Thread: Rivendell RPG
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Old 06-01-2002, 09:02 AM   #219
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The battle between the Dwarve and Orcs at Lothlorien had begun. The first wave of orcs was charging towards the Dwarven battle formation, and the front line of Dwarves were returning the attack. Orcs were dropping left and right. Therin and Elenna were fighting side by side, while Aduchil was fighting a little ways off. Dólinstąg was constantly in motion. Somehow it seemed like the orcs were trying to get to Therin more than anything else!

Suddenly a huge, viscous orc charged behind Elenna. She was fighting vigorously at the time, and didn't notice it until it was right upon her. It looked like there was no hope for Elenna until suddenly Therin leapt infront of her and hewed the head right off the orc. The orc was dead, but Therin had received a gash on his arm from the Orc's sword. "Therin! You saved my life! But are you alright?" said Elenna. "It was nothing. You would have done the same for me, I imagine. As for me, I will be alright--I think. That is if the blade wasn't poisoned, as orc blades often are. There will be time later to check it out. Now on with the battle!"

The orc forces seemed to be depleted, and it looked as if a victory was at hand. The dwarves began to cheer, when another wave of orcs came into view. The majority of the first line was gone, so the second line had advanced to the front. "Oh no!" cried Elenna. "Ah, the fun has begun!" replied Therin. The battle raged on, and Elenna and Therin continued to fight side by side. Aduchil came by now and then, but served a greater asset on the other side of the battle line. He had only received minor scrathes, but other than that he was unscathed. The battle continued for some time, and finally the orc forces were just about eliminated--they had begun to retreat. The dwarves had begun to cheer, but Therin yelled to them, "Hold your lines! They may return with reinforcements!" The army waited for a sufficient ammount of time, then finally left. There would be a great party that night. There were quite a few casualties for the dwarves, but even more for the orcs. Approximately 30% of the Dwarven army had been eliminated. The orcs, however, received about a 90% casualty rate.

The victory had been achieved, and all went back to their quarters with a triumphant manner about them. The injured were treated by the Elven doctors, (who have always been very skilled in healing). Therin's cut had been poisoned. It was a poison that had never been seen before. The doctors had done all they could do to heal it, but it was still iffy. It took Alateriel to finish up the process. "Thank you Ala, I would've died without your help. And Elenna, it was an honor to fight with you at my side today. We make a great team!" "You are most welcome, my little friend." said Alateriel. "I'm glad you will be alright, Therin." said Aduchil. "The honor was mine, Therin. You are truly a great warrior. I guess good things come in small packages!" said Elenna. "You'd better believe it! GREAT things come in vertically-challenged packages!" replied Therin. All was well for the moment, but something was puzzling Elenna: it seemed as if the orcs were all trying to get to Therin. Why?