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Old 11-20-2002, 11:29 AM   #2
Spirit of Mist
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Tol Eressea
Posts: 3,316
Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Mithadan is a guest at the Prancing Pony.

A Man ducked through the door of The Green Dragon. He waved to those he knew and smiled at those he didn't. Stepping up to the Innkeeper, he spoke. "Good to see you again, Dwarin. An iced tea if you please." When his beverage arrived he sipped at it for a moment. Then he strode to the center of the room and spoke loudly to those assembled.

"Well met, my friends," he said. "Mithadan I am. Its a fine day and it will be an even better evening. Would anyone like to hear a tale?" All murmured their assent.

"Very well. In years long ago passed, there was a band of Elves who dwelt far to the east of this fine establishment. Dark Elves they were, Avari, but of course being Elves they were not evil..."

"Matter of opinion," grumbled Dwarin.

"As I was saying," continued Mithadan, "these were Dark Elves meaning that long ago they had declined to pass into the West and were separated from their kin. But stories were told among them of Valinor, the Undying Lands of the West and how other Elves had travelled to those Lands.

"And one Elf, Ilwë was his name, went to the chieftain of his band and said that he wished to go to the West. The chieftain told Ilwë that years ago, he had sought out the tallest tree in the land and had climbed to its top and looked about. But he saw nothing but the tops of other trees. So he said 'The world is covered with trees and there is nothing beyond them.'

"But Ilwë would not accept this. So he and his friends travelled far and wide until they reached a place where the forest ended. And beyond the trees was a great rushing river with mountains beyond. So Ilwë gathered those who were brave and curious and set out towards the West.

"The river was indeed great and powerful and they could not pass it. So they wandered for a time and found a spot where the water was less wild and more shallow. There they cut trees into short sections and grasping these they swam across the river and came at last to the mountains. Now these were very tall and some of the Elves were daunted and begged Ilwë to turn around and go home. But he refused. And at last, the group found a pass with a path that led up into the mountains.

"Needless to say, places like mountains are often infested with evil things and these were no exception. When they were halfway across, they were set upon by Orcs, Goblins if you will, and being but lightly armed they barely escaped and some were slain. Mourning their losses they passed through the mountains and found themselves upon a lightly wooded plain. But nowhere could they see the fabled sea and again some begged Ilwë to return to their home.

"But he refused, saying they had gone too far. So they journeyed across the plain and passed over hills and through forests until they came to a place not far from here. There, they found three towers, which they climbed. To the West they again saw mountains, but in a gap in the peaks they caught a glimpse of sparkling blue water. So they made their way towards the pass and found that the waters extended through the mountains and at its edge was a small city.

"There, they were greeted by an old Elf, so old he had a long grey beard! And he said, 'Welcome to the Grey Havens. I am Cirdan, master of this place, and all Elves who seek the West are welcome here!' Ilwë and his people rested there for a fortnight while Cirdan and his mariners prepared a ship. And at dusk one night, as the stars began to bloom in the sky, Ilwë and his friends took ship and finding the Straight Road, passed into the West and came at last to the Undying Lands where they dwelt ever after."

Mithadan finished his tea then and, with a wave, passed through the door and left the Inn with promises that he would return again soon.
Beleriand, Beleriand,
the borders of the Elven-land.
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