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Old 06-03-2005, 11:08 PM   #41
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I would most definitely like to hear from Fordim about how he feels about his idea now that some thoughts have been presented. Perhaps he would have a revised plan or with the new ideas that have been shared he may change his mind completely on it.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 06-04-2005, 12:05 AM   #42
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Eye percentages

Well, I believe it is time for me to say something. I held my tongue for a bit because I was interested in seeing who would support the plan and why (or who was against it and why).

I'm not sure if the plan was put forward to help the village, to help the wolves, or to see how people responded in order to expose wolves, but seeing as many have made known their thoughts on the plan, it's my turn to pick it apart.

It's time to talk percentages. Firefoot pretty much already made the point I'm about to make, only she wasn't as specific or long-winded as I am going to be.

Odds are that we will lynch an innocent today and that another innocent will be slain during the night, bringing the villager to werewolf ratio down to 9:3.

If everyone was to have a "dream" tonight, what would happen tomorrow? A non-werewolf would have a 25% chance of correctly naming a werewolf. In other words, if a villager says "I had a dream, and person X is a wolf" it is 75% likely that their choice would be wrong, and the wolves would obviously know if they were wrong and rule that person out as the seer. That means that making a random werewolf accusation would greatly serve the wolves. If all nine villagers said "Person X is a werewolf", then probability says that the wolves would then immediately be able to rule out 6 or 7 of us as the seer, leaving them with only 2 or 3 candidates. This would be suicide for the village.

Has no one else noticed this?

Obviously it would be a better idea for everyone to dream of someone being innocent. That way, there would only be a 25% chance of being wrong and thus only a 25% chance of the wolves being able to rule them out as being the seer. But if everyone made an innocent declaration, it would make the seer stick out if he declared one of the wolves to be guilty. So it seems that most of our fake dreams should declare someone innocent, but in order to protect the seer, several of us need to have fake guilty dreams as well in case the seer correctly identifies the wolf. But is giving them a slight amount of cover worth it considering that the person with the fake guilty dream will probably be wrong and immediately ruled out as being the seer?

If you ask me, this plan is a terrible risk. The percentages say that the wolves would be given an awful lot of information in exchange for a bit of cover for the seer. This is not a wise trade off.

Let us say that six villagers make a declaration of innocence and two make a declaration of guilt and the seer also declares someone to be guilty. Odds are that the other two guilty votes would be wrong and that the wolves would cross them off as being the seer, and that one or two innocent votes would be for wolves and thus remove them from the seer candidate list. That would mean that out of nine people, the wolves would have trimmed the list down to five or six candidates. And then, there is a decent possibility that one of those five or six would get lynched that day (the wolves would obviously be trying for it) and then they would certainly kill another that night, narrowing the field to three or four. And the following day when the "dreams" are declared, it is quite possible that the wolves would be able to narrow it down to two, and possibly even one.

I believe that this seer protection plan would ensure that the seer would not make it out of night four alive, meaning that the village would only have the benefit of two seer dreams.

If I was a werewolf I would love this plan.

However, I'm not trying to accuse Fordim. It's possible he knew this and was just getting reactions, or perhaps he hadn't worked the plan out this far.
the phantom has posted.
This thread is now important.

Last edited by the phantom; 06-04-2005 at 12:09 AM.
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Old 06-04-2005, 03:43 AM   #43
the guy who be short
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Arise, brave villagers! Your words go to waste!
You have been distracted when you are in need of haste
Two thirds of the day is wasted in debate
Of a system hard to contemplate
Night and fear draw near at last
Our votes must very soon be cast.

I must applaud The Only Real Estel for trying to get us back on track (even if he did name me as a suspect ). Instead of deciding who we should be suspecting, we are fiddling with new concepts of voting, just as I thought we would.
This raises some questions in my eyes.

Look at post 13 and above, and then 14 and below. Debate was just really getting started when suddenly, Fordim appeared with lots of controversial ideas that plunged us into chaos and stopped names being named.
Now here's a question for you. These ideas are changes to the structure of how we vote, to the structure of... the g**e. Obviously these should be put forward to the Hamlet Council [Werewolf Thread 1] rather than inserted into the middle of the debate here, so why were they placed here?

Secondly there is the nature of the ideas. As Mormegil, Firefoot , Phantom and I all pointed out, the idea is laced with flaws which could help the wolves. Are the ideas simply badly thought out?

Thirdly, there is the fiddling with numbers. Observe this quote:
If we are lucky enough to catch a werewolf – and the odds are less than 1 in 50 that we will
At first glance, an innocent typo. 1 in 50, 1 in 5, easy mistake. However, look carefully. The 0 key is neither near the 5 that preceded it nor the space bar that followed it. How could such a typo possibly be made? Perhaps the number was increased to strike fear into the less mathematically sound, increasing the appeal of Fordim's ideas.
Finally, if we presume that 1 in 50 is, somehow, a typo for 1 in 5, the numbers are still wrong. As I have stated, 3 in 14 is a slightly better chance than 1 in 5. Furthermore, I would look at the use of the word less as another means to demoralise.

Having said all this, I would like to make a few points very clear. I myself am not convinced of Fordim's guilt (I would say I am about 33% sure), but I am even less sure about the rest of the villages' guilt. I mention Fordim simply because I feel names must start being named soon, or we will leave it too late.
Additionally, I believe balance here is key. Consider my arguments, yes. Please also consider everybody else's arguments and create your own ideas.
Also in the interest of balance, I look forward to getting a response from Fordim. I feel that I have missed something, and hope that his points can clear his name.

If it is to be a gauge for us to discern werewolves who are reluctant to set it up, we should be at least casting a glance or two in the direct of the guy who be short. He has been rather adament about not liking the changes, so that could be looked upon as suspicious.
Glancing at the ideas, I think they would help the wolves. However, I am now not so certain of the shortlisting idea. I will conduct some mind-wrenching mathematics later and display my findings later.
I am still adamantly against the Seer protection idea as the shortcomings have been very clearly demonstrated!

Last edited by the guy who be short; 06-04-2005 at 03:45 AM. Reason: Yet more typos...
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Old 06-04-2005, 04:41 AM   #44
Evisse the Blue
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Our village is surely one of abstract thinkers, because here they are, voting for/against an idea, instead of an individual.

Despite the reasons which motivated it being put forward by its author at such a time, Fordim's strategy is a well thought and solid one. It has its flaws, but any course of actions has risks. It could be employed to serve good just as well as to serve evil, provided the minds at work are cunning and most importantly work together. And this is the main problem which casts doubt over it as being advantageous to us in this particular situation. If there is even only one villager who cannot be persuaded to accept this idea, this idea is useless and the wolves will have complete advantage over us. They are only 3, and can communicate in ways we cannot know, whereas we can only communicate here for them to see. We have the advantage of numbers, yes, but this also gives the disadvantage of having lots of disagreements.
This idea may well be just a ploy to get everyone to react, as it has been suggested before, so that all of us can have something to work on.
Bearing this in mind, and also bearing in mind the ambiguous and risky nature of the strategy, I find myself quite suspicious of the ones who voice neither agreement nor disagreement with Fordim's idea, but instead wait for the others' to become confused and entangled in mathematical probabilities.
Equally I am suspicious (although perhaps it may only be my fishmongerish simplistic nature) of people who are able to change sides in the time it takes me to wheel my barrow down an alley. Phantom, your ability to defend/disprove of Fordim's idea with equal implication dazzles me a bit. You noticed Firefoot's initial problem with it, but chose not to take it into account at the time; later on you agree and expand on it, motivating this course of action by you waiting to see how the rest of us would react to it. I might say, though, that your mathematical analysis would have been of better use to us earlier on, since many of us found this aspect regarding probabilities and such quite confusing.
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Old 06-04-2005, 05:09 AM   #45
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I know I fall into Evisse's category of neither agreeing nor disagreeing, so I state my personal case here. She is correct in regards to me that I am waiting and I am seeing what everyone says. That's why I moved to Storyland, I know I'm not smart or a quick-witted, but I'm smart enough to surround myself with those who are. To hear what the great minds have to say, on all sides, then form an opinion myself. This makes me a simpleton, not a wolf.
For example, I did say that I thought the seer idea was a good one. Now that it has been stated of the huge advantage for the wolves I'm not so sure that we should do it. Now, no offense is meant for you, Mr. Fordim. The mere fact that you thought of and planned two daring ideas to protect all of us is mind boggling. I could never have done such a thing in a year and all we have is a day.
As the village cobbler, all I can put forth as fact is that nobody has ordered new shoes on account theirs have split suddenly.
Holby is an actual flesh-and-blood person, right? Not, say a sock-puppet of Nilp’s, by any chance? ~Nerwen, WWCIII
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Old 06-04-2005, 05:33 AM   #46
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Some mathematics from the local bard

Numbers are allies to those that will use them
Though it not always easy to choose them
Should one use permutations, combinations, what should one do?
But I've got my head around it and report back to you.

Regarding the shortlisting suggestion. I need to know how many people would be on the shortlist roughly. Let us say a majority of 5 people voted for an innocent.

Now, of the 14 of us, 5 are chosen. There are 2002 different groups of 5 people that can be chosen from the group of 14. However, from the 11 villagers, there are only 465 ways in which 5 people can be chosen, so the overall chance of getting at least one wolf in the shortlist is 77%.
Compare this to the present system, where we have a 100% chance of beign able to vote for a wolf.

However, one person of the five is chosen to be killed. This is slightly more complex.
The probability that there are no wolves is 23%
The probability that there is one wolf in the 5 is 49%.
The probability that there are two wolves is 25%
The probability that all three wolves are in is 3%

Out of the five people, one is lynched at random.
If there are no wolves, there is a 0% chance of lynching one.
9.8% of the time, we will lynch the wolf when there is one.
10% of the time, we will lynch a wolf when there are two.
1.8% of the time, we will lynch a wolf when there are three.

Overall, we stand a 21.6% chance of getting a wolf in this way.

Normally, we vote for a random person out of 14. There is a 3 in 14, that is, 21.4% chance, of choosing a wolf.

Therefore, by implementing Fordim's rules, we are 0.2% more likely to lynch a wolf.

So there you go.

Last edited by the guy who be short; 06-04-2005 at 05:40 AM. Reason: Correcting some maths
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Old 06-04-2005, 06:33 AM   #47
Fordim Hedgethistle
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Thanks for validating my own work there TGWBS. Actually, the odds are precisely the same of catching a wolf overall whether by random lot or off a short list, that 0.2% advantage you've found in my system is the result of numbers being rounded off along the way as you calculated.

The advantage to the system I've proposed, to any system for that matter, is that there is a system into which we all, wolves and innocents, will 'fit' -- this seems to me a vast improvement over the current situation in which there are two systems that have us voting in ignorance and the wolves voting in knowledge.

The short list idea was meant to provide us with a way of making the votes meaningful and to avoid consensus; there is no magic solution in choosing a few people to vote for, only better (that is, more reliable) results for us to look at afterward. We need to make each vote count and we need to make everyone vote. Again, we can't let the wolves hide either by casting meaningless votes in a landslide or abstaining.

As to the seer protection idea -- you are right, Phantom, that the plan will in the long run make the seer more visible, but this will happen for wolves and innocents alike. And if the seer does make it to round three (at which point there will be at worst 3 wolves left and 5 innocents) then to kill the seer is to pinpoint him or her for us and give us the identies of 4 of the 8 people (and monsters) in the village: game over for the wolves!

As to my 1 in 50 numbers: there was no mistake in the math, not for this learned lore master, I merely misspoke. What I meant to say was that there is only a 1 in 50 chance of guaranteeing that we will catch a wolf in the first round by coming up with a short list. More boring math that I want to get away from: (3:14) x (2:13) x (1:12) = 6:2184 = 0.00274 (2.7%)

I agree that this is all highly theoretical at this point, however and we need to move toward casting some votes. I for one will hold on to my vote until closer to the deadline only so I can cast it in such a way as to spread the votes around. I'm not afraid of hiding my vote! There is no time anymore for a random selection of nominees, and I admit it was a tricky proposition in the first place, so I will just have to see what happens in the next few hours.

(I will admit here, however, that my suspicions are aroused by those who argue most voluably against our developing a common strategy, as it seems to me -- obviously -- that the wolves are the ones with something to fear from this. I am also going to keep my eye on those who have said much, but committed or ventured little to the discussion.)

As to the seer protection idea, I will leave that for the next round (presuming I surive the lynching and the night!) as we have more important wolves to skin at the moment.
Scribbling scrabbling.
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Old 06-04-2005, 06:56 AM   #48
The Saucepan Man
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I would first make clear at the outset that circumstances have meant that I could not until now be present during this lively debate (beer doesn’t make itself you know ).

One point to clear up:

Originally Posted by TGWBS
Another thing that concerns me is Saucy's jesting.
As anyone who knows me could tell you, I take comfort in humour (and beer) in the face of distressing circumstances. And I will readily admit that the names that I have mentioned were put forward on the basis of no evidence. If anything, I was merely seeking to evince a reaction.

But the initial posts posts were really nothing but opening gambits and it is, I think, difficult to draw any conclusions from them whatsoever.

It is with Fordim’s bold idea and, in particular, the reactions to it, that the discussion has become really interesting.

I will first state my thoughts on Fordim’s proposed strategy. I will not go on at great length, for various the pros and cons have been stated already. For reasons that others have already stated, I see the “shortlist” idea as a very good mechanism for hanging a lot of innocent Villagers early on (the odds are more in favour of Villagers, rather than Werewolves, appearing on the random ‘shortlist’, at least at the outset). But, more importantly, I see the “Seer dream” idea as a perfect device for enabling the Werewolves to identify the Seer, or at least dramatically narrow down the list, very early on (see, in particular, the phantom’s last post on this.) Even if, having identified the Seer through this method, the Werewolves did not act upon it and kill the Seer immediately, it would enable them more effectively to neutralise his or her influence during the daytime discussions.

So, having considered it carefully, I am against both aspects of Fordim’s plan. It is, in principle, a good idea to carefully examine who people accuse, defend and vote for, but I would prefer not to do this in the structured manner which, to me, seems to favour the Werewolves more. However, I do welcome his having put his ideas forward for what they tell us about him and about those who have reacted to it.

First, what were Fordim’s motives in putting it forward? There are a number of possibilities:

1) Fordim is innocent and genuinely thinks that his plan, if implemented, will help even the odds and protect the Seer.
2) Fordim sees the shortcomings in his plan but, being a Werewolf, sees it as a way of helping his “side” (in particular by providing valuable information on the Seer’s identity).
3) Fordim sees the shortcomings in his plan but, being innocent, recognises that people’s reactions to it might be telling.
4) Fordim, being a Werewolf, wants to generate confusion and steer any accusations away from him.

Now, as an intelligent master of lore, I cannot believe that Fordim did not see the shortcomings in his plan, particularly as regards the Seer. So I am going to disregard 1). Of the remaining motives, the majority (two out of three) favour him being a Werewolf. But I remain undecided on this one, since it has been proved a jolly good way of getting people to react and, possibly, to provoke the Werewolves into making unguarded comments. However, I remain suspicious.

Which brings us to people’s reactions to the plan:

Firefoot spotted a flaw in the mathematics straight away and then posted convingly against the “Seer plan”.

The phantom was initially very mush in favour of the “Seer protection plan” (supporting it in three posts), but then, after its flaws had already been noted, posted convincingly and at length against it.

The Only Real Estel was against the shortlist from the start, but saw merit in the “Seer plan”.

TGWBS was immediately, and vocally, against the “Seer plan” and has been ever since, although he seems to support the "shortlist" idea on the mathematics.

Holbytlass liked the “Seer idea” but was undecided on the “shortlist”.

Kuru ventured no solid opinion on the plan but recognised its worth in gauging people’s reactions to it.

Evisse recognised the shortcomings of both plans, but thought we should go with it in the absence of anything better.

Shelob was in favour of the “Seer plan” but against the “shortlist”, on the basis of the mathematics.

Mormegil immediately spotted the key flaw in the “Seer plan” and has been against it.

SoN posted shortly simply to support Fordim’s idea with little explanation.

Based solely upon this (which is all we really have to go on at the moment), my suspicions are currently primarily directed towards Holbytlass, Evisse and SoN. They seem to be the most in favour of Fordim’s plans. Since they were in favour of the “Seer plan” (which seems to particularly favour the Werewolves), I am also suspicious of The Only Real Estel and Shelob. I am least suspicious (currently) of Firefoot, TGWBS and mormegil (despite my initial, playful, posts), since they have been against the proposals. One might put the phantom in the same category, but he initially supported the “Seer plan” and then turned against it when others had spotted its flaws. Good cover, perhaps, for someone who is intelligent enough to have spotted its flaws from the outset.

Kuru, as always, ventures no solid opinions. Which makes me suspicious of him too. And that is most certainly not a xenophobic reaction.

I have residual suspicions of those who have not yet commented on the plan, namely Azaelia and Oddwen. But they, like me, may simply not have had a chance to get here yet.

So those are my suspicions, but I shall reserve final judgement for a short while yet.
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!

Last edited by The Saucepan Man; 06-04-2005 at 07:00 AM. Reason: typos
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Old 06-04-2005, 07:03 AM   #49
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I would like to reinforce Fordim's point: after further calculations, it is true, the percentage remains the same.

So the question is will this benefit us as Fordim said.

At the moment, I am not sure, one way or the other. On the one hand, Fordim has compelling arguments, on the other, the wolves could hijack the system.

I'm undecided. I am still against the new Seer ideas, but my suspicion about Fordim's maths proved false. I am almost convinced.

One final thing, Fordim. Why did you decide to post here instead of in the Town Hall [Werewolf 1] where all questions concerning our democracy [game structure] should go? Or are you suggesting that we should simply use this system unofficially?
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Old 06-04-2005, 07:10 AM   #50
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Kuru, as always, ventures no solid opinions. Which makes me suspicious of him too. And that is most certainly not a xenophobic reaction.
Dwarrowphobia is in many ways worse than Xenophobia.

I will have to think about Fordim's shortlist strategy, I am currently neutral, Saucy, not pro. But one thing I will say in its defence:

I see the “shortlist” idea as a very good mechanism for hanging a lot of innocent Villagers early on (the odds are more in favour of Villagers, rather than Werewolves, appearing on the random ‘shortlist’, at least at the outset)
Unstructured voting would have exactly the same odds. Neither system will help us mathematically.

Last edited by the guy who be short; 06-04-2005 at 07:10 AM. Reason: spelling
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Old 06-04-2005, 07:15 AM   #51
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Sting In response to Fordim's defence of his plans

The problem with your proposal, Fordim, is that there is a good chance that there will be no Werewolf in the radnomly chosen "shortlist". And, if that happens, an innocent Villager will automatically be lynched on DAY 1, an innocent Villager will automatically be killed in the night, and the results of the DAY 1 voting will tell us nothing and, statistically, be likely to result in the death of yet another innocent Villager.

While, as the numbers of innocent Villagers come down, it may help us out, it seems very much to favour the Werewolves in the opening few days. Thereafter, the effects of the opening few days will begin to favour the Werewolves in terms of numbers. The Werewolves need to get the Villagers' numbers down quickly and early on, without losing one of their own, and this seems to provide them with a good way of doing so. Personally, I would prefer to rely on "gut" instinct and a careful analysis of what people say than randomly choosing names out of a hat.

As for the "Seer protection plan", this may provide us with valuable information as the game wears on, but it will provide the Werewolves with essential information very early on. They will be able to narrow down their list of possible Seers on DAY 2 and, as the phantom said, will be pretty much sure who the Seer is by DAY 4 at the latest. Now, they would be silly to kill the Seer in those circumstances, given that we will all have the same information. But, as I said, they would be more able to neutralise his or her effect. Combined with a dwindling number of innocent Villagers (courtesy of your "shortlist"), this would give them a very distinct advantage.

Finally, I would have thought that now was the time to come out and admit that your proposals were a ploy to try to flush out potential Werewolves. Since you continue to defend the proposals, my suspicions of you are now very much heightened.
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!

Last edited by The Saucepan Man; 06-04-2005 at 07:17 AM. Reason: more typos
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Old 06-04-2005, 07:23 AM   #52
Evisse the Blue
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Saucy, I was in favour of a plan, as opposed to no plan. Chaotic behaviour tends to not work so well in our favour as it has been seen before. I am not sure, however that I undestand your reasoning when you automatically suspect everyone in favour of this plan of being a werewolf. Just a few hours ago, it used to be the other way around: those who opposed the plan were being suspected. Now, I confessed my ignorance when it comes to the obscure () science of mathematics, and therefore I had only a vague idea of the shortcomings of Fordim's theory, until more gifted villagers like the phantom and TGWBS explained them in detail. This is why I reprimanded the former for not speaking out earlier, it would have saved me a great deal of headache trying to work out the probabilities.
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Old 06-04-2005, 07:30 AM   #53
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The Bard speaketh his mind

I have balanced the suggestions in my mind. Here is what I have come up with:

Originally Posted by Fordim
we can't let the wolves hide either by casting meaningless votes in a landslide or abstaining
The werewolves could vote in a landslide anyway. A landslide is still possible with a shortlist.
As Saucy said, there could very easily be no wolves in the shortlist - a chance of almost a quarter. This balances because overall the chances are the same.
The Werewolves could avoid the Shortlist by using how it works against the Villagers. They could, for example, vote against one another or for other innocent villagers (not in the landslide) to stay off the shortlist.

I would like Fordim to address all these issues, please, as well as the timing and place of his posting which I inquired about in an earlier post.
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Old 06-04-2005, 08:10 AM   #54
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Kuru ventured no solid opinion on the plan


Kuru, as always, ventures no solid opinions.
Heh! I have a future in diplomacy!

However, you've been inattentive. If you read my last post you will see I did give a solid opinion on the plan (although perhaps not the solid opinion you were looking for).

I'm worried that due to the nature of the first DAY's discussions we are not going to learn much from the hanging unless we do somehow manage to pick a werewolf, and I believe we will probably be completely in the dark about the next NIGHT's killing considering how wobbly most people have been.

Right at the moment suspicion seems to be centering on Fordim (as much as it is centering at all). However, even so I'm not sure I'd favor hanging him today even if he is a werewolf (which of course we don't know). Maybe we should leave him alive and see what happens at NIGHT.

Of course, where does this leave us...
...finding a path that cannot be found, walking a road that cannot be seen, climbing a ladder that was never placed, or reading a paragraph that has no...

Last edited by Kuruharan; 06-04-2005 at 08:23 AM.
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Old 06-04-2005, 08:13 AM   #55
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I would like to voice my current great suspicions. They are the phantom and Son of Numenor

If I may quote the phantom

If everyone was to have a "dream" tonight, what would happen tomorrow? A non-werewolf would have a 25% chance of correctly naming a werewolf. In other words, if a villager says "I had a dream, and person X is a wolf" it is 75% likely that their choice would be wrong, and the wolves would obviously know if they were wrong and rule that person out as the seer. That means that making a random werewolf accusation would greatly serve the wolves. If all nine villagers said "Person X is a werewolf", then probability says that the wolves would then immediately be able to rule out 6 or 7 of us as the seer, leaving them with only 2 or 3 candidates. This would be suicide for the village.

Has no one else noticed this?
This is from his post not supporting the seer protection idea yet his first post was in support.

Your ideas for making a lynch list out of people who voted the day before makes me a bit antsy (because I see a way for wolves to exploit it to some degree), but as far as the idea for protecting the seer, I think it's a good one. I do see a way that an extremely risky and devious wolf could use it to his advantage, but it would have a fairly good chance of backfiring on him, so I doubt he'd try it.

Count me in as far as the seer protection goes. Every day I will tell about my "dream" and name a person as innocent or guilty.
So phantom how is it that you are able to contemptously ask us if nobody else noticed the flaws in the system when they had already been pointed out (albeit with less verbosity) and also when initially you supported the idea while thiiking the shortlist was the bad one?

And I suspect SoN based on his simple acceptance of the plan with no explination merely stating that let's do whether or not it's logical.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
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Old 06-04-2005, 08:21 AM   #56
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You can't be everywhere at once, but seemingly I've missed a lot.

Or not too much, but some interesting discussion at any rate.

As to the seer protection idea -- you are right, Phantom, that the plan will in the long run make the seer more visible, but this will happen for wolves and innocents alike. And if the seer does make it to round three (at which point there will be at worst 3 wolves left and 5 innocents) then to kill the seer is to pinpoint him or her for us and give us the identies of 4 of the 8 people (and monsters) in the village: game over for the wolves!
This excludes the possibility that the villagers accidentally lynch the seer, or that the wolves get lucky and kill the seer right off.
Finally, I would have thought that now was the time to come out and admit that your proposals were a ploy to try to flush out potential Werewolves. Since you continue to defend the proposals, my suspicions of you are now very much heightened.
Ditto that. The plan is extremely risky and tends to favor the werewolves, especially with Fordim's original shortlist plan of only 3 (not five, as TGWBS calculated). The whole purpose of it was to get some rhyme and reason to the voting and not have it completely random. However, gauging people's reactions, the vote will no longer be completely random.

My suspicions at the moment are similar to SpM's. I am, however, more suspicious about phantom's confusing behaviour. He seemed pretty adamant about supporting it, and then switched colors without warning. He did not even show any sign of convincing, as TGWBS is doing now.

And now we have less than three hours to vote. The field is still wide open and I could see it going in several different directions. Time will tell...
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Old 06-04-2005, 08:28 AM   #57
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To clarify my position on the seer protection idea:
I was in favor of it because it occurred to me that, if the werewolves killed the seer upon quickly distinguishing him/her from the lot of us (which is unfortunately very likely to happen), we need only find the villager that the seer told us was innocent. I then reasoned with myself that we could easily conquer these beasts because we would know who not to lynch. Unfortuantely, during the night I realized my blind stupidity--it's not enough for us not to lynch the villager we know to be innocent (thanks to the seer), the werewolves would simply kill him or her during the night, sending us back to square one. Although my thoughts remain a bit confused on both matters, I can see no real advantage until late in the game, and if the werewolves quickly discover the seer and kill him/her before he/she has much of a chance to provide us with information, we will have gained nothing discernable by our new method.

Therefore, since I realized that pretty much the only reason I was supporting the seer idea was a hopelessly faulty one, I am not leaning against both of Fordim's suggestions. Unless someone can give enough evidence that either of the plans would outweigh the cons that they bring with them, I don't see why we should take the risk.

In the mean time, although I will not say that this is something that Fordim has planned, we have only about two and a half hours remaining to lynch someone and no idea who to lynch! No doubt these suggestions of Fordims have served the wolves purposes in at least one way, we have been completely distracted and most likely will end up voting in a flurry at the last second and lynching an innocent villager one next to no evidence. I suggest we concentrate on discerning the wolves among us and decide on Fordim's propositions during the next day (if the majority has not already spoken).
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Old 06-04-2005, 08:47 AM   #58
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Thumbs up

I suggest we concentrate on discerning the wolves among us
*Noises of agreement*

We don't really have time to do otherwise anymore.
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Old 06-04-2005, 08:54 AM   #59
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RL demands that I will be away from my computer for the next few hours, and as time is up in just 2 hours I find that I must cast the first stone...

That having been said, this first round really is all about luck and conjecture, so no matter who I vote for there is only a 3 in 14 chance of getting it right...

That having been said, I am going to cast my vote against


insofar as he is the one person here who has done the two things which I have already stated to be the most suspicious things that could be done: 1) argue against my proposals; and 2) posted quite voluably but said nothing of real substance and committed to no particular or specific course of action.

In Saucy's last post he does two things; he attempts to undermine any attempt at developing a system to flush out werewolves and he casts suspicion over groups of people, setting them against each other -- just as though he were a wolf trying to separate the flock into smaller groups for easier managing...

So anyway, that's my vote. There is only a 22% chance that I am right. I predict, however, that there is a 100% chance of me garnering votes for having voted first -- and I will further predict that at least a few of those votes will be cast by werewolves...
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:05 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by Firefoot
I am, however, more suspicious about phantom's confusing behaviour. He seemed pretty adamant about supporting it, and then switched colors without warning. He did not even show any sign of convincing, as TGWBS is doing now.
I was against the proposals from the start. Fordim's arguments swayed me to neutrality for a second, but now, I find I must find his ideas faulty and vote for ++Fordim.

Several times I asked him to explain his motives, and I have been ignored. Perhaps there is an innocent explanation for this, but it is the only kind of "evidence" available to me.
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:06 AM   #61
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Originally Posted by Evisse
Saucy, I was in favour of a plan, as opposed to no plan.
I too am in favour of a plan, but not one which seems to greatly favour the Werewolves. Fordim's "Seer dream" idea just looks to me like something specifically designed to identify the Seer for the Werewolves' benefit. My plan is to look carefully what everyone says in reaction to what has been said before, and look at who they accused and how they voted (if I get the chance). Admittedly, that's pretty much how things have gone peviously and it could well end up in chaos and confusion. But I'd rather take my chances with that than provide a structured way of doing it which can surely only benefit the Werewolves, given their greater pre-existing knowledge.

Originally Posted by Evisse
I am not sure, however that I undestand your reasoning when you automatically suspect everyone in favour of this plan of being a werewolf.
I readily acknowledge that it's not perfect. It is quite possible that some people's initial reactions were based on a misunderstanding of its true effect. I myself was initially persuaded by Fordim's reasoning, until I thought further about it and heard some of the others' reactions.

But, thanks to Fordim having raised this "red herring", it's really all that we have to go on at the moment.

And, with the exception of The Only Real Estel, I have not seen anyone who was initially in favour of the "Seer plan" come out against it, despite the convincing arguments against it. Actually, I suppose Holbytlass changed her mind over it. But perhaps we should be more suspicious of those who have changed their mind as they have been able to see which way opinion was going ...

The more that I think about it, though, the more that I think that Fordim's proposals were specifically designed to draw our efforts away from trying to discover the Werewolves and lead us down a cul de sac. If so, it was probably planned between all three of them, which would suggest that those who continue to support it are similarly guilty.

However, there remains a possibility that Fordim's intentions were good. My inclination, therefore, would be to lynch either Evisse or SoN (who continue to support Fordim's plans despite their now obvious defects) and, if they turn out to be Werewolves, direct our gaze towards Fordim.
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:14 AM   #62
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The Saucepan Man has been trapped in the Barrow! I have had the benefit of seeing Fordim's vote ...

Originally Posted by Fordim Hedgethistle
... insofar as he is the one person here who has done the two things which I have already stated to be the most suspicious things that could be done: 1) argue against my proposals; and 2) posted quite voluably but said nothing of real substance and committed to no particular or specific course of action.
1) I have explained why I believe them to be defective (as have many others);
2) Untrue. My proposed course of action was to look at people's reactions to your proposals and, in particular, those who sought to support them.

Now I am in a quandry. Do I vote for Fordim who I suspect the most, despite that this might appear simply to be a knee-jerk reaction to him voting for me? Or do I follow my previous strategy and vote for Evisse or SoN?

I have time. I will wait for further reactions ...
Do you mind? I'm busy doing the fishstick. It's a very delicate state of mind!
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:15 AM   #63
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And so it begins...

Hmm, now we have an interesting situation.

Fordim accuses Saucepan Man.

TGWBS accuses Fordim.

Saucepan Man ignores the both of them and points at two totally different people.

I'm inclined to agree with Saucepan Man, Evisse makes me nervous.

We have to ask ourselves, which death will provide the most information. I'm suspicious of both Fordim and Saucepan Man (although at the moment I don't think both of them are werewolves).

Initially I'd have said kill Fordim. If he's a werewolf well and good we can kill those who supported him. If Fordim is not a werewolf we'll pacify his spirit by tossing Saucepan Man into that nearby volcano (points to nearby volcano that nobody noticed before).

However, perhaps Saucepan Man has created a reasonable compromise. Kill one of the people who supported The Plan as a test of Fordim's loyalty (and Evisse makes me nervous...)
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:15 AM   #64
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I was against the proposals from the start. Fordim's arguments swayed me to neutrality for a second,
I know, sorry if I was unclear. Using you as an example would have been for the opposite; my point was that you were against it, and then you commented that you would consider Fordim's plan given proper reasoning, you didn't just suddenly say you were on his side, which is what phantom did, just going in the other direction.
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:29 AM   #65
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As for myself I am not going to vote for Fordim today. I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he is innocent and started this discussion simply to give us opportunity to weigh people's reactions.

Based on that as I previously stated the one I can find the most "evidence" on, based on his reaction, is the phantom. He is far too clever to not catch the flaws in Fordim's system initially. He initially agrees with it in a very short post (uncharacteristic) and then in a rather long post explains why he is against it after the majority of people posting on the idea are opposed to it. It seems that he's quickly trying to side with the majority and actually appear to be championing the cause. A good way to try and cover guilt I say.

It's always risky to cast a stone in this round, but it must be done. If we vote for an innocent, and they are lynched, suspicion will be cast on those that vote for him/her.

I therefore will be voting for ++THE PHANTOM and ask that others look at the limited shreds of evidence that we have and vote how they best determine. I think we need to watch SoN and Fordim a bit, however I don't believe they have the strongest evidence against them, albeit weak evidence against the phantom.
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:36 AM   #66
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Looking at the little shred of 'evidence'...
I ought to vote Fordim for his plan that has caused confusion
I ought to vote Saucepan Man for his innitial suspicion of me
Maybe Phantom cause he's too wily and smart.
My approach has been this, there are two who have said nothing Oddwen and Azaleia. And so, by the peril of numbers again, 3 out of 5 flips of a coin.....

I'm sure I'll be on someone's short list.
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:36 AM   #67
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I ask of you, lest chaos ensues again, to not confuse simplicity, ignorance even, with guilt. I fear now indeed that this has been a cleverly orchestrated scheme from start to finish; but hopefully it is not too late to make a right decision for our village.

Why exactly do I make you nervous, Kuruharan? Is it the smell of fish? Is it my uncommonly blue eyes? To tell the truth, you're the one making me nervous. So far, you've assumed the role of 'spectator', analyzing the situation seemingly in an objective manner, and taking no sides whatsoever, expecting, no doubt, to see which side would come out more favourably. I have said before this behaviour looks most suspicious to me.
As for my wrongdoings, if I regret anything in my past actions, is my hastiness in posting without analizing the matter thoroughly. Fordim's proposal seemed good for the villagers at the time. Even after the flaws were pointed out, changing sides would have looked - and it still looks to me too much like duplicitary behaviour. In my last post, I did not argue in favour of the theory and in my second post, I granted the theory the benefit of the doubt because it was indeed a well thought one, given that even a cunning one like the phantom had been swayed into accepting it on the spot, ignoring the obvious shortcomings that even I had foreseen at the time. Which by the way makes him suspect number 1 on my list, closely followed by Kuru.
Don't misunderstand me, for the one who sits on number 3 on my list of suspects is Fordim, since his refusal to further defend his theory and hasty vote against SPM, whose accusations I strongly deny, but do not wish for the time being to return his gesture and suspect him of being a werewolf. Closely folowed by SoN, though we have not much against him except his silence following his agreement of Fordim's theory.

EDIT: Crossposted with the ones above me - So far it seems the votes are as scattered as anyone would want them...But before I vote myself, I would like to hear some explanations from the ones who were accused, particularly the phantom and SoN
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:41 AM   #68
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Sorry I haven't made an appearance yet, my work has kept me from the village councils...

Egads, what a way to go, Eomer.

Reading up on what everyone has said so far, it seems that the Seer Dream Theory seems to be dangerously flawed...more so than the Short List, which just confuses me.

I have to vote now, as RL will keep me away 'til perhaps Monday. Dang, I hate being rushed.

I feel as if I should go with my gut instinct, which was right in the past though I ignored it, and vote for ++THE PHANTOM , though The Guy and Fordim also unsettle me.

Also - Where is Zali?
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:46 AM   #69
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You could lynch me, true enough, but you'd not only be losing an innocent villager -- you'd be losing the man who fixes yer houses!

I'm not a man of numbers; I supported Mr. Hedgethistle's idea only because it seems clear based on the tales of recent villages that another system needs to be worked out for finding 'wolves. At the very least, a new system could throw their lot off balance, mathematistry and such aside.

My grandpappy always said, "He's a fool as tries to find a werewolf among villagers on the first day of voting," or something of that nature. We've naught to go on but the most meager suspicions. While at the moment I find myself suspicious of The Saucepan Man more than any other villager, I don't want to be too hasty, as lynching him prematurely'd rid us of a man with great powers of deduction, who could be of considerable use down the road if he's innocent; and then there's his fine brew to consider.

I think we ought to hang ++The Only Real Estel. I'd be foolish to try and explain the decision beyond saying that his posts don't sit right with me and I don't know why. Only time'll tell if I'm right.
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:48 AM   #70
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lest chaos ensues again
You're too late. All these people with their delightfully non-retractable votes are refusing to vote for the same people.

Is it my uncommonly blue eyes?
My eyes are blue too, I'll have you know. Well, actually, they are more of a blue-grey.


For reasons that I can't explain (hint-hint) the phantom and myself are actually the least likely to be werewolves. Not that it isn't possible, but just a glance at the odds should tell you to look elsewhere first. At this moment we do have a few DAYS to spare.

And now we come back to Evisse who initially supported The Plan and now does some hasty reversal.

ignoring the obvious shortcomings that even I had foreseen at the time.

And notice this also...

for the one who sits on number 3 on my list of suspects is Fordim
...pointing the finger at Fordim in such a way as to reduce his profile while providing some cover for herself.

Then, of course, there are the ridiculous charges she's tossing at me! I'll have you know I'm completely innocent!
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:54 AM   #71
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Originally Posted by Kuruharan
For reasons that I can't explain (hint-hint) the phantom and myself are actually the least likely to be werewolves. Not that it isn't possible, but just a glance at the odds should tell you to look elsewhere first. At this moment we do have a few DAYS to spare.
No, there is an equal probability that anyone can be a werewolf. Just as there is an equal probability that anyone could be the seer.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 06-04-2005, 09:59 AM   #72
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No, there is an equal probability that anyone can be a werewolf.
In this village. Sequentially...err, not so much.
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Old 06-04-2005, 10:01 AM   #73
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I ask people who have not yet voted to reconsider Fordim, who seems for some reason to have been sidelined.

Originally Posted by the guy who be short
One final thing, Fordim. Why did you decide to post here instead of in the Town Hall [Werewolf 1] where all questions concerning our democracy [game structure] should go? Or are you suggesting that we should simply use this system unofficially?

Originally Posted by the guy who be short
I would like Fordim to address all these issues, please, as well as the timing and place of his posting which I inquired about in an earlier post

Two very clear challenges to Fordim's ideas. Then Fordim appears at 3:54pm, just one and a half hours, or six posts, after me. The challenges are completely ignored, an accusation is made, and he disappears.
Why would he ignore two very clear, and to me, very important, challenges?
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Old 06-04-2005, 10:02 AM   #74
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...pointing the finger at Fordim in such a way as to reduce his profile while providing some cover for herself.
My action has been satisfactorily explained by his refusal to back his theory, which I think everyone was expecting at the time. Instead, neither taking it back, nor exposing it for the werewolf-magnet which it was later assumed (mind you, not surely proven) to be - left after casting a vote at the one who used his theory to start making accusations (SPM). This looks suspicious, but less suspicious than your behaviour of not specifically reacting for or against something.
And yes, let's not forget the equal probabilities of anyone being anything in this game.
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Old 06-04-2005, 10:03 AM   #75
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And, with the exception of The Only Real Estel, I have not seen anyone who was initially in favor of the "Seer plan" come out against it, despite the convincing arguments against it. Actually, I suppose Holbytlass changed her mind over it. But perhaps we should be more suspicious of those who have changed their mind as they have been able to see which way opinion was going ...
It did occur to me that it would probably seem suspicious for me to 'change' my opinion on the seer matter only after SpM implicated me as somewhat suspicious to him. Unfortunately, it couldn't be helped. After initial down-time in which I had the chance to voice my views several times, the day got busy fast--and I had no time to really dedicate myself to picking apart Fordim's proposed plan. It was only after some thinking in the quite confines of my bed that I realized how blatantly absurd my reasoning for the seer idea working was, and how easily the wolves could get past it. That left me with no reason to stick by the plan, other than other villagers seeing it as fickle, and that wasn't enough of a reason for me. The fact that SpM posted his suspicions of me inbetween posting times for me cannot be helped.

So far the voting has been sporadic, as expected. Fordim seems a logical choice, but if he would turn out to be innocent I would hate to have hung him because he tried to help us (since that's what it would boil down to). If I was convinced of Fordy's plan I should be suspicious of Saucey, TGWBS, and the phantom. Unfortunately, I am not sure of his plan, so I'm not sure whether to be suspicious of any of them. And another thing about the phantom. It has occurred to me that if he was a villager, the wolves would want to get rid of him because of his obvious intelligence. The thing is, he is a fairly easy character to cast suspicions on, so the wolves might instead kill others during the night while trusting that they can prey on the villager's feelings about phantom during the day. I'm not vouching for him (as I have repeated several times during this DAY about different characters), but I am putting something out there that I have been thinking on for quite awhile. As to SoN's vote of me, I can't speak to that because he gave no reasons besides his gut feelings (pretty much), and I'm not going to try to argue anyone out of their gut feeling.

As far as votes go I will say that I am leaning toward's Saucepan's theory.

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Old 06-04-2005, 10:03 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by Kuru
And now we come back to Evisse who initially supported The Plan and now does some hasty reversal.
Yes, I noticed that too, although it was hedged in such a way as to not look like too much of a reversal.

Originally Posted by Kuru
...pointing the finger at Fordim in such a way as to reduce his profile while providing some cover for herself.
Again, the same point occurred to me. It seems a good Werewolf plan to look like you are suspicious of the other Werewolves, without actually promoting them as prime suspects.

I think that I shall stick with my plan of concentrating on those who supported Fordim's proposals. So, Evisse or SoN? Well, if the ploy was pre-planned, I would expect the "supporting" Werewolves to be forthright in their support for the proposals, while suitably hedging their comments with caveats which they could later use to distance themselves from the proposals. Which is precisely what Evisse did (and SoN did not) do.

In fact Evisse seems to be doing a lot of hedging ...

I still have time, but I have pretty much narrowed my vote down to her.
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Old 06-04-2005, 10:10 AM   #77
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I don't really know for whom I ought to I have had little chance recently to read views and opinions carfully, and as I have little time now to read them...I feel that I must vote on less evidence and thought than most of you have given this.

From what I have quickly read though I find pros and cons with every suggestion. Every time I find myself agreeing with one view I immediatly see the problems with it...this being as it is, though not wishing to add another name to our already myriad list, I feel I ought to follow The Saucepan Man's reasoning behind voting for Evisse or SoN and therefore vote for ++EVISSE.

To explain this.

1) I worked mostly from the Sucepan Man's list of how everyone had felt about the plans (keep in mind I'm short on time. This doesn't mean I'm looking only at The Saucepan Man's arguments and ignoring all others, it just means that I could read his post (#48 according to the number in the corner) and get a summary of almost everything I had missed).
2) Out of all the behavious and tendencies I saw there the most suspicious to me is agreeing with what either was or will be clear to everyone (ie: the the plans are flawed) but still wishing to use them. To me this suggests that Evisse was trying to avoid suspicion by agreeing, but still hoping to get the plans impemented so as to help herself (and her lycanthropic kin).
3) I do realize that Evisse has since stated that she was in support of a plan and not necessarily these plans...
4) The only other person who, in my mind, is suspicous enough to deserve being the one lynched is Fordim, I do not vote for him however because I feel that even the thickest of werewolves would have realized that suggesting these plans would bring them high on the list of "whom to hang" and I doubt Fordim would have gone through with it given that....also, though it's unlikely, if Fordim had some reasoning behind what has been speculated or given for suggesting these plans I would rather not see him lynched...
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Old 06-04-2005, 10:12 AM   #78
The Saucepan Man
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Originally Posted by Evisse
And yes, let's not forget the equal probabilities of anyone being anything in this game.
This is one point where I do agree with Evisse. Previous history means nothing in this game, one way or the other.

Although I also agree with The Only Real Estel on this:

And another thing about the phantom. It has occurred to me that if he was a villager, the wolves would want to get rid of him because of his obvious intelligence. The thing is, he is a fairly easy character to cast suspicions on, so the wolves might instead kill others during the night while trusting that they can prey on the villager's feelings about phantom during the day.
However, the phantom has remained suspiciously quiet recently ...
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Old 06-04-2005, 10:18 AM   #79
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Just for clarity, the votes so far are:

Saucepan Man - 1 (Fordim)
Fordim - 1 (TGWBS)
phantom - 2 (mormegil, Oddwen)
Azaelia - 1 (Holbytlass)
Only Real Estel - 1 (SoN)
Evisse - 1 (Shelob)

That leaves 10 votes possible left. It seems likely enough that there could be a tie, resulting in two lynchings.

Heading my suspicion list at the moment are Fordim, phantom, Evisse, and SoN, for reasons already stated either by myself or others. I'm still not sure who I will vote for, though I think I may be leaning towards Fordim, mostly for his elusions of TGWBS's direct questions. Evisse is my second choice at the moment, for the reasons SpM outlined three posts above.
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Old 06-04-2005, 10:23 AM   #80
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Originally Posted by Firefoot
Just for clarity, the votes so far are:

Saucepan Man - 1 (Fordim)
Fordim - 1 (TGWBS)
phantom - 2 (mormegil, Oddwen)
Azaelia - 1 (Holbytlass)
Only Real Estel - 1 (SoN)
Evisse - 1 (Shelob)

That leaves 10 votes possible left. It seems likely enough that there could be a tie, resulting in two lynchings.
According to my calculation I think there is only 7 votes left. I could be wrong but 7 votes cast and 14 villagers.
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