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Old 10-06-2009, 06:49 PM   #1601
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Oooooh! Is Rowenna sticking around? We never fully decided what to do with her.

May I make a suggestion? When the new Eorl and his wife come marching in, perhaps the wife will take a negative liking to Saeryn. Rowenna can get defensive of her, but in her tricksy, I mean, interesting character, she can seek to deal about things differently and instead of confronting it normally, she will try to become the new Eorl's wife's maid, and in subtle ways she can make the woman's life misery for whatever she does to Saeryn.

That was a very swiftly typed and not very well thought out idea, so if it doesn't make sense, don't worry - I'll return sometime and re-voice it.

-- Foley
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Old 10-06-2009, 11:29 PM   #1602
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So I know I'm not playing but I just had to say. I just got the weirdest text message. Something about international (and interspecies) marriage. Bah. Congratulations to the happy couple anyway.

*pops in, blushes, jumps back into her hole*
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Old 10-06-2009, 11:30 PM   #1603
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What happens in the Meadhall stays in the Meadhall, sally.
Stories and songs.
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Old 10-07-2009, 08:29 AM   #1604
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
Oooooh! Is Rowenna sticking around? We never fully decided what to do with her.
I think there was some talk about her leaving with Degas to claiim her own house or something like that... Those who remember better should come forwards.

But I have nothing against her staying as well - and the kind of plots you Foley offer would sound actually quite interesting and only possible with Rowenna around (and she is kind of a mysterious character who couild be made into anything...).

We'd only need to find a writer for Rowenna in that case. Anyone interested and not having too much to write already?

For you Sally:
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Old 10-07-2009, 01:26 PM   #1605
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Count me in, Nogrod. I might even be able to take up one of the characters.
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Old 10-07-2009, 03:17 PM   #1606
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I can write Rowenna if no one else wants, but if there's someone else, feel free to take her because I will take two new characters anyway... *evil grin*

Glad to see all this planning going on.
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Old 10-07-2009, 03:58 PM   #1607
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
I can write Rowenna if no one else wants, but if there's someone else, feel free to take her
Go good communication! (between me and Lommy that is...)

I just suggested to Fea that she could be the person to write Rowenna...

Let's see what she thinks.

On other news...

Groin will take Lithor for good.
Gwath will probably take Wilcred.
Eönwë will have Raedwald.

So this looks promising indeed.

And we're after a few more new writers to take the characters from the new eorl's entourage...

In a way it would be quite fine actually if the old writers would be those writing for the characters that live in the Mead Hall already and the new writers would be writing for those characters new to the place. Thus there would also be a "real difference" between the writers eg. those that have written in here and those totally new - like in the storyline...

We'll be writing a post or two to kick the things forwards in a few days as there will first be the meeting of the neighbouring landlords and the MH people before the new eorl comes in. So we have time for recruiting the new writers and can still go forwards now as some key roles have been filled (hopefully Rowenna can be solved soonish).
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Old 10-07-2009, 04:11 PM   #1608
Feanor of the Peredhil
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Posting! Wait for me! Don't make any decisions!
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Old 10-07-2009, 04:17 PM   #1609
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Before I say anything, I just want to say that me posting here is NOT me coming back. No promises for any sort of activity, because I'm not particularly reliable these days and I don't want to make promises I can't keep.

That being said, I've got thoughts about what I'm reading, as I'm reading it.

Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
I almost think it's fitting if his character leaves, too, seeing as they're so close together in our minds.

If that happens, I also like the idea of Saeryn being pregnant with their first child. That'll add some interest to me and probably others around here.
1) I concur that it is fitting for Eodwine to die upon LMP's departure. I also believe that it would add a significant amount of literary drama to the story. And as a story which so often revolves around the day to day life of The Common Man, a bit of drama can never go amiss.

I was also taught that if you hit a standstill in a story and writing just doesn't seem to be happening, kill a main character and then you can fill the rest of the book with everybody's reactions.

As far as an appropriate end to a beloved character, I think it would be more fitting for him to die in the pursuit of an exciting story than for a hesitant writer to try [and probably fail] to continue his existence. I've taken on other people's characters before, and I promise, they never entirely feel like yours. No matter how good you get at them, no matter how long you do it, there's always a nagging feeling that you're not doing it quite right, because you're not doing it the way the original writer would have done.

So I approve of killing Eodwine. Quite possibly in a really anticlimactic way, such as a riding accident or an infection. There's not really any need for, say, a band of raiders to show up and attack. That would take attention away from the Mead Hall and divert it to a bunch of stock characters that showed up solely to kill someone. More believable and more appropriate would be if Eodwine's life was lost in the course of his daily activities.

That being said,

2) Foley: Saeryn is a twin. Twins run in families. Just sayin'.

Originally Posted by Groin
tensions between the local farmers/peasants and Scarburg. Is it time for a little death and destruction?
Or there's that.

But bear in mind that the King (and the rest of the Eorls) won't kindly put up with a peasant uprising, as it gives other peasants dangerous ideas and threatens the stability of the entire country in terms of society and economy. Uprisings aren't popular with those in power, and if there is one (especially since Degas's holdings just had one), it's going to cause some serious political problems.

Presumably the King would assign a trusted and heavy handed Eorl to Scarburg at that point, to quash further troubles before they start.

Which would not go very well given Saeryn would presumably still be alive as the Lady of the Hall, pregnant with what may well be the heir, and Degas, having just promised Eodwine that they're brothers and all, would show up very displeased with any upstart that had ideas about taking the title of his knocked up sister.

No! This is bad! I was trying to write Degas out and all y'all are providing a really great reason for him to come back!

He can't govern two holdings!

Of course he would, in that situation. Or he would try.

In the event that Eodwine would die, Degas would petition the King to allow him to govern Scarburg as a steward whilst Saeryn dealt with having a baby. Degas would cite the bride price/dowry as well as citing Saeryn's position.

If Eodwine dies, Degas will fulfill his oath to protect the land and his sister.

If Eodwine dies, you jerks, I'm going to have to come back and write Degas.

Jerks. You jerks. You did that on purpose!

Nog, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Originally Posted by Nog
But lord Eodwine will take ill just a little before the meeting of the landlords... He is seriously ill... (and will be removed with anyone wishing to accompany him to Edoras where they could try to heal him)
I vote infection.

Or pneumonia. Everybody loves a good bout of pneumonia as a way to knock off a character.

Originally Posted by Nog
We'd only need to find a writer for Rowenna in that case. Anyone interested and not having too much to write already?
I'll write her.

Okay, so I'm caught up.

Nog, you're writing a new Eorl with a new wife?

I like that, but I'm concerned. Because of Degas's oath that should anything happen to Eodwine, he'd take care of business, I don't see him reacting too well to somebody new coming in.

Which might in fact work extremely well for some drama if Degas's petition to the king was refused and somebody else was brought in. Degas would not be at all happy and would consider it a slight against both him, his sister, and the memory of Eodwine. As well as a deliberate stripping of the title of Saeryn's as yet unborn child[ren].

So to get to my final point, would you, Nog, be opposed to Degas being opposed to your new Eorl?

PS: i totally wasn't going to come back, I was just going to read the thread and offer some opinions.

Grumble grumble.
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Old 10-07-2009, 05:08 PM   #1610
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I love you Fea!!!

It would be fabulous if Degas stayed. And you writing Rowenna would be great as well.

What we have in mind as like now is the following...

The autumn after the games & the marriage festivities goes in working with the reconstruction of the hall to become a real Mead Hall.

Then it was a plan of Eodwine's to call the local landlords to pay homage to him (and to the king) on certain day X when the Hall itself is more or less ready. After their allegiance would have been secured he could move on to other lesser masters and the common peasants - and thus establish the Mead Hall as part of King Eomer's governance there. Meaning they would pay taxes to the Mead Hall and the MH in turn would provide the people with protection and be the place where king's law would be executed. Civilising the territories that is - or putting them under the king's rule if one wants to say it differently.

Now just before the day the local landlords have been invited lord Eodwine falls badly ill... high temperature, vomiting... whatever you wish. The people would try to cure him or at least ease his pain but nothing would work. And then they would decide that he should be sent to Edoras to get the best medical attention possible - and their eyes will follow the carts taking him to the city with heavy hearts knowing they might never see him again...

It could then be firstly Saeryn, Degas or Thornden who would try to settle things with the landlords that come to visit. And they would not be easy guys to settle things with as they will not at all like the idea of the crown coming to their "personal property" trying to tax them from all they they gather themselves from the neighbouring areas and from the backbones of the peasants...

That would be what we should write the next... in a few days that is.

(We will produce a narration to move us to the moment when the landlords arrive in a few days and will then either "play" the landlords ourselves or hire up some quest-writers to do some of them so we can move this forwards pretty soon.)

After whatever happens with the landlords - that's for you to write how it goes - then the new eorl and his entourage will arrive (maybe a week or two after Eodwine has left, gametime that is and probably jumped ahead in the game) with only the message that lord Eodwine has been taken to Minas Tirith, to the houses of healing, and everyone just hopes for the best even if the predicament is bad indeed. But there would be now the new eorl and he would take the things under his control untill further notice.

The idea sure is that all the people will assume lord Eodwine dead and gone - as he most likely will be. But we'd still leave a door open if elempi decides one day, a year or two from now, to wish to come back even if only to visit the place. So there would be no news about lord Eodwine after he's gone (and what the new eorl would have to tell when he comes in).

Originally Posted by Fea
Nog, you're writing a new Eorl with a new wife?
Yes. And Mnemo will write my wife - and Lommy our two trouble-maker sons...

We're still waiting for a few strong characters to join the entourage (like a housekeeper, right-hand man for the eorl, maybe some soldiers, others... like more children to shuffle that pack also etc.), hopefully being new writers to the Mead Hall as well...
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Old 10-07-2009, 07:17 PM   #1611
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AAAAHHH! There's so much going on! I can't keep up! But I am SO excited!!!!!!

I'll see if I can catch up tonight and get some of my opinions up. I've been wanting to write something for the past day or more, but haven't done it (obviously). Later, folks!

-- Folwren
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Old 10-07-2009, 07:46 PM   #1612
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I'm trying to figure out if it's plausible that Saeryn would stay if Eodwine was going. I'm thinking if she was pregnant and they worried that her traveling would be disruptive to it?

But wouldn't somebody tell Saeryn for sure whether Eodwine lived or died? While it's good to keep it ambiguous if LMP wants to come back at any point, it's not entirely plausible in terms of characters. Surely somebody would inform his pregnant wife that he was either alive or dead.

Honestly, I think the best way to deal with it is to just have him die. LMP is quite firmly gone, and intended to be gone ages ago. But if he does return and wants to play, I have the utmost faith in his creative ability to find a way to fit himself back into the action.

And if he dies, then Rowenna (I'm more or less planning on shortening her name to a fondly used 'Wenna') would have far more reason to return, no longer having to see him. The home she has been most comfortable in no longer contains the element which tore her up inside, you know? And without the competition between her and Saeryn, Rowenna could easily become almost a nursemaid for any impending children. Indeed, her loyalties might easily transfer from the man she wished to marry to the child-in-progress that he left behind. A sort of "If I couldn't have him to care for, I can at least make certain that that which he left behind thrives."

Of course she would be downright vitriolic, I'm thinking, to an interposer.

Sorry, Nog, love, but a new Eorl is just asking for trouble.

Saeryn, whether she wants it or not, will - if she's there - find herself at the center of a very disgruntled group of individuals who are outraged on her behalf.
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Old 10-07-2009, 08:25 PM   #1613
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post
Sorry, Nog, love, but a new Eorl is just asking for trouble.
Got corsets?
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Old 10-07-2009, 09:41 PM   #1614
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K, I'll see if I can get all my thoughts straight.

Nogrod, from what you said in your post listing all the character's you'd like to see played, you mentioned a new right-hand man for the new eorl. Does this mean that Thornden will be replaced? The new eorl is bringing in his own steward? I guess that's fine, especially if he comes from a large household or estate where there would be a steward. Just means more interesting reactions for my characters to have.

Originally Posted by Nogrod
Yes. And Mnemo will write my wife - and Lommy our two trouble-maker sons...
Oooh! More boys! This will be GREAT!

About Saeryn:

You're right, Fea. I feel that Saeryn would travel with Eodwine, pregnancy or no, unless some circumstance kept her from it. Well, I guess if she was nine months pregnant she wouldn't travel, that's true. Or.........she could be having a delicate pregnancy, so they decide that she shouldn't travel and then when she gets the news about Eodwine's death, she could go into early labor. But come to think of it, that sounds really ... cheesy? So I dunno.

I agree with Fea, by the way. I think Eodwine should not be kept alive indefinitely. If Elempi wishes to return, I really, really think he'd just as well like to create a new character than try to resurrect Eodwine.

Back to Saeryn:

Twins sound insanely fun, though I've heard the the gene skips a generation. So, according to Earth's scientific reasoning, Saeryn could not bear twins. But, according to Middle-earth - who knows?

Originally Posted by Fea
As far as an appropriate end to a beloved character, I think it would be more fitting for him to die in the pursuit of an exciting story than for a hesitant writer to try [and probably fail] to continue his existence. I've taken on other people's characters before, and I promise, they never entirely feel like yours. No matter how good you get at them, no matter how long you do it, there's always a nagging feeling that you're not doing it quite right, because you're not doing it the way the original writer would have done.
This is true. I was wondering, are you wanting Saeryn back? If you were to ask me, I'd say I don't really want to give her back, because I'm looking forward to this, but I'd give her to you willingly, because I'm like that.

But if you intend to just play Degas and Rowenna, that's awesome.

This idea is very intriquing about Degas fighting for Saeryn's rights as land-holder. I had not even thought of the implications of a new eorl and what that would mean to Saeryn or her children.

K....I think I've said all that I need to. If I've missed anything, I'll write again, sometime. I would like to see what manner of man the new Eorl is. Are you going to get up a Character Bio of him sometime?

Are we writing in detail about Eodwine's departure, or just skimming over it?

Are we still deciding whether he should die from an accident or a sickness? Falling off the roof just occurred to me. That sounds reasonable.

Is there any new part you would like me to play? I currently have three characters, all of them very different from each other, and may be willing to pick up a fourth, if it can also be different than the other three. We'll see.

I'm off.

-- Foley

P.S. I'm glad you're back, Fea.

I'm glad new players are coming in.
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Old 10-08-2009, 07:02 AM   #1615
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Originally Posted by Fea
But wouldn't somebody tell Saeryn for sure whether Eodwine lived or died? While it's good to keep it ambiguous if LMP wants to come back at any point, it's not entirely plausible in terms of characters. Surely somebody would inform his pregnant wife that he was either alive or dead.
I don't think this should prove to be a mjor problem... Let's say it takes a few days to get into Edoras, then they try to cure him for for a few days, then traveling to Rohan, a month or two in the houses of healing... Do you see where I'm getting at?

It would take at least two months before there could be anything to inform anyone about - and the message would have to come back as well, first to Edoras and then from there to the Mead Hall. So we would have at least three months (game time) ahead of us with no knowledge of his destiny.

Now we managed to write one particular day in the story for one year real-time!
(okay, we'll probably not be that slow anymore as there will be no huge games to be organised etc. but anyway we could sort out Eodwine's fate later - like the next year (RL) or something. And even if the message would then be that he died in Minas Tirith, you know how stories and rumours are... they might not be true...

By sending in a new eorl king Eomer surely has sent a strong message about how he feels about lord Eodwine's chances of making it... and we should take the attitude that he will die and dies.

Originally Posted by Fea
I'm trying to figure out if it's plausible that Saeryn would stay if Eodwine was going. I'm thinking if she was pregnant and they worried that her traveling would be disruptive to it?
What would you think about the following suggestion: If it's the morning (or the night before) the landlords come when Eodwine takes ill, then people would advice Saeryn to stay and take her place in receiving the quests while Eodwine is taken to Edoras. She could then ride after him the next day or something like that - and get her last moments with him in the city where the doctors decide he should be sent to Minas Tirith - a trip too much for a pregnant woman...?

Originally Posted by Fea
Sorry, Nog, love, but a new Eorl is just asking for trouble.
That was actually the original idea. Isn't it some drama we need?

Originally Posted by Foley
you mentioned a new right-hand man for the new eorl. Does this mean that Thornden will be replaced? The new eorl is bringing in his own steward? I guess that's fine, especially if he comes from a large household or estate where there would be a steward. Just means more interesting reactions for my characters to have.
Possibly even replaced, but at least challenged with his position... But as you say the intention is to open up new possibilities and tensions to make it more interesting to write.

Originally Posted by Foley
Oooh! More boys! This will be GREAT!
Well, these two played by Lommy will be 17 and 21 so a bit different kind of troublemakers... but I would love to see more kids to join the MH as well! Think of a spoiled kid of the new eorl getting along with Garmund, Cnebba, Leodthern and Javan...

Originally Posted by Foley
I would like to see what manner of man the new Eorl is. Are you going to get up a Character Bio of him sometime?
I think it would be fair that the writers of all the new characters would supply a bio for their characters.

But of the new eorl I could say at least the following right now. Firstly king Eomer wouldn't appoint just anybody to such a position so he will be a war-hero from the Pelennor fields, about the same age as lord Eodwine (a few years older actually). Also he comes from an aristocratic family, kind of old nobility... and as he knows his stature and place among any group of people he demands others to know their place likewise. So do not expect to see a person like Eodwine who would like to make personal friends with all his staff...

It will actually be quite a challenge to me to write him as he seems to be an almost polar opposite of me... But that's one of the reasons I'm really looking forwards into writing him. A challenge indeed.

Originally Posted by Foley
Is there any new part you would like me to play? I currently have three characters, all of them very different from each other, and may be willing to pick up a fourth, if it can also be different than the other three.
As you say, let's see. If we get a few more new writers we could go with that. I mean writing three characters is alrady quite a lot. But I'm in no way saying you shouldn't take a fourth one if you wish that yourself.
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Old 10-08-2009, 08:56 AM   #1616
Feanor of the Peredhil
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
Twins sound insanely fun, though I've heard the the gene skips a generation. So, according to Earth's scientific reasoning, Saeryn could not bear twins. But, according to Middle-earth - who knows?
Ooh, an invitation to google something biological? <3

Okay so having just run a quick and reputable search of twins, I've come to discover that identical twins seem to be more or less random, but that doesn't matter since Degas and Saeryn are fraternal (of course, being different sexes). As for fraternal twins, scientists are leaning toward the theory that it's caused by hyper-ovulation in women (the tendency to release multiple eggs during ovulation). Which is an inheritable trait. Thing is, since guys don't ovulate, they carry the gene but it doesn't do anything to them, but they can pass it on (so say a woman was a twin and had two boys, they probably won't have twins, so each of them has one daughter, but they passed on the recessive hyper-ovulation tendency and both girls have twins; it's not so much skipping generations as skipping genders). So guys with a family history of twins, excluding marrying a woman with a family history, aren't all that likely to have twins, whereas a woman who is a fraternal twin is substantially more likely to have inherited the trait.

Long story short, Saeryn can have twins if you want her to, Degas can't.

This is true. I was wondering, are you wanting Saeryn back? If you were to ask me, I'd say I don't really want to give her back, because I'm looking forward to this, but I'd give her to you willingly, because I'm like that.
Oh god no, she's yours. I have too much fun reading what she's doing from this side of the page. Just tell me if I'm tampering too much in your plans with my suggestions.

But if you intend to just play Degas and Rowenna, that's awesome.
Them, and maybe a couple others. I'm thinking about Degas putting in a call to the girlfriend's family to build up a thoroughly tactful and diplomatic show of power. Mostly I've just missed writing Lin's brothers and this is a wonderful excuse to bring back the loud and huge older brother and the cat-like ninja-ish younger of the two.
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Old 10-08-2009, 03:50 PM   #1617
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Hi Mnemo!

I just realised I have sent you two PM's... They're basically identical but the end is different as I added things on the latter one.

I mistakenly pressed something that took me out from the PM-writing mode but didn't realise it was the send-button... Well, now I can see it was that.

Sorry for flooding your account (it's actually full now...).
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Old 10-10-2009, 01:30 PM   #1618
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Nice to see the transitioning is going well and with much enthusiasm!

Looking forward to continuing my read of this enjoyable tale.

~*~ Pio
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 10-10-2009, 03:33 PM   #1619
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Wanna join us, Pio?
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Old 10-11-2009, 08:10 AM   #1620
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That would be awesome, if you joined us, Pio.

Originally Posted by Nogrod
Well, these two played by Lommy will be 17 and 21 so a bit different kind of troublemakers... but I would love to see more kids to join the MH as well! Think of a spoiled kid of the new eorl getting along with Garmund, Cnebba, Leodthern and Javan...
That was what I was thinking. Can it be arranged?

A 17 and 21 year old will be interesting enough, though, depending on how they're played and just what sort of characters they are... You mentioned 'troublemakers', though.

The new Eorl sounds interesting. He's not quite the 'normal' bad guy who is bad just for the sake of being bad. I'm looking forward to this. Fellows who are used to authority are tough to work with....and that means fun for us writers.

Fea, I see I was wrong. That is interesting. She could have twins. Hehehe.

Originally Posted by Fea
Oh no, she's yours. I have too much fun reading what she's doing from this side of the page. Just tell me if I'm tampering too much in your plans with my suggestions.
I'm glad you enjoy reading my stuff for Saeryn. You are not tampering too much in my plans at all. I like it when you comment on things that 'could' happen with Saeryn, because then it gives me both ideas and insights into Saeryn's character that I may not have thought of before.

Nogrod and Lommy, if we are skipping to the day Eodwine leaves and if it is before the new Eorl arrives with his extra, new characters, can we start writing that day now? We could all make a pact to make the day as short as possible and so get on to the new eorl as quick as possible.

Looking forward to start writing again!

-- Foley
A young man who wishes to remain a sound atheist cannot be too careful of his reading. - C.S. Lewis
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Old 10-11-2009, 11:30 AM   #1621
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Join, pio, join!

I'm rather sick at the moment, so I don't know how I'll manage stuff but you guys are making me enthusiastic with your enthusiasm. Maybe I'll even post my character bios today? I have a very clear idea of these two rascals in my head, and I'm afraid they won't be too gentle to the current staff, especially the womenfolk...

I promised Nog I'd spam some people with invitations but I haven't had the time/health to do it yet. I think I could do it now. Like, right now. *hurries off*
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Old 10-11-2009, 11:54 AM   #1622
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Originally Posted by Thinlómien View Post
I promised Nog I'd spam some people with invitations but I haven't had the time/health to do it yet.
Actually, that's not entirely true. Though, I was far from being spammed.

I wonder though, anyway, so what does one need to do to join here? I was briefly briefed on the situation from Lommy (I haven't been reading the thread itself much yet, though I got the basic picture... anyway, I certainly am not going to read through hundred of pages ) and I was thinking about taking a character of a simple soldier, if it can be so. Could be, like, a rather random person arriving with the new lord (I guess he would have some soldiers with him). So, would that be fine? And if so, then could somebody just tell me what I need to do (like, character form, what should it look like, and so on), and also if there is anything else I should know about?
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories
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Old 10-11-2009, 12:05 PM   #1623
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Haha. *smacks Legate gently with a mushroom*

Here's the abbreviated character description form for the Mead Hall. It's like a normal character description form, but it need not be so detailed (mainly for the conveniency of other writers, you can keep some stuff to yourself if you want to). We didn't use to have those here, but we started using them in roder to make it easier to use other people's characters in our posts.

I already told you it's perefectly fine you write a soldier. So, feel free to make that character descrption form for him. I don't think there's much else to do, except familiarising yourself with the general information in the beginning of this thread may come in handy.
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Old 10-11-2009, 12:51 PM   #1624
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Here are my new characters, the sons of the new eorl:


NAME: Wulfric

AGE/GENDER/RACE/WHERE FROM: 21, male, Eorling, originally from Edoras

APPEARANCE: Wulfric is of average height and muscular build, he has the grace of a young warrior. He has blue eyes and long straw blonde hair.

BITS OF CHARACTER/HISTORY YOU FEEL MIGHT BE HELPFUL IN DEFINING THE CHARACTER: Wulfric is rash and proud, and rather full of himself. He does his best to become a good leader, so he also has a bit of pompous nobility that his younger brother often makes fun of. Wulfric is used to gettting his own way and loses his temper easily when crossed. Wulfric enjoys boasting of having his way with women, but he's a bit of a romantic deep inside.


NAME: Wilheard

AGE/GENDER/RACE/WHERE FROM: 17, male, Eorling, originally from Edoras

APPEARANCE: Wilheard is a little taller and leaner than his elder brother, but otherwise much the same. There's a hint of gray in his blue eyes and his hair is pale blonde.

Wilheard is quiet and self-centered, and possibly even more stubborn than his elder brother. It's often difficult to tell what he's really thinking of, and he can be surprisingly foolhardy or cruel. He's quick-witted and likes to have fun, and has a knack for handling animals.

Both the brothers were raised by their father who treasured them and their mother who tended to be rather strict. They've always given their parents, their older sister Hedewig and the household a lot of trouble with coming up with all kinds of stuff. They are both trained warriors, although Wilheard's training is not officially done yet. Both brothers aim for a military career.


And as for the sister mentioned therem she's older than her brothers (23 or so), so she's married and lives elsewhere, so she won't come to the hall - unless she makes a surprise visit at some point or something, but the main point is that she's there just as a part of the family bography and you need not to know anything about her except maybe that she exists.


LINKED ~*~ Pio
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
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Double Fenris

Last edited by piosenniel; 05-21-2015 at 09:15 PM.
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Old 10-11-2009, 02:30 PM   #1625
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Hey, fascinating characters.
Stories and songs.
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Old 10-11-2009, 03:49 PM   #1626
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Here comes my character...

NAME: Hilderinc

AGE/GENDER/RACE/WHERE FROM: in his late thirties, male, Eorling

APPEARANCE: Quite tall, though probably not very tall for an Eorling, short light brown hair with occassional streaks of grey; dark brown eyes. He is quite lean, not overtly muscular, but strong. A serious injury during a campaign in Rhûn in 18 FA caused significant damage to his right arm, the would has healed outwardly, but the broken bones did not mend properly. He still occassionally suffers from the pain.

His slightly darker features might be the remains of some ancient Rohanian-Dunlending bonds (as especially in the borderlands such things have been common, as is evident from some tales), but it is not that he would be any strikingly different from other Rohirrim (he is far from looking like a half-Dunlending or anything like that). He is definitely an Eorling (he has still "typically Rohirric" features discerneable easily especially by an outsider), it just seems that the recessive genes have somehow lost the battle in his case.

BITS OF CHARACTER/HISTORY YOU FEEL MIGHT BE HELPFUL IN DEFINING THE CHARACTER: Hilderinc is a soldier, and has been one practically all his life. During the War, he took part in several battles, notably at Helm's Deep. Not really knowing any other trade, he spent fifteen years after the War serving different lords in Rohan, technically being a mercenary. His longest appointment so far came as he entered Athanar's service only a few months before the eorl was called to Scarburg. His addition to Athanar's household was backed by good references Hilderinc gave of himself, and his prowess and skill.

Those who know him have observed that he is a rather quiet type, which made him a bit of an odd one out in the eyes of some. Even after years of knowing each other, the relationship between Hilderinc and fellow soldiers has never grown into really close, warm friendships. However, Hilderinc gives the vibe of a trustworthy, experienced man, and this balances his detached side, so many might feel comfortable in his company, even if they wouldn't pick him as the first choice of a companion for a merry evening. He has a bit disdainful attitude towards young rash men, and he seems to prefer cold reason to emotions. His favourite pet peeve seem to be people who ''ride against the wind'', that is, who refuse to accept the way things are (according to Hilderinc) and are trying to struggle in some futile attempts.

From the onset, Hilderinc has been trying to facilitate cooperation between Athanar's soldiers and the original inhabitants of Scarburg; this being partially motivated by his abovementioned pet peeve. Many of the younger, more moldable soldiers such as Baldwic, Quin or Áforglaed got better accustomed to the locale and started counting themselves as Scarburgians also thanks to him. Hilderinc never made any distinction between ''us'' and ''them'', even though his disapproval of those who failed to do so might sometimes have strenghtened people's prejudices rather than helped. Lord Eodwine made good impression on Hilderinc the first time the soldier saw him, so he has always been cooperative towards Eodwine. This was probably also one reason why Athanar decided Hilderinc might be one of the men to leave with the restored eorl.


LINKED ~*~ Pio
"Should the story say 'he ate bread,' the dramatic producer can only show 'a piece of bread' according to his taste or fancy, but the hearer of the story will think of bread in general and picture it in some form of his own." -On Fairy-Stories

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Old 10-11-2009, 04:01 PM   #1627
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A quick question:

Will there be character descriptions forthcoming for:

1.) Degas
2.) Wilcred
3.) Raedwald

I'm just trying to update the Meadhall's Player/Character List


~*~ Pio
Eldest, that’s what I am . . . I knew the dark under the stars when it was fearless - before the Dark Lord came from Outside.
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Old 10-11-2009, 04:16 PM   #1628
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Great to see you Legate! A pleasure indeed.

And you Pio would be most welcome... We have a few very nice roles in store for anyone willing to grab them.

Mainly the right-hand man for the new eorl and a housekeeper (female)... or a spoiled little kid to mingle in with the kids of the Mead Hall.

All would be fun to write.

Originally Posted by Pio
Will there be character descriptions forthcoming for:

1.) Degas
2.) Wilcred
3.) Raedwald
I think there should be. Gwath and Eönwë, would you do them? Isn't there a bio for Degas already? I thought he has been around for quite a long time (or then I mix him up with someone else), but if there isn't, then Fea could you please write one?

Originally Posted by Foley
The new Eorl sounds interesting. He's not quite the 'normal' bad guy who is bad just for the sake of being bad. I'm looking forward to this. Fellows who are used to authority are tough to work with....and that means fun for us writers.
That was what I was thinking with him. Not a "baddie" in any way but not exactly the same lord Eodwine was, and maybe in some ways quite a problematic character...

Originally Posted by Foley
Nogrod and Lommy, if we are skipping to the day Eodwine leaves and if it is before the new Eorl arrives with his extra, new characters, can we start writing that day now? We could all make a pact to make the day as short as possible and so get on to the new eorl as quick as possible.
I was actually thinking of writing a short introduction to the "present" where lord Eodwine falls ill. After that you could all write any reactions to that as you wished and then either me, Lommy or a possible quest-writer would write the landlords in...

And after the landlords leave, the new eorl will be written in with his entourage (maybe jumping a few days forwards game-time).

How would that sound?
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Old 10-11-2009, 06:13 PM   #1629
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Degas made his first appearance at the White Horse Inn. I'm pretty sure he kicked down a door. He's been around since I was sixteen and didn't know how to pronounce the artist's name. It drives Nienna crazy that I have a character named "Day-gass."

Nevertheless, I'll seek out his character bio and update it as well as providing bios for various other characters I've had cameo in the past and plan to bring back in the future. Between the time lapsed and the new writers, it'll be helpful for everyone (me not least) to have a quick refresher on who they are, what they do, and what they're like.
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Old 10-11-2009, 07:05 PM   #1630
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The 'Downs was down for an hour or two here but I'm still awake and have now posted "the Interlude" into the actual thread.

Feel free to write and react to the last post where things going on through summer and early autumn are explained and lord Eodwine falls ill...

NB. You don't have to write the landlords in or care about the time-progression. Just write what your characters think about the situation I have left us (and feel free to have your character beside Eodwine's bed - or wherever they would hear the news as it is night in the post).

Let's go for it!
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But not yet weary are our feet...
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Old 10-11-2009, 07:10 PM   #1631
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Fea's Characters

Long, sorry, I know... I basically took the bios I'd written (or JennyHallu, whose character Lin was originally, or LMP who obviously had Wenna) already and tweaked them for current accuracy.

I will be writing Degas and Wenna regularly. I doubt Lin will show up at all, but since Degas will most likely be pining over her a bit, I wanted to make sure everyone knows who she is. Farahil and Adragil are Lin's very protective older brothers, nephews of Imrahil. While I'll probably leave Adragil at home in Gondor, I intend to bring Farahil to Scarburg.


NAME: Degas of the Folde

AGE: 19

RACE: Rohirric

GENDER: male

WEAPONS: A heavy sword with distinguishing marks that he wields effortlessly, yet rarely carries; it matches a thin dagger possessed by his twin sister. His own dull dagger serves less for cutting or stabbing than for random prying; he’s been looking to replace it, but only half-heartedly, as it was a gift from his sisters that he received when he was about ten. Keen enough with a bow, but prefers no weapons. Trained by commoner friends to hand-fight when he was about 14. His lean muscular frame is suited for quick hits that carry a lot of power.

APPEARANCE: About 5’11”, broad shoulders, dark red hair that’s long and tied into a horsetail at almost all times. Handsome with devilishly twinkling eyes. Has skin that’s darkened slightly after a childhood spent wincing over sunburns.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: A sweet and caring musician, he loves his twin sister Saeryn more than anybody else, and would not have returned from his prolonged stay as a singer and musician in Minas Tirith if it had not been for her continued residence in Rohan.

Upon his return, he met and fell in love with Linduial of Dol Amroth, the niece of Imrahil and cousin of Queen Lotherial of Rohan. Knowing that as a younger son with no money he could not hope to provide her with a life her family would agree to, he nevertheless rode to Linduial's family home in Southern Gondor to ask for her hand in marriage. He was, quite frankly, baffled that he was given the family's okay as long as Lin wanted to marry him.

While it is now assumed that Degas and Linduial (who lives for now with her cousin, the Queen, in Edoras) will wed, it will not happen soon since Fenrir was killed in a peasant uprising and Degas refuses to bring a new bride to the lands he has just inherited, possibly against the will of the people who live there. While he's glad that he can now provide his wife-to-be with lands and some wealth, he is more interested in providing stability and is overlooking her training in diplomacy, thinking chivalrously that he must keep her safe.

Degas has had to grow up very quickly, transforming all but overnight from a cocky flirt who adorned Aragorn's court as a musician and could often come across as abrasive, impulsive, and condescending into a forthright young man who must bring the mutinous peasantry of his family's lands back under his control.

As dowry for Saeryn, Degas swore an oath to Eodwine that they would be brothers, coming to the aid of one another, and that should Eodwine die, Degas would care for Saeryn and her children as Eodwine would. He did not take this oath lightly.

Degas's new responsibilities weigh heavily on him, as does impatience to be married. In being forced to wait ever longer to wed Linduial, as well as tending to the charred lands and buildings destroyed in the uprising, trading and begging with others to provide goods to keep his people alive over the winter, Degas has begun to truly prove himself as a man, showing leadership and strength that would not have been expected of him before he met Lin.

HISTORY: The younger son of a noble house of Rohan, Degas is the twin of Saeryn and brother of [deceased] Caelwyn and [also deceased] Fenrir. With parents of a liberal persuasion, Degas and his siblings were allowed to wander through the Folde, mingling with those of all stations, learning from the most distinguished guests of their parents as well as the roughest of wanderers, and playing. Taught both statecraft and how to deal with commoners on their own level, the children were fast able to act appropriately in all situations.

After their parents’ tragic death, Degas and his siblings were cared for by Fenrir, who was quite a bit older. Their freedom was remarkably lessened by Fenrir’s ambition and desire for noble propriety. The girls were kept within the walls of their home for the most part, though Degas was still allowed to adventure. With his twin sometimes disguised and in tow, he did so, consorting with all folks of the Folde and beyond, developing, as he went, many friendships and a strong love for music. He learned to play sad melodies of the forgotten South from traveling minstrels even as he learned quick fingered skylarking dance tunes from country men around bonfires at night.

At age 17, Degas left home and traveled south to Minas Tirith to learn more about music while claiming that his travel was to educate himself further upon the details of statecraft. Successfully fulfilling both his claim to the public and his promise to himself, he much enjoyed life as a visiting lord in a country full of lovely raven-haired maidens fascinated by a fiery northern redhead with an enchanting singing voice and love of adventure.

When he received word at 18 that his elder sister had died, he left Minas Tirith and traveled north, seeking his twin. Reaching home, he found her gone, their brother enraged. Discovering that she’d run away, Degas left in search of her, throwing Fenrir off of his trail, understanding that if Saeryn had ran away from home, she had been running away from their brother. Serendipitously finding her settled at The White Horse Inn in Edoras, he joined her, leaving now and again to tend to business elsewhere. After one such disappearance, he returned to find the Inn in the hands of the newly lorded Eodwine and in the midst of being converted to a fully fledged Mead Hall. Shortly thereafter, he met Lady Linduial of Dol Amroth.

Degas is now 19 and Saeryn is his only surviving family member. He and Linduial are to be wed once Degas brings the Folde back under the control of the realm.


NAME: Rowenna (Wenna)

AGE/GENDER/RACE/WHERE FROM: 20, female, Eorling, from the southeasternmost farmlands of the West Emnet.

APPEARANCE: - for starters...just not so exaggerated. More athletic than she appears.

BITS OF CHARACTER/HISTORY YOU FEEL MIGHT BE HELPFUL IN DEFINING THE CHARACTER: Serious, ambitious, thoughtful, secretive, an eavesdropper. Was abducted by brigands 2 years ago, her farm ransacked and her widowed father killed in cold blood. She had been the brigands' slave at first, was forced to kill her first two infants, as well as two other abducted women in order to survive the harsh life of the brigands. Not above causing trouble for another if it improves her own position. She has begun to plan how to achieve the role for herself of Eorl Eodwine's wife.


NAME: Linduial of Dol Amroth

AGE: 18

RACE: Human

GENDER: Female

APPEARANCE: Tall and slim, with dark hair and sea grey eyes. The female version of her uncle Prince Imrahil’s classic features.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Very intelligent and good-hearted, but somewhat spoiled. Occasionally impulsive. Trained to statecraft and diplomacy, her words are likely to prove her greatest asset.

HISTORY: Lin has grown up fully aware of her position as niece of Prince Imrahil, and the dangers and responsibilities that entailed. She always believed herself prepared for what life threw at her, thanks to her father’s trust and the careful training given her by her father’s steward, as well as a multitude of tutors. However, when her father began planning her a betrothal to a dull but well-connected young man, Lin managed to end the idea by suggesting a prolonged visit to her cousin in Rohan.

In Rohan, Lin found herself the guest of Eodwine in his newly constructed Mead Hall. She and Saeryn became fast friends and she found herself flirting with Saeryn's charismatic twin, however he was too young, she thought. Yet after he returned from an unexpected and rather long trip, Linduial found Degas to have changed, to have become both more grounded and more determined.

While she had been fond of him before, after his return from Gondor, Linduial began to seriously consider him as a husband. Upon learning that Degas had sought her father Farien's approval, Lin was shocked by Degas's daring, but still hesitant. As the niece of Imrahil, she could not bear to marry simply anyone. However upon the death of Fenrir and Degas's inheritance of his family's lands, villages, and wealth, Linduial found that the boy she had foolishly fallen in love with had transformed before her very eyes into a serious young man who would provide her with both love and a challenging life. If only they could actually make it to the point of marriage.


NAME: Farahil son of Farlen

AGE: 29

RACE: Gondorian; of Dol Amroth

GENDER: male

WEAPONS: Trained in the use of every weapon he comes across, Farahil is proficient in all, studying to perfect each before continuing to the next. He is an extremely formidable opponent on the battlefield and his reputation tends to precede him.

APPEARANCE: 6'1", muscular. Broad shouldered, but not imposing. Walks silently, with footfalls especially light for his large frame. Often seen with a small child on his shoulders when at home, whether a relative or one of the wee ones of the household. Straight black hair that falls past a strong jaw line. Usually combed into a horsetail like those of the Rohirrim of the north, though if a strong wind blowing across the deck of a ship happens to pull his hair from its tie, he will let the wind take it. Farahil presents a rather dashing image of a sailor. A quiet smile often adorns his lips, his dark grey eyes lighting softly. He is most comfortable in commoners' clothing and wears it when adventuring, though even a blind man could see blood of the noblest lines in his visage.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Though he is a younger son, Farahil has never begrudged his older brother the position of heir. He appreciates his ability to adventure with nearly unlimited funding, yet he owns the sort of disposition that might have been happier in another life without the obligations that come from carrying certain blood within his veins. Farahil is a sailor at heart, and a fighter, and though his self control is too strong for something like pacing, at heart? Farahil paces when he's stuck indoors.

He is uncomfortable at formal occasions. While he attends those events deemed important by his sisters, and dresses impeccably for them, Farahil is no more social than strictly necessary and eagerly awaits any opportunity to leave. If he happens to be away from home during such things, he is not in the least bit perturbed. He is most comfortable on a ship, sailing in the late afternoon sun while lazily glancing at the endless waters, pondering what new treat will most easily draw a smile from his younger sister, for he is very fond of Linduial. His discovery that she is a fair shot inspires his continued collecting of bright feathers for quiet evenings spent fletching while she chatters happily away; though she lives now in Rohan, Farahil still habitually collects feathers for a time when they might sit together again.

Though quieter and more reserved than his older brother, Farahil's very presence is reassuring and he is a favorite of all. Many people do not fully understand him, yet children are drawn to him and strangers find themselves telling him their life stories over a quiet drink. The men that sail under him are loyal beyond the understanding of most, confident in his ability and trusting in both his leadership and friendship. Though Farahil has noble bearing, he treats all as equals and is more comfortable laughing over bawdy jokes in sea-side taverns than politely discussing the state of the weather with visiting dignitaries over dinner. He has a knack for seeing people's strengths as well as their weaknesses and placing them in situations where they will flourish.

HISTORY: The younger son of Lord Farlen, Farahil spent his childhood as the youngest child in the family. With his brother, Adrigil, eight years his senior and his sister, Azranala, three years so, he often struggled to keep up, though if they had been matched in age, he certainly would have matched his siblings in strength and wit, respectively. As playmates of Imrahil's sons and daughter, the children often shared tutors and had adventures within the ancient walls of the castle when they were kept indoors.

Trained early in both statecraft and weaponry, Farahil immediately preferred the latter, studying diligently with the arms masters in hopes of perfecting each weapon. With his twelfth year came the birth of a baby sister, Linduial, and he was fascinated by her. While his older sister was lovely in her own hard-edged way and was certainly proper and could negotiate a horse from beneath his rider while convincing, whether the rider liked it or not, that it was for his own good, Linduial was tiny and porcelain. He was nervous holding her, afraid that she would break, but her bright eyes and happy gurgle instantly stole the very heart that the death of Farahil's mother had broken. From the day she was born, Farahil was protective of her, finding excuses to spend time with her, delighting in eliciting smiles from her. Teased by his peers for his constant thought of his baby sister, he began to keep more to himself, surprising Linduial as she grew with small treats and the like, while beginning to adventure further from home.

As Farahil entered his later teens, after the War of the Ring, his brother, already grown, began to take him on sailing adventures and Farahil developed a keen love of the sea, more even than he had had for the view from the castle walls of the glimmering blue. Whether working in the sweltering sun on the deck of a fishing ship or captaining a crew of traders or adventurers, Farahil was happiest on the water. As he got older, he became less tied to his home and began to enjoy the freedom of the sea more and more, yet he still thought of his little sister, strong as steel and fragile as silk. He brought her tokens after every adventure, sharing stories even as she told him of her latest exploits at home.

These days, Farahil avoids marriage, fearing to bind a woman to him in troth and still feel the call of the sea. When home, he plays with his nieces and nephews, spoiling them with gifts from distant lands, and he seeks out his little sister, now grown. Hearing of Lin's desire to travel, he wished to ride with her as a guard, but knew that it would defeat her purpose to escape the constraints of home for a time. She had spoken to him of her wish to escape the lad that Farlen had in mind for her, and Farahil knew that his beloved little sister would fade if forced to stay. Secretly he sought out his father and spoke with him, asking leave for Lin to go even before she asked it herself.

Though it was partly of his doing that Linduial was allowed to travel to Rohan to visit Lothiriel, he misses her terribly. He sees clearly that which surrounds him: his older siblings married with families, his baby sister having adventures of her own.

When Degas arrived to Farlen's home to ask for Linduial's hand in marriage, it was Farahil's influence that allowed for the family's blessing: he knew that Lin would never be happy in a traditional marriage, and that this young man with his fiery hair and his almost foolhardy honesty would be good for her both as a husband and friend.


NAME: Adrigil son of Farlen

AGE: 37

RACE: Gondorian; of Dol Amroth

GENDER: male

WEAPONS: A scimitar acquired from a sleazily ethic'd Umbarian trader, a razor-sharp black dagger from Khand, a potentially Elven bow and quiver given as a token of thanks from an otherwise nefarious pirate whose lady Adrigil saved from near drowning on the high seas.

APPEARANCE: 6'5", well-tanned, straight black hair currently shaved bald from a far southern ceremony involving details that he refuses to divulge. High cheekbones and grey eyes. Impressively muscled upper arms play host to intricately designed tribal tattoos, black ink tracing delicate knots across and around his biceps; his arms are inked from shoulder to elbow.

PERSONALITY/STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: Adventurous with a strong love of learning new things. Travels as frequently as his duties as father, husband, and heir allow, picking up new talents like wood carving, staff fighting, deep sea fishing and more. Speaks many languages fluently. Has friends scattered about Middle Earth with whom he communicates by long letters frequently. Has no qualms about using profanity, but only when women and children (and in this category, he does not count his sisters or cousins) are not present. Having the first voice one hears when they walk into a room, Adrigil is rather booming, a bit intimidating, and immediately likable as he holds no noble pretensions. Rather is it that he is fully aware of the power that comes with his name, as are all, to be honest, and so he feels no need to compensate for it. Very strong, he has to take care not to hurt anybody accidentally. Has a strong love of tournaments and other such events that allow him to show off. Learned to ride among the Rohirrim, learned to fight from locals of every place he's been, and is very much a cuddly teddy bear of a man when in the privacy of his home, no matter what his gruff demeanor elsewhere. Madly in love with his wife, Adrigil has settled a lot in the past seven years; ever since his first child was born.

HISTORY: Adrigil spent his childhood playing Pirates and King's Guard with his cousins on the high walls of Dol Amroth. With a special knack for discovering adventures where parents had hoped there to be none, Adrigil often found himself in the midst of a good story to tell later, when Mother wasn't around. His younger sister Azranala often took it upon herself to keep Adrigil behaving even as she continuously bossed young Farahil around. Farahil listened, sometimes, and Adrigil humored his motherly little sister until she left him alone more than a few seconds.

As soon as he could, Adrigil talked his mother and father into allowing him to travel at sea with their men. Spending his teenage years in and out of Dol Amroth learning to fight and to command with the captain of the fleet, Adrigil was self-sufficient early. He spent his time at home teasing Azranala, who retorted quite as quickly as she received her brother's taunts, and sharing travel stories with Lothiriel who he was always very fond of.

At 20, Adrigil was already experienced in the ways of the world and so when his mother died in childbirth, he was crushed, though not as heart broken as his 12-year-old brother. He humored the 15-year-old Azranala more now, seeing her attempts to fill the void, and he cossetted the new baby, Linduial, named for their dead mother, always more gentle with her than with any others.

He rode with Imrahil's forces to Minas Tirith during the War of the Ring, though he did not ride to the Black Gate. Instead he followed his uncle's very firm advice to stay and guard the city lest it otherwise fall. After the war, seeing the fatherless children weep and the husbandless wives carry on heartbroken with their lives, Adrigil resolved that no child should feel the loss of a parent and began to spoil the very young Linduial all the more, buying her pretty items that had no particular use, but that he knew his mother would have cherished and shared with the fussy little girl.

Through his 20s, Adrigil explored Middle Earth, taking Farahil along with him, finding true adventures and acquiring stories only half-believed by those left at home. Always an excellent fighter, he honed his skills with local secrets after gaining acceptance no matter what it took, no matter where he went. Though loud as well as tall and muscular, Adrigil's dark eyes and burnt golden skin were welcoming more than alarming and he was well-liked.

Marrying a pretty young woman when he was nearly 30, Adrigil began to slowly settle, giving up his life on the road (or at sea) to enjoy the quiet family life that he noticed many men enjoying. It lasted about a year before he went nearly stir-crazy and his wife told him to go off on an adventure or she would. Kissing her passionately goodbye, he sailed the coast of Middle Earth for several months, dealing with pirates where they were causing trouble, helping rebuild where storms had caused damage, and generally being helpful to the coastal cities and merchant sailors. Returning home, he discovered that his wife was right in telling him to go; he could never be content without a struggle. Loving her all the more, he settled into an almost structured life of stay at home and be a good husband and heir during the winter and go out and be a good man of Gondor, saving people during the summer.

At 30, Adrigil's first child was born; a son. In the following years, his wife bore him two daughters and another son, all black haired and all cheerful, the girls slender and pretty as their still young aunt Linduial, the boys much like Adrigil's father, wise and doting and strong.

As years passed, Adrigil continued to adventure and to stay at home in intervals, coming home with lavish gifts and wonderful stories, loathe to leave for long stretches of time where he was content to do little but play with his children, dote upon his wife, and spend time with the residents of his home.


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Last edited by piosenniel; 10-12-2009 at 08:01 PM.
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Old 10-11-2009, 07:21 PM   #1632
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post
Long, sorry, I know... I basically took the bios I'd written (or JennyHallu, whose character Lin was originally, or LMP who obviously had Wenna) already and tweaked them for current accuracy.

I will be writing Degas and Wenna regularly. I doubt Lin will show up at all, but since Degas will most likely be pining over her a bit, I wanted to make sure everyone knows who she is. Farahil and Adragil are Lin's very protective older brothers, nephews of Imrahil. While I'll probably leave Adragil at home in Gondor, I intend to bring Farahil to Scarburg.
Just keep us up to date who will be around and who will not - and when...

But it was nice to see these old characters I just had a faint remeberance of... well some of them...

Linduial would be a nice "meddling-in" character indeed! But let's not be hasty...

Oh, and the bio of Athanar (son of Herewald) eg. the coming eorl will be here tomorrow. And I think the bio of his wife Wynflæd will be here soon as well.

Meanwhile let's keep up with this and write on the actual thread as well now as lord Eodwine has finally taken badly ill indeed.
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Old 10-11-2009, 07:34 PM   #1633
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
But it was nice to see these old characters I just had a faint remeberance of... well some of them...
I know, right? I mean, most of this stuff was started several years ago and I haven't thought about it since. When I went looking for the Farahil and Adragil bios, I remembered that the reason Degas really went to Gondor wasn't specifically to ask to marry Lin but was to explain to her family that she'd been kidnapped, that it was kind of his fault because he was supposed to be watching her, and that oh, ps, he wanted to marry her once they got her back from the kidnapper.

It was like, oh yeah. She was kidnapped. Heh. Oops.

Basically just think of me as writing Degas and Rowenna.

Though I plan on bringing in Farahil, it won't be for quite some time because, well, it takes time for letters or messengers to travel.
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Old 10-11-2009, 07:45 PM   #1634
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil View Post
it won't be for quite some time because, well, it takes time for letters or messengers to travel.
Which indeed is a blessing... The situation with lord Eodwine can be kind of sidetracked for now just because of the slow pace of the news and travelling in general in that world...

Not that I would change this internet-age of ours to the old world where a letter from the US. would travel at least two months to Finland... but anyway.

An RPG game might be interesting via regular mail though... One might try that just to be old-fashioned and ultra avantgarde at the same time!
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Old 10-11-2009, 08:03 PM   #1635
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Originally Posted by Nogrod View Post
An RPG game might be interesting via regular mail though... One might try that just to be old-fashioned and ultra avantgarde at the same time!
It would take like ten years. But it would also be bizarrely awesome, especially if it was hand written.
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Old 10-11-2009, 08:50 PM   #1636
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Good post, Nogrod! I aim to get up early tomorrow and write something before the day here at home officially begins. Wish me luck...I tend to sleep in.

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Old 10-12-2009, 04:34 AM   #1637
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Gwath - thanks

Legate - looks good (and full of secrets)

Fea - wow sweet nostalgy

Nog - good post

Mnemo - good bio, sorry to say it here instead of PMing you but I'm lazy and my PM inbox is getting full...
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Old 10-12-2009, 07:17 AM   #1638
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There, I have posted, as I promised. I could think of no realistic way to keep Saeryn there. Please, please, anyone tell me if Thornden appears to be a coward. I can not bear to think of him as such.

Fea, let me know if Saeryn is alright or if her answer was too abrupt.
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Old 10-12-2009, 12:12 PM   #1639
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Subject to change without notice... (okay, that's not true)

NAME: Wynflæd

AGE/GENDER/RACE/WHERE FROM: 42, female, Eorling, from Edoras (her family goes back a long way)

APPEARANCE: Rather tall and slender, although some of that could be simply the way she carries herself. Blonde hair that is just starting to grey; grey eyes that have not lost any sharpness over the years. Always comports herself well and moves deliberately; she will only turn her head to look at you if she feels you are worthy of her notice.


Wynflæd has been married to Athanar for the past twenty-three years. Their daughter, Hædewig, was born shortly after their marriage; she also bore him two sons that survived into adulthood. Coming from one of the prominent families of Edoras, Wynflæd has conducted herself in a manner fitting a daughter of the Eorlingas nearly flawlessly for all her life. During the War, this consisted of maintaining a strong appearance for her young children and her household while her husband was facing death. As such, she is proud of her husband’s service and her own forbearance, and has never forgotten the necessity of setting a good example of virtuous wifehood and ladyhood for all.

Her husband suits her in both nobility and temperament, but sometimes she despairs of her sons’ ever reaching the exacting standards of virtue that befits their status.


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Old 10-12-2009, 04:39 PM   #1640
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Originally Posted by Folwren View Post
Please, please, anyone tell me if Thornden appears to be a coward. I can not bear to think of him as such.
Not at all! And if he manages to make Saeryn stay it's even better. I think it was a good argument he made - and what Saeryn said... so to me it looks like she stays. And that's good.

Also nice to see you Groin writing Lithor!

Anyone wishing to post as reaction to these posts feel free to do it. Me or Lommy will make a post in the day after tomorrow writing the landlords in... so you have like two days to write any reactions to the scene or writing it forwards in a way you wish.

Thanks Foley for solving our problem (we were wondering who would accompany lord Eodwine to Edoras as some of the more esteemed persons would have to take charge of it - not just a bunch of un-named soldiers). So Balvir and Lithor it will be. A good choice indeed!

Feel free to make a post on Lithor and Balvir accompanying lord Eodwine to Edoras in a few days Groin... just give it a title like "the escort to Edoras" or whatever you think fits.

And Foley, remember you can choose to write Saeryn to follow lord Eodwine to Edoras as soon as the landlords have left the day after the visit! (we could give you time to write it before we actually start bringing the new characters in).

Just give us the last post between Saeryn and Eodwine in Edoras before Eodwine is taken to Minas Tirith!

Well Eodwine probably is in such a bad shape he could not talk a lot, if at all (your choice) but you should think about it. It would be a good way to end what is written of Eodwine here if it was by his wife (and especially you with lmp's character you have written together such a long time) and her last moments with him.

The caravan is moving forwards anyway!
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