because of the witchcraft issue and the books' popularity. I just made sure my children understood this to be make-believe.

My mother-in-law, without having read the books, said, "You're not letting them read THAT?!" My wife said, "Mama, why don't you read one? You're a former school teacher and a Sunday School (Christian training) teacher. You should be able to evaluate it yourself. Then let's talk about it."

She did and found them thoroughly entertaining and "non-corrupting."

Well, there was some big hoohah about one of the recent books published or the HP movies or something. And all the little old ladies in the Sunday School class, were up in arms about how people could let their children read/see/whatever. My mother-in-law said, "Well, have you ever read them?"


"Well, I have. And I see better character and values in there than I see in lots of church people!"

That pretty much shut them up.
(How could they [read them]? After all, they'd go to hell in a hand-basket if they did, according to their own beliefs.)
Explain what belief or belief system you are talking about. I know certain people freak out like something is going to jump on them from out of the pages, but it is not according to teaching, Biblical or otherwise that I am aware of.

HP, however, has everyday...scientific magic... I don't believe God is completely out of the HP picture, but he certainly isn't 'visible' in the books. The gift is given to certain people. Their choices are their own; the practice of HP witchcraft is not the practice of 'demonic' witchcraft. God forbids witchcraft; but real-life witchcraft has nothing to do with HP witchcraft.
I mentioned the author's choice to instill a "witchcraft" gene thesis as a way to bypass the Biblical injunction on witchcraft. These people don't have a choice. Which, in her fictional world is completely acceptable within the rules she establishes as the author.

However, by choosing to set the stories within present day society (wizards among us), she may have chosen purposefully to rile up these reactions among people.

Anyway, Bekah, what do you mean by "real-life witchcraft?"
For I was talking aloud to myself. A habit of the old: they choose the wisest person present to speak to; the long explanations needed by the young are wearying. -Gandalf, The Two Towers
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