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Old 02-08-2014, 05:12 AM   #41
Animated Skeleton
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 45
arathorn has just left Hobbiton.
The average man and the average elf were probably pretty equal

No man... you must look the hole scenario.
Eldar>>>Avari(wood elves)
Men(descendants from the mixed Edain)=Avari
Eldar=Numenoreans or some of the Edain Hadoreans(pure blood)

The average Eldar are many times described as being strong.
Much taller.
Sight far superior than of Men.
Better coordination(higher degree of concentration and ambidexterity).
More stamina.
More durable.
Higher metabolism and greater spiritual contact what makes their healing more effective.
Faster/more lithe.
better skills(crafts and fighting)
And there are certain degree of Spiritual power.

Here are some later statements and comparisons made by Tolkien.
1.“…and they were tall and dark-haired and strong like fir-trees, and from them most of the Noldor later were sprung.
2.“…that time the Noldor still walked the lands here, the most powerful and most beautiful children in the world, and their languages were still heard by mortals.”
3.“…The Noldor, outnumbered and taken at unawares, were yet swiftly victorious; for the light of Aman was not yet dimmed in their eyes, and they were strong and swift, and deadly in anger, and their swords were long and terrible."
4.They were called “halflings”; but this refers to the normal height of men of Númenórean descent and of the Eldar (especially those of Ñoldorin descent), which appears to have been about seven of our feet.’
5.'The Quendi were in origin a tall people. The Eldar (...) they were in general the stronger and taller members of the Elvish folk at that time. In Eldarin tradition it was said that even their women were seldom less than six feet in height; their full-grown elfmen no less than six and a half feet, while some of the great kings and leaders were taller.'
6.They (Elves) were thus capable of far greater and longer physical exertions (in pursuit of some dominant purpose of their minds) without weariness; they were not subject to diseases; they healed rapidly and completely after injuries that would have proved fatal to Men; and they could endure great physical pain for long periods. Their bodies could not, however, survive vital injuries, or violent assaults upon their structure; nor replace missing members (such as a hand hewn off).
7.In general the Sindar appear to have very closely resembled the Exiles, being dark-haired, strong and tall, but lithe."
8."The Númenóreans ... are in constant communication with their ancient friends and allies, either in the bliss of Eressea, or in the kingdom of Gilgalad on the shores of Middle-earth. They became thus in appearance and even in powers of mind, hardly distinguishable from the Elves..."
9. Sauron indeed achieved even greater control over his Orcs than Morgoth had done. He was, of course, operating on a smaller scale, and he had no enemies so great and so fell as were the Noldor in their might in the Elder Days.
And we must remember about Beren who could defeat Celegorm and was always said to be very strong and remember along with Turin because of his limbs. However when he and Finrod were captured who was the one who burst his bonds with spiritual/physical power and disarmed killed the werewolf?? Probably Beren wasn't stronger than Celegorm but more skilled and less arrogant.
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