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Old 07-11-2005, 07:54 AM   #1
Feanor of the Peredhil
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Werewolf VI (the saga continues in a rather continuous way)

Welcome to Werewolf VI! This game will be played by the rules formerly set down by TGWBS in Werewolf IV.

Each DAY the villagers will choose one of thier own to be lynched. Multiple lynchings are allowed, but are frowned upon. Should a tie occur, the subsequent deaths will be boringly narrated in retribution. I will be frowning as I write them. Sherriffs PM during the DAY.

Each NIGHT the wolves will PM each other. Once a victim is chosen, they will PM the mod. The Hunter will PM the mod to choose a target, should he or she die. The Seer will dream a dream. On NIGHT 2, a new role will be assigned to the Mythomaniac.

The game ends when:

1) the villagers successfully lynch all of the werewolves. They will then have a large (or small, depending on how quickly it happens) celebration.

2) the werewolves slim down the numbers until the wolf:villager ratio is equal. They will then rise up and destroy the remaining villagers and cackle loudly as they dance upon the gory scene.

All DAYS and NIGHTS will begin at 9:30 AM with the exception of weekends when they will begin at 12:00 PM. This game will be run on EDT which is GMT -5. Daylight Savings Time does not have any effect on this game, so don't stress yourself out over it. To simplify life, look at the time of the moderator's posts and add 24 hours to it. The exception to this rule is on the weekend where Friday NIGHT will be 26 1/2 hours, Saturday's DAY will be 24 hours, and Sunday's NIGHT will be 21 1/2 hours. Don't over-think this. The moderator will post if and when you need to be reminded. I promise it all evens out.

Please remain invisible during all portions of this game.

Our cast of characters includes:

The Villagers: These players will be active during the DAY only. Their role is to try and figure out who the wolves are by logic and luck alone. We have three villagers.

The Hunter: Each NIGHT, the Hunter PMs the mod to indicate who dies along side, should the HUnter be slain. Should the Hunter be lynched during the DAY, there may be a slight delay in the posting of the death due to the mod needing to hear from the Hunter. It is advised that if death looks probable, the Hunter should send a "just in case" message. There is one Hunter.

The Ranger: each NIGHT, the Ranger PMs the mod to indicate which player he or she wishes to protect. The Hunter may not guard the same person two NIGHTS running. If the Ranger protects the player that has been chosen by the Hunter and the Hunter dies, the Hunter gets the kill and the Ranger is out of luck. There is one Ranger.

The Seer: each NIGHT, the Seer PMs the mod to indicate who he or she would like to dream about. The role of that villager is then revealed to the Seer. There is one Seer.

The Sherriffs: these two villagers are aware of each other's innocence due to long time comradery. They may PM during the DAY only, sharing thoughts and plans. Upon the demise of one Sherriff, a final letter will be sent to the mod to be forwarded to the other Sherriff. There are two Sherriffs.

The Mythomaniac: This villager has the special ability to change form. On NIGHT 2, he or she will PM the mod with the name of another villager. He or she will then take on the role of that player. Should the Mytho choose a wolf or a sherriff, he or she will be introduced to his or her team-mates. If any other role is chosen, the same rules and regulations apply as to the original role. The village will be informed of the new role, although not of the identity of the Mytho. There is one Mytho.

The Wolves: These callous and sneaky individuals are allowed to PM between themselves at NIGHT only. Each NIGHT they choose a target and send the name to the mod. They are encouraged to snicker as they watch the villagers mistakenly kill each other one by one. There are three wolves.

Our list of players is:


Last edited by Feanor of the Peredhil; 07-12-2005 at 08:19 AM.
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Old 07-12-2005, 07:30 AM   #2
Feanor of the Peredhil
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The sun rose much as it had ever since it was first ordained to by the all-mighty mod. Today's dawn was no different than any other. Every morning in this quiet little village with no apparent name or location, the villagers woke up to a dead body. Sometimes a villager would accidentally remove a body part that should really stay attached and the poor brainless corpse would be found near a hatchet in the early hours. Sometimes an alien ship would appear mysteriously from the clouds and take a poor young girl away with them, to live the adventurous life in far off galaxy. Sometimes the aliens just killed her. Occasionally the daily death was so awful that it was immediately labelled S.E.P. and duly ignored.

This day, the body of Feanor of the Peredhil was discovered. Well... not so much her body was discovered as portions of it were found laid out in a most curious fashion in the park. Interestingly enough, it was only identifiable as the lovely lass by the large number of devoted admirers surrounding was was left of her and dolefully singing songs to bemoan her fate in a somewhat melodramatic and mostly off-key fashion.

As the villagers made their way to the village park to clean up today's gory mess, they were immediately made aware that this was most definately not somebody else's problem. In a highly imporbable fashion, Feanor of the Peredhil had arranged her own brutally torn off strips of flesh to spell three words.

With a gasp, one of the more considerate villagers read her final message aloud: "We've got wolves."

"Well I knew that!" one villager cried, receiving a number of very suspicious glances in return. "They's a'been a'killin' my sheep!"

"I think," a young girl whispered frightenedly, "that she meant werewolves."

"Oh." With that, quite the astounding number of obscenities could be heard throughout the village as the people rushed off to their homes to prepare themselves for the coming troubles. Almost immediately, they had returned to the park, and ignoring the physical evidence of the last words of Fea, they began their debates.


DAY has begun. It will end 24 hours from now. Werewolves stop PMing, Sherriffs start.

Votes are irretractable and should be posted on a seperate line like this:


Every player should by now be invisible. Good luck, and enjoy killing each other. I hope several of you die so that I can use the deaths I've cooked up for you.

Mod's Note: After having been corrected about times, and then recorrected, the mod has stopped caring. If you want to figure out time, add 24 hours to my post, and that's when each segment ends. Sherriffs are spelled the way I spell them due to artistic license. Supreme rule: Fea is always right. Should this rule be questioned, an early death will ensue.
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Old 07-12-2005, 07:38 AM   #3
Eomer of the Rohirrim
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Eek! That's a lot of blood! Always liked that lass; fair as a springtime rainbow she was. She will be remembered in song. As for any other clues she might have left behind, I'm quite prepared to ignore them. Can't stand gore. Send for the cleaners!

I'll tell you what though. I'll just suppose that our werewolves are actually ordinary villagers by day, rather than living in a nearby forest, or anything like that. The wolves walk among us. So, whom do we kill?

I would like to immediately propose that we do not kill me.
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Old 07-12-2005, 07:55 AM   #4
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Poor, poor Feanor, why couldn't she have been abducted by aliens to live an adventurous life in far away galaxy?

Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
"I think," a young girl whispered frightenedly, "that she meant werewolves."[/i]
Now how would this young one know that? I suppose no one is going to fess up to saying this. But I guess we will have to go on this information being correct to rid us of these foul beasts.
Holby is an actual flesh-and-blood person, right? Not, say a sock-puppet of Nilp’s, by any chance? ~Nerwen, WWCIII
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Old 07-12-2005, 07:59 AM   #5
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Alas for Feanor, she will be missed. I concur with Eomer; we've better get the cleaners in immediately. Rats will breed as if there's no tomorrow with this much chow around, I tell ya.

Now onto a more serious note; we must devise a system of analysis based on logical deductions to catch the trio of foul lycans. This would involve reading every post carefully and looking for loopholes or oddities in them. As before voting patterns and times of voting are crucial.

This can work if we are all united.
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Old 07-12-2005, 07:59 AM   #6
the guy who be short
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TGWBS proposes a plan

Poor Fea. Anywho, I have a plan to avenge her.

The Seer should come out and openly declare themself. They can tell us who they dreamt of, whether innocent or guilty. At Night, the Ranger should protect them. The Shirriffs - er, Sherriffs - should also declare themselves.

Right now, we stand a chance of killing the Seer. That chance is 1 in 12. Tonight, if that doesn't happen, the wolves have a 1 in 8 chance. Next night, they have a 1 in 6 chance, but unless the Seer is extremely subtle (and therefore of little use) they will probably guess who it is by then.

With the plan above, the Seer has no chance of dying until the Ranger is dead.

The Ranger must remain anonymous; the plan revolves around them. If the villagers are about to lynch the Ranger, the Ranger should declare themselves openly. Remaining villagers should then deflect their votes elsewhere. The Ranger will be killed that Night, the Seer the next, but doing this gives the Seer one more Night to Dream.

Now, if the Seer and both Shirriffs openly declare themselves, we have three known innocents. This is enough to rival the wolves. What this means, effectively, is that the pool in which the wolves can hide is smaller - 3 in 9 rather than 3 in 12.

Each Night, the Wolves have to decide - do they kill a known innocent or try to go after the Ranger? By leaving known innocents alive, they are concentrating themselves and helping the villagers. But by killing known innocents, they cannot kill the Ranger (and then the Seer) making them more vulnerable! They will be faced with a very difficult scenario.

Each morning, the Seer should declare who they dreamt of and their status. If they dreamt of an innocent, this adds to the ranks of known innocents, concentratingthe wolves. If they dreamt of a wolf, wonderful, we all kill it.

If the Seer dreams of the Hunter, they should merely say they are innocent. This means the wolves might kill the Hunter, thus (probably) damaging their side.

If the Seer dreams of a Ranger, I don't know what they should do yet, but it's best not name them. Do let us know that the Ranger has been dreamt of though - this means the Ranger knows the Seer will try to avoid them being lynched, so they might not need to come into the open.

Mytho, I'd ask you to become a Seer. You would only operate for one Night before dying, but at least that dream can be shared.

That's it. We can debate the plan, but I assure you it is flawless. In the worst case scenario, the Seer will die two Nights from now, having shared two dreams. In the best, we use it to win.

As I've said, we can debate it, but the plan rests in the hands of the Seer. If they like it, they will declare themselves and the plan must be followed. If no Seer emerges, it cannot be put into action. For all our sakes, I hope the Seer does declare themself.

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Old 07-12-2005, 08:02 AM   #7
Feanor of the Peredhil
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I knew I forgot something

Moderator's Note: Many narrations were prepared, outlined, or even entirely written before roles were assigned. There are no Freudian Slips, there is no hidden evidence. Don't think it necessary to kill anyone because I liked the atmosphere added by having a scared little girl. I could just as easily have had a macho wood-cutter or miserable old grandmother instead.

EDIT: Second Mod Note: Some rules have been going for so long that the moderator took them for granted and [insert synonym for "forgot" that doesn't sound as much like "She screwed up"] to post them. The Hunter may not guard the same person two nights in a row.

If players have any questions, they should immediately read the mod's mind, figure out the answer, and go from there. Should they misread, their telepathic abilities will be temporarily suspended. Under no circumstances should the roles of other players be the subject of the telepathic exercise.

Learning to love that EDIT button: Every player has received his or her role and is informed of his or her place in the game. As periods are a full 24 hours, there should be no excuse not to be here.

Last edited by Feanor of the Peredhil; 07-12-2005 at 09:55 AM.
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Old 07-12-2005, 08:13 AM   #8
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TGWBS - Your plan sounds really good. However, I don't think that the Ranger can protect the same person two nights in a row.

Also - if the Seer dreams of the Ranger, I would say that the Seer should just say that said person is innocent... though I suppose that might make them a target for wolves. Hm...
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Old 07-12-2005, 08:17 AM   #9
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TGWBS - Your plan sounds really good. However, I don't think that the Ranger can protect the same person two nights in a row.
It doesn't say that in the rules, though if the Great Deceased Mod in the Sky declares it so, the plan will have to be shelved.

Also - if the Seer dreams of the Ranger, I would say that the Seer should just say that said person is innocent... though I suppose that might make them a target for wolves. Hm...
True, it's much better to keep it anonymous. The wolves may decide to kill known innocents.
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Old 07-12-2005, 08:19 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Firefoot
TGWBS - Your plan sounds really good. However, I don't think that the Ranger can protect the same person two nights in a row.
What a dissenter! Kill her! Lynch Her! How dare she!

No seriously I agree. I thought that has been a rule for a long while now.

Problem #2. It goes on us accepting the seer's word for it now doesn't it. How can I, or the ranger for that matter, be certain that so and so is the seer? What if two people say they are the seer. One wolf one seer. We have a 1 in 2 chance of killing the right person. If we loose the seer the first day we are nearly sunk.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 07-12-2005, 08:26 AM   #11
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I was going by the assumption that nobody would voice that in the hope that the wolves wouldn't realise, morm.

However, if two people pretend to be the Seer, it's best not to lynch either. Instead, we deduce who the wolf is. In fact, the wolves should have a hard time pretending to be a Seer - if they lie about somebody's guilt, and that person is lynched, the wolf will be found. As soon as a false Seer starts lying, that's game over for them.

EDIT: Plan suspended. *wistful look*

Last edited by the guy who be short; 07-12-2005 at 08:35 AM.
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Old 07-12-2005, 08:57 AM   #12
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I have a plan. By using a rather scientific method (a co-worker choosing a number 1 to 12) and matching that number on the list provided above I vote we go for somebody at random today. He choose number 10, which would corespond to Oromin. It is of course a shot in the dark and this way seems as easy as any.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 07-12-2005, 09:06 AM   #13
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The fatal flaw with your plan being that you could be a wolf, of course.

Well, I would like to hear from the following:

My wonderful abacus tells me they are the wolves, along with you mormy. In any case, this whole day is a shot in the dark, so unless one of us says something idiotic, it will have to be a more or less random exercise.

Morm: What would you have done if this co-worker had said "8" (you)? Just wondering.
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Old 07-12-2005, 09:26 AM   #14
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That's a shame about your plan TGWBS. As I was reading it through I realised that it really would have given us a very strong chance of beating the wolves. But the almighty rules reign supreme .

Anyhoo so we have to either find a new plan or rely on good old-fashioned shots in the dark which are rarely successful. I don't think we should immediately start demanding to hear declarations of innocence from people though, for one thing they could sound exactly the same whether they came from a real innocent or a wolf! I suggest waiting until everyone has turned up and made at least one post and then start to form suspicions, rather than relying on abacuses (abaci?) or 'scientific' methods. We do have 24 hours which should give those in different time zones or those with less time on their hands to get here and post.
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Old 07-12-2005, 09:39 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Don't think it necessary to kill anyone because I liked the atmosphere added by having a scared little girl.
I wasn't, just adding atmosphere myself since that's all that can be done in the beginning.

*sigh* That was a very good plan, TGWBS, sorry it can't be done. Oh no! Not the dreaded abicus!!

EDIT: One thing we can do this first day is to make sure everyone who is originally supposed to be here are with no substitutions or reincarnations!
Holby is an actual flesh-and-blood person, right? Not, say a sock-puppet of Nilp’s, by any chance? ~Nerwen, WWCIII
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Old 07-12-2005, 09:50 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by the guy who be short
The fatal flaw with your plan being that you could be a wolf, of course.

Morm: What would you have done if this co-worker had said "8" (you)? Just wondering.
First I told my coworker to exclude 8.

Although I would like some explaining from you TGWBS. It's about a sinister possibility regarding your plan. I would have thought you could see the one major hold up in your plan better than anybody. That is of course the Ranger's inability to protect somebody consecutively. It seems to me the perfect ploy to have the seer identify themselves to the wolves and die on the second night thus minimizing the damage the seer can inflict to the wolves. Your main hope was that nobody remembered that and because it wasn't expressly spelled out you thought you could convince us otherwise.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 07-12-2005, 09:54 AM   #17
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the bum walks up

spits Too bad about the lass. She'd a been a good plow. frowns Now don't get yer snoots all up in a huff. She'd a turned me down anyways. spits Yeah, I know I stink, you all has told me afore. Tough snot. An' as fer thet plan of guy, it was fart in the head, plain an' simple.

Now I know you alls thinks I'm about as suspicious as the next lout, an' you'll probly have me lynched by the end o' the day anyhow, but I'll speak my piece whether ya likes it or not. spits Oh, an' there ain't no way I'm writin' those five stoopid letter to refer to guy. Never liked it. 's as good as tryin' ta swear with a clothespin on yer tongue. turns around, unbuttons his britches and takes leak, then buttons 'em up and turns back around. Frowns

Now don' go lookin' at me like that. I paid my respects ta decency by turnin' around. Ya didn't have ta stare. Anyways, you oughta use my plan. Here it is. I know you'll think it sucks like a blanged catfish moored ta the bottom o' the stream, but here goes.

Seer, whoever you is, you keep yer trap shut about who you is. Don't let nobody know who you is until you has at least one werewolf found out. Better yet, two werewolves. scratches armpit Yeah, I know ya might get unlucky an' stiggered by some werewolf, but it's our best shot. So stay shut up, whoever you is.

An' you villagers what ain't got no gift, put yerself forward ta be lynched. That keeps the gifted free. Yeah, I know there's been wind of this hyere plan here an' there an' it's been argued into the dirt, but it's a good one and I bet it works. scratches crotch and spits 'An if anyone o' yous thinks ta ask me why I don' put myself forward, take a bleedin' guess. Farts for brains. spits and waits, scratching self liberally to the common disgust of all
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Old 07-12-2005, 10:17 AM   #18
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LMP my greatest complaint about your plan is it completely destroys the possibility of bagging a wolf tonight. I know all about the odds and we have a chance of killing our seer and ranger, however with such a small village we have a 25% chance of killing a wolf. Now I know that a bum might not understand this but I think there is more to meets the eye under those tattered garments of yours. Take that how you will.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 07-12-2005, 10:59 AM   #19
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I know two innocents. I'll share more information once I'm finished tuning my lute.
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Old 07-12-2005, 11:12 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Morm
LMP my greatest complaint about your plan is it completely destroys the possibility of bagging a wolf tonight. I know all about the odds and we have a chance of killing our seer and ranger, however with such a small village we have a 25% chance of killing a wolf. Now I know that a bum might not understand this but I think there is more to meets the eye under those tattered garments of yours. Take that how you will.
False. Theoretically, if we picked somebody at random, we would have a 25% chance of killing a wolf. With lycanthropic influence factored in, the chance is realistically much lower. In any case, we have a Seer, a Ranger, a Hunter and two Shirriffs, all of whom are important to the village. That gives us a (theoretical, if done at random) 42% chance of killing a Gifted villager. With wolvish influence factored in, this is again higher.

On the other hand, we cannot gauge reaction and votes. I shall have to think about the plan.

I too think there is more to LMP than meets the eye.

Originally Posted by 'Mer
I know two innocents. I'll share more information once I'm finished tuning my lute.
Pray do share, though I presume one is yourself.

Originally Posted by Morm
Although I would like some explaining from you TGWBS. It's about a sinister possibility regarding your plan. I would have thought you could see the one major hold up in your plan better than anybody. That is of course the Ranger's inability to protect somebody consecutively. It seems to me the perfect ploy to have the seer identify themselves to the wolves and die on the second night thus minimizing the damage the seer can inflict to the wolves. Your main hope was that nobody remembered that and because it wasn't expressly spelled out you thought you could convince us otherwise.
1) It was a genuine mistake. I didn't notice.
2) If I was a wolf, and I knew that, the proposal would be suicide. I'm not that stupid.

I hope you are adequately answered.
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Old 07-12-2005, 11:16 AM   #21
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I'd share but I'd like to hear from the wolves first.

Plenty of time left. This is going along nicely so far.
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Old 07-12-2005, 11:35 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by the guy who be short
False. Theoretically, if we picked somebody at random, we would have a 25% chance of killing a wolf. With lycanthropic influence factored in, the chance is realistically much lower. In any case, we have a Seer, a Ranger, a Hunter and two Shirriffs, all of whom are important to the village. That gives us a (theoretical, if done at random) 42% chance of killing a Gifted villager. With wolvish influence factored in, this is again higher.

On the other hand, we cannot gauge reaction and votes. I shall have to think about the plan.
That's why I say do a completely random approach. While I consider the hunter and shirriffs to be important they are not nearly as important as the ranger who also is not as important as the seer. So I'm not for loosing any of them (any innocents for that matter) but it's not the end of the world.

Let's just think carefully:

We have:

12 villagers
3 wolves
1 seer
1 ranger
1 hunter
2 shirriffs
1 mythomaniac

That's 9 of 12 that can't step forward and die. One innocent is killed the first day we only have 2 left. Best case for the village during the night would be that they kill one of the other two. Next day the last remaining villager steps forward to be lyched we have nobody left except gifted villagers or wolves (assuming that the mytho becomes gifted) Now the wolves can one by one pick off the gifted. And what have we accomplished? Well hoping that the seer dreams correctly we can find a wolf or two by their dreams but chances are they won't dream of a wolf. Two days have been wasted that otherwise could have been used to analyze wolf behavior by having innocents step forward to be sacrificed.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 07-12-2005, 11:41 AM   #23
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That's why I say do a completely random approach.
But how do we know you can be trusted to choose somebody completely at random? A wolf could "randomly" choose an innocent. In any case, the chance of killing a Gifted Villie is double that of killing a wolf done randomly.

I would advocate the tried and tested method of evaluating people's moves, but I still need to devote some time to scrutinising LMP's plan. I guess the shortage of innocent villagers is a major shortcoming.
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Old 07-12-2005, 11:44 AM   #24
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TGWBS I am now either convinced that you are innocent or are in league with Oromin. I'm inclined to believe in you innocence.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
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Old 07-12-2005, 11:50 AM   #25
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TGWBS I am now either convinced that you are innocent or are in league with Oromin. I'm inclined to believe in you innocence.
Huh? Morm, where do you get this? Oro has not posted, and TGWBS has not even mentioned her - and she is one of several people he has not mentioned.
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Old 07-12-2005, 11:52 AM   #26
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Morm, the thing about doing a completely random approach is that you have as good a chance of lynching a complete innocent as a wolf, and an eve better chance of lynching someone you would really want to keep around. Unless you're a wolf and don't want them around. Hmmm...
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Old 07-12-2005, 11:53 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Firefoot
Huh? Morm, where do you get this? Oro has not posted, and TGWBS has not even mentioned her - and she is one of several people he has not mentioned.
I gauged his reaction to my proposal and found him likely to be innocent.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 07-12-2005, 11:54 AM   #28
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Firefoot - Morm wanted to "randomly" lynch Oro. I'm opposed to this plan of "random" lynching.

Edit: Morm, if your plan was simply to gauge reaction, why didn't you continue and gauge more people's reactions? Why stop at one person!?
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Old 07-12-2005, 12:01 PM   #29
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Okay, I get it now.
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Old 07-12-2005, 12:04 PM   #30
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hunter and shirriffs to be important they are not nearly as important as the ranger
Now wait a minute morm could we have an explanation for this please? The hunter is very important, when they die they can take one person with them. Now the way they have to do this is to choose a name, one person, who they believe to be a wolf. It would be beneficial to the village then for the hunter to remain under wraps until they are certain of a wolf so that if they are lynched or killed by the wolves they can take one of them with them. The ranger can protect one villager and at that not more than once in a row. So even if they somehow guessed the Seer and protected them one night they would be unable to do this again and the wolves might get the Seer the next night. To me the hunter seems to have the more important role.

Also, since your accusation of Oro was based on nothing more than the random picking of a number how can you lump someone else in with them?
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Old 07-12-2005, 12:08 PM   #31
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You can judge this to be 'siding' with a particular person (as the debate currently stands) but I don't care; I see no suspicious behaviour thus far, and I fear that some of you are beginning to go off on the wrong tangent.

Remember that it's very easy to see another person as a wolf once you get the idea into your head. Take a step back and look at what you're doing.
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Old 07-12-2005, 12:08 PM   #32
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Kath in many ways the Hunter can be more of a liability at this stage especially. I clearly said I do not want them killed but the Seer and Ranger are far more important to our survivability. I explained my lumping TGWBS and Oromin earlier but his reactions gave me some insight.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 07-12-2005, 12:10 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Seer, whoever you is, you keep yer trap shut about who you is. Don't let nobody know who you is until you has at least one werewolf found out. Better yet, two werewolves. scratches armpit Yeah, I know ya might get unlucky an' stiggered by some werewolf, but it's our best shot. So stay shut up, whoever you is.
Another chance for the wolves to find out who the seer is? Or more likely, be lynched for being too quiet. And if said seer never dreams of a wolf until his/her demise then if they say nothing at all they have been no use to the village.
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Old 07-12-2005, 12:15 PM   #34
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Holbytlass, LMP did not say that the Seer should remain utterly silent. He simply meant "don't openly declare youself," I believe.

I re-iterate: I only defended Oro due to the odds. There is a 50% chance of her being gifted, as compared to a 25% chance of her being a wolf.

Eomer, be reassured. I have not yet classed anybody as a wolf. Though interrogation must be performed...
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Old 07-12-2005, 12:18 PM   #35
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One warning I would like to give, is that I want some substance on a daily basis from everybody. They don't need to be loud and obnoxious like me but a minimum of one post a day of something more than one sentence. I feel that being too quiet doesn't contribute at all and wolves are able to hide very easily among quiet villagers.
“I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
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Old 07-12-2005, 12:31 PM   #36
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I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning when I should be able to name and shame at least two werewolves. And you should all trust me, for the King hisself has invited me to perform music at his palace not three weeks from today; and as we should all realise, accomplices of royalty are of the utmost integrity.

tgwbs, you are completely correct: everyone must be interrogated. So: what were you doing last night? (<- detective hat) I heard from one of my reliable sources (the friendly bluebird) that you were out for a gander late at night. A bit unusual, yes? Let him speak! I hope you were only nightswimming m'boy; I'd hate to have to hang you.

Nilp and that Lhunatic have different sleeping habits from most of us; the perfect alibi to escape mob interrogation. A bit....too perfect if you ask me. Yes, interesting, verily. A bit.....too interesting if you ask me.

Yes... *strokes chin*

I'd like to hear more from Lionel Hutz, uh...I mean, Saurreg, but I guess we'll have to wait until the morn for that, he living away on the East side of town.
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Old 07-12-2005, 12:32 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by the guy who be short
Holbytlass, LMP did not say that the Seer should remain utterly silent. He simply meant "don't openly declare youself," I believe.

One thing that won't work for us if the 3 ungifted villagers are lynched right of way, there is less people for the wolves to figure out who might be who, since the 3 wolves know who they are then we've taken out 3 ordinary villagers that just leaves 6 people for the wolves to study the posts making it easier for them to figure out.
Holby is an actual flesh-and-blood person, right? Not, say a sock-puppet of Nilp’s, by any chance? ~Nerwen, WWCIII
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Old 07-12-2005, 01:08 PM   #38
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But, Holbytlass, if we can't lynch a wolf, wouldn't it be better to lynch an ungifted villager than a gifted one? It would definitely be very bad to lose our Seer or Ranger; we want the hunter alive until they're sure of someone's guilt; the Shirriffs, while I wouldn't say that they're as important as the other three, are certainly more useful than the regular innocents; the Mytho could go either way, depending on what role s/he takes on. If we don't catch a wolf, I would certainly rather that we take an ordinary villager.
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Old 07-12-2005, 01:09 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Eomer
tgwbs, you are completely correct: everyone must be interrogated. So: what were you doing last night? (<- detective hat) I heard from one of my reliable sources (the friendly bluebird) that you were out for a gander late at night. A bit unusual, yes? Let him speak! I hope you were only nightswimming m'boy; I'd hate to have to hang you.
I was indeed out for a gander, and I will not deny it. Who can deny the palates of the stomach? The gander was delicious, I assure you, served by a master chef at a nearby village. I could eat an entire family of geese served up by him.

Now, I'll not deny that my night-time gander is an odd habit, but it's perfectly safe, I assure you. No lycanthropy for me. I was too stuffed full of goose to eat an innocent lass like Feanor.
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Old 07-12-2005, 01:11 PM   #40
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So ya don't like me plan? Big deal. See if I care.


Yer all women in trousers anyways.

Now Eomer I don' like you as playin' so many games wit' me head. Wut is you? King's messenger? You dress the fop enough fer it.

scratches hisself then picks up a stick, pricks his thumb and starts making marks on his hand

I'm trackin' what all you say, so watch it. See?

raises hand for all to see scratches on palm made with own blood but nobody wants to get close to take a look because the stench is unbearable

All right, who's gonna help me carry these pieces of the by gone moddess goddess off to where she ain't such a wrong kind of sight? Don' all step forward at once.

By the by, it's way stinkin' too early to tell anything about anybody yet. 'Ceptin' Eomer's a fop, Morm's a loudmouth, guy's ana - um - ana - um - smart, Holby's tryin' to figger out which way is up, Firefoot looks clean as I'm filthy, and Oro's against random picking. I'm aginst it too. You know my plan. I won' keep harpin' it. Random's stoopid though.
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