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Old 10-10-2005, 03:59 AM   #471
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littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
Well. Not the best post I've ever done. I'm willing to edit, modify, etc. Anyway, I'm thinking that neither Sauron nor Herugor are foolish enough not to have enough guards around to quash a minor rebellion. Our little party does not even amount to that. So it's time for that Tolkienian wonder, the eucatastrophe; or everybody's dead. The obvious one is the Valar-imposed cataclysm. Too obvious? Can anyone think of a better? The question is, how can the cataclysm be made to help the party when it has no eyes to see who it hits, and no will to differentiate good from bad? Or do we want a literal dei ex machina such that, say, the Valar hear the prayers of Miriel to spare the group? Or is there something Abarzadan can pull out of his hat?
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