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Galadriel55 06-28-2021 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733005)
The only one I can think of is Mindolluin.

You keep thinking mountains... it's not a place.

New page -

1. IRON CROWN: Violet dwarf retreats from rooster’s call in the north - aye, in the north.
2. NARSIL: In sonars, ill-advised choice of weapon.
3. ANGRIST: Angry, yes for one short street it would cut anything.
4. NAUGLAMIR: Adorn yourself with glamour, one for naught and all around, with a grain (or half) of salt.
5. ISILDUR'S BANE: Round nearly a Numenorian’s legume.
6. M Without his bundle, Elvis Presley can see quite far.
7. ARKENSTONE: “I can stow!” - or so they said in the north-eastern parts.
8. THROR'S MAP: Spam the right god with chaos, and it will show you the way.
9. EARRAME: An organ and a horse, at sea and afloat.

Pervinca Took 06-28-2021 04:31 PM

MIR, for jewel?

Bright when not mirking?

I'll get my coat.

Galadriel55 06-28-2021 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733007)
MIR, for jewel?

Bright when not mirking?

I'll get my coat.

Umm... go back to "King of Rock and Roll". That's Elvis. Follow the other instruction in the clue, which will get you to (an admittedly vague) synonym for the literal term.

Alternatively, and what's probably easier, think what the straight clue might be and go backwards. The straight clue couldn't be straighter.

Pervinca Took 06-28-2021 04:47 PM

Magnifying glass?



Urwen 06-28-2021 05:33 PM

Palantir means 'far-seeing' in elvish. Just in case it helps.

Galadriel55 06-28-2021 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733010)
Palantir means 'far-seeing' in elvish. Just in case it helps.

It will help indeed. ;)

Pervinca Took 06-28-2021 05:57 PM


Galadriel55 06-28-2021 06:21 PM

And group effort conquers everything!

1. IRON CROWN: Violet dwarf retreats from rooster’s call in the north - aye, in the north.
2. NARSIL: In sonars, ill-advised choice of weapon.
3. ANGRIST: Angry, yes for one short street it would cut anything.
4. NAUGLAMIR: Adorn yourself with glamour, one for naught and all around, with a grain (or half) of salt.
5. ISILDUR'S BANE: Round nearly a Numenorian’s legume.
6. MASTER-STONE: Without his bundle, Elvis Presley can see quite far.
7. ARKENSTONE: “I can stow!” - or so they said in the north-eastern parts.
8. THROR'S MAP: Spam the right god with chaos, and it will show you the way.
9. EARRAME: An organ and a horse, at sea and afloat.

And over to Pervinca!

Pervinca Took 06-28-2021 10:48 PM

That was great! The Spam/Thror's map one was my favourite clue.

Why bundle, though, in the Elvis clue? Is It slang for a nickname or unofficial title?

Anyway, here's the next one:

1. Underground? Overground? Womble, that's he.
2. Medical chap swallows half a Vala for him.
3. Deity overlaps short palindrome girl to meet perturbed footwear? A bigger girl emerges.
4. Mouse changes heads to reveal him?
5. Hard word. Starts with clear direction to a pub. But why, I say? To finish it off with a dwarvish tool.
6. Palindrome girl leads the way to a teacup omen - he's there, but the whole answer is one of his female relatives.
7. One solitary girl? It's revolutionary.
8. Not poetry, but it contains edge - and then she appears.
9. His posterior leapfrogs and is disorientated, but meets a headless 80s singer.

Galadriel55 06-29-2021 05:34 AM

Without a bundle = take away the roll.

Pervinca Took 06-29-2021 07:08 AM

Oh - a blanket roll?

Huinesoron 06-29-2021 08:22 AM

#1: Great Uncle Bulgaria?!?


#6: I have vague memories of Trelawney going on about a Grim, so the clue could point at Ada + L ("leads the way") + grim = Adalgrim Took. His immediate female relatives are his mother, ROSA BAGGINS (TOOK), and his only named daughter, ESMERALDA TOOK (BRANDYBUCK). My guess is more likely the latter.


Pervinca Took 06-29-2021 09:48 AM

1. Underground? Overground? Womble, that's he.
2. Medical chap swallows half a Vala for him.
3. Deity overlaps short palindrome girl to meet perturbed footwear? A bigger girl emerges.
4. Mouse changes heads to reveal him?
5. Hard word. Starts with clear direction to a pub. But why, I say? To finish it off with a dwarvish tool.
ADALGRIM'S AUNT: Palindrome girl leads the way to a teacup omen - he's there, but the whole answer is one of his female relatives.
7. One solitary girl? It's revolutionary.
PRIMROSE: Not poetry, but it contains edge - and then she appears.
9. His posterior leapfrogs and is disorientated, but meets a headless 80s singer.

Urwen 06-29-2021 01:39 PM

8. Primrose.

Pervinca Took 06-29-2021 01:53 PM

Yes. I've put it in, above.

Sorry, edited instead of quoting, by mistake, and so erased my praise of Huey for solving the first clue, near enough. (It's one of his aunts, not his wife or daughter).

Huinesoron 07-01-2021 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733025)
Sorry, edited instead of quoting, by mistake, and so erased my praise of Huey for solving the first clue, near enough. (It's one of his aunts, not his wife or daughter).

Not to worry, I saw it. :)

#1: Okay, not Bulgaria, but apparently there's a Womble called BUNGO, as in Baggins.

#2: Sounds like it's 'Doc' split around something. There's a hobbit named DODERIC Brandybuck, though I can't find half a Vala in "deri". And there's always DOMINIC "Merry" Monaghan, using the miniature Vala Minimusë... :D


Pervinca Took 07-01-2021 10:28 AM

BUNGO: Underground? Overground? Womble, that's he.
2. Medical chap swallows half a Vala for him.
3. Deity overlaps short palindrome girl to meet perturbed footwear? A bigger girl emerges.
4. Mouse changes heads to reveal him?
5. Hard word. Starts with clear direction to a pub. But why, I say? To finish it off with a dwarvish tool.
ADALGRIM'S AUNT: Palindrome girl leads the way to a teacup omen - he's there, but the whole answer is one of his female relatives.
7. One solitary girl? It's revolutionary.
PRIMROSE: Not poetry, but it contains edge - and then she appears.
9. His posterior leapfrogs and is disorientated, but meets a headless 80s singer.

Wrong abbreviation of Doctor.

Urwen 07-03-2021 03:26 AM

Some small hints, please?

Pervinca Took 07-03-2021 09:30 AM

Start with an abbreviation of Doctor for 2, and try a well-known Vala.

Urwen 07-03-2021 11:06 AM

I meant hints for clues, plural, not just one of them...

Galadriel55 07-03-2021 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733062)
Start with an abbreviation of Doctor for 2, and try a well-known Vala.

I've been working with MD for that, but still not getting far with the Vala. Maybe I should start working through them systematically, there are only seven of them (though many of them do have several names).

Pervinca Took 07-03-2021 04:25 PM

Hints, eh?

4. You need a cartoon mouse, not a synonym.

5. Find a synonym for 'pub.'

2. It's a FAR more obvious abbreviation of Doctor!

Urwen 07-03-2021 04:55 PM

DR? (Well, I've checked that three times over, and there is no name that starts with D and ends with R...)

Urwen 07-03-2021 04:56 PM

But I know know that 4 is Merry.

Pervinca Took 07-03-2021 05:08 PM

BUNGO: Underground? Overground? Womble, that's he.
2. Medical chap swallows half a Vala for him.
3. Deity overlaps short palindrome girl to meet perturbed footwear? A bigger girl emerges.
MERRY: Mouse changes heads to reveal him?
5. Hard word. Starts with clear direction to a pub. But why, I say? To finish it off with a dwarvish tool.
ADALGRIM'S AUNT: Palindrome girl leads the way to a teacup omen - he's there, but the whole answer is one of his female relatives.
7. One solitary girl? It's revolutionary.
PRIMROSE: Not poetry, but it contains edge - and then she appears.
9. His posterior leapfrogs and is disorientated, but meets a headless 80s singer.

Pervinca Took 07-03-2021 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733069)
DR? (Well, I've checked that three times over, and there is no name that starts with D and ends with R...)

Oh. Really?

There's Denethor for a start, and he's not even the answer!

Galadriel55 07-03-2021 07:12 PM

Ah right. So if you go with Dr. and Aule, you van get DAUR, which if I recall from your previous passwords is a name for Frodo and fits the hobbit theme going on here. Or am I just quoting from HOME XIII, The Weird Bits?

Pervinca Took 07-04-2021 04:26 AM

BUNGO: Underground? Overground? Womble, that's he.
DAUR: Medical chap swallows half a Vala for him.
3. Deity overlaps short palindrome girl to meet perturbed footwear? A bigger girl emerges.
MERRY: Mouse changes heads to reveal him?
5. Hard word. Starts with clear direction to a pub. But why, I say? To finish it off with a dwarvish tool.
ADALGRIM'S AUNT: Palindrome girl leads the way to a teacup omen - he's there, but the whole answer is one of his female relatives.
7. One solitary girl? It's revolutionary.
PRIMROSE: Not poetry, but it contains edge - and then she appears.
9. His posterior leapfrogs and is disorientated, but meets a headless 80s singer.

It's in LOTR itself. ;)

'Long live the Halflings! Praise them with great praise!
Cuio i Pheriain anann! Aglar'ni Pheriannath!
Praise them with great praise, Frodo and Samwise!
Daur a Berhael, Conin en Annun! Eglerio!
Praise them!
A laita te, laita te! Andave laituvalmet!
Praise them!
Cormacolindor, a laita tarienna!
Praise them! The Ring-bearers, praise them with great praise!'

Mind you, I once thought 'Conin en Annun' meant 'Frodo and Sam.' ;)

And here's the intro to The Wombles, to go with clue 1. ;) :-

And here's the whole song:

Wombles *were* the original recyclers!

Urwen 07-04-2021 05:22 AM

Maybe the password is 'Bag-Enders'?

Pervinca Took 07-04-2021 07:56 AM

BUNGO: Underground? Overground? Womble, that's he.
DAUR: Medical chap swallows half a Vala for him.
G Deity overlaps short palindrome girl to meet perturbed footwear? A bigger girl emerges.
MERRY: Mouse changes heads to reveal him?
N Hard word. Starts with clear direction to a pub. But why, I say? To finish it off with a dwarvish tool.
ADALGRIM'S AUNT: Palindrome girl leads the way to a teacup omen - he's there, but the whole answer is one of his female relatives.
E One solitary girl? It's revolutionary.
PRIMROSE: Not poetry, but it contains edge - and then she appears.
S His posterior leapfrogs and is disorientated, but meets a headless 80s singer.

Urwen 07-04-2021 08:13 AM

G: Goldilocks
E: Elanor

Pervinca Took 07-04-2021 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733077)
G: Goldilocks
E: Elanor


Can you give the reasons?

Urwen 07-04-2021 10:54 AM

For Goldilocks: GOD+LIL+ (S)OCKS
For Elanor: LONER+A

Pervinca Took 07-04-2021 11:08 AM

BUNGO: Underground? Overground? Womble, that's he.
DAUR: Medical chap swallows half a Vala for him.
GOLDILOCKS: Deity overlaps short palindrome girl to meet perturbed footwear? A bigger girl emerges.
MERRY: Mouse changes heads to reveal him?
N Hard word. Starts with clear direction to a pub. But why, I say? To finish it off with a dwarvish tool.
ADALGRIM'S AUNT: Palindrome girl leads the way to a teacup omen - he's there, but the whole answer is one of his female relatives.
ELANOR: One solitary girl? It's revolutionary.
PRIMROSE: Not poetry, but it contains edge - and then she appears.
S His posterior leapfrogs and is disorientated, but meets a headless 80s singer.


Footwear was just SOCK, (singular), though.

Huinesoron 07-05-2021 06:55 AM

The S could be SAMWISE, but I can't figure out who the headless 80s singer would be from MWIE. (It's almost 'Bowie', but then there's that spare M).

I'm guessing "Adalgrim's Aunt" is Belladonna Took-Baggins; she's technically his first cousin once removed or something, but that's a closer relationship than between Frodo and "Uncle" Bilbo, so perhaps Hobbits just call anyone one generation above you but within the same extended family Aunt or Uncle.

That N is a puzzler, though, and no mistake.


Pervinca Took 07-05-2021 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 733094)
The S could be SAMWISE, but I can't figure out who the headless 80s singer would be from MWIE.


That's because the answer isn't Samwise. :D

Gather the elements for the N clue, and you might surprise yourself.

Urwen 07-05-2021 04:22 PM


Or N+inn+axe?

Galadriel55 07-05-2021 04:32 PM

N could be the starting direction. Pub - most likely an INN. Why = Y.


Pervinca Took 07-06-2021 01:33 AM

BUNGO: Underground? Overground? Womble, that's he.
DAUR: Medical chap swallows half a Vala for him.
GOLDILOCKS: Deity overlaps short palindrome girl to meet perturbed footwear? A bigger girl emerges.
MERRY: Mouse changes heads to reveal him?
NINNYHAMMER: Hard word. Starts with clear direction to a pub. But why, I say? To finish it off with a dwarvish tool.
ADALGRIM'S AUNT: Palindrome girl leads the way to a teacup omen - he's there, but the whole answer is one of his female relatives.
ELANOR: One solitary girl? It's revolutionary.
PRIMROSE: Not poetry, but it contains edge - and then she appears.
S His posterior leapfrogs and is disorientated, but meets a headless 80s singer.


One to go.

Think 'unconventional' Bagender.

Galadriel55 07-06-2021 05:07 AM

I will throw out Sharkey as fitting an "unconventional" resident of that home. No idea how to match the clue.

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