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The Squatter of Amon Rûdh 10-02-2018 12:19 PM

9 is more likely to be Old Forest, although I'm not convinced that 'fo' can be 'four'.

Huinesoron 10-02-2018 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Squatter of Amon Rûdh (Post 712653)
9 is more likely to be Old Forest, although I'm not convinced that 'fo' can be 'four'.


C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. U - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
T hree Dwarves - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
N ob - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
G lorfindel - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
O ld Forest - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
O ld Man Willow - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. M - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
F atty Bolger - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. L - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
O rald - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
R angers of the North - Before they were grey, they served still.

[Theme: Things not in the Jackson movies.]
Well maybe I'm not very good at cryptic clues. ^_^ But you guessed it, so maybe I actually am?

Three to go. Number 2 appears in Book 4, numbers 11 & 13 appear in Book 1 (and in fact in adjacent chapters).


Formendacil 10-02-2018 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 712654)
Well maybe I'm not very good at cryptic clues. ^_^ But you guessed it, so maybe I actually am?

Three to go. Number 2 appears in Book 4, numbers 11 & 13 appear in Book 1 (and in fact in adjacent chapters).


Could "M" be the "Man in the Moon?"

Pervinca Took 10-02-2018 02:19 PM

11. Man in the Moon?

Edit: Whoops! Cross-post.

Huinesoron 10-02-2018 03:22 PM


C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. U - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
T hree Dwarves - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
N ob - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
G lorfindel - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
O ld Forest - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
O ld Man Willow - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first11.M an in the Moon - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
F atty Bolger - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. L - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
O rald - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
R angers of the North - Before they were grey, they served still.

[Theme: Things not in the Jackson movies.]
Yes to both of you. :D Tilion is of course best known for stalking Arien so much that he scorched the Moon on one side.

Two to go!


Pervinca Took 10-02-2018 03:24 PM

Could 2 be Undertowers, if the Appendices count?

Huinesoron 10-02-2018 03:32 PM

Not Undertowers - though you're actually half right.


Pervinca Took 10-02-2018 04:22 PM

Is 13 (Gandalf's) LETTER? (Kept by Barliman, who forgot about it).

What is the evil bit, though? Do we need a synonym to find that? Epistle?

And apparently there's an UNDERGATE in Shelob's Lair.

Huinesoron 10-03-2018 02:18 AM


C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
U ndergate - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
T hree Dwarves - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
N ob - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
G lorfindel - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
O ld Forest - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
O ld Man Willow - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first
M an in the Moon - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
F atty Bolger - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
L etter from Gandalf - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
O rald - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
R angers of the North - Before they were grey, they served still.

[Theme: Things not in the Jackson movies.]
Both correct! 'Letter' is a nasty little clue because there's no actual anagram involved (I think you got it - what's scrambled in an anagram is letters). The Undergate (which Sam tries to follow the Orcs to) is a tricky one because barely anyone remembers it exists - but there's not many words starting with U! (Umbar was the obvious one, but the Corsairs are in there, so.)

Well done! Over to you, Pervinca.


Pervinca Took 10-03-2018 05:59 AM

Great puzzle, Huinesoron! 'Letters' is a clever cryptic clue. Should have guessed, because it sort of said anagram twice, but I didn't.

I'll post one shortly. I have a couple ready-made on my laptop.

Pervinca Took 10-03-2018 07:53 AM

Here you go ...
1. Me, subjectively, plus him ... for him .... (Well, in a roundabout sort of way).
2. The prairies!
3. It’s Undomiel’s monument, with a slight modification.
4. Tear demon, causing dental loss, left all around the refuge.
5. Retreat a step too far, to place of near-immolation? It’s just a number.
6. Answer this hider of gold.
7. Such a self-satisfied villain. Barely perturbed!

Huinesoron 10-03-2018 08:46 AM

#7: smug, barely perturbed, could be SMAUG.

#6: I want to suggest one of the dragons with golden hides, which would be Smaug again or GLAURUNG.


Pervinca Took 10-03-2018 09:38 AM

1. Me, subjectively, plus him ... for him .... (Well, in a roundabout sort of way).
2. The prairies!
3. It’s Undomiel’s monument, with a slight modification.
4. Tear demon, causing dental loss, left all around the refuge.
5. Retreat a step too far, to place of near-immolation? It’s just a number.
6. Answer this hider of gold.
SMAUG: Such a self-satisfied villain. Barely perturbed!

Yes: A plus SMUG, barely perturbed, = Smaug.

Glaurung is incorrect, though. Furthermore, 6 is not a dragon.

I wrote this puzzle quite a while ago, then Nerwen posted a puzzle with a similar Smaug clue in it, so I saved it for a while.

Mithalwen 10-07-2018 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 712560)
Cousin of Forlong the Flatulent? :D

Autocorrect excelled itself there. It started as 22nd

Formendacil 10-07-2018 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 712666)
6. Answer this hider of gold.

If 6. is not a dragon, could it be Gollum? He hides a golden ring and wants a riddle answered?

Pervinca Took 10-07-2018 04:12 PM

It's not Gollum, but you're in the right part of the right book. And you've interpreted 'answer' pretty much correctly.

Pervinca Took 10-07-2018 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 712680)
Autocorrect excelled itself there. It started as 22nd

I did wonder why Imrahil was the Wind Prince. I was thinking of Dol Amroth sea breezes as well as those of the posterial category.

Huinesoron 10-08-2018 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 712683)
It's not Gollum, but you're in the right part of the right book. And you've interpreted 'answer' pretty much correctly.

So is it Bilbo for the same reasons?


Pervinca Took 10-08-2018 04:09 AM

No. :D

The gold in question is not the Ring.

And ...

'Answer' is not a verb here.

Galadriel55 10-08-2018 09:19 AM

... is it an egg?

Pervinca Took 10-08-2018 11:03 AM

1. Me, subjectively, plus him ... for him .... (Well, in a roundabout sort of way).
2. The prairies!
3. It’s Undomiel’s monument, with a slight modification.
4. Tear demon, causing dental loss, left all around the refuge.
5. Retreat a step too far, to place of near-immolation? It’s just a number.
EGG: Answer this hider of gold.
SMAUG: Such a self-satisfied villain. Barely perturbed!

'A box without hinges, key or lid
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.'

Galadriel55 10-08-2018 06:42 PM

Is the password Riddles?

Pervinca Took 10-09-2018 03:24 AM

Good idea, but no.

The clues should get easier if you work out what the theme is, though.

Pervinca Took 10-10-2018 10:50 AM

The theme is pretty easy ....

Mithalwen 10-17-2018 04:34 PM

Is 4 Rivendell. Tear could be rive and demon could be devil and I hoped v might be a dental fricative but I can’t dispose of the I but left might be extra l, and it certainly is a refuge

Pervinca Took 10-17-2018 11:42 PM

1. Me, subjectively, plus him ... for him .... (Well, in a roundabout sort of way).
2. The prairies!
3. It’s Undomiel’s monument, with a slight modification.
RIVENDELL: Tear demon, causing dental loss, left all around the refuge.
5. Retreat a step too far, to place of near-immolation? It’s just a number.
EGG: Answer this hider of gold.
SMAUG: Such a self-satisfied villain. Barely perturbed!

Good ideas, and the correct end result. It's REND + DEVIL, minus one of the D's for 'dental loss.' And 'all around' to scramble it, of course.

Pervinca Took 10-21-2018 03:19 AM

For 2, you might want to consider a well-loved children's author.

Huinesoron 10-22-2018 07:28 AM

... is it WILDERLAND, being the lands that Laura [s]Ingold[/s] Ingalls Wilder wrote about?

General theme is looking to be The Hobbit, but I've not got a guess at the password yet.

I keep coming back to #5 being a description of Gollum's death, and therefore pointing at 'THE ONE', but the 'near-' throws that off.


Pervinca Took 10-22-2018 12:35 PM

1. Me, subjectively, plus him ... for him .... (Well, in a roundabout sort of way).
WILDERLAND: The prairies!
3. It’s Undomiel’s monument, with a slight modification.
RIVENDELL: Tear demon, causing dental loss, left all around the refuge.
5. Retreat a step too far, to place of near-immolation? It’s just a number.
EGG: Answer this hider of gold.
SMAUG: Such a self-satisfied villain. Barely perturbed!


It isn't Gollum's full or even partial combustion I'm looking for. For one thing, it's in the wrong book.

What does an [/s] font look like, and why have you put it around Ingold?

Huinesoron 10-22-2018 04:11 PM

Oops... [s] would be strikethrough if this were HTML (and if the brackets were pointy). I tried to make a Tolkien joke but flubbed the delivery (story of my life...!).


Pervinca Took 10-23-2018 01:33 AM

Clue 1 will be hard until you get the password.

Solve clue 5 and the password will be easy to guess.

When retreating a step too far, remember that in making themed passwords we sometimes have to compromise with how the letters are situated to make the password work.

Formendacil 10-23-2018 06:10 AM

Is the Password "DWARVES?"

Pervinca Took 10-23-2018 07:21 AM

D: Me, subjectively, plus him ... for him .... (Well, in a roundabout sort of way).
WILDERLAND: The prairies!
A: It’s Undomiel’s monument, with a slight modification.
RIVENDELL: Tear demon, causing dental loss, left all around the refuge.
-V: Retreat a step too far, to place of near-immolation? It’s just a number.
EGG: Answer this hider of gold.
SMAUG: Such a self-satisfied villain. Barely perturbed!


Indeed it is!

Nerwen 10-27-2018 07:26 PM

Thinking aloud, in case it helps someone else:
#5 is meant to be read in reverse, I think? And "near-immolation" would refer to one of the incidents where Smaug *nearly* got Bilbo or the others. But I can't make sense of the last part.

Galadriel55 10-27-2018 09:03 PM

Going by the letters and the "just a number", does FIVE also happen to be a place? Battle of 5 Armies? Anything?

Pervinca Took 10-28-2018 03:57 AM

It's FIVE, reading backwards, yes, and it's a place (or perhaps one should say five places) ... but it's not the battle of the five armies, and it's nothing to do with Smaug (other than being in the same book and having happened on the way to visit him).

Clue: I could hear (in my imagination) a group called The Hobbitons (I have their CD) singing where the near-immolation took place, as I wrote the clue.

Huinesoron 10-29-2018 07:53 AM




Pervinca Took 10-29-2018 09:58 AM

D: Me, subjectively, plus him ... for him .... (Well, in a roundabout sort of way).
WILDERLAND: The prairies!
A: It’s Undomiel’s monument, with a slight modification.
RIVENDELL: Tear demon, causing dental loss, left all around the refuge.
EVIF (FIRTREES): Retreat a step too far, to place of near-immolation? It’s just a number.
EGG: Answer this hider of gold.
SMAUG: Such a self-satisfied villain. Barely perturbed!


Yes. 'Just a number' because we are only using the number to get the letter (the answer would be retreating *really* far otherwise!)

Two to go!

By the way, one of the 'hims' of clue one could be seen as a desperate man ….

Mithalwen 10-29-2018 06:32 PM

A is for Arkenstone slightly modified would be arwenstone, a sone can be a monument

Galadriel55 10-29-2018 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 712763)
A is for Arkenstone slightly modified would be arwenstone, a sone can be a monument

Good one, Mith!

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