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Old 01-19-2006, 10:37 PM   #1
Energetic Essence
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WWJ III - Nan Qualinmerë: Death Wish Valley

In a dark little town, in the North East, just over the Misty Mountains, a little town of some eighteen people lived. It was a farmin town, mostly of livestock, but they had other little shops as well. There was enought traffic going through Mejis (the town) which was rather surprising considering they were so far up North.

Then, one day, the village was disturbed out of their quiet lives. Something hairy, horrible and meat eating roamed into the town....


Welcome all to Werewolf Junior 3 - Nan Qualinmerë: Death Wish valley!


- There will be retractable votes.

- No mass lynchs. Double lynchs i will except.

- If you don't post after Two Days, you WILL be lynched.

- Nights and Days will run in a twenty four hour period sequence.

- When Gil or myself say stop voting, it also means stop posting.

- If you want to reveal your role to others (I STRONGLY advise against it), you may do so as long as you don't use PM's and such as proof.

- You ar NOT allowed to talk through PM's. No talking about the game in any other thread as well.

- When you're dead, you stay dead. That means no PMing other players that are alive about the game. You're dead. The dead tell no tales.


Wolves - PM each other during the NIGHT phase of the game. When DAY comes around, you turn into villages and attempt to decieve your fellow villagers and make them believe you are innocent

Seer - PM's mod a name of one person which he/she will dream of during the NIGHT. They will then get the role of that character. The Cursed is the exception: he/she will be revealed as an ordinary to the Seer.

Ranger - PM's mod a name of one person to protect each NIGHT. Wolves cannot kill the person that this person chooses.

Hunter - PM's mod a name of someone they would kill if the Wolves attack the Hunter during the NIGHT. I might also throw in a little mix if the Hunter gets lynched during the DAY.

Cursed - Has the blood of Wolf in him/her yet doesn't know it. He/she will become a Wolf if the Wolves attack the Cursed during the NIGHT.

Ordinary Villagers - Must try and find the Wolves and lynche them in the DAY. Must also convince the other Ordo's that he/she is innocent.


Garin - carpenter
Eonwe - hermit in a wigwam
Roa - village apothecary
Thin - old cattle grower (mercenary in her youth)
Ang - idealistic, chivalrous, lovelorn young squire
Eomer - village doctor
Mith - mysterusly walthy widow
Kath - tortoise herder
Gandalf - village wizard
Valier - local dog trainer
Shelob - Web Head Hats owner
Valesse - tumbler/acrobat
Wayne - actor
Fea - village maicurist
Crombie - pompous windbag
tar - lady with all the cats

I need a name from the Seer. The Wolves may PM each other until my death, to get to know each other. You may also use this thread for any questions.
I'm going to buy you a kitty, I'm going to let you fall in love with the kitty, and one cold, winter night, I'm going to steal into your house and punch you in the face!
Fenris Wolf

Last edited by Glirdan; 01-21-2006 at 08:04 AM.
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Old 01-20-2006, 10:53 PM   #2
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"What are we doing out here Glirdan?" asked a terrified Gil.

"Well, since you're the only experienced butcher in this here town and my music is the only thing that will put these beasts to sleepy, I need you to come protect me."

"Ah. Now, what exactly are we hunting?"

"That, my friend, is the thing we'll find out afterwards."

"But what if-" right then, they heard a loud howl from nearby. And then two more howls erupted, yet they were closer. "What's that?"

"Probably what we're searching for." With that, Glirdan pulled out his sax and started playing a few tunes as Gil readied his butcher blade. After a minute, the howls stopped. "I think that it worked. YES!" Glirdan cried. Gil didn't answer. "Um, Gil?" He turned around and his friend wasn't there. He was all alone in the middle of the forest. Just then, something heavy fell from the trees. "AHH!" Glirdan cried in surprise. As he looked at the object closer, he realised that it was his friend's body. There were claw marks and blood all over him, but he could not see how injured the butcher was. Then, he heard a terrifying sound behind him.


The next day, everyone woke up and went about their buissness. Eonwe was out of his little wigwam and on his way to see Roa at her apothecary for some potions. Fea was giving tar's cats free manicures while Shelob attempted to help Gandalf find the right hat to match the rest of his wizard uniform. Valier and Kath were arguing over which person's pet was the best while Crombie and Mith were having a long conversation of the past. Eomer was healing Ang's battle wounds and Garin was helping Wayne and Valesse set up for there performances. Just then Thin, the villages old cattle grower (mercenary in her youth) ran in crying and gasping for breath. "What is it?" Eomer demanded. "Are you hurt?"

"No! Bodies- forest- follow!" With that, Thin ran off back towards the forest. Everyone stood there flabergasted until she ran back and said "Follow me!" Then she turned back around and started running towards the forest again withe everyone right behind her. She led them to a clearing in the middle of the forest at the base of the Misty Mountains. There they met a horrible site. They saw the body of their beloved butcher on the ground with claw wounds and a pool of blood around him. Eomer ran over to him. "He's dead." he said. "Died of bloodloss." But that wasn't the end of their woes for just then, they saw another blood trail leading out of the clearing. This trail they followed right to the edge of the clearing. There, a ghastly site met them. There, Glirdan lay, his head beside him and his beloved sax sticking out of where his head was meant to be. An erie scilence folloed and then everyone let out a blodd curdling scream at the same time. "But why where they out here?" Kath asked.

"Well, I remember Glirdan telling me something about hearing strange noises in the night, but I didn't believe him. I thought it was just his imagination. Now how I wish I would have listend to him." Ang said sadly.

"Ok, but WHAT could have done this?" asked Fea.

"1 of thee sees thee.
1 of thee protects thee.
1 of thee hunts thee.
1 of thee is evil yet doesn't know
3 of thee will kill all of ye
." Gandlaf said calmly.

"Why did you say that!?" cried Mith.

"It's written in their blood," he replied, pointing to the bodies of Glirdan and Gil "on the tree right in front of you." Sure enough, on the tree was that exact message. "This means that there are 3 Werewolves amongst us."

"And it's our job to find out who." finished Shelob. With that, they picked up the bodies of Gil and Glirdan (and Eomer grabbed Glirdan's head and put it in a carrying bag) and returned to the town.


Glirdan (mod) - Beheaded and then reheaded with a sax
Gil-Galad (mod) - Bled to death.


Day 1 starts. Wolves stop PMing. Start speculating people.
I'm going to buy you a kitty, I'm going to let you fall in love with the kitty, and one cold, winter night, I'm going to steal into your house and punch you in the face!
Fenris Wolf

Last edited by Glirdan; 01-21-2006 at 11:00 AM. Reason: missed that thin, sorry
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Old 01-21-2006, 01:01 AM   #3
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Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.Thinlómien is wading through the Dead Marshes.
(Ahem.. Glirdan, is said I am an old cattle-grower, mercenary in her youth. Not an explorer...)

Poor Glirdan and poor Gil. We're really going to miss them.
Like the stars chase the sun, over the glowing hill I will conquer
Blood is running deep, some things never sleep
Double Fenris
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:08 AM   #4
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Ah me, what a sight is here...enough to curdle the flowing blood of the boldest sword in Eriador.

What say ye of one named Gil, lady Thinlomien? My own eyes see but one corpse, foully slaine as it seemeth to me, by false trickery.

Alas that such a morn should dawn. No longer shall I pluck at a lute and warble rondelays to lady loves with a carefree heart. My pale hand must seize a dire blade as we face whatever is to come.

We shall give no ground. We will never yield. Be they ever so filled with guile and wisdom, we shall prevail. On this, my slender sword, unused to battle worse than boar-hunts, I do swear it.

For the spirit of goodly chivalry will always conquer. Thus hath the gods ordained it.
Among the friendly dead, being bad at games did not seem to matter
-Il Lupo Fenriso
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Old 01-21-2006, 03:24 AM   #5
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tar-ancalime has just left Hobbiton.
Werewolves? My stars. I will miss that poor, poor Glirdan and Gil. I know they never threw eggs at my beautiul house like some young folk.

I'm sure that my second cousin thrice removed was a mandibular lycosophist. It was years and years ago, of course, when we still had the other country place and all the family would meet in the summer. Before I started taking care of my babies.

*plucks a hissing cat off Fea's shoulder and addresses it*

I know dear, you don't like the way she buffed your nails. But she told me squared-off tips are the thing this year, and frankly we've got to take what we can get when it's free.

Where was I? My cousin Horace. Of course. He had a bit of a walleye as I recall but he did study werewolves. Now I'm sure I've got some of his old papers back at the house in the old pigeonhole desk.

*hurries home, not noticing the rapidly unravelling sweater sleeve that is caught on another cat's squared-off claw, then returns with a stained, dusty parchment*

My goodness, it has been some time since I've dusted in all those pigeonholes.

Now Horace says in this letter to my aunt Phlox that werewolves are terribly hard to kill. Apparently you can't just shoot them, since during the day they look like the rest of us. Good heavens, it seems the only way for us to avenge Glirdan and Gil, and rid ourselves of this horrible menace, is by lynching.

It's a bad, bad business and I can only wish it over.
Having fun wolfing it to the bitter end, I see, gaur-ancalime (lmp, ww13)
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Old 01-21-2006, 04:49 AM   #6
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Forsooth, I have been foolishe and neglectful. I see now that Gil-Galad too lies broken by some hidden claw. I shall make most piteous dole. Alack.

Damoiselle des Chats, your words are heavy but most true, greatly though my soul forbodes me. To stop the triumph of our enemies, we must engineer their execution, right unmanly and cowardly though it is to hang a man.

For myself I prefer to allow a trial by combat. Rather than mere lynching like some commoner, I say the chosen victim should die cleanly by sharp steel.

But who is to be? We have few leads on this dark day, and must pray that some kindly chance presides over our decision.

I fear I shall be among the first to cast a vote. Misprise not my intentions-I am occupied much with swordplay and composition as the day grows later. (See the main Tol-in-Gaurhoth Junior thread for my absence notice.)
Among the friendly dead, being bad at games did not seem to matter
-Il Lupo Fenriso
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Old 01-21-2006, 06:47 AM   #7
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I have gone to many villages to act and strange things happened but werewolfs i will not leave intill all of the werewolfs are dead. Also glirden gil you were the two that first hered of me and hired me to do a show now I will perform when the village is save.hope we get rid of the werewolfs soon.
if your happy im happy if your sad im sad if you jump of a cliff i watch
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Old 01-21-2006, 06:57 AM   #8
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Worry presses upon me-our village is eerily bereft of noise, and my time is fast running out. I have no choice but to vote despite the almost total lack of clues.

I shall at least do the courtesy of explaining this course of action as best I can.

The chansons du geste and ballads telling of werewolf attacks, from the days of yore in Nargothrond to the present day, all sing of the terror and impotency felt by villagers on the first day after the werewolves have struck. There is little solid to go on; most of the limited information-and hence power-that exists is in the hands of the wolves.

As a result, the village can do worse things than delivering itself, in the opening day, into the grasp of chance. If we each claim to vote for a randomly selected candidate, it will hamper lupine movements when manipulating bandwagons. It is likely one of us will happen to pick a wolf, and if that wolf is later caught, even if s/he is not chosen today, how others reacted to the threat against him/her may be telling.

I would add, though, that if, by chance, a bandwagon seems to be building due to random selections falling on the same person, it would be best to introduce an element of artifice and eliminate them from your options in order to maintain a spread vote.

Of course, whether you decide to take this advice is entirely up to you. It's not at all foolproof, naturally. I usually distrust rigid plans myself, so I merely leave this as a possible solution to be taken or left. But for want of anything better, I will follow it myself.

One further thing: as a squire following the path of chivalry, I will not vote for damsels without a proper reason. I therefore randomly pick out of the males:

Among the friendly dead, being bad at games did not seem to matter
-Il Lupo Fenriso

Last edited by Anguirel; 01-21-2006 at 07:02 AM.
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Old 01-21-2006, 07:29 AM   #9
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I'm not even sure what a saxophone is... It is a shame that our meager village has lost two of its inhabitants. What is worse is that I have two less customers. I grow weary of these wolves and can only hope their words or lack of them will lead them to the end of a rope.
Anguirell: As a result, the village can do worse things than delivering itself, in the opening day, into the grasp of chance. If we each claim to vote for a randomly selected candidate, it will hamper lupine movements when manipulating bandwagons. It is likely one of us will happen to pick a wolf, and if that wolf is later caught, even if s/he is not chosen today, how others reacted to the threat against him/her may be telling.
I am calling your bluff Anguirel and voting for you my furry friend. I understand how a schedule can impede your ability to post and vote but it also serves as a wonderful cover. May Eru have mercy upon your soul.

I am a sick man ... I am a spiteful man. I am an unpleasant man. I think my liver is diseased.

Fyodor Dostoevsky "Notes From the Underground"
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Old 01-21-2006, 07:36 AM   #10
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Ah well. At least someone's doing something...
Among the friendly dead, being bad at games did not seem to matter
-Il Lupo Fenriso
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Old 01-21-2006, 08:25 AM   #11
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tar-ancalime has just left Hobbiton.
Demoiselle des chats indeed! Forsooth! It's madame to you, my lad. I was the lady of the manor before you was breeched.

Youthful impudence aside, your enthusiasm is encouraging. I hope that the rest of the village will awaken to the danger soon.
Having fun wolfing it to the bitter end, I see, gaur-ancalime (lmp, ww13)
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Old 01-21-2006, 08:29 AM   #12
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My enthusiasm traditionally gets me killed...but I grudge it not...
Among the friendly dead, being bad at games did not seem to matter
-Il Lupo Fenriso
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Old 01-21-2006, 08:45 AM   #13
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Egads! T'appears we have a couple of hasty votes. What do I think of them?

Anguirel knows that it's best to vote and to stir the pot. If he can't make it back later then it was a fairly righteous thing to do. Of course, if he happens to be a wolf then it is fine cover but what the hey!

Garin's vote is perhaps slightly more suspicious. He doesn't mention that he can't make it back later yet he is eager to vote before any discussion.

I know we have some youngsters among us, chil'en in the great game of battle and protection. Maybe it's best to let them know of a fine tradition we have in this here village: if anything goes wrong, blame Feanor of the Peredhil.

(Just kidding...or am I?)

Silence is the friend of the werewolves, yet so is confusion. O, what are we to do? I have one suggestion: lynch Abercrombie of Rohan. She called me a quack last Spring. Let's just say I misplaced the antidote.
Los Ingobernables de Harlond
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Old 01-21-2006, 08:50 AM   #14
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I just had a brilliant idea.

I was reading Kant (I think he's a Hobbit from the Eastfarthing) and he claims that telling lies is irrational: because willing the telling of lies as a universally acceptable mode of practice will destroy all networks of trust, making lying impossible and self-defeating.

Now, no-one wants to feel irrational and stupid, right?

So they are convinced not to lie.

Then we ask everyone if they are innocent.

We discover the innocents, and work out by process of elimination who the Wolves are.


I'll go first: I'm innocent.
Los Ingobernables de Harlond
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Old 01-21-2006, 08:57 AM   #15
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Alas poor Glirdan and Gil, I knew them, Friends. If I may be so bold as to interject my personal opinion, let us look at Mith and Kath. My highly trained werewolf detection device has pointed towards their guilt. Let them speak I say!

Of course, if Shelob survives past day one, we should lynch her immediately because chances are, she's a wolf.

lynch Abercrombie of Rohan
Dirty pirate, this is because of that PM I sent you isn't it?

I shall try to get back to the computer today, I may be late or I may be early. Don't take my silence too seriously please.
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Old 01-21-2006, 09:33 AM   #16
Feanor of the Peredhil
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I'm here, dears, and I'm offering free pedicures in order to discover who the wolves are. According to my logic, as soon as the lycans remove their shoes and socks, I'll be able to identify them by their claws and will very quickly stab their eyes out with my nail file and rip their claws from their moorings, making the wolves blind and with one less weapon.

Who wants to go first?

Oh, and I might not be around later this afternoon... manicurist's hours, you know. I have to run over to a certain place and do a few artistic things (painting nails, of course) and study a bit (about how best to deal with cuticles, of course) and make sure all of my work is done early (ahem, so I can hang out with boys tomorrow). But I'll be back after that.
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Old 01-21-2006, 10:23 AM   #17
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because willing the telling of lies as a universally acceptable mode of practice will destroy all networks of trust, making lying impossible and self-defeating.
But if the werewolves are compelled to tell the truth, so as to avoid looking "irrational and stupid", it also means they're compelled against their survival instinct. Somehow I imagine that telling the truth would be less appealing to said beasts than, say, Living.

Besides, suggesting that everyone is compelled to be truthful, and then lying, could be nothing more than lovely cover for lying. Not to directly accuse you friend Eomer, but to point it out.

As for you Abercrombie, I may belong to the Lycosidae family, but it doesn't mean I am of the Lykanthropos family. My buisness is selling hats, not killing off my customers.

For the rest of this, I dislike seeing votes so early. Though if Anguirel has a reason so be it. To my knowledge, though, Garin doesn't. An explanation from him, therefore, would be nice, elsewise it just looks rather suspicious.
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Old 01-21-2006, 10:38 AM   #18
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Woe is me! I can't believe it WereWolves,in our lovely town! Poor Glirdan and Gil-Galad! Three is there? HHHmmmmmm this shall not do!

I think I must be a little late...votes already? That's Always suspisious! Now lets look at who had the opportunity to be in the woods last night.

Some of my dogs were going insane with barking last night,could be they saw a ww or could be all those damn cats,driving them crazy again.

Fea please stop sharpening those cats nails,they are causing my dogs to go back to their owners all scratched up!Not training them as your unholy army at night are we Tar?

(I have school this afternoon,I will be back a couple hours before the vote.)
grand return?........
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Old 01-21-2006, 10:51 AM   #19
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Just a little post to check in my dears, I want to have another read through before I comment much.

SInce votes can be changed it may simply the action of a responsible citizen who prefers to vote early than risk not voting at all but of course each case must be judged on it's own merits.

What messy deaths though..... I am glad none of my husbands died in such a gruesome fashion....
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Old 01-21-2006, 11:24 AM   #20
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Sorry it took me so long to get here everyone, you just don't move fast with my job! Poor Gil and Glirdan. To be murdered so viciously. Those wolves certainly didn't hold back.

Anyway two votes! And one that seems set in stone since Anguirel has left for the day. Garin's quick and seemingly needless early vote in some kind of displaced retaliation is odd though. Or at least that's how I see it. So perhaps we have some relationship between Garin and Gandalf?

To Eomer I say - what? If a wolf is capable of murder then surely it can lie? Whoever said the things were rational! Perhaps your assumption of that fact points to your knowing the creatures a little more personally?

I suppose all we have today is speculation. Let's just hope everyone turns up so there is something to speculate with!
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Old 01-21-2006, 11:54 AM   #21
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Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.Mithalwen is lost in the dark paths of Moria.
Well Kath I am glad to see another living soul. We have so little to go on and I must admit that I see little point in lingering around if there is nothing to be learnt. This village is not a safe place to linger in alone..though *gulp* alone may be safer than limited company since we cannot tell who will change when night falls.

I am a bit suspicious of Eomer because he is confusing me with all that philosophy stuff ... and even if he is telling the truth he could still be the evil one who doesn't know it chappie..... Also no-one asked him... he just said .. does that count?
“But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.”

Christopher Tolkien, Requiescat in pace
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Old 01-21-2006, 12:04 PM   #22
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Fear not, Mithalwen! (Unless of course, you're a wolf, in which case you should fear us villagers.) I'm still here poking around, trying to find something to go on. Right now though all I have to look at it is Garin's early vote and the people who have not yet spoken. And those are (I think):

I can come up with no other possible suspicious activity unless it be Eomer's philosophy. It's been very quiet.
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Old 01-21-2006, 12:28 PM   #23
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Speaking or not speaking is a fine line to judge at this stage - people have different patterns than during the working week, however statistically there might be a wolf among them.. but equally all the wolves may have already spoken. Certainly it is extremely unlikely that all our wolves are amoung the group of the yet silent so maybe it is wrong to concentrate on the non speakers on principle when statistically at least two wolves should be among the speakers. However I fear this will be a day of clutching at straws I fear. Statistics are my straw of choice!
I wish more people were around.
“But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.”

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Old 01-21-2006, 01:08 PM   #24
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Ah! But some of us are around. I had, however misfortunately (yet not suprisingly), my foot literally in my mouth and, you see, it did indeed get stuck there as I mourned for our lost.

The silence of others... yes, its about as suspicious as Garin's early vote which could have possibly been designed to start a mutany against our dear Wizard. But what I find more suspicious is the actually wounds.

Is it not curious that our dear Gil was ripped like ribbons when one of our own seems to have a history in crafting claws?

*Shoots a glare over at Feanor*

Is it unlikely that our beloved manicurist might make malicious maladies at midnight?
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Old 01-21-2006, 01:20 PM   #25
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But if claw are suspicious ..why do you not mention Valier the dog trainer?
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Old 01-21-2006, 01:41 PM   #26
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Or perhaps the both of them together?

To be honest Valier had not seemed much of a threatening person, but now I think on it she does indeed deal with dogs. Dogs like Lycans likely to give us a licking! It is a wonder how well she connects with them...

But a troubling team of tamers and trimmers tragically terminating towns people through twilight? I tremble I might turntail to my trapeze!
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Old 01-21-2006, 01:42 PM   #27
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Oh, Valesse, my midnight escapades are innocent of what you are thinking, if not entirely innocent.

After all, I must have some hour in which to hunt down new painting techniques and polish colors without my jealous competition learning where I obtain my brilliance and perfection.

And besides... I'm too busy seducing the general populace to want to kill them. Unless, of course, they cheat on me, in which case I'll pour nail polish remover into their vodka.


Or not.

Whatever works.

You'll note that I'm being goofy this early on. I may keep my insanity as a tactic as it's worked so well for me before now. Or I might actually get serious once I spy something worth worrying about.
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Old 01-21-2006, 01:42 PM   #28
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well well, werewolves eh? i do declare...

well i won't bore you with any 'poor gil-galad and glirdan" routine. The werewolves might have killed them, but i know they were just our mods...

yes, 2:30 is a late hour of appearing, but when you are a part time slave labourer, you can't have things easy, you know.

i really don't like first days. the are usless, not very intreging, and generally rather annoying. historically all we do is accuse eachother on teh basis of our names, our occupations, or past grudges (though i don't really have a problem with that). cuz you have to lynch someone, you know...

anyway, i will vote for teh 10th person on the list, who *scolls down* appears to be Valier. sorry my dear...


other than that, i like eomer's stratagy. im not stupid, and im certainly not irrational. and im innocent. so there!

im leaving at 5:30 my time and won't be back until around 11:30. and i mihgt not check in then, but hopefully will. anyway, that's the deal...

(it's 2:42 my time (est), so you should be able to do the math and figure out how far we are) anyway hope taht helps.
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Old 01-21-2006, 01:47 PM   #29
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Hmm ...another odd little vote..... However maybe liking Eomer's strategy is more suspicious

I too will have to decide soon ... maybe I should choose Fea since she represents competition should I wish to acquire Husband Number....
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:00 PM   #30
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You people cannot be taking my joke plan seriously. Are you? If you are then I shall be forced to vote for Shelob, Kath, or maybe Mithalwen out of seriously insulting my intelligence. I'm not a doctor for no reason, you know.

About Garin's vote: I had indeed forgotten that we have retractable votes this time. Though slightly suspicious, the consequences of this vote may show us the light.
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:07 PM   #31
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The fact that you were joking at a time like this is more than enough reason to look at it strangely. Mith brought up a point, though, at least we all found it useless, and didn't go with it...
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:12 PM   #32
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How is saying you confused me insulting your intelligence? It is insulting my own intelligence .... It is hardly a time for jokes Doctor.... and it is asking a lot to expect one who has been widowed as often as I have and at such a young age to have much faith in doctors.......
“But Finrod walks with Finarfin his father beneath the trees in Eldamar.”

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Last edited by Mithalwen; 01-21-2006 at 02:16 PM. Reason: Flag cross post with Shelob
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:19 PM   #33
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Ha ha. No, or course i realize taht it was a joke, i was just playing along, with a little tounge in check poke at the uselessness of anything anyone argues about themselves. rest assured, i did not by any means, mean to convice you of my innosense with such a forethright and un-(um)-backable-up (?) statement.

Originally Posted by She of teh lob
The fact that you were joking at a time like this is more than enough reason to look at it strangely.
not really. there's nothing else really to do, is there. i mean, unless someone has a stratagy or something to put up, all we have is random votes.

Originally Posted by Mithalwen
However maybe liking Eomer's strategy is more suspicious
again, not really. i don't really like it, seeing as the whole idea behind werewolf is that werewolves lie to the villagers and exploit their trust during the day. as i said, im not stupid...

hey, speaking of plans and stratagies, how's this:

well i guess first lets start out with some premises...

are retractable votes more helpful to the villagers or the wolves. it would seem to the that the wolves would benifit more, cuz their whole idea would fake left then go right, so to speak (pad one vote, they all switch to another, or something like taht, at a critical time)

so what if we all agreed to not use our retractable privlages, thus neutralizing any benefits the wolves would gain (cuz all teh villagers agreed not to switch).

of course i guess the whole thing rests on who gets teh benefit, and i guess taht can change depending on circumstances.
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:23 PM   #34
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Well, Shelob, I'm glad the village had the good sense to not go with the plan; for it necessarily presupposed that Werewolves would not lie, which would be the single stupidest strategy in the history of Werewolf.

Mithalwen, I'll let you off, because you did say you were confused and seemingly wanted me to explain further.

Shelob, for intricately dissecting an utterly farcical plan, I will not let off.

As for joking at a time like this, laughter is the best medicine. Fact.
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:46 PM   #35
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Valesse (despite her delightful alliteration), tar-ancalime, Valier, Fea, wayne and Thinlomien have all posted with what I call 'safe' posts', not really saying or doing anything. I'm just pointing out that this is what I would expect a wolf to do in the early going. It makes them visible.
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Old 01-21-2006, 02:55 PM   #36
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Of course, I was confused Eomer, I hail from originally, somewhat south of your own, is not known for it's philosophers other than Hobb(it)es and Locke.

If Laughter is the best medicine why did you run up such a large apothecary's bill during my latest late husband's last illness? Interesting professional advice....

Do you have any more constructive suggestions? Of course werewolves will swear they are innocent , they would, would't they?

Actually I think that we benefit most from retractable votes, we can stop band wagons if necessary and retracting a vote without good reason, ie new evidence is suspicious that noone is likely to do it lightly.

I do have to go and I won't be back. I have seen nothing that I can interpret as a seer's guidance and although Fea has been a little hyper, I think she is just playing up her char... at the moment. Eonwe maybe you seem strange because your hermit's existance makes you unused to society, maybe you are worrying me for a reason. I do find your behaviour exceptionally odd so I am voting for you.

++ Eonwe
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Old 01-21-2006, 03:04 PM   #37
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what I call 'safe' posts'
Agreed, though I might Abercrombie to the list, since her first post didn't really say much of anything and her second just lists people who hadn't spoken yet.

It makes them visible.
Visible in that we can't accuse them of not speaking you mean? One would imagine wolves are trying to stay as hidden as possible and visible isn't the first word once associates with such a goal.

As for how you'd expect a wolf to behave...The best we can do is guess. I'm personally disinclined to believe that a wolf would behave that way. There's too much a risk of the village saying:

"Wolves will behave in a 'safe' manner.
So-and-so behaved in a 'safe' manner.
So-and-so is a wolf."

Then again if we rule it off completely a wolf acting thusly would be perfectly safe, and today more than any other they could get away with it.

I don't know, I'm just thinking but am too distracted to do it properly. Expect a more coherent train of thought a little later.
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Old 01-21-2006, 03:10 PM   #38
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Hmmm... Gandalf hasn't shown his face here yet. That might indicate that he's not a wolf, because he's drawing attention to himself (I assume that a wolf would be more careful) or then he's a clever wolf who wants to seem innocent. (Or then he isn't just aware that we've already started or wants to "stir the pot".)

I'm a bit suspicious about both Eomer and Ang. They're both kind of conducting the talk (Anguirel earlier and Eomer now). Maybe they're eager to show off their "innocence" and trying to get people's trust. Also, they're trying to (in my opinion) to take the lead of the talk and thus improve their status in the village, making themselves "important".
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Old 01-21-2006, 03:15 PM   #39
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Oh, Eomer... you know me too well. I did post safely. Because it's a safe time for that sort of thing. There's no evidence to work from. Basically, we're allowing the wolves to start implementing their plans. We can't catch them unless we let them do it without question.

We don't want our wolves to be too well disguised, do we? If we force them to be more clever and resourceful, we force ourselves to think and work harder to find them. If we let them get cocky, we can pound them later on.

Which is why safety posts are fine this day. We can't do anything but wait, so we might as well goof off.

What do you say to a game of Twister?

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Old 01-21-2006, 03:22 PM   #40
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It makes them visible.
Yes! It does make us visible, but who couldn't help but notice my flexible form?

It is, however, strange to me that you would call out so many names for being noticable (and so bluntly) when you, yourself, have been considerably conspicuous. Would not a wolf waft worry wither and thither woeful wives, walthy widows, wizards, wiper-snapper, wigwam recluse and the occasional windbag? I do not claim to be a Saint of these said stresses, save significant distinction. I feel wise without winnow toward warm comrades, as I do not yet know who quite to fear.

As for that game of Twister... I'll spin.
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