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Pervinca Took 08-01-2022 03:56 PM

ANCALIME: Minor Shakespearean lass loses her head twice to join a citrus fruit for her.
PELENDUR: Swingy bit of clock loses hesitation, gains direction and note, and moves about a bit to reveal him.
A Tolkien exclaims, elvishly, and creates him from a muddle?
NUNETH: She’s found in an unethical situation.
OHTAR: Oh, thanks, we hear for him!
N He sounds a bit like a sort of weedkiller, but exclusively for banana plants!
ARAGORN: Giant spider – mutilated, then nursed? Now see him: whole, and regal.
RAGNOR: That toerag Norman is hiding him, I swear!

Galadriel55 08-08-2022 04:10 PM

I feel like "Tolkien exclaims Elvishly" is probably AI, but can't make anything from a muddle.

Huinesoron 08-08-2022 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 735440)
I feel like "Tolkien exclaims Elvishly" is probably AI, but can't make anything from a muddle.

Exactly where I got to. Could "exclaims, elvishly" mean two exclamations, like oh+ai =????

I figure N should start with a sound alike for (ba)nana, possibly with a nar involved, but a quick poke of the character lists got me nowhere.


Pervinca Took 08-10-2022 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 735440)
I feel like "Tolkien exclaims Elvishly" is probably AI, but can't make anything from a muddle.

AI is correct. What was one of the names Tolkien was called? Then muddle it.

NAR is correct. What sound might a weedkiller or pesticide or something end in?

Galadriel55 08-10-2022 09:23 AM

Hmm... ALDARION? With Ronald and AI?

Pervinca Took 08-10-2022 10:18 AM

ANCALIME: Minor Shakespearean lass loses her head twice to join a citrus fruit for her.
PELENDUR: Swingy bit of clock loses hesitation, gains direction and note, and moves about a bit to reveal him.
ALDARION: Tolkien exclaims, elvishly, and creates him from a muddle?
NUNETH: She’s found in an unethical situation.
OHTAR: Oh, thanks, we hear for him!
N He sounds a bit like a sort of weedkiller, but exclusively for banana plants!
ARAGORN: Giant spider – mutilated, then nursed? Now see him: whole, and regal.
RAGNOR: That toerag Norman is hiding him, I swear!

Aldarion, verily.

Urwen 08-10-2022 11:16 AM

Well, most pesticides end in - EN or - IEN, but the closest I can get from that is Arien/Aerin...

Pervinca Took 08-10-2022 12:28 PM

Not that ending.

Whom do you call if you have a rat infestation? In the UK, admittedly.

Galadriel55 08-10-2022 01:56 PM

...pest control? I am very confused about that clue...

Pervinca Took 08-11-2022 05:55 AM

The people you call over here if you have a rat infestation.

Urwen 08-11-2022 07:06 AM


Pervinca Took 08-11-2022 08:25 AM

No, but 5 letters are right.

Huinesoron 08-11-2022 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 735485)


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 735488)
No, but 5 letters are right.

I've been circling around "Narkil" for days (my only other option was Narbegon), so thank you Urwen for asking it!

Narsil is a sword, so isn't a 'he'. Nargil appears in Beleg's whetting spell, and might be a mortal - or a knife - or a dwarf - or another name for Angrist. Another Nargil is a pass into Mordor. Uhm... NANA-KIL > NARMA-CIL, Kings of Gondor?


Pervinca Took 08-11-2022 09:32 AM

ANCALIME: Minor Shakespearean lass loses her head twice to join a citrus fruit for her.
PELENDUR: Swingy bit of clock loses hesitation, gains direction and note, and moves about a bit to reveal him.
ALDARION: Tolkien exclaims, elvishly, and creates him from a muddle?
NUNETH: She’s found in an unethical situation.
OHTAR: Oh, thanks, we hear for him!
NARMACIL: He sounds a bit like a sort of weedkiller, but exclusively for banana plants!
ARAGORN: Giant spider – mutilated, then nursed? Now see him: whole, and regal.
RAGNOR: That toerag Norman is hiding him, I swear!

All done - and I think the floor is Huinesoron's?

Urwen 08-11-2022 09:53 AM

No, it's mine, if I remember correctly...?

Pervinca Took 08-11-2022 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 735381)
Password: Apanonar, possibly?

Quite right. Sorry!

Over to URWEN.

Pervinca Took 08-28-2022 06:33 AM

Can we have a password, Urwen?

Urwen 08-28-2022 11:52 AM

I'll have one made in the next three days. If I don't have one up by the end of August, you can continue.

Pervinca Took 09-16-2022 11:49 AM

As it's been a while now, I'm posting another one.

This one's in rhyming couplets. I hope you like it.

1. Praise them with the greatest praise, these Princes of the West!
2. Take note from a florin, leaving nothing. Oft he’s pressed.
3. She? Not she. Or he? Not he. Then you? No, no! Nor me!
4. Broideress, or spinner? Cast a net – a thrower, she!
5. Two kings mix – an ancient Brit, a dwarf – and make a third;
6. Illumination, fair beyond the scope of elvish word.
7. Marvellous and radiant, at mountain’s heart it lies,
8. Strength, endurance past hope’s end – such anguish in his eyes …
9. … Gifted, this, to light him, when all other lights should fail,
10. … And one who tries to heal him, and many souls who ail.
11. This thing cracks so easily, you walk on it with care;
12. And this one’s speech enchants, but only listen if you dare!
13. ‘Murderers and elf-friends!’ in great wrath by him was said;
14. Ancalime – in preference, this is the one she’d wed.
15. The French breeze it is mingled for him; short yet doughty, he,
16. And distant is a jewel? His quality is plain to see.
17. Earendil is its guardian; a Silmaril its form;
18. It’s heartbreaking and hideous, to see this one transform.
19. No lair after an article, that’s definite, for him,
20. And Eastern Rome morphs into one of the brave Rohirrim!
21. Starts radical – appalled, he sounds! No ire, though, ’neath his ’lids.
22. Just change the first for mints and sweets we ate when we were kids.
23. This word means wealth or treasures, that are used for good or ill,
24. And for these things, so wondrous fair, unnumbered tears will spill.

Urwen 09-17-2022 04:49 AM

3. Nori
19. Theoden
24. Silmarils?

Urwen 09-17-2022 04:50 AM

1. Ernil e Periannath?

Pervinca Took 09-17-2022 09:43 AM

Yes to all except number 1.

1. Praise them with the greatest praise, these Princes of the West!
2. Take note from a florin, leaving nothing. Oft he’s pressed.
NORI: She? Not she. Or he? Not he. Then you? No, no! Nor me!
4. Broideress, or spinner? Cast a net – a thrower, she!
5. Two kings mix – an ancient Brit, a dwarf – and make a third;
6. Illumination, fair beyond the scope of elvish word.
7. Marvellous and radiant, at mountain’s heart it lies,
8. Strength, endurance past hope’s end – such anguish in his eyes …
9. … Gifted, this, to light him, when all other lights should fail,
10. … And one who tries to heal him, and many souls who ail.
11. This thing cracks so easily, you walk on it with care;
12. And this one’s speech enchants, but only listen if you dare!
13. ‘Murderers and elf-friends!’ in great wrath by him was said;
14. Ancalime – in preference, this is the one she’d wed.
15. The French breeze it is mingled for him; short yet doughty, he,
16. And distant is a jewel? His quality is plain to see.
17. Earendil is its guardian; a Silmaril its form;
18. It’s heartbreaking and hideous, to see this one transform.
THEODEN: No lair after an article, that’s definite, for him,
20. And Eastern Rome morphs into one of the brave Rohirrim!
21. Starts radical – appalled, he sounds! No ire, though, ’neath his ’lids.
22. Just change the first for mints and sweets we ate when we were kids.
23. This word means wealth or treasures, that are used for good or ill,
SILMARILS: And for these things, so wondrous fair, unnumbered tears will spill.

Galadriel55 09-17-2022 10:00 AM

Love the rhymes!

2. Olorin?

7. Arkenstone?

9. Phial?

12. Saruman?

Pervinca Took 09-17-2022 10:19 AM

1. Praise them with the greatest praise, these Princes of the West!
OLORIN: Take note from a florin, leaving nothing. Oft he’s pressed.
NORI: She? Not she. Or he? Not he. Then you? No, no! Nor me!
4. Broideress, or spinner? Cast a net – a thrower, she!
5. Two kings mix – an ancient Brit, a dwarf – and make a third;
6. Illumination, fair beyond the scope of elvish word.
ARKENSTONE: Marvellous and radiant, at mountain’s heart it lies,
8. Strength, endurance past hope’s end – such anguish in his eyes …
NERWEN'S PHIAL: Gifted, this, to light him, when all other lights should fail,
10. … And one who tries to heal him, and many souls who ail.
11. This thing cracks so easily, you walk on it with care;
SARUMAN: And this one’s speech enchants, but only listen if you dare!
13. ‘Murderers and elf-friends!’ in great wrath by him was said;
14. Ancalime – in preference, this is the one she’d wed.
15. The French breeze it is mingled for him; short yet doughty, he,
16. And distant is a jewel? His quality is plain to see.
17. Earendil is its guardian; a Silmaril its form;
18. It’s heartbreaking and hideous, to see this one transform.
THEODEN: No lair after an article, that’s definite, for him,
20. And Eastern Rome morphs into one of the brave Rohirrim!
21. Starts radical – appalled, he sounds! No ire, though, ’neath his ’lids.
22. Just change the first for mints and sweets we ate when we were kids.
23. This word means wealth or treasures, that are used for good or ill,
SILMARILS: And for these things, so wondrous fair, unnumbered tears will spill.

Galadriel55 09-17-2022 10:31 AM

16. Faramir?

Pervinca Took 09-17-2022 10:40 AM

1. Praise them with the greatest praise, these Princes of the West!
OLORIN: Take note from a florin, leaving nothing. Oft he’s pressed.
NORI: She? Not she. Or he? Not he. Then you? No, no! Nor me!
4. Broideress, or spinner? Cast a net – a thrower, she!
5. Two kings mix – an ancient Brit, a dwarf – and make a third;
6. Illumination, fair beyond the scope of elvish word.
ARKENSTONE: Marvellous and radiant, at mountain’s heart it lies,
8. Strength, endurance past hope’s end – such anguish in his eyes …
NERWEN'S PHIAL: Gifted, this, to light him, when all other lights should fail,
10. … And one who tries to heal him, and many souls who ail.
11. This thing cracks so easily, you walk on it with care;
SARUMAN: And this one’s speech enchants, but only listen if you dare!
13. ‘Murderers and elf-friends!’ in great wrath by him was said;
14. Ancalime – in preference, this is the one she’d wed.
15. The French breeze it is mingled for him; short yet doughty, he,
FARAMIR: And distant is a jewel? His quality is plain to see.
17. Earendil is its guardian; a Silmaril its form;
18. It’s heartbreaking and hideous, to see this one transform.
THEODEN: No lair after an article, that’s definite, for him,
20. And Eastern Rome morphs into one of the brave Rohirrim!
21. Starts radical – appalled, he sounds! No ire, though, ’neath his ’lids.
22. Just change the first for mints and sweets we ate when we were kids.
23. This word means wealth or treasures, that are used for good or ill,
SILMARILS: And for these things, so wondrous fair, unnumbered tears will spill.

Urwen 09-17-2022 10:50 AM

4. Shelob?

Pervinca Took 09-17-2022 10:59 AM

Yes - lob = throw
1. Praise them with the greatest praise, these Princes of the West!
OLORIN: Take note from a florin, leaving nothing. Oft he’s pressed.
NORI: She? Not she. Or he? Not he. Then you? No, no! Nor me!
SHELOB: Broideress, or spinner? Cast a net – a thrower, she!
5. Two kings mix – an ancient Brit, a dwarf – and make a third;
6. Illumination, fair beyond the scope of elvish word.
ARKENSTONE: Marvellous and radiant, at mountain’s heart it lies,
8. Strength, endurance past hope’s end – such anguish in his eyes …
NERWEN'S PHIAL: Gifted, this, to light him, when all other lights should fail,
10. … And one who tries to heal him, and many souls who ail.
11. This thing cracks so easily, you walk on it with care;
SARUMAN: And this one’s speech enchants, but only listen if you dare!
13. ‘Murderers and elf-friends!’ in great wrath by him was said;
14. Ancalime – in preference, this is the one she’d wed.
15. The French breeze it is mingled for him; short yet doughty, he,
FARAMIR: And distant is a jewel? His quality is plain to see.
17. Earendil is its guardian; a Silmaril its form;
18. It’s heartbreaking and hideous, to see this one transform.
THEODEN: No lair after an article, that’s definite, for him,
20. And Eastern Rome morphs into one of the brave Rohirrim!
21. Starts radical – appalled, he sounds! No ire, though, ’neath his ’lids.
22. Just change the first for mints and sweets we ate when we were kids.
23. This word means wealth or treasures, that are used for good or ill,
SILMARILS: And for these things, so wondrous fair, unnumbered tears will spill.

Galadriel55 09-17-2022 03:55 PM

10. Aragorn?

13. The line, of course, belongs to the Great Goblin. Beat them, slash them, bite them, gnash them!

20. Eomer, from E + ROME?

Pervinca Took 09-18-2022 03:58 AM

1. Praise them with the greatest praise, these Princes of the West!
OLORIN: Take note from a florin, leaving nothing. Oft he’s pressed.
NORI: She? Not she. Or he? Not he. Then you? No, no! Nor me!
SHELOB: Broideress, or spinner? Cast a net – a thrower, she!
5. Two kings mix – an ancient Brit, a dwarf – and make a third;
6. Illumination, fair beyond the scope of elvish word.
ARKENSTONE: Marvellous and radiant, at mountain’s heart it lies,
8. Strength, endurance past hope’s end – such anguish in his eyes …
NERWEN'S PHIAL: Gifted, this, to light him, when all other lights should fail,
ELESSAR: … And one who tries to heal him, and many souls who ail.
11. This thing cracks so easily, you walk on it with care;
SARUMAN: And this one’s speech enchants, but only listen if you dare!
AZOG'S KINSMAN: ‘Murderers and elf-friends!’ in great wrath by him was said;
14. Ancalime – in preference, this is the one she’d wed.
15. The French breeze it is mingled for him; short yet doughty, he,
FARAMIR: And distant is a jewel? His quality is plain to see.
17. Earendil is its guardian; a Silmaril its form;
18. It’s heartbreaking and hideous, to see this one transform.
THEODEN: No lair after an article, that’s definite, for him,
EOMER: And Eastern Rome morphs into one of the brave Rohirrim!
21. Starts radical – appalled, he sounds! No ire, though, ’neath his ’lids.
22. Just change the first for mints and sweets we ate when we were kids.
23. This word means wealth or treasures, that are used for good or ill,
SILMARILS: And for these things, so wondrous fair, unnumbered tears will spill.

Yes indeed. Sometimes by other names, but the clue asked for the person, not the specific letters, in those instances.

I THINK the Great Goblin was a kinsman of Azog. And I suppose he is anyway in the broad sense, since both are goblins.

Urwen 09-18-2022 04:14 AM

11. Ice? Or Grinding Ice, more specifically?

Pervinca Took 09-18-2022 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 735935)
11. Ice? Or Grinding Ice, more specifically?

Afraid not. This one is only Tolkienian because it appears in one of the Riddles.

Urwen 09-18-2022 07:54 AM

11. Egg?

Pervinca Took 09-18-2022 01:03 PM

That'll do
1. Praise them with the greatest praise, these Princes of the West!
OLORIN: Take note from a florin, leaving nothing. Oft he’s pressed.
NORI: She? Not she. Or he? Not he. Then you? No, no! Nor me!
SHELOB: Broideress, or spinner? Cast a net – a thrower, she!
5. Two kings mix – an ancient Brit, a dwarf – and make a third;
6. Illumination, fair beyond the scope of elvish word.
ARKENSTONE: Marvellous and radiant, at mountain’s heart it lies,
8. Strength, endurance past hope’s end – such anguish in his eyes …
NERWEN'S PHIAL: Gifted, this, to light him, when all other lights should fail,
ELESSAR: … And one who tries to heal him, and many souls who ail.
EGGSHELL: This thing cracks so easily, you walk on it with care;
SARUMAN: And this one’s speech enchants, but only listen if you dare!
AZOG'S KINSMAN: ‘Murderers and elf-friends!’ in great wrath by him was said;
14. Ancalime – in preference, this is the one she’d wed.
15. The French breeze it is mingled for him; short yet doughty, he,
FARAMIR: And distant is a jewel? His quality is plain to see.
17. Earendil is its guardian; a Silmaril its form;
18. It’s heartbreaking and hideous, to see this one transform.
THEODEN: No lair after an article, that’s definite, for him,
EOMER: And Eastern Rome morphs into one of the brave Rohirrim!
21. Starts radical – appalled, he sounds! No ire, though, ’neath his ’lids.
22. Just change the first for mints and sweets we ate when we were kids.
23. This word means wealth or treasures, that are used for good or ill,
SILMARILS: And for these things, so wondrous fair, unnumbered tears will spill.

Galadriel55 09-22-2022 07:46 AM

8. Gonna guess Frodo, especially if "he" is the same as the subsequent clues.

17. Light [unmarred, of the Trees]?

Huinesoron 09-22-2022 08:16 AM

14 - I was pretty sure Ancalime didn't want to marry anyone, but had to look up the exact reference. "That would be Úner (which is 'Noman'), whom I prefer above all others."

Sources are unclear as to whether she means Noman or Gnome Ann; or possibly she was just into ladies ("No living man am I!").


Pervinca Took 09-23-2022 02:22 AM

1. Praise them with the greatest praise, these Princes of the West!
OLORIN: Take note from a florin, leaving nothing. Oft he’s pressed.
NORI: She? Not she. Or he? Not he. Then you? No, no! Nor me!
SHELOB: Broideress, or spinner? Cast a net – a thrower, she!
5. Two kings mix – an ancient Brit, a dwarf – and make a third;
6. Illumination, fair beyond the scope of elvish word.
ARKENSTONE: Marvellous and radiant, at mountain’s heart it lies,
IORHAEL: Strength, endurance past hope’s end – such anguish in his eyes …
NERWEN'S PHIAL: Gifted, this, to light him, when all other lights should fail,
ELESSAR: … And one who tries to heal him, and many souls who ail.
EGGSHELL: This thing cracks so easily, you walk on it with care;
SARUMAN: And this one’s speech enchants, but only listen if you dare!
AZOG'S KINSMAN: ‘Murderers and elf-friends!’ in great wrath by him was said;
NO-ONE: Ancalime – in preference, this is the one she’d wed.
15. The French breeze it is mingled for him; short yet doughty, he,
FARAMIR: And distant is a jewel? His quality is plain to see.
EVENING STAR'S LIGHT: Earendil is its guardian; a Silmaril its form;
18. It’s heartbreaking and hideous, to see this one transform.
THEODEN: No lair after an article, that’s definite, for him,
EOMER: And Eastern Rome morphs into one of the brave Rohirrim!
21. Starts radical – appalled, he sounds! No ire, though, ’neath his ’lids.
22. Just change the first for mints and sweets we ate when we were kids.
23. This word means wealth or treasures, that are used for good or ill,
SILMARILS: And for these things, so wondrous fair, unnumbered tears will spill.

Near enough on all three - saves me asking you for alternative names, since the clues weren't letter-based.

Pervinca Took 09-27-2022 11:39 AM

Has no-one seen the pattern yet? Big hint ...
very majorly inspired by Huinesoron's last password. ;)

Huinesoron 09-27-2022 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 736044)
Has no-one seen the pattern yet? Big hint ...
very majorly inspired by Huinesoron's last password. ;)

Oh sweet Nienna, that was the bondage one wasn't it? You're really getting into this. :eek:

Okay, I feel like the Phial and the light of the evenstar are a pair (one contains the other) - but they're the only pair I've found! Eggshell ought to be quite distinctive, because the only instance I can remember is the riddle. Hmm... is #23 something like GOLD? Could also be RICHES or at a stretch HOARD.

And I guess the Silmarils contain the light of the Trees, which would fit for #6... it says elvish, so CALA or one of its relatives perhaps?

Okay, the password looks like it might have 'and fetter' in, starting from #13. That suggests TRAHALD for #18. Can't do the D, though.


Pervinca Took 09-27-2022 01:54 PM

1. Praise them with the greatest praise, these Princes of the West!
OLORIN: Take note from a florin, leaving nothing. Oft he’s pressed.
NORI: She? Not she. Or he? Not he. Then you? No, no! Nor me!
SHELOB: Broideress, or spinner? Cast a net – a thrower, she!
5. Two kings mix – an ancient Brit, a dwarf – and make a third;
RADIANCE OF THE TREES: Illumination, fair beyond the scope of elvish word.
ARKENSTONE: Marvellous and radiant, at mountain’s heart it lies,
IORHAEL: Strength, endurance past hope’s end – such anguish in his eyes …
NERWEN'S PHIAL: Gifted, this, to light him, when all other lights should fail,
ELESSAR: … And one who tries to heal him, and many souls who ail.
EGGSHELL: This thing cracks so easily, you walk on it with care;
SARUMAN: And this one’s speech enchants, but only listen if you dare!

AZOG'S KINSMAN: ‘Murderers and elf-friends!’ in great wrath by him was said;
NO-ONE: Ancalime – in preference, this is the one she’d wed.
15. The French breeze it is mingled for him; short yet doughty, he,

FARAMIR: And distant is a jewel? His quality is plain to see.
EVENING STAR'S LIGHT: Earendil is its guardian; a Silmaril its form;
TRAHALD: It’s heartbreaking and hideous, to see this one transform.
THEODEN: No lair after an article, that’s definite, for him,
EOMER: And Eastern Rome morphs into one of the brave Rohirrim!
21. Starts radical – appalled, he sounds! No ire, though, ’neath his ’lids.
22. Just change the first for mints and sweets we ate when we were kids.
RICHES: This word means wealth or treasures, that are used for good or ill,
SILMARILS: And for these things, so wondrous fair, unnumbered tears will spill.

I'm sure you can see more pairs if you try. ;)

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