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Urwen 07-25-2020 10:40 PM

Password: Gateway?

Huinesoron 07-26-2020 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728399)
3. Makes me wanna do a literal pull - but that leaves me with "themd", the form of masonry used by Petty-Dwarves to build the foundations of their hidden houses. A detailed description can be found in HOMEXIII, The Weird Bits.

Oh, yeah, it's all in the Hostetter book.

#3 is your regular straight+cryptic, classic Password clue.


Huinesoron 07-26-2020 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728401)
Password: Gateway?

GOLD - No, I don't mean Alternate Universe
AXES - Weapons on which graphs turn (these ones are red)
3. T - Stonework that pulls you from the mud
4. E - Number one deus ex machina (now featuring heavy metal)
WOOD - I would tell you the answer, but -- just a second.
ADAMANT - Air is to corundum as water is to...? (Now, about that crown.)
YEW - You! Yes, you! Fire! (& look up into the light)

(Comments in parenthesis relate solely to the theme; they are not useful for the password letter.)

Correct! If you can figure out why, it might point you at the last two.


Urwen 07-26-2020 03:20 AM

Maybe the theme is seven. There are seven gates of Gondolin, among which are the gate of GOLD and the gate of WOOD*. There are seven gems made of ADAMANT in the crown of Gondor. There are seven Dwarven ring-bearers and seven forefathers, and dwarves used AXES (there are also seven Balrogs - according to Tolkien - who also used axes).

(*Take a guess on who built them.)

Galadriel55 07-26-2020 04:45 AM

Don't tell me 4 is Eagles...

Huinesoron 07-26-2020 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728404)
Maybe the theme is seven. There are seven gates of Gondolin, among which are the gate of GOLD and the gate of WOOD*. There are seven gems made of ADAMANT in the crown of Gondor. There are seven Dwarven ring-bearers and seven forefathers, and dwarves used AXES (there are also seven Balrogs - according to Tolkien - who also used axes).

(*Take a guess on who built them.)

It isn't, but you've mentioned it in there. :)


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 728405)
Don't tell me 4 is Eagles...


GOLD - No, I don't mean Alternate Universe
AXES - Weapons on which graphs turn (these ones are red)
3. T - Stonework that pulls you from the mud
EAGLE - Number one deus ex machina (now featuring heavy metal)
WOOD - I would tell you the answer, but -- just a second.
ADAMANT - Air is to corundum as water is to...? (Now, about that crown.)
YEW - You! Yes, you! Fire! (& look up into the light)

(Comments in parenthesis relate solely to the theme; they are not useful for the password letter.)

One to go! This one was inspired by all those flippin' river clues that always catch me out.


Urwen 07-27-2020 02:48 AM

3. The Bridge of Mitheithel? :eek:

Urwen 07-27-2020 02:50 AM

Is 'stonework' a straight clue?

Huinesoron 07-27-2020 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728419)
3. The Bridge of Mitheithel? :eek:

Nope. :)


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728420)
Is 'stonework' a straight clue?

It is! And 'that' is just a linking word; the rest is cryptic.


Huinesoron 07-28-2020 02:16 AM

So: what pulls you (from the mud)?

Or: what verb could mean 'to pull you from the mud', and what would the noun form of it be?


Urwen 07-28-2020 02:21 AM

Drag is the closest. Add that to the river and you get Isengard. And its stonework is Orthanc. So Orthanc?

Huinesoron 07-28-2020 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728436)
Drag is the closest. Add that to the river and you get Isengard. And its stonework is Orthanc. So Orthanc?

It's not drag, and there's no river in the clue. Also the answer starts with T. :)

The mud is not significant, except as a thing you might be pulled from.


Urwen 07-28-2020 03:28 AM

Then I dunno.

Urwen 07-28-2020 03:36 AM

Tug, maybe (as in, tugboat)

Urwen 07-28-2020 03:37 AM

But how would that be related to 'stonework'?

Huinesoron 07-28-2020 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728438)
Then I dunno.

So work through some verbs for pulling, and consider some nouns that could be related to them. For example, 'drag' might make you think 'dragon', but dragons are not stonework.

My mention of rivers was a reference to river clues in Password, and how they're often presented.


Urwen 07-28-2020 03:46 AM

Read my lasts posts please.

Urwen 07-28-2020 03:49 AM

Oh, wait. They're incorrect. Is the last one TOWER?

Huinesoron 07-28-2020 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728443)
Oh, wait. They're incorrect. Is the last one TOWER?

There it is!

GOLD - No, I don't mean Alternate Universe - Sixth gate - Gold
AXES - Weapons on which graphs turn (these ones are red) - Third gate - Bronze (guarded by axemen)
TOWERS - Stonework that pulls you from the mud - Second gate - Stone (surmounted by towers)
EAGLE - Number one deus ex machina (now featuring heavy metal) - Fourth gate - Writhen Iron (with an iron statue of Thorondor)
WOOD - I would tell you the answer, but -- just a second. - First gate - Wood
ADAMANT - Air is to corundum as water is to...? (Now, about that crown.) - Seventh gate - Steel (surmounted by the Crown of Gondolin, surrounded by diamonds)
YEW - You! Yes, you! Fire! (& look up into the light) - Fifth gate - Silver (guarded by bowmen, and surmounted with an image of Telperion

Theme: The Seven Gates of Gondolin

Over to you!


Urwen 07-28-2020 04:06 AM

But before I do, guess who made those gates? :D

Huinesoron 07-28-2020 04:12 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728445)
But before I do, guess who made those gates? :D

Mostly Turgon, I believe, though Maeglin added the last one after the Nirnaeth. The part where he used it to declare that the Crown of the Hidden Kingdom was more important than the Powers or the Two Trees might, in retrospect, have been something of a hint. :)


Urwen 07-28-2020 04:27 AM

Thanks, now to rack my brain for a new idea. Did you like my wrench one, by the way?

Huinesoron 07-28-2020 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728447)
Thanks, now to rack my brain for a new idea. Did you like my wrench one, by the way?

The moment of realising that you'd gone and used it as the password is best described as :eek::rolleyes::D


Urwen 07-28-2020 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 728448)
The moment of realising that you'd gone and used it as the password is best described as :eek::rolleyes::D


Yeah, I am insane. We're all insane. Cheers!

Urwen 07-29-2020 04:05 AM

1. Dark lady.
2. He has a punny name.
3. Father of a future Thain.
4. Unwilling captive.
5. One-handed.
6. He would do well at Olympics.
7. Shares first name with Harry's mom and surname with his classmate.
8. Her other name is associated with Meyer's book title
9. Wilkie Collins book title describes her.
10. Other name for the theme.

6 and 11 don't have a first letter in the password.

Huinesoron 07-29-2020 04:16 AM

8/ LILY... BROWN, maybe? I think I remember a Brown at Hogwarts.


9/ ... LUTHIEN? With the 'other name' being the nightingale, which sings at Twilight?


Urwen 07-29-2020 04:21 AM

Triple success
I assume you meant 8 for Luthien, not 9...

1. Dark lady.
2. He has a punny name.
3. Father of a future Mayor.
4. Unwilling captive.
BEREN: One-handed.
6. He would do well at Olympics.
LILY BROWN: Shares first name with Harry's mom and surname with his classmate.
LUTHIEN: Her other name is associated with Meyer's book title
9. Wilkie Collins book title describes her.
10. Other name for the theme.

Galadriel55 07-29-2020 04:32 AM

1. Morwen?

3. Paladin?

Urwen 07-29-2020 08:26 AM

Sorry, my bad.

Urwen 07-30-2020 02:23 AM

MORWEN: Dark lady.
2. He has a punny name.
3. Father of a future Mayor.
4. Unwilling captive.
BEREN: One-handed.
6. He would do well at Olympics.
LILY BROWN: Shares first name with Harry's mom and surname with his classmate.
LUTHIEN: Her other name is associated with Meyer's book title
9. Wilkie Collins book title describes her.
10. Other name for the theme.

Huinesoron 07-30-2020 04:51 AM

#9: Apparently Collins wrote The Woman in White, which says AREDHEL to me.

#3: The most obvious option here is HAMFAST GAMGEE (aka the Gaffer).


Urwen 07-30-2020 01:46 PM


Urwen 07-30-2020 01:52 PM

I made a mistake, so you get a freebie
MORWEN: Dark lady.
2. He has a punny name.
3. TOLMAN (I messed up the clue...again...)
4. Unwilling captive.
BEREN: One-handed.
6. He would do well at Olympics.
LILY BROWN: Shares first name with Harry's mom and surname with his classmate.
LUTHIEN: Her other name is associated with Meyer's book title
AREDHEL: Wilkie Collins book title describes her.
10. Other name for the theme.

I guess that's what happens when you're sleepy.....

Huinesoron 07-30-2020 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 728491)
3. TOLMAN (I messed up the clue...again...)

I guess that's what happens when you're sleepy.....

Ah, father of a future deputy mayor, then. In a fine example of nepotism, Sam tapped his wife's brother to stand in when he popped down to Gondor. ^_^

So... I think I see the theme. Therefore:

#4: HURIN (husband of Morwen, definitely an unwilling captive)
#2: IMRAZOR (the clean-shaven Numenorean), because

Which suggests #6 EOL would do well in the Olympics... oh! It's javellin-throwing, isn't it? :D

And so #10... SPOUSES?


Urwen 08-01-2020 05:34 AM

MORWEN: Dark lady.
IMRAZOR: He has a punny name.
TOLMAN (I messed up the clue...again...)
HURIN: Unwilling captive.
BEREN: One-handed.
EOL: He would do well at Olympics.
LILY BROWN: Shares first name with Harry's mom and surname with his classmate.
LUTHIEN: Her other name is associated with Meyer's book title
AREDHEL: Wilkie Collins book title describes her.
SPOUSES: Other name for the theme.

And over to you. :D

Urwen 08-01-2020 05:39 AM

Oh, and the riddle answers was javelin, by the phrase 'stick 'em with the pointy end', which originated in GOT. If you really thought about it, you could've gotten it. :(

Urwen 08-03-2020 02:31 AM


Huinesoron 08-03-2020 02:40 AM

Sorry, busy weekend, I've just this second finished writing the password. :)

Thanks for the last one! Some fun names to puzzle over there.

For this Password, the password letters are all the second letter of the answer as written. (Not for any particular reason, except that I needed the letters.)

1. - I add underclothing, and there are four.
2. - The most powerful will shortly share the way to unlock.
3. - He, or won't he?
4. - A dwarven house has lost its supports (architecture) and gained support (attire), and married a remarkable woman.
5. - The second half of the Millennium follows a ruddy fruit in full.
6. - #87, do (it) backwards, #8 - a chemist's hero.
7. - Not old, not drunk - just the first deer.
8. - Run back, flinger of treasure! Your son is more famous than you.
9. - Most of a frond overshadows partial shadows in a mother's domain.
10. - Higher than Odo is a Welshman discovering America.
11. - Too grim to guard, a digger and the first after the old.


Galadriel55 08-03-2020 08:58 PM

No answers, just thoughts.

3. Sounds like repetition is in order. Maybe a name structurally akin to, say, Fingolfin, or Ghan-buri-ghan. But don't have one to fit the clue in a way that makes sense.

7. There was Aldor the Old and his brother Baldor the (occasionally) drunk. Enc of Arda tells me they had a third brother, Eofor. No odea how that could be related to deer though.

8. Okay, maybe a somewhat reasoned amswer. NIRUH? He did fling the Nauglamir at Thingol, and Turin does make more of a name for himself. The other flingers I came up with so far didn't have sons.

Galadriel55 08-03-2020 09:03 PM

Ah, got one!

6. Fr + do + O = FRODO

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