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Old 02-15-2006, 12:07 PM   #41
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Well I'm sorry to say fellow villagers but I must leave you all now. My voting today is pretty random. I want to keep the voting field open. Anyways I think this villagers posts so far are strange...Well when I read them anyways!

++Elu Ancalime

Mostly because I think as a musician you stink! Can't dance to that racket anyways! Till the morning then! I hope to see all of you there, healthy and not lynched or eaten.(*Dances off home*)
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:16 PM   #42
Sleepy Ranger
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Obviously everyone has decided to ignore my say of I'm on a time restraint and have a faint idea of what is going on and that I'm messed up in the head because of exams. However if I haven't posted that then I apologize. Anyway from what it seems at the moment it'd be best if I didn't do any theorizing and just stayed back for a while because my peeptacular logic which is hard to understand by itself makes no sense what so ever at the moment because I have no idea what I'm saying either...

I'd say in the best intrest of the village, lynch me.

Yours truly,
Sleepy Ranger
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:30 PM   #43
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Obviously everyone has decided to ignore my say of I'm on a time restraint and have a faint idea of what is going on and that I'm messed up in the head because of exams. However if I haven't posted that then I apologize.
Oh, well, that's a different matter then. It really isn't fair to take advantage of someone's time contraints and weakened mental state, so I'll let that go for now.

My, only a few hours to go, and Thin still hasn't shown herself. I wonder where she is?
We can't all be Roas when it comes to analysing... -Lommy

I didn't say you're evil, Roa, I said you're exasperating. -Nerwen
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:33 PM   #44
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I understand your time restraint, sleepy, and absolutely respect exams. (icky exams...hugs sleepy even if he might be a wolf)

But if you are not a wolf, lynching you is not in the best interest of the village, no matter what is going on. We need every villager we have! And while I did criticise part of your analysis, I meant it in no way as a personal attack. Please, while I ask you to be more careful, don't give up! Music tames the savage may become our last line of defense, assuming you aren't hiding a tail or anything else overtly fuzzy.

OOC: I really wish you best of luck on your exams...

EDIT: Cross-posted with Roa
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:36 PM   #45
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Actually you're right... *flashback to WWJ I* Ah, 'twas a lovely game and I did play a major role in snatching the win for us... actually I did in II as well so if I snatch the win in IVI'll be laughing all the way to the bank. Thanks for the vote of confidence, I'll be acing those exams no matter what and after that if I'm still in the game I'll go back to my actual theorizing. The one that makes sense. [At times]
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Last edited by Sleepy Ranger; 02-15-2006 at 12:47 PM.
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:42 PM   #46
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I'm here now. Sorry for being away. Taking care of those penguins is such a hard job.

I have skimmed through the thread, but I will read it now more carefully. Then I'll post some thoughts. I just wanted to tell you that I'm alive and online.

And: JennyHallu - I'm a she
everyone - if you shorten my name I prefer Lommy (but I don't mind if you call me Thin)
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:45 PM   #47
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Whoops...Sorry, Lady Lommy. If you'll notice, you're not the only one who has so suffered at my hands today...perhaps I have become a little short-sighted from long hours spent auditing people's taxes.

Not yours, of course. I'm sure yours were fine.
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:50 PM   #48
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Just really logging that I am back ..I did manage to sneak a few peeks since lunch but not enough to draw significant conclusions. At least there seems to be some more serious discussion going on now. And everyone I think has posted. Excuse me while I read. I should be here to the deadline now.
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Old 02-15-2006, 12:55 PM   #49
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Jenny doesn't sit well with me. Her behavior harkens of a new wolf, soon to be innisiated into that brutal fellowship of lupines.


Please note that this vote is not so much on concrete reasoning as a fealing in by gut. As if anyone has any conrete reaonsing at any point in this torturous ordeal, much less on the first day.
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:00 PM   #50
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Jenny doesn't sit well with me. Her behavior harkens of a new wolf, soon to be innisiated into that brutal fellowship of lupines.
Pardon me but what?
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:02 PM   #51
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Voting thus far

JennyHallu (2)
Elu Ancalime (1)
Gandalf_the_White (1)


Firefoot (Gandalf_the_White)
Sleepy Ranger (JennyHallu)
Valier (Elu Ancalime)
Eonwe (JennyHallu)

Eonwe, I fear your gut misleads you, and suggest a change in diet. Mithalwen has some very good muffins.

EDIT: Cross posted with Sleepy Ranger
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:29 PM   #52
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No problem, Jenny.

I'm a bit suspicious about Wilwa. She hasn't really said anything, just posted a popping-in post. Of course, she's (probably) living on a different time zone than I, so maybe she'll pop up later. Or maybe she has real life business. Being silent doesn't mean being wolf who doesn't want to attract attention. It might just be being busy with other things than WW.

Firefoot is a difficult case. I say, if she isn't killed by wolves soon, she's a wolf. (Wolves seem to prefer killing the villagers that have something to say or are making themselves important for the village.) And now the wolves won't probably kill her anyway, because it serves them well to have her there under my suspicion. And on the other hand, they might think that a reason to kill her. Oh no, I'm making this meaningless babbling.

Valier's posting style also makes me suspicious. Don't ask why. It's just a gut-feeling.

Sleepy hides well behind his rockstar-role, so he doesn't have to show much of his real thoughts. A good tactic for a wolf? But the long post he made at the bottom of the previous page makes me less suspicious about him. That was no roleplaying; it was commenting comments.

The others don't make me think about anything special, so maybe they are the most dangerous ones; the invisible ones.
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:34 PM   #53
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Well I threw a stone, the target had gone but it caused some interesting ripples... interesting but not particularly helpful.

Firefoot, now I have had time to take into account the time she was posting, I think was really out on her own with not much to react with. She probably was truly just trying to stir up discussion - but in 3 of the 4 games I have played before suspecting the first poster would have been justified so, for me it is worth a look.

At the time I posted last, Jenny was the second most frequent poster. I just put it down to a new comer trying too hard and gave her the benefit of the doubt then. It may well be that still hold true. Does 2 votes count as a bandwagon?
I don't know but I will not add to them now.

So I am not much further save that if I must go for a relatively random vote, I shall probably go for someone who hasn't contributed much... and by that I mean quality not quantity. Some people have only really posted references to their profession - I know there isn't a lot to go on on day one but ..... "frothy" posts give the impression that someone is active without actually helping.

However I would like explained why limiting the vote is better than people following their insticts however duff? If people choose from the 13 (effectively 12 others - suicidal votes are generally unhelpful) then at least all the wolves are in the pot - yes with all the gifted and ordos. If you limit it then you might be choosing from all innocents /gifteds.... or have I misunderstood the situation?

Time ot reread and see if there have been more posts while I pondered.
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:45 PM   #54
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Well, I'm afraid this will be my last post for the day. So, who to vote for?

Jenny's drawn quite a bit of attention. She's agressive in her accusations, and has hopped around quite a bit, taking one lead, then changing to another. That's very wolvish, but could also signify someone new to this whole game.

I don't trust Sleepy, especially with the way he attacked Jenny for little things so vehemently. However, he's also offered the point of his time contrictions and exams (that's the system trying to keep you down man) so I think it's only fair to let him be for today. Still don't like his arrogance, but I'll worry about that later.

, well, this is his typicial behavior. As I understand it, he has limited access.

I'm afraid this is very difficult with so little to go on. I can draw my suspicions, but I can explain them away, too. In a word, I got nothing. So, it seems a semi-random vote is in order.


Because she promised a more in depth post, and never delivered. Please stay safe tonight, my friends. I have a meeting with the Ents about lobbying for more environmentally friendly farming. Peace!
We can't all be Roas when it comes to analysing... -Lommy

I didn't say you're evil, Roa, I said you're exasperating. -Nerwen
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:45 PM   #55
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Lommy, it was Valier who I was thinking of when I referred to the Frothy posting - perhaps that is it? Wilwa I hope will be back but I guess she has been in class. We all have places we have to be at times, I wouldn't necessarily suspect her for that. Let's face it we are all basically probably looking at an excuse to justify a random vote - too keen, too detatched, to frothy, weird job, bad shoes, too experienced, too inexperienced, too loud, too quiet .... take your pick....
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:45 PM   #56
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I'm probably soon being kicked off the computer so I have to vote.

There's nothing I can really base my suspicions on. In my previous post I pretty much suspect everyone (which actually is the same as not saying anything). My random/gut-feeling/I-don't-like-useless-posts-though-I'm-making-them-all-the-time -vote goes to

Good night.

EDIT: cross-posted with Roa and Mith
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Old 02-15-2006, 01:56 PM   #57
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To clarify:

Jenny is leading by an almost 50% majority in the posting category. Many of her posts consit of making slight alterations to earlier statements/theories, and then continuing on to a new statement/theory. Repeated about seven times. Basically, she doesn't have much to say of worth. (No offense intended, by the way.)

She is reacting to the conversation in a way that I don't like. She amends much of what she says, picking up on what others say, and flowing with other people's ideas about her own ideas.

That's really it. Like I said, of course I don't have any proof (even slightly gelatinous proof, much less hard facts). If you want to question my vote, I want to question yours, because, unless a wolf makes a really big mistake, there just isn't much for science and logics to work with. Nobody is going to be making very informed opions today.


Lommy, I'm glad you realize your reason for voting wilwa is just as applicable to yourself...
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:18 PM   #58
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Well so that is Wilwa and Jenny even at 2 each with Elu and Gandalf at 1 each. It is the first to reach the total in the event of a tie.. so that means that Jenny is ahead. But we have 9 votes and about half an hour to go.

I guess we have to be grateful that there aren't double lynchings. Lommy and Roa voted similtaneously so no bandwaggon there.

Eonwe and Sleepy seem to be arguing because they voted for the same person presumably to establish that they have come to the same conclusion independently and are not band waggoning.

Is anyone else out there?
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:19 PM   #59
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I have just been reading these earlier messages, and am quite astonished.

One thing I think is quite clear. We are not having stupid wolves around. So at least for this moment my doubts about Jenny are quite gone. (Sorry Jenny: don't hint that you are stupid, but that I no longer believe, that you were the over-anxious wolf trying to get someone else blamed)

Why I think we have clever wolfs around? Well there hasn't been much of a teamplay, that could be seen straight away. Although I'm not sure about the case of Eonwe: she was chivalrously rescued by two knights (Roa & Folwren)... that could raise an eyebrow.

But maybe I'm just overreacting.

Or just trying to have at least a semi-ground for my own vote?

Half-an-hour to go. I'll just think for a second
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:25 PM   #60
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Something like that... Well I was going to vote for her first!


Originally Posted by Myself
I am a male.
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:26 PM   #61
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One thing I think is quite clear. We are not having stupid wolves around. So at least for this moment my doubts about Jenny are quite gone.
Thank you.

There is still some time, so I'm going to wait and think a moment before I vote, but I did have a question.

Originally Posted by Mithalwen
Lommy, it was Valier who I was thinking of when I referred to the Frothy posting - perhaps that is it?
I'm sorry, maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but exactly what statement of Lommy's are you referring to, Mith? I got confused reading this sentence. It's a position I am becoming quite familiar with.

Before anyone else panics about my post count or my lack of commitment to any one potential wolf, I am NOT accusing, insinuating, or otherwise hinting ANYTHING about Lommy or Mith. I'm simply confused.
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:30 PM   #62
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Anyway I have decided Valier says that the other villagers votes have been strange but hers have been the flimsiest of the lot. Not great grounds but better than voting for noone or someone who has made a real effort. Anyway I have voiced suspicion before so I won't repeat now time is limited.

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Old 02-15-2006, 02:37 PM   #63
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Jenny, sorry, I realise I am sometimes unclear and since we aren't meant to edit ... I will clarify

Lommy said that something about Valier's posts didn't sit right. I had spoken about "frothy" posting making me suspicious and had been thinking about Valier in this context. She has posted quite a lot but never really said anything other than offer frivolous tactics - albeit in keeping with her job - ie looking at shoes and dancing ability. First days do lend themselves to frivolity but she just seemed maybe to be trying to fly under the radar. That means she is trying not to raise suspicion by either being too loud or too quiet - both things that have been high lighted as suspicious. However bland can be suspicious too.

Does that explain?
“But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.”

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Old 02-15-2006, 02:37 PM   #64
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Last lap starting.

Jenny & Wilwarin 2 votes
Elu, Gandalf & Valier 1 vote

I'm going to contyinue spreading the vote (and not becoming responsible for someones death).

So I vote HIM , over whom I have a slight suspicion more than to others.


PS. Sorry Eonwe. I try to remember your sex from now on...
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Last edited by Nogrod; 02-15-2006 at 02:41 PM.
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:41 PM   #65
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In case that didn't make the connection explicit:

I thought that the thing that made Lommy uneasy about Valier might be the same thing that made me uneasy ie insubstatial posting. But of course she voted for Wilwa and left before answering.......
“But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.”

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Old 02-15-2006, 02:48 PM   #66
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Well the time has come...

As everyone has observed, my suspicions are fairly widely arrayed. I do not however, wish to die on the first Day in the only village I have ever known. For that reason alone, along with her quietness, am I voting

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Old 02-15-2006, 02:50 PM   #67
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I don't have very long to vote. We were supposed to get our votes in 10 minutes before closing time. . .a thing which presses me sorely. I have lost a lot of time because. . .well, all of the sudden I had to ballance a check-book, so I haven't had time to read fully these last several posts.

However. . .I think I am going to vote for Valier. That puts three people tied at two. I'm sorry to see that if no one votes for anyone else, Jenny is the one to go. I am not voting for Jenny because I think she needs a chance to settle down and prove herself. Being new to the game. . .well, if she's a wolf, we'll figure out soon enough. We ought to give her some benefit of the doubt.

Valier, on the other hand. . .I don't know if she's played before, but she's added little help to the innocents this game, posting random posts and offering neither help to catch a wolf, nor telling us anything at all about herself.

Hence, I cast my vote


"May the Lord and saints preserve us!"

-- Folwren

EDIT: Cross posted with Jenny. Mayhap there isn't a tie for three. . .
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:52 PM   #68
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I think it is Wilwa now..... can't balme Jenny for saving herself ... but I think Wilwa is paying dear for a possibly unavoidable absence..
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:53 PM   #69
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Wilwarin 3
Jenny & Valier 2
Elu, Gandalf, Eonwe 1

That's my reckoning.
Upon the hearth the fire is red
Beneath the roof there is a bed;
But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:55 PM   #70
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I agree, Mith. I wish I'd waited just a moment longer...
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Old 02-15-2006, 02:56 PM   #71
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Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.
Barely 50% voting is a poor show ..... and gives fewer clues for later .... unless there is a small deluge in the dying minutes ..
“But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.”

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Old 02-15-2006, 02:59 PM   #72
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On the contrary, there have been 10 out of 13 votes. Only Wilwarin, Elu, and Gandalf have not voted.
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Old 02-15-2006, 03:00 PM   #73
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Voting closed, expect Wilwa's death soon.
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Old 02-15-2006, 03:01 PM   #74
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Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.
Can't be helped - non retractable votes ..... at least you voted...... (NB it is helpful to keep 2 windows open to monitor for cross posts if you are composing a long reply ..but then 3 of us posted together earlier so it can't be avoided totally.)

NB Edit I am so stupid I just added 3,2 and 1!!!! Forgot it was 2 and 1 EACH!!!!!
“But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.”

Christopher Tolkien, Requiescat in pace

Last edited by Mithalwen; 02-15-2006 at 03:04 PM. Reason: cross post with close
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Old 02-15-2006, 03:26 PM   #75
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Kitanna is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Kitanna is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
Tensions rose and tempers flared as the villagers tried to pick the wolves from the rest. Finally they decided the resident math professor would be the one to die. Wilwa had been silent for far too long. Her silence unnerved the others, was she thinking of who she and her furry companions would kill this night? Such a thought was overwhelming.

“Get Wilwarin!” They screamed.

Armed with clubs, rocks, and one loaf of stale bread, the angry mob marched to Wilwa’s house. They found the silent village hunched over a notebook. “Probably a list of who will die next.” Someone screamed and the first blow was issued.

Never before had there been such a flogging in Squaresville. Upon finishing the merciless beating of Wilwa, the villagers stood by waiting for her to take her wolfish form. But the bruised and bloodied mass of flesh that had once been Wilwa did not change. Not one bit of fur sprouted from the wounds. Wilwa simply remained human. She had not been a werewolf.

Nogrod turned his eyes away from the carnage he had been a part of. He looked at the notebook Wilwa had been working on when they first stormed her room. Written amidst completed math formulas was a list of wolf suspects. Wilwa had been their hunter.

Thinlómien ~ Penguin-fisher
JennyHallu ~ Friendly neighborhood tax collector
Eonwe ~ Hermit
Sleepy Ranger ~ Messiah of Rock 'n' Roll
Firefoot ~ Person who runs the stables
Roa_Aoife ~ Local protestor/ lobbyist
Valier ~ Dance instructor
Nogrod ~ Pipe-weed grower
Elu Ancalime ~ Brass Musician
Gandalf_the _white ~ Magician
Folwren ~ Seamstress
Mithalwen ~ Baker/confectioner

Kitanna (mod)~ Stabbed with a letter opener
Wilwarin (hunter)~ Flogged to death

Wolves may PM now. I need names from the wolves, ranger, and seer.
"Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." - Mark Twain
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Old 02-16-2006, 02:54 PM   #76
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Kitanna is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Kitanna is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.
It was a long night for the villagers. Most of them had gone to bed with fear as a bedfellow, and apparently he hogs the blankets. They came out of their homes groggy, bags under their eyes, and totally cranky. Not one “good morning” was uttered as they assembled to discuss the werewolf problem.

One less villager was in their midst. Thinlómien was not there. Realizing the penguin fisher was not among them a group was sent to see what had been done to while she slept.

At first nothing seemed out of order at the penguin farm. Thinlómien’s house looked intact. The door was left ajar, but it didn’t look like there was much of a struggle to get in. Mithalwen was the first through the door, Valier and JennyHallu followed close behind.

“Thinlómien, are you in here?” Mithalwen called, peeking inside the bedroom.

“Oh, she’s here alright.” Valier called from the kitchen.

The other two joined her in the kitchen and saw that Valier spoke true. Lying face up on the floor was Thinlómien, her eyes were open in fear and her body was stiff as a board.

“It looks like she just died of fright.”

The three shared nervous glances, before bolting from the house. As the story of Thinlómien’s demise was retold to the village, three villagers were laughing on the inside.

JennyHallu ~ Friendly neighborhood tax collector
Eonwe ~ Hermit
Sleepy Ranger ~ Messiah of Rock 'n' Roll
Firefoot ~ Person who runs the stables
Roa_Aoife ~ Local protestor/ lobbyist
Valier ~ Dance instructor
Nogrod ~ Pipe-weed grower
Elu Ancalime ~ Brass Musician
Gandalf_the _white ~ Magician
Folwren ~ Seamstress
Mithalwen ~ Baker/confectioner

Kitanna (mod)~ Stabbed with a letter opener on Night One
Wilwarin (hunter)~ Flogged to death on Day One
Thinlómien (ordo) ~ Dropped dead from fright on Night Two

Wolves stop PMing, Day Two has begun.
"Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." - Mark Twain
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Old 02-16-2006, 03:12 PM   #77
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Wow. That was a shocker. I wasn't expected Lommy to be taken, and that's no joke. I was scared stiff that it was who I thought was the seer, but I'm not going to name it because that would be down right stupidity.

Want everyone to know now that I am not going to be here any longer than another hour and twenty minutes. Whether I vote or not today will depend highly on who all talks before I leave.

-- Folwren
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Old 02-16-2006, 03:21 PM   #78
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I dunno. I had a fealing Lommy would bite it last night. She didn't leave much evidence, having only been on for 3 1/2 hours, which would have been a plus for teh wolves. And having voted for Wilwa, she wasn't going to be leaving a trail. Also, nobody was suspecting her. But the main thing is how late she arrived.
I've got bridge club on Wednesday,
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Old 02-16-2006, 03:24 PM   #79
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The wolves, as far as I can reason, generally don't kill the questionable people, do they? You'd think they'd . . . heck, what'm I doing, giving the wolves suggestions? Never mind. I won't tell you what wolves should do as a general practice.

I'm still surprised. She was the last person I expected killed. . .besides Jenny.

-- Folwren
A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. - C.S. Lewis
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Old 02-16-2006, 03:41 PM   #80
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First of all, let me tell you how happy I was to come home yesterday and find that you all actually could talk!! Seriously, the discussion was nice, even if I was the topic of a lot of it (at least early on).

Several people noted that my posts seemed contradictory... that's because they were. My own opinion was in that first post; the other two plans were mostly to stimulate discussion.

For the record, here is yesterday's voting. Innocents are underlined, the second number is the order in which everyone voted:

Gandalf – 1 (Firefoot 1)
Jenny – 2 (Sleepy 2, Eonwe 4)
Elu – 1 (Valier 3)
Wilwa – 3 (Roa 5, Lommy 6, Jenny 9)
Valier – 2 (Mith 7, Folwren 10)
Eonwe – 1 (Nogrod 8)

Did not vote: Elu, Wilwa, Gandalf

In my experience, it is generally not the wolves who do not vote. That doesn't necessarily mean anything, but I certainly would not accuse Elu or Gandalf based on that.

Okay, now my really long analysis of yesterday. It doesn't take into account Lommy's death.

Jenny – Casts some suspicion on people based on careers; random suspicion on Eonwe, but supports Mithalwen (who hasn’t even posted yet); suggests vote for last contributor; does Day 1 “analysis” based solely on people’s careers; jumps on Mithalwen’s suspicion of me and comments about how much I seemed to contradict myself – rather vindictively; promptly backs off at Folwren’s suspicion of her; defends herself to Sleepy and advises him to be more careful; declares she is not doing any accusing or insinuating at all about Lommy or Mith; votes Wilwa for her quietness. Okay, a lot jumped out at me about her. One thing I did notice was that she seemed to be leaning on Mithalwen a bit and it occurred to me early on that there might be some kind of wolvish pairing there, made obvious by Jenny’s inexperience. She does seem rather eager to please, though it could be inexperience as people have pointed it out to be. Her vote for Wilwa is not what I would call incriminating, but it doesn’t help her stance either. Jenny is on my suspicion list.

Eonwe – a few short posts; votes for Jenny; clarifies his reasoning for his vote, that is rather flippant and flip-floppy posting. Even though not much jumped out at me in his individual posts, my overall impression of him was pretty good. He seems careful without being cautious, and did not seem particularly wolvish to me.

Sleepy Ranger
– rather careless in ascribing Jenny’s strategy to me, comes down hard on Jenny and votes for her; gets rather down on himself and advises the village just to lynch him. Sleepy seems too careless to be a wolf, too joking as well. The latter part doesn’t necessarily mean anything since that’s just sort of the way he is, but he seemed rather carefree. He isn’t in the clear, but he’s not particularly suspicious to me either.

Roa – Says Jenny is hasty, supports careful evaluation; is somewhat suspicious of both Jenny and Sleepy; continued expression of her desire to see Lommy post; isn’t quite sure about Jenny and Sleepy, votes for Wilwa based mostly on her absence. Roa seems quite innocent to me. Her advice was good, and her general impressions of people seemed reasonable. She’s on my probably-innocent list. Once more, I don’t see anything particularly outstanding about the vote for Wilwa.

Valier – Talk about shoes; does not advise long, analytic posts because she says it brings suspicion; says long posts confuse her; votes for Elu at random despite the recent increased substance of posting. I don’t have much of an impression about her – she’s very… up. I’d like to see her calm down, I guess, and post some more substantial feelings, ideas, something. In the middle of the suspicion chart.

Nogrod – apparently some random suspicion; agrees some kind of plan would be good, is one of the few to actually suggest something useful in the early posting; emphasizes his point that he will be looking among the people who are too much of anything: quiet, talkative, friendly, helpful, etc.; is clearly thinking about his vote, wonders if there is anything significant about the voting thus far; votes Eonwe. Gut instinct says he is probably innocent. Nothing for sure, but I did think his vote for Eonwe was a little strange as I don’t see a whole lot suspicious about Eonwe. Even so, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt right now.

Elu – Joking. His computer troubles were understandable, but I would still like to see much more out of him in the coming Days. I don’t really have anything to say about him.

– Claims he is not smart at this. Yes, I voted for Gandalf, and like I said, it really was mostly random. Of the people who had posted thus far I picked one of the people who had really contributed very little. I don’t have any idea what to think about him; I’d like to hear more out of him.

Folwren – a very sensible post of some length, understands what I was trying to do and defends me, first notes Jenny’s apparent desperation; then accepts Jenny’s explanation; still talking sense in responses to others’ comments; votes Valier. I have a strong feeling about Folwren’s innocence. She responded very sensibly to people’s posts and often stated the same feelings as I was having. I’m not writing her off yet, but I don’t feel very suspicious of her at all right now.

Mithalwen – expresses some suspicion at me mostly for being rather vocal in the very early stages (someone finally provides some substance!); decides to give Jenny benefit of the doubt and eases on her suspicion of me; calls Valier’s posting frothy (I rather like this term – very appropriately descriptive); consistent with her suspicions she votes Valier for flimsiness. Mithalwen seemed very steady and consistent, which is definitely a good sign. She hasn’t said anything to send up warning signs, and except for Jenny’s apparent affinity for her, I would say she is probably innocent.

And, for the record, here's what I was going to say about Lommy:

Lommy – is suspicious of Wilwa, Valier, Sleepy, and is confused about me; votes for Wilwa somewhat randomly. Mostly, I thought she was talking sensibly and I couldn’t fault her for anything that she said. That doesn’t prove her innocence, and she’s certainly a smart one, but I don’t think she’s a wolf, even if she did vote for the now-known innocent Wilwa.

Also for the record, I will regularly be voting early like that except on weekends. I just don't get home early enough.
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