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Old 09-12-2007, 11:03 AM   #480
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Originally Posted by Essex View Post

I find myself dragged back to this long winded thread.

As I said on previous posts:

David slew Goliath

Tolkien states (published in unfinished tales I think) that the Istari can be wounded and suffer injuries as mortals can.

Yes, Gandalf may well be more powerful than the WK, but that is not saying he cannot be defeated by him. The WK could get a 'lucky strike' in. If Gandalf is all powerful, why doesn't he just through a ring of protection around all of Minas Tirith and protect it that way?

The question asked years back at the start of this thread- could the WK defeat Gandalf - I say he might have had a chance - As I said before as well, LOTR is not simply black and white - if the strong always won then Sauron would not have been defeated.
Supernatural God-like Maia vs Powerful corrupted Sorcerer

If you draw fire with fire, the bigger fire will prevail. This is not a football match, whereby the weaker side can sometimes get the better of a much stronger one. Gandalf vs the Witch King is one gigantic power against a great power, the former wins hands down.

The only reason this topic has brought up a debate is due to PJ's scene, & the fact that Tolkein never really wanted us to know how weak or powerful the Witch King was. All we know is Gandalf is more powerful than a Balrog, a great maia & servant of Morgoth which is itself almost on level terms with Sauron (without his Ring) & does not even necessarliy serve Sauron. I refuse to believe nor have ever heard of anything that could suggest the Witch King is on this supernatural god-like level of power that the maia have.

Gandalf died when he killed the Balrog - would this have happened if he had killed the Witch King too? This could also be why he was reluctant to kill him. Also, if the Witch King is anything like as powerful as a Balrog, why wasn't Gandalf petrified with fear when he faced the Witch King as when he encountered the Balrog?

Last edited by Mansun; 09-12-2007 at 11:11 AM.
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