Saeryn, as happy and excited as any other bride, was not completely insensible of the feelings of Rowenna. As Rowenna came to her, she half regretted choosing her and forcing her forward so, for Rowenna’s expression looked as though she did not wish it. She had hoped to strengthen their relationship and prove that all things were behind them, but she now feared that perhaps it would work oppositely. Hopefully Rowenna was not jealous.
Saeryn embraced Rowenna in an excited but sincere movement. She squeezed her tight and then stepped back and looked at her. Amidst the clapping and approving crowd of people, she knew they had bit of privacy, for no one could hear their words. She kept her hands on Rowenna’s shoulders and looked at her gently.
“Are you alright with this, Rowenna? You do not mind?”