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Urwen 12-17-2019 09:01 AM

Well, I've seen all the available characters and the closest I could come up with are Forlong and Fredegar Bolger.

Pervinca Took 12-17-2019 09:59 AM

T: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
H: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
E: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

R: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
N: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

T: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
I: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
N: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
G: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

Usually it will be one of the shortest of the available options, (in this case, Weasleys), won't it? Because they're generally easier to mix with other elements to form anagrams.


Pervinca Took 12-18-2019 03:02 AM

First E: just find a synonym of cheer, and anagrammise it to get a place.

Urwen 12-18-2019 04:40 AM

Joy, gladness, glee

Urwen 12-18-2019 04:41 AM

Or maybe ERECH (from cheer itself)

Pervinca Took 12-18-2019 05:36 AM

T: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
H: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
ERECH: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

R: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
N: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

T: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
I: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
N: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
G: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

Can't believe I did that! ;) I meant to type 'synonym of mirth.' ;)

Now. Look up a word for a group of sheaves.

CLUESES, PRECIOUS (because I'm feeling Christmassy and generous):-

1. Two and a third of the remaining clues are from 'The Grey Havens' (because there's one that applies to this chapter but also to two others).

2. One comes from the same chapter as ERECH.

3. One is from 'The Scouring Of The Shire.'

4. One is from one of the 'Mordor' chapters.

5. One is from a Gondor chapter.

6. And one appears in quite a few places.

Urwen 12-18-2019 07:57 AM


Pervinca Took 12-18-2019 08:00 AM

T: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
H: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
ERECH: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

R: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
N: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

TOOKS: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
I: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
N: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
G: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

CLUESES, PRECIOUS (because I'm feeling Christmassy and generous):-

1. Two and a third of the remaining clues are from 'The Grey Havens' (because there's one that applies to this chapter but also to two others).

2. One comes from the same chapter as Erech.

3. One is from one of the 'Mordor' chapters.

4. One is from a Gondor chapter.

5. And one appears in quite a few places.

Urwen 12-18-2019 08:12 AM


Pervinca Took 12-18-2019 09:00 AM

Yes to OLD; no to gear.

Urwen 12-19-2019 10:12 AM

Gildor? (OLD+RIG)

Pervinca Took 12-19-2019 07:32 PM

T: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
H: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
ERECH: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

R: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
N: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

TOOKS: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
I: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
N: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
GILDOR: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

CLUESES, PRECIOUS (because I'm feeling Christmassy and generous):-

1. One and a third of the remaining clues are from 'The Grey Havens' (because there's one that applies to this chapter but also to two others).

2. One comes from the same chapter as Erech.

3. One is from one of the 'Mordor' chapters.

4. One is from a Gondor chapter.

5. And one appears in quite a few places.


Yes indeed! He appears once more in the final ride to the Grey Havens.

Urwen 12-20-2019 03:40 AM

First T is Tol Eressea (LOT backwards + ERE + S + SEA)

Urwen 12-20-2019 03:41 AM

And for the remaining R, is Radbug (BRAG + D + U)

Pervinca Took 12-20-2019 04:07 AM

Spot on!
TOL ERESSEA: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
H: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
ERECH: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

RADBUG: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
N: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

TOOKS: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
I: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
N: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
GILDOR: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

Indeed, because Frodo sees Tol Eressea from the ship and we are told of white shores and a far green country.

Four to go! :)

Urwen 12-20-2019 04:45 AM

I might be Imrahil.....

Pervinca Took 12-20-2019 06:47 AM


What's your reasoning?

Urwen 12-20-2019 06:59 AM

Maria is Rembrandt's painting, and Imrahil has almost all letters of that.

Pervinca Took 12-20-2019 09:00 AM

Look carefully at what the clue is asking you to take from Rembrandt and Goya.

And what sorts of things does an artist have to choose?

Urwen 12-20-2019 10:05 AM

Oh. Iorlas then.

Pervinca Took 12-20-2019 12:12 PM

TOL ERESSEA: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
H: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
ERECH: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

RADBUG: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
N: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

TOOKS: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
IORLAS: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
N: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
GILDOR: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

OILS + R + A.

Urwen 12-21-2019 03:49 AM

More clues?

Pervinca Took 12-21-2019 09:09 AM

The second N should be pretty straightforward.

Urwen 12-21-2019 10:21 AM

So EI from LIE and AM from MAD


Pervinca Took 12-21-2019 12:15 PM

Wrong synonyms.

Think what the fearsome thing might be.

Urwen 12-21-2019 12:33 PM


Pervinca Took 12-21-2019 12:53 PM

How can it be Grond when it begins with N?

Urwen 12-21-2019 01:06 PM


Pervinca Took 12-21-2019 01:21 PM


Before I put it in, though, can you work out the cryptic elements?

Urwen 12-21-2019 03:57 PM

Well, NAZ comes from ZANY

GUL comes from GULL.

Pervinca Took 12-22-2019 01:43 AM


The H clue is cryptic, but straightforward. Four elements in a row. No mixing up.

Urwen 12-22-2019 02:56 AM

Liquid marketing? What is liquid marketing?

Urwen 12-22-2019 02:59 AM

Well, there is Halbarad (HAL(F) + BAR + AD)

I don't think BAR is a german article, though.....

Pervinca Took 12-22-2019 04:21 AM

TOL ERESSEA: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
HALBARAD: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
ERECH: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

RADBUG: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
N: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

TOOKS: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
IORLAS: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
N: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
GILDOR: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

It isn't the article that's German. It's the word HALF. :D


P and B are PLOSIVES
F and V (and various other sounds) are FRICATIVES

... but L and R are LIQUIDS.

The remaining clue is my favourite. The 'them' is something there are three specifically reported sets of in ROTK, but no reported sets of in FOTR or TTT.

Urwen 12-22-2019 04:38 AM

You forgot to put Nazgul in.

Urwen 12-22-2019 04:40 AM

Well, there are three Elven Rings revealed in ROTK, that weren't revealed/mentioned in the other two books, but only two of those begin with N.....

Pervinca Took 12-22-2019 09:02 AM

TOL ERESSEA: Here, a biblical fellow returns, to meet an archaic palindrome and a sibilant ocean.
HALBARAD: Half German article and liquid marketing. For him.
ERECH: Place of mirth ... but it's not unmixed.

RADBUG: Brag - dubiously, at first, you hear - before chaos ensues to expose him.
EAGLES: Seasoned sailors have more than one of these. But be that as it may, it's mangled to reveal these majestic creatures!
TEARS: Not all of these are evil.
UMBAR: Does one hesitate to suggest a pub here?
ROSE: She's inflamed - and troubled.
N: One must dress, groom, prepare? - put nails in order, certainly - for them.

OSGILIATH: Is David's foe around here?
FORLONG: Beat a Weasley? He's there - but discombobulated.

TOOKS: Group of sheaves slightly disturbed by - or rather for - the first ones to kill.
HAVENS: They're beardless and bewildered.
ELANOR: A role reversed; an article swallowed; a girl revealed.

KNIGHTS: Merry and Pippin, in white satin? (For thus it sounds, in song).
IORLAS: A painter's choice - Rembrandt's, initially - and Goya's, finally - mingles to reveal him.
NAZGUL: See this fearsome thing return, endlessly crazy, to endlessly deceive.
GILDOR: Aged apparatus collapses to reveal him.

Nothing to do with rings.

Or is it? ;) In Middle-earth, I mean. It is here (or should I say 'now?')

Urwen 12-22-2019 10:01 AM

I don't understand.....

Unless you mean NOWHERE (NOW+HERE)

Pervinca Took 12-22-2019 10:15 AM


There is something that happens 3 times in ROTK, and two words of the clue provide an anagram of it.

Urwen 12-22-2019 10:26 AM

put nails in order?

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