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Old 04-14-2010, 05:11 AM   #2481
Shady She-Penguin
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Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.
Ok, I basically agree with all Legate commented on Scyrr's bio. Good work and I'd consider the few points he brought up. Also, Eorl, are the corrections I posted to Groin's post ok for you or would you prefer the original version?

There's a healer - the very same Aedhel who just turned out to be a noblewoman in trouble at her home. She's written by Nerindel.

And what, is Scyrr going to assault the local women before Wulfric and Wilheard? Blasphemy!

Haven't seen your post yet, Dury, but I'm off to check it now...
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
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Old 04-14-2010, 05:21 AM   #2482
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Ah Durelin that's brilliant, I had nothing particular in mind but somehow what you wrote amuses me... Wulfric will be off to do something else.

Eorl - two things I thought of:

1) if Scyrr has seemed like a bit more experienced soldier this far and you don't want to make him older, maybe you could just have him been a soldier for a few more years (since his teens). I have no idea when the soldier-training would be completed and when started, and whether it's an official thing or not. Of my chracters Wulfric who's 21 is a soldier (yet obviously not a very experienced one) and Wilheard who's 17 is theoretically still in training, although quite capable of everything a soldier should.

2) about Kara - just warning that a) her writer is not and will not be around, b) there's also a Dwarf and a hot-tempered northener who are quite fond of her so someone who's to assault her is going to be in big trouble - also I think she is one of the best liked people in the whole Hall.

I'll try to post for at least Wulfric today, hopefully for Modtryth too (I miss her) and possibly also for Wilheard if there's something to say. Foley, should you continue about the kids?
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
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Old 04-14-2010, 06:27 AM   #2483
Eorl of Rohan
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Also, Eorl, are the corrections I posted to Groin's post ok for you or would you prefer the original version? And there's a healer - the very same Aedhel who just turned out to be a noblewoman in trouble at her home. She's written by Nerindel.
I think I'll go with your version, Thinlomien!
As for Scyrr's age, I will go with the flow and make him twenty-four.
And Aedhel completely slipped my mind; I suppose I would have to wait for Nerindel in order to get Scyrr healed?

And what, is Scyrr going to assault the local women before Wulfric and Wilheard? Blasphemy!
Heheh. He's eeeeeeeeevil. But Wulfric hit someone *his father's age*.
From an ethical point of view, that's a thousand times worse than Scyrr going after a defenseless woman.

About Kara - just warning that a) her writer is not and will not be around, b) there's also a Dwarf and a hot-tempered northener who are quite fond of her so someone who's to assault her is going to be in big trouble - also I think she is one of the best liked people in the whole Hall.
Eeh... It's no fun threatening an NPC! Wait, who's that hot-tempered Northerner? Certainly not Thornen. He's the very definition of level-headed.

Last edited by Eorl of Rohan; 04-14-2010 at 06:58 AM.
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Old 04-14-2010, 07:46 PM   #2484
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Originally Posted by Eorl of Rohan View Post
Heheh. He's eeeeeeeeevil. But Wulfric hit someone *his father's age*.
From an ethical point of view, that's a thousand times worse than Scyrr going after a defenseless woman.
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree here. Rohan would still be operating under a code of honor. According to that code, it's a man's job to protect (NOT attack) women, and it's perfectly acceptable for a man to test and challenge the honor of someone who is his equal. As it happens, Wuilfric did exceed the proper boundaries of the challege/response format, but his actions almost fit within society's guidelines. Attacking Kara would most definitely not.

I'm not saying it's something that Scyrr would never in a million years do...I'm just saying that it's not something that would occur to most men as a course of action at all. Scyrr might think of it, though, in frustration over not being able to avenge himself with Erbrand himself.

Sorry about the rant on honor. It's sort of a family obsession.
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Old 04-14-2010, 09:21 PM   #2485
Eorl of Rohan
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Originally Posted by Loslote View Post
I'm sorry, but I have to disagree here. Rohan would still be operating under a code of honor. According to that code, it's a man's job to protect (NOT attack) women, and it's perfectly acceptable for a man to test and challenge the honor of someone who is his equal. As it happens, Wuilfric did exceed the proper boundaries of the challege/response format, but his actions almost fit within society's guidelines. Attacking Kara would most definitely not.
Hi, Loslote No, no, Scyrr wouldn't "attack" her. It would be like this:

Kara gathered the last armful of blueberries and wrapped them carefully in leaves, wide and cool, so that they wouldn’t be crushed and spoiled on her way back to Scarburg. This would make a wonderful blueberry pie. Perhaps she should gather some herbs as well? But no, the sun was going down, and she had entered too deeply in to the woods anyway. She should be heading back, right ab…

“It’s dangerous to be out alone in the woods these days, don’t you think?”

The voice rang out from above her, and startled, Kara looked up, to see a man perched on a high bough of a mighty elm with one hand on the elm’s trunk. He smiled wryly in a manner that struck a chill into her. His smile had a forced look about it, unbalanced, as if its maker had not decided whether he should smile or snarl, and his stare was cold and very hard. It took a moment before Kara recognized who he was. That rider… That man who was the cause of Erbrand going away. Scyrr. She had not recognized him at first because he had cast off his usual dark green and silver livery of a rider of the Mark, including his chain mail, and was clad in the dull brown of a commoner. The dull brown that matched the branches and the wood, as if he was in a camouflage. Who was the quarry? Oh, no, he wouldn’t dare. Or would he?

“What’s with that expression, Miss? I’m not going to hurt you. Or do you have some valid reason to be afraid of a rider of the Mark?”

Scyrr asked, alighting to the ground with easy grace. His injuries had taken a severe toll on his body, but he had always relied on his swiftness and dexterity and they did not let him down so easily. The injuries he caused. Erbrand.

Kara drew back, nervous. “No, no. It’s just that the sun is setting, and I have to hurry back. Perhaps I could better make your acquaintance later.”

She would have left; but then an instant later, a skinning knife whistled through the air and buried itself with a thwack in a tree beside her. It almost grazed her cheek.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Scyrr asked, his voice a dangerous purr. He had faith enough in his knife-throwing skill to know that he would not have hit her, but still, he had hesitated for a moment when he saw the fear in her eyes. He shook it off. They were all the same, these commoners, wild and feral, and who’s to say that the sweetheart of that tanner is not like him in spirit?

“I have been waiting here for you for hours. Surely you could spare a bit of time to aid us in our hunt for Erbrand.” Scyrr waited a moment, then said icily, “I heard you were on… intimate terms with the tanner. If anyone knew where he would have gone, it would be you. And yet you have kept your stony silence, saying that you knew nothing.”

“I…” Kara would have said something, but Scyrr interrupted with a snarl.

“I think you are lying, Kara. He wouldn’t have left you without a word. I think Erbrand has spoken to you before he left, has told you where he would be going, and where to find him after the hunt has died down. You are deliberately withholding information, and that, miss, counts as treason.”

“And the price for treason is death.” Scyrr said, his limpid blue eyes fixed on Kara, and his left hand dropped to the hilt of his blade.

*enter someone, preferably Thornen (probably the only one that Scyrr wouldn’t attack, out of respect for his rank), out searching for Kara because she was late, and stumbling across the scene*

*New Conflict Ensues*
More of a threatening kind, if you see what I mean. Scyrr wouldn't actually do anything to hurt her, but would say and do plenty of things to make her think that he would hurt her. Anyway, about that code of honor, Wulfric, a *young* man, attacked a *gray-haired* man! That's downright lowest of the low, even lower than attacking defenseless women and children. Only savages would do that. How is that code of... Wait. Is this one of those cultural differences?

PS. I am not sure. Is my post about Kara and Scyrr god-moding? I thought it would be okay because Kara is an NPC now, and I kept her speech and movement to a minimum, but still...
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Old 04-14-2010, 11:57 PM   #2486
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Originally Posted by Eorl of Rohan View Post
Hi, Loslote No, no, Scyrr wouldn't "attack" her. It would be like this:

More of a threatening kind, if you see what I mean. Scyrr wouldn't actually do anything to hurt her, but would say and do plenty of things to make her think that he would hurt her. Anyway, about that code of honor, Wulfric, a *young* man, attacked a *gray-haired* man! That's downright lowest of the low, even lower than attacking defenseless women and children. Only savages would do that. How is that code of... Wait. Is this one of those cultural differences?

PS. I am not sure. Is my post about Kara and Scyrr god-moding? I thought it would be okay because Kara is an NPC now, and I kept her speech and movement to a minimum, but still...
Yeah, cultural differences. Lithor (it was Lithor, right?) had honor in terms of experience and age, but Wulfric had the inherited honor of social status. They were, basically, equals, and thus challenging the other's honor was acceptable and even, in some people's eyes, expected. Honor was sort of the currency back then - there was assumed there was a limited amount and that men were expected to challenge other men's honor, as well as respond to any challenges, or else their own honor was questioned. Wulfric did comply with society's expectations; he simply went a little overboard. (I am assuming a little bit that this was sort of like the society of the Romans, because they influenced majorly the culture of the Dark Ages...but I could be wrong, please correct me if I am. )
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Old 04-15-2010, 03:27 AM   #2487
Eorl of Rohan
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Oh, so that's how the western code of honor works. In my culture, if a young man hits a young man in the streets, or if a young man hits a young girl (such as Scyrr versus Erbrand or Kara) in the streets, then everyone's like "Okay, they're fighting. Maybe they are drunk. Let's leave them to their business. Let's pretend we didn't see anything, it will all work out for the best." But if a young man hits a gray-haired man in the streets (such as Wulfric versus Lithor), then everyone's like "That son of a... he dares to raise a hand against his father's generation! He must be insane, a murderer! Police! Police! Somebody stop him!" I think this incident happened a few decades back: a young man struck a much older man in the streets, and the furious passersby who witnessed this scene beat the young man into becoming a cripple with their bare fists. And then the man who led the passersby in this 'crusade' was awarded a medal of excellence from the president himself for being a model of virtue to all the upright and law-abiding citizens. Basically, our code of honor is like this: Young men hitting young men? Aah, the fire of youth. Young men hitting young women? Eeeeh... It's domestic business. Maybe a romance problem, better not interfere, let them sort it out among themselves. Young men hitting children? It's good to see that the old-fashioned ways of education are still in existence. Hitting old men? It's the end of the world as we know it someone call the police there's a murderer on the loose better yet let's mob the young fiend. It's interesting to know that it's considered evil to assault women but not older men in your society.
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Old 04-15-2010, 03:48 AM   #2488
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Hey, it was Wilheard who hit Lithor, not Wulfric! But anyway, I think that if Lithor really was an old man not fit to fight anymore, it would be improper to start a fight with him, but as he was still a soldier, I can't see it as such a serious offense (you shouldn't trust W&W's opinion about him, they obviously think he's so old that he's soon in the grave because they're so young themselves, but really Lithor is like 50 or something...?)

Eorl, if Nerindel is around, you don't have to wait for her. You may use her character as a statist in your post with respect to what Nerindel has written about her (but I'd assume you know these basic RPG rules ).

Originally Posted by Eorl
Eeh... It's no fun threatening an NPC! Wait, who's that hot-tempered Northerner? Certainly not Thornen. He's the very definition of level-headed.
It's Crabannan.

Pio, could you replace this passage in Groin's post #691
Erbrand noticed some ladies fetching water from the stream that flowed into the marsh. The women were upstream and there was no worry about Erbrand polluting anything other than swamp water; however, it did not take long for Erbrand to hear their opinions of his revolting work. They sniffed the air and covered their noses in disgust, moaning and groaning at the smell. Erbrand could not stand being scorned at and his work being so unappreciated. In a rage he threw down his pole and angrily marched to where they were gathering water. They were not alone—there was a man with them. The two women were Ginna and Frodides and the man was a soldier, apparently ordered to help the two ladies and not enjoying his job. The soldier looked up, grimaced and gave a snort.

“Phhew! I came for drinking water, but looks like you need it for a bath. ” He said and stepped back, waving the air with his hand. Erbrand felt his rage rekindled.

“And who in tarnation are you to scorn me?” Erbrand bellowed. “Would you warm your hands in leather gloves? Saddle or bridle your horse? Do you dance to the sound of the drum or lace the chords of your armor? What about the bellows that heats the forge? It’s leather! Stinking leather. Do you want good shoes or do you not? Shall I create padding for the lord’s chairs? I hunt and trap for animals and I feed Scarburg with their meat and give people tools that make it possible for them to do their jobs. Why then do you scorn me?”

The soldier simply stared at him in dumb silence. Frodides and Ginna were doing the same although they were a bit more surprised at the outburst. Erbrand let out a long breath before finishing in a calmer yet sill annoyed voice.

“Now, let me get on with my scraper and dung, you hold your nostrils and hold your tongues.” Erbrand turned to leave when a rock hit him in the back.

“Heh, tanner, I do not accept words like that from anyone.” The soldier was just as angry as Erbrand was—the soldier wanted a fight.

“I’m not in the mood today soldier.” Erbrand said with particular emphasized scorn on the word soldier.

“Name’s Scyld and looks like you need to be taught some manners for your betters.”
That was all the provocation Erbrand needed. He spun round and with a mighty yell ran at the Scyld. The soldier, however, expected this struck a sidelong blow sending Erbrand spinning but not falling. Frodides and Ginna screamed and shouted for the two to stop. Blood was spilt, it was too late as Erbrand made apparent as he untied his leather apron and tossed it aside. There was a wild gleam in Erbrand’s eyes as he rushed again. He leaped, hoping to tackle Scyld, but the swarthy soldier stepped aside. Scyld laughed as Erbrand spat tufts of mossy grass from his mouth.

“Get up!” Scyld mocked. “Do you wish to play in the dirt?”

Another exclamation of rage escaped Erbrand’s lips. Again and again Erbrand was struck down until his nose was bleeding and his gums were cut. For the fifth time Erbrand arose, sagging, bleeding and weary. Scyld had been unhurt, keeping Erbrand at bay with ease.
“Do you wish to continue?” Scyld asked smiling.

Again Erbrand rushed at him in rage. Again the soldier stepped aside, tripping Erbrand.
“Stop this nonsense!” Frodides exclaimed.

The soldier regarded the woman and turned back to Erbrand giving him a firm kick. It was not hard, nor was it gentle, but it was enough to excite an anger that surpassed any that Erbrand had known up to that time. Such was the treatment one gave a disobedient dog.

“I’ll be seeing you later in the stocks.” Scyld jeered.

Whether Scyld said this to frighten Erbrand or whether he said it because it was true, Erbrand never found out. In a fight anger is as good as courage. With fingers extended like talons, Erbrand’s hands seized Scyld’s left leg with an iron grip and twisted it. The soldier gave a howl and collapsed next to Erbrand (who lost no time in returning Scyld’s punishment blow for blow). This time Ginna took up the chorus with Frodides.

“Stop it! Fool. You’ll kill him!”

The cry was not heeded. A knife flashed in the sunlight, it was Scyld’s. Erbrand struck relentlessly and hard. Soon he found his fingers around Scyld’s neck, pressing harder and tighter.

“I am not some dog you can kick. I am a man! I am a man!”

Soft small hands grasped his and beat his strong shoulders. Erbrand let go of Scyld’s throat. Ginna and Frodides knelt beside the Scyld. He was not moving.

“Fool!” Frodides said. “You will hang for this. You will hang!”
with this
Erbrand noticed some ladies fetching water from the stream that flowed into the marsh. The women were upstream and there was no worry about Erbrand polluting anything other than swamp water; however, it did not take long for Erbrand to find out their opinions of his revolting work. They sniffed the air and covered their noses. He could hear them exchanging some remarks and one of them was laughing. Erbrand could not stand being scorned at and his work being so unappreciated. In a rage he threw down his pole and angrily marched to where they were gathering water. They were not alone—there was a man with them. The two women were Ginna and Frodides and the man was a soldier, apparently ordered to help the two ladies and not enjoying his job.

The soldier looked up, grimaced and gave a snort. “Phhew! I came for drinking water, but looks like you came for a bath. ” Erbrand felt his rage rekindled.

“And who in tarnation are you to scorn me?” Erbrand bellowed. “Would you warm your hands in leather gloves? Saddle or bridle your horse? Do you dance to the sound of the drum or lace the chords of your armor? What about the bellows that heats the forge? It’s leather! Stinking leather. Do you want good shoes or do you not? Shall I create padding for the lord’s chairs? I hunt and trap for animals and I feed Scarburg with their meat and give people tools that make it possible for them to do their jobs. Why then do you scorn me?”

The soldier simply stared at him. Frodides and Ginna were doing the same although they were a bit more surprised at the outburst. Erbrand let out a long breath before finishing in a calmer yet sill annoyed voice.

“Now, let me get on with my scraper and dung, you hold your nostrils and hold your tongues.” Erbrand turned to leave when a pebble hit him in the back.

“Hey, tanner, watch your tongue.”

“I’m not in the mood today, soldier.” Erbrand said with particular emphasized scorn on the word soldier.

“Name’s Scyrr. And looks like you need to be taught some manners for your betters.”

That was all the provocation Erbrand needed. He spun round and with a mighty yell ran at the Scyrr. The soldier, however, expected this struck a sidelong blow sending Erbrand spinning but not falling. Frodides and Ginna yelled at the two to stop. Blood was spilt, it was too late as Erbrand made apparent as he untied his leather apron and tossed it aside. There was a wild gleam in Erbrand’s eyes as he rushed again. He leaped, hoping to tackle Scyrr, but the swarthy soldier stepped aside. Scyrr laughed as Erbrand spat tufts of mossy grass from his mouth.

"Hope you learnt your lesson, tanner."

Another exclamation of rage escaped Erbrand’s lips. Again and again Erbrand was struck down until his nose was bleeding and his gums were cut. For the fifth time Erbrand arose, sagging, bleeding and weary. Scyrr had been unhurt, keeping Erbrand at bay with ease.
“Do you still wish to continue?” Scyrr asked, smiling.

Again Erbrand rushed at him in rage. Again the soldier stepped aside, tripping Erbrand.
“Enough! Stop this nonsense!” Frodides exclaimed.

The soldier regarded the woman and turned back to Erbrand giving him a kick on the calf. It was not hard, nor was it gentle, but it was enough to excite an anger that surpassed any that Erbrand had known up to that time. Such was the treatment one gave a disobedient dog.

“I’m done - for today”, Scyrr said.

Whether Scyrr said this to frighten Erbrand or whether he said it because it was true, Erbrand never found out. In a fight anger is as good as courage. With fingers extended like talons, Erbrand’s hands seized Scyrr’s left leg with an iron grip and twisted it. The soldier gave a howl and collapsed next to Erbrand (who lost no time in returning Scyrr’s punishment blow for blow). This time Ginna took up the chorus with Frodides.

“Stop it! Fools. Before somebody gets hurt badly!”

The cry was not heeded. A knife flashed in the sunlight, it was Scyrr’s.

"Get off my leg or I'll sting you with this!" the soldier growled.

Erbrand struck relentlessly and hard. Soon he found his fingers around Scyrr’s neck, pressing harder and tighter.

“I am not some dog you can kick. I am a man! I am a man!”

Soft small hands grasped his and beat his strong shoulders. Erbrand let go of Scyrr’s throat. Ginna and Frodides knelt beside the Scyrr. He was not moving.

“Fools!” Frodides cursed.
Ginna's face was pale when she tried to find his pulse. “If he's dead ... Erbrand, if he's dead, you will hang for this.”
? Thanks a lot already in advance!


Edited!! ~*~ Pio
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
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Last edited by piosenniel; 04-27-2010 at 10:22 AM.
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Old 04-15-2010, 04:40 AM   #2489
Eorl of Rohan
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I would prefer not to tinker with other people's characters if I could help it. Too much danger of ruffling other people's feathers. I will just make a new NPC healer character called Jaheira Lannister who is under the supervision of Lady Aedhel, and if Nerindel comes back and would like to involve her character in Scyrr's storyline, then I could always rewrite/edit my post so as to make it Aedhel herself who cured Scyrr. But what about my intended post with Scyrr and Kara, does that pass inspection?
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Old 04-15-2010, 05:19 AM   #2490
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Originally Posted by Eorl of Rohan View Post
I would prefer not to tinker with other people's characters if I could help it. Too much danger of ruffling other people's feathers. I will just make a new NPC healer character called Jaheira Lannister who is under the supervision of Lady Aedhel, and if Nerindel comes back and would like to involve her character in Scyrr's storyline, then I could always rewrite/edit my post so as to make it Aedhel herself who cured Scyrr. But what about my intended post with Scyrr and Kara, does that pass inspection?
Well, maybe I would suggest patience for a while and waiting if Nerindel wants to post for Aedhel in this situation. After all, that way it would be a chance for her character to interact with Scyrr, which will be a good tool to develop relations between characters, which is, in my opinion, the main point of this kind of RPG. So maybe just wait with it at least a while to give Nerindel a chance to post (also it does not make sense to overflood the Scarburg with NPCs, especially if they will be just for "one use", when there are player characters who can have the same function).
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Old 04-15-2010, 05:54 AM   #2491
Eorl of Rohan
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Sorry, I didn't read your post until I finished posting. Besides, I have no intention of using one-time NPCs, Jaheira is now also my character Anyway, I left it open-ended. Jaheira is an assistant healer, a bumbling and confused one, in fact (okay, I admit it, her personality is exactly like mine), so her task is to keep Scyrr stabilized until Lady Aedhel comes.

As for the last appeal of Jaheira, asking someone to come and help keep Scyrr awake, any character in vicinity (and any roleplayer) can pick up on it! (If one of the Scarburg people, then Scyrr would owe his life to him and it might serve to heal the rift. If one of the Athanar's men, then Scyrr would try recruiting him in his crusade against the Scarburg people.)
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Old 04-15-2010, 07:48 AM   #2492
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Good post, Eorl and I 100% approve of your enthusiasm, but I would still consider the matter of an assistant healer. I think Nerindel should have her say on any assistants her character might have, especially as it's something never before thought of.

Also, the introduction of an assitant healer creates some illogalicaties - no one has ever interacted with her before although she's presumably been around all along. Otherwise I wouldn't think it a problem but given the small size of the Scarburgian community, it's quite difficult to explain why she hasn't been mentioned at all at any point and hasn't been around when most needed (ie when Eodwine was sick, it was Aedhel looking after him, assisted by Modtryth - if there had been an assistant healer she would've been there instead of the all-around household maid who's also currently working as a kind of pregnancy consultant ).

I would therefore suggest that if/since you want to keep Jaheira, we make her one of Athanar's party. She could even be the healer of his household, come with good recommendations but not really being ready or self-confident at all... or something like that. What say you Nog? And Nerindel? And Eorl?

Eorl, I'm sorry if I sound like I'm bashing your idea 'cos that's definitely not what I'm trying to do, but I think you're moving a bit too fast for us others to keep in pace. So (since we are in Rohan), please hold your horses for a second and we'll (and that "we" includes you, of course) sort out where your new character would best fit in.

Meanwhile, you can use your energy for coming up with a bio for Jaheira (still assuming you're intent on keeping her, sorry I didn't get a totally clear picture)...
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Old 04-15-2010, 07:53 AM   #2493
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PS. I'm not writing anything before the healer episode gets settled since my characters are more or less involved in the mess.
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Old 04-15-2010, 01:16 PM   #2494
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
I would therefore suggest that if/since you want to keep Jaheira, we make her one of Athanar's party. She could even be the healer of his household, come with good recommendations but not really being ready or self-confident at all... or something like that. What say you Nog? And Nerindel? And Eorl?
That would be an excellent idea. We hadn't thought of a healer belonging to lord Athanar's retinue, but surely there should be one. So I kind of like the idea. Would that fit your ideas abut her Eorl?
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Old 04-15-2010, 08:05 PM   #2495
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Originally Posted by Thin
I would still consider the matter of an assistant healer. I think Nerindel should have her say on any assistants her character might have.
Sorry, sometimes I let my ideas run away with me, I'm afraid.
You bring up a valid point, Lommy, as always. I will edit my post so as to make Jaheira one of Lord Athanar's retinue.

Originally Posted by Thin
Eorl, I'm sorry if I sound like I'm bashing your idea 'cos that's definitely not what I'm trying to do, but I think you're moving a bit too fast.
No, I appreciate it. And I will try my best to meld in with the general flow, too.

Originally Posted by Nogrod
Would that fit your ideas abut her Eorl?
Sure! Just give me a moment to tweak her bio a bit...
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:53 AM   #2496
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Good that things are under control

I shall post for Wulfric soon. He told a local woman to fecth a healer "if they have one" so I think he would've forgotten about Jaheira... which can of course be explained (given that he hasn't been around much at Athanar's place until the move to Scarburg) or then he'd have some reason to mistrust her. Shall think about it...
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Old 04-16-2010, 03:44 PM   #2497
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Good heavens, I checked this last on Monday, and tons of stuff has taken place. Good gracious me. I don't know if I will ever read everything posted here on the Discussion thread, but I glanced over much of it, and I guess I'll have to check the game thread.

My two cents on the healer situation: I would say, don't use a new character or NPC. Athanar would not necessarily have a healer in his household as he came from Edoras, where there would be a healer in the city. Use Aedhel. There's really little reason to create another character who's position is already filled and who will probably be forgotten by the time we need her again.

About Kara being confronted...haha...when you first said, "find her alone in the woods' you can well imagine that my first thought encompassed the worst case scenerio (well, not WORST case scenerio, which would include death, but, you know). I'm glad to see that you weren't planning THAT.

I had forgotten Crabannan. But, then, I think that just about any old-Scarburgian man would be pretty much furious if they found anyone threatening her. (Or any of the women.)

Durelin and Nogrod: I understood Athanar's command to the commanders to organize the search parties, send them off, and then the two of them report themselves to him instead of going out with hte search parties. Durelin apparently understood it to mean the two of them go with the searchers... I'm thinking of having Thornden mentioning my position on the matter. but I'd like to know - what did Athanar mean?

I'll try to get caught up and get something posted

-- Foley
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Old 04-16-2010, 04:07 PM   #2498
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Durelin, I posted, and as I did, I realized that what Thornden just said might be really contraversial. Oh boy.

I also spoke for Coenred, please tell me how to correct it.

-- Foley
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Old 04-16-2010, 05:44 PM   #2499
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
Durelin and Nogrod: I understood Athanar's command to the commanders to organize the search parties, send them off, and then the two of them report themselves to him instead of going out with hte search parties.
That was actually what I thought... Well, let's see how this works out.

No problem.
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Old 04-16-2010, 05:51 PM   #2500
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
My two cents on the healer situation: I would say, don't use a new character or NPC.
Does this mean that I should delete my last post?
(Because I have no problems with deleting it if you think it best. )

About Kara being confronted...haha...when you first said, "find her alone in the woods' you can well imagine that my first thought encompassed the worst case scenerio. I'm glad to see that you weren't planning THAT.
Eeh... Scyrr hasn't fallen THAT far. Neither have I, for that matter.
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Old 04-16-2010, 06:04 PM   #2501
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Originally Posted by Eorl of Rohan View Post
[I]Does this mean that I should delete my last post?
(Because I have no problems with deleting it if you think it best. )
I'd leave this to you. Foley is partly right in saying that lord Athanar might have used a public doctor in Edoras... but then again, isn't it a mark of a lord to have his own "physician"?

So I have no problem with there being a healer in lord Athanar's retinue (a new character) and thus no need to delete or rewrite anything.
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Old 04-17-2010, 08:52 AM   #2502
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Originally Posted by Eorl of Rohan View Post
Does this mean that I should delete my last post?
(Because I have no problems with deleting it if you think it best. )
Eh...I don't like telling people to delete their post. So, no, I won't say that. But p'raps re-work it with Nerindiel's character? Aedhel will be more calm about it and know more about what ot do, I think, so your post will definitely have to change. It might be that Scyrr's part can remain pretty much the couldn't write for Aedhel's thoughts, of course, but you could write her actions, if you have some idea of what she'd be doing. As you seem to have a clear thought in your head about what his injuries are, I imagine you have some idea of how you'd want to see them healed. You write rather indepthly on the pain.

Eeh... Scyrr hasn't fallen THAT far. Neither have I, for that matter.
Haha. Glad to hear it.

Originally Posted by Nogrod
That was actually what I thought... Well, let's see how this works out.
Okay. Cool. So, now I guess it's Dury's turn....

-- Foley
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Old 04-17-2010, 10:27 AM   #2503
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Eh...I don't like telling people to delete their post. So, no, I won't say that. But p'raps re-work it with Nerindiel's character?
Thanks, Folwen, but I don't like causing controversy, either. So I'll just delete the post and forget about this whole affair until Nerindel comes by.
Nerindel could always refer to the post I've written about Scyrr's injuries and write a post about it herself.

Originally Posted by Eorl of Rohan View Post


[1] Crushed larynx (More specifically, Bilateral injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Symptoms include respirational difficulty and may cause permanent hoarseness. By the way, Lord Athanar made a surprisingly good call, telling Scyrr to concentrate on breathing and hushing him. Bilateral injury rips open more and more every time the patient attempts to speak.)

[2] Severe tear of muscle fibers and related tissues in the tendons of the semimembranosus, also known as a pulled hamstring. (Full recovery takes up to 4-6 weeks)

[3] Ruptured Spleen (Splenic rupture permits large amounts of blood to leak into the abdominal cavity which is severely painful and life-threatening. Shock and, ultimately, death can result. Someone with a ruptured spleen typically require an urgent medical aid, although one could simply monitor Scyrr to make sure the bleeding stops by itself and the spleen heals itself.)

[4] A number of bruises, and rib fracture (Broken ribs are often indicated by the following symptoms: Pain when breathing or with movement, a grating sound with breathing or movement. The rib fractured in Scyrr's case in the 7th rib, thankfully a crack instead of a clean break. Time will heal it... hopefully.)

[5] Obviously, Hypovolemic Shock (This is the most common type of shock and based on insufficient circulating volume. Its primary cause is loss of fluid from the circulation. Causes may include internal bleeding, in Scyrr's case a ruptured spleen. The symptoms include intense thirst, and quickened breathing in order to compensate for the loss of blood, but the latter is probably countered by difficulty of breathing from Scyrr's rib injuries and crushed larynx. Might result in oxygen deprivation - Scyrr *has* to breathe, no matter how difficult or painful it is.)


Last edited by Eorl of Rohan; 04-17-2010 at 10:36 AM.
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Old 04-17-2010, 01:17 PM   #2504
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Ah, sorry about the misunderstanding. I guess it still works, though, as I think Coen would very much want to be a part of the search -- and would want Thornden there as well as the only local man right now he really trusts, and whom he knows is well-liked by the locals.

Anyway...let me know how you want it to play out. Coen can concede to Athanar wanting them to meet with him (he certainly won't disobey his lord), and request that he be able to join the search parties and keep tabs on them as soon as possible. And that will of course be up to Athanar. Regardless, I'll get them to Athanar in my next post unless Foley would like another chance to post before that.

I'll post as soon as I can. Need to get some work done on a paper (or two) first, though, I'm afraid.
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Old 04-17-2010, 02:01 PM   #2505
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Nope, I see no necessity to post before seeing Athanar again. I'm kind of curious to know Coen's response to Thornden. I actually figured out how to make him diplomatic, because my first thought was that Thornden didn't want Erbrand to fall into the hands of Athanar's men without any Scarburgian men about, because Thornden didn't exactly trust them with Erbrand....not that it's a totally bad thing, because men should be loyal to their friends and Erbrand had really done something wrong, but he's still concerned for him. However, I think perhaps I made his distrust not quite so obvious. I could be wrong, though, which might mean some fun reactions from Coen.

Eorl, so sorry to have caused the deletion of your post... I'll PM Nerindiel and see if she's around.

-- Foley
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Old 04-17-2010, 03:23 PM   #2506
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Just to let you know:

Eorl of Rohan is hosting a new RPG, Homeward Bound. The Discussion Thread is up for your perusal at present in the Shire and will open soon to take on players.

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Old 04-18-2010, 09:26 AM   #2507
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Eorl, so sorry to have caused the deletion of your post... I'll PM Nerindiel and see if she's around.
No, I don't mind at all, Folwen

Everyone's here to have a good time, and I'm having a great one, too!
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Old 04-19-2010, 07:42 AM   #2508
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I'll post for the kids sometime today - during lunchbreak, maybe.
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Old 04-19-2010, 07:17 PM   #2509
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Well, I was GOING to post, but then I couldn't think of anything TO post for the kids. I just now thought of something, though, so once I get a chance to write something, I will. May not be until tomorrow. We'll wait and find out. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, please do throw them out here...

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Old 04-19-2010, 09:12 PM   #2510
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Old 04-20-2010, 04:18 AM   #2511
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Originally Posted by piosenniel View Post
Eorl of Rohan is hosting a new RPG, Homeward Bound. The Discussion Thread is now open in The Shire to take on players. ~*~ Pio
+looks at Lommy, Rocky, Foley, Holly, Dip, and Los with puppydog eyes+

(Muhahaha, in my twisted mind, your nicknames have been degraded into one-syllable words!
So much easier than Thinlomien, Durelin, Folwen, Nogrod, Legate, and Loslote )

But seriously, please join! +More Puppydog Eyes+

And as for Scyrr, I'll have to wait for Nerindel to come around and heal him. Unless, hmm....
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Old 04-20-2010, 07:01 AM   #2512
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Originally Posted by Eorl of Rohan View Post
+looks at Lommy, Rocky, Foley, Holly, Dip, and Los with puppydog eyes+

(Muhahaha, in my twisted mind, your nicknames have been degraded into one-syllable words!
So much easier than Thinlomien, Durelin, Folwen, Nogrod, Legate, and Loslote )

But seriously, please join! +More Puppydog Eyes+

And as for Scyrr, I'll have to wait for Nerindel to come around and heal him. Unless, hmm....
Well, you could always try to send a private message to Nerindel, bringing that to her attention. (Or you could even make a co-operative post, if you wanted, although this is probably not necessary in this case, the thing is used more in the case of large dialogues... well, so that's rather something to bear in mind for the future )

As for your invitation, thanks, but at least for me, I have already so many RPGs running which should be finished that I really don't want to start a new one. Also, the setting is not possibly my favourite... but whatever, you might try to also perhaps ask other people (or maybe somebody might give you good tips as to who could be easily invited...)
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Old 04-20-2010, 10:08 AM   #2513
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I've PMed Nerindel already and have received no response. I say, bring her up and have her do her healing business, just so the story can be continued. It's perfectly alright - really.

-- Foley
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Old 04-20-2010, 03:22 PM   #2514
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Okay, I posted for the boys and I began to deal with our dilemma by bringing Aedhel into the picture. Nerindel has not responded to my PM yet, as I mentioned above. I hope I am not seeming pushy or impulsive or anything, but I would so dislike seeing this stall.

Have fun with it, you all!

-- Folwren
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Old 04-20-2010, 04:43 PM   #2515
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It seems lord Athanar's intention with his message was for Coen and Thornden to arrange the search and then come to him immediately. Immediately.

I took the liberty of Aedhel coming in and starting the first-aid.
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Old 04-20-2010, 04:57 PM   #2516
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Haha....Yeah, I see that immediate did indeed

I'ma bout to be in class for the next several hours until very late tonight, so don't expect me to fact, I may not be able to post tomorrow, either, so Dureling, go 'head.

-- Foley
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Old 04-20-2010, 05:08 PM   #2517
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
I'ma bout to be in class for the next several hours until very late tonight, so don't expect me to post...
It was "immediate call" to Coen and Thornden... not to you and Dury...
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Old 04-20-2010, 06:13 PM   #2518
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Originally Posted by Nogrod
It was "immediate call" to Coen and Thornden... not to you and Dury...
I know, I was just caught up in the moment.

I'm still in class, so I still can't post. Haha.

-- Foley
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Old 04-20-2010, 11:03 PM   #2519
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I have a post prepared but am waiting on word from Foley because I decided to finally pay enough attention to what's going on to be able to ask her something. (Meaning that it is my fault that I am 'waiting' and not Foley's one bit!)

My post will bring Coen and Thornden to Athanar, with the search parties forming. If anyone wants to fill in gaps in my post, and turn it into a sort of co-post, I am completely open to that. Cause as it is now I just brush over Thornden and Hilderinc...

Angry Athanar is going to be great fun.
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Old 04-20-2010, 11:31 PM   #2520
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I think this fight has gotten to epic enough proportions that the Mistress of the Hall needs to know what's going on, too (from wherever she's been holed away since the trial in the morning); at the very least to order the staff to get things ready for the search parties.

Thoughts on who should let her know/how she should find out? And will Saeryn find out first, and how will that affect all of the power dynamics?
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