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Old 10-21-2004, 05:13 AM   #525
Stormdancer of Doom
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mark12_30 has been trapped in the Barrow!
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He felt Amroth slipping away. He knew the fear of the elves. He saw Echo's ears flick backward, and his eyes showed white. His own Celegoer Beorneth stamped, and tossed his head.

Nethwador spoke half in his own tongue, half in garbled elvish. "Why must he choose? Why must we save Nimrodel or the sister? Why cannot we save both?"

Taitheneb had no time to answer, and Erebemlin barely heard Nethwador's thought or speech.

"If the bad elf will hurt Lady Bella, then let us kill him now, " Nethwador said.

Erebemlin paused, and considered turning the boy loose on the swamp elf, but thought better of it. Wait.

"If he hurts Bella, I will kill him, " said Nethwador.

Taitheneb turned to Erebemlin. "We are more than they."

Erebemiln said, "Til their darts find us."

Mellondu's mouth tightned. He reached for the reins, but there were none. Confound the elf... how do you turn this beast with no reins, Mellondu thought, and thumped his heels into Echo's sides. Echo snorted and jigged. Mellondu thumped him again, but Erebemlin's thoughts rang clear. Halt. Echo trembled, crouching, ready to spring.

Mellondu's cry echoed. "Release my sister! Free my sister alive and unharmed!"

So, replied the swamp-elf. The wiser of the two has spoken.

Mellondu curled up as if he had been struck, and Amroth's thoughts cut through. No. We do not yield.

Echo sidestepped and churned as Mellondu writhed, now clinging to the mane. "No!" He cried. "Free her. Free Mellonin!"

"Aye, " said Ravion. "There is no time. Free Mellonin!"

"Wait!" ordered Taitheneb.

Nethwador's thoughts and words came out in a jumble. "Why must we wait? Ędegard has gone to find Argeleafa; let us fight for Bella, and this girl too? If this cruel elf hurts her, will he hurt Bella? I will kill him if he does. And if the nasty teethy men touch Bella, I will kill them all. We must kill this swamp-elf! I want him to die!"

He drew his knife, and Celegoer gathered himself.

Erebemlin met his eyes. Wait.

With an effort, Nethwador obeyed, and Celegoer calmed.

Erebemlin spoke to Echo and to his own horse, and rode up beside Echo; he considered lifting Amroth onto his own horse, but Mellondu clung to the horse desperately. Erebemlin leaned on his hands, crouched on hir horse's back, and stepped lightly over to Echo, settling himself behind his king. Mighty arms circled the blacksmith. Echo calmed. Erebemlin reached one hand and placed it on Amroth's sweat-drenched brow.

"We don't have time for this, " said Ravion. "Free the girl. Free Mellonin!"

You will abandon your quest, and leave Nimrodel to me. You will not seek her again.

"Nimrodel!" spat Ravion. "Leave the history, and give us Mellonin. Return her to us or we will come and get her."

Not if you want her to live, replied the swamp-elf.

Taitheneb met Erebemlin's eyes, and knew that he had not found what he sought. The blacksmith hung limp in Erebemlin's arms, and Erebemlin's face was stony cold.

"He is near death. This body is not strong enough for the king."

Ravion's eyes grew wide. "Body... King." He shook his head, and looked to Raefindan.
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