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Okay, difficulty level might be a bit patchwork on this, you know how it goes: 1. - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. 2. - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. 3. - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. 4. - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back. 5. - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway. 6. - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. 7. - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection. 8. - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh? At least some answers are not using the first letter, and the clues say as much. hS |
2. Tar-Calion?
6. Elrohir? (HIRE+ROL(L))
7. Feanor (Fear+no)?
1. - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. 2. - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. 3. - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. 4. - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back. 5. - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway. ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. 7. - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection. 8. - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh? hS |
Hmmm...2 could refer to Wormtail...
And is Feanor incorrect too? |
Anyway, FEANOR is very close but not quite right on #7. hS |
So then 2 is either Tar-Telperien or Tar-Telemmaite. Or possibly Tarannon...
hS |
Telcontar (TEL+CON+TAR)
1. - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. 3. - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. 4. - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back. 5. - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway. ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. 7. - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection. 8. - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh? hS |
1 is Arwen, and 3 is Elros, somehow.
Most of 'lies' backwards and almost (Maid) Marion. Elder sister of a king and the foremother of Elendil, I think? |
SILMARIEN - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. 3. - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. 4. - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back. 5. - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway. ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. 7. - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection. 8. - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh? hS |
Who else could be father of Kings?
Possible candidates: Finwe (doesn't contain EL) Turgon (doesn't contain EL unless you used Elenwe's husband again) Huor (doesn't contain EL) Elendil (the rest of the clue doesn't fit) |
4. The clues suggest Russandol...
hS |
hS |
3. Earendil? Or Earendel?
RU, then? |
hS |
Aerendil? Aerennel?
3. Az-rub-el.
Ru+in backwards = runi...
Password: STARBROW?
SILMARIEN - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. - ...the Elendilmir itself, the white star of Elvish crystal upon a fillet of mithril that had descended from Silmarien... TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. - ...before all went Aragorn... and upon his brow was the Star of Elendil. AZRUBEL - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. - ...Eärendil... stood now most often at the prow of Vingilot, and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow... 4. R - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back. 5. B - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway. ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. - ...and Elladan and Elrohir with stars on their brow... 7. O - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection. 8. W - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh? hS |
Oh, it doesn't say 'in back', it says 'at back'.
So it's RU+something+TA, which is AT backwards... |
EDIT: Nor is that the start of the clue... hS |
Well, then you changed the meaning of 'at the back' clue since last time you've used it. >.>
I will also note, relevant to several clues, that punctuation marks are almost always irrelevant to the clue. Sometimes they even break up a single part of the clue, as in #2 "back - let". hS |
7. Feanaro, then?
SILMARIEN - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. - ...the Elendilmir itself, the white star of Elvish crystal upon a fillet of mithril that had descended from Silmarien... TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. - ...before all went Aragorn... and upon his brow was the Star of Elendil. AZRUBEL - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. - ...Eärendil... stood now most often at the prow of Vingilot, and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow... 4. R - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back. 5. B - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway. ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. - ...and Elladan and Elrohir with stars on their brow... FEANARO - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection. - ...at great feasts Fëanor would wear them, blazing on his brow... 8. W - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh? hS |
The rest are too difficult, so I'll leave them to Pervinca.
The only other person I remember having a star upon her brows is Nimrodel. And she doesn't seem to fit anywhere.
Is 8 ARWEN, with the W in the middle? She's the Evening/Evenstar of her people.
Oh ... 'are when' ... not sure about 'forget,' though. |
Is 5 BAUGLIR (bow glare) and a reference to the Iron Crown?
I feel like my only thought so far is that a tall game of removal sounds like Jenga. Jengaru, anyone?
SILMARIEN - An older sister, almost a maid, lies nearly backward at first. - ...the Elendilmir itself, the white star of Elvish crystal upon a fillet of mithril that had descended from Silmarien... TELCONTAR - The king is back - let a criminal rat be back too. - ...before all went Aragorn... and upon his brow was the Star of Elendil. AZRUBEL - From beginning to end, a massage from the midst of Hell for the father of kings. - ...Eärendil... stood now most often at the prow of Vingilot, and the Silmaril was bound upon his brow... 4. R - The tall game of removal: a short Russian holds the three of diamonds (fake) at the back. BAUGLIR - Look northward, bow, glare - or something like that, anyway. - ...the Silmarils in the crown on Morgoth's head blazed forth suddenly with a radiance of white flame... ELROHIR - Break a hire around a torn and shortened roll, end up younger by half. - ...and Elladan and Elrohir with stars on their brow... FEANARO - Turn tail, jeweller! Fear the doubled vowel with no injection. - ...at great feasts Fëanor would wear them, blazing on his brow... ARWEN - In the middle of the evening, they are when you forget, eh? - ...Arwen... glimmering in the evening, with stars on her brow and a sweet fragrance about her... hS |
Maybe 'the tall' means a character referred to as 'the Tall,' like Elendil.
Wasn't TUOR uncommonly tall? It's not a secondary name, though. |
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