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The Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum: Members List
User Name Posts Reverse Sort Order Last Visit Reputation Avatar
Legate of Amon Lanc
A Voice That Gainsayeth
7,431 N/A Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate.Legate of Amon Lanc is spying on the Black Gate. Legate of Amon Lanc's Avatar
Itinerant Songster
7,066 01-23-2022 littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.littlemanpoet is battling Black Riders on Weathertop. littlemanpoet's Avatar
A Mere Boggart
4,737 10-08-2022 Lalwendë is battling Black Riders on Weathertop.Lalwendë is battling Black Riders on Weathertop. Lalwendë's Avatar
The Werewolf's Companion
3,021 N/A Loslote is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Loslote is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell.Loslote is a guest of Elrond in Rivendell. Loslote's Avatar
Blithe Spirit
2,779 N/A Lalaith is a guest at the Prancing Pony.Lalaith is a guest at the Prancing Pony. Lalaith's Avatar
Hauntress of the Havens
2,538 N/A Lhunardawen has been trapped in the Barrow! Lhunardawen's Avatar
World's Tallest Hobbit
2,117 11-16-2023 Lindolirian has just left Hobbiton. Lindolirian's Avatar
A Northern Soul
1,847 06-04-2024 Legolas has just left Hobbiton. Legolas's Avatar
Fair and Cold
1,770 12-30-2011 Lush is a guest of Tom Bombadil. Lush's Avatar
Seeker of the Straight Path
1,680 12-23-2024 lindil has just left Hobbiton.  
Lyra Greenleaf
The Diaphanous Dryad
1,152 02-24-2004 Lyra Greenleaf has just left Hobbiton.  
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
1,031 10-31-2014 luthien-elvenprincess has just left Hobbiton. luthien-elvenprincess's Avatar
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
975 N/A Lindale has just left Hobbiton. Lindale's Avatar
Haunted Halfling
841 01-25-2008 Lyta_Underhill has just left Hobbiton. Lyta_Underhill's Avatar
Lord of Angmar
Tyrannus Incorporalis
833 05-31-2010 Lord of Angmar has just left Hobbiton. Lord of Angmar's Avatar
Lothiriel Silmarien
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
829 N/A Lothiriel Silmarien has just left Hobbiton.  
Luthien_ Tinuviel
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
804 03-05-2006 Luthien_ Tinuviel has just left Hobbiton. Luthien_ Tinuviel's Avatar
Regenerating Ringkeeper
757 02-12-2007 lathspell has just left Hobbiton.  
Vegetable of Doom
720 02-23-2005 LePetitChoux has just left Hobbiton. LePetitChoux's Avatar
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
612 08-31-2007 Lathriel has just left Hobbiton. Lathriel's Avatar
Lariren Shadow
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
607 N/A Lariren Shadow is a guest of Tom Bombadil. Lariren Shadow's Avatar
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
527 07-13-2014 Liriodendron has just left Hobbiton. Liriodendron's Avatar
Ghost Prince of Cardolan
507 05-17-2014 LadyBrooke is a guest of Tom Bombadil. LadyBrooke's Avatar
Shade of Carn Dûm
477 07-18-2016 Lostgaeriel has just left Hobbiton. Lostgaeriel's Avatar
Shade of Carn Dûm
347 06-29-2016 Laurinquë has been trapped in the Barrow! Laurinquë's Avatar
Lindril Arvilya
Shade of Carn Dûm
332 10-24-2005 Lindril Arvilya has just left Hobbiton.  
Lily Bombadil
Shade of Carn Dûm
279 01-02-2006 Lily Bombadil has just left Hobbiton. Lily Bombadil's Avatar
Shade of Carn Dûm
265 N/A Lotrelf has just left Hobbiton.  
Shade of Carn Dûm
261 N/A Losthuniel has just left Hobbiton.  
Lady Snickerdoodle
Shade of Carn Dûm
256 09-12-2005 Lady Snickerdoodle has just left Hobbiton. Lady Snickerdoodle's Avatar
Showing results 1 to 30 of 200

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