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Is the password Galmod?
G: He’s expanding, or so ’tis said. ANGELICA (BAGGINS): Hobbit known for decorative candy? LEGOLAS: The French purposes (if slightly mixed) reveal him. M: Shrub loses sleeping disorder to reveal a deceiver. OLWE: Teutonic lion disturbed among the Teleri. DADDY TWOFOOT: Paternal biped. |
In which casee is 1 Gròin father of Glóin father of Gimli
Now we just have to think of a shrub that contains "insomnia"...
GROIN: He’s expanding, or so ’tis said.
ANGELICA (BAGGINS): Hobbit known for decorative candy? LEGOLAS: The French purposes (if slightly mixed) reveal him. M: Shrub loses sleeping disorder to reveal a deceiver. OLWE: Teutonic lion disturbed among the Teleri. DADDY TWOFOOT: Paternal biped. The remaining clue is probably the hardest, but not that hard. |
Or apnœa
Or it could be that "shrub" looses "sleeping", disordered/scrambled. But I still can't find the right shrub or the right sleep - unless the shrub is called "sleeping ___". Apparently there is one called sleeping beauty, but beauty is a pretty hard word to scramble.
I tried working backwards assuming that deceiver is the straight clue and nearly got Maeglin out of magnolia...whomelse Melkor? Morgoth?
Try googling for an abbreviation of a sleeping disorder.
Ninety eight sets of initials later...
mim? MImosa less osa which is obstructive sleep apnoea |
Besides, you ought to have noticed by now that I often use answers I've used before, with different clues. Just as Mith uses really obscure names that you have to trawl for for ages (often through more than 98 other names!) GROIN: He’s expanding, or so ’tis said. ANGELICA (BAGGINS): Hobbit known for decorative candy? LEGOLAS: The French purposes (if slightly mixed) reveal him. MIM: Shrub loses sleeping disorder to reveal a deceiver. OLWE: Teutonic lion disturbed among the Teleri. DADDY TWOFOOT: Paternal biped. Over to Galadriel. :D |
It wasn't so bad since most of them were totally irrelevant but I must admit I hadn't thought of initials and was struggling because both plants and diseases tend to have classical names which are not very Tolkieny. Part of me was expecting to find a shrub called Morgocatalepthys!
And having first encountered it in Australia, I tend to think of wattle first. Or the drink! The obscure names are usually Gilgalad though....:Merisu: and only because there does have to be a challenge and if the clues are just and the words familiar anyone with enough knowledge of Tolkien and cryptic conventions can rattle through them. So either need the word to be odder or the clue twistier. Of course one person's obscure is hopelessly obvious to another. I really didn't realise Yale was obscure but I couldn't resist the elegance of using Ivy league Boffins even if it was solved in a second. |
Yale, with its pun on boffin, was one of my favourite clues. I'm sure I once knew there was somewhere called Yale in the Shire, but had forgotten it. It's odd that it wasn't in the Appendices. I don't think it was even on the map.
According to Hammond and Scull added in the revised Second Edition.
Well, here it goes.
1. Three directions to hills 2. One of those mixed in no ion star here 3. Ring's endpoint 4. Numenorian port without men - O! - receives one wanderer. 5. Small fruit switches direction in stone. |
2. Heren Istarion?
3. Orodruin, perhaps? Or Sammath Naur? |
1. Three directions to hills
2. One of those mixed in no ion star here 3. ORODRUIN Ring's endpoint 4. Numenorian port without men - O! - receives one wanderer. 5. Small fruit switches direction in stone. Heren Istarion is there, but it's not the full clue. |
Wildish guess for1 Towere Hills To + West East Right?
Not Tower Hills, but the logic is very similar.
There's Emyn Arnen, if you can repeat the same direction - but with three N's and two E's it repeats them too many times. Although, according to the Tolkien Gateway, Quenya ar = "beside" " ... beside + N + E gives three directions. Except that "beside" isn't really a direction.
EDIT: Or Emyn Muil has E + N + L(eft). EDIT: Or "Downs" - but that's four directions - W + N + S plus DOWN. 5. Small fruit switches direction in stone. I wonder if that could be ERECH - a shortened (small) version of cherry, switched around, with an added direction (E). |
Neither one is correct but both are going in the right direction.
4. Numenorian port without men - O! - receives one wanderer.
There was a Numenorean haven called ROMENNA - minus MEN and O plus A for one, this would give RANA = wanderer, a name for the moon. |
1. Three directions to hills 2. One of those mixed in no ion star here 3. ORODRUIN Ring's endpoint 4. RANA Numenorian port without men - O! - receives one wanderer. 5. Small fruit switches direction in stone. |
Might I ask if we're looking for a diagonal password or a regular one?
EDIT: 5. Small fruit switches direction in stone. SARN is an elvish word for stone, I think. It has the first three letters of raspberry (a small part of a small fruit), switched round, and a direction - N - on the end. |
You're getting warmer with the small fruits, but you're thinking of specific ones. Don't. Think of more general categories that could replace part of the clue. |
Well, there's berry, which is more generic as well as small, and could perhaps lead to beryl, which I believe Strider says is an elvish stone ... but I think beryls are actual semi-precious stones in the "real" world too.
Switches direction could mean changes one of the R's for an L? |
Beryl I think is another name for peridot.
From www.thefreedictionary.com :
"beryl [ˈbɛrɪl] n (Earth Sciences / Minerals) a white, blue, yellow, green, or pink mineral, found in coarse granites and igneous rocks. It is a source of beryllium and used as a gemstone; the green variety is emerald, the blue is aquamarine. Composition: beryllium aluminium silicate. Formula: Be3Al2Si6O18. Crystal structure: hexagonal [from Old French, from Latin bēryllus, from Greek bērullos, of Indic origin] beryline adj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003" So an emerald is a kind of beryl? Always thought beryl was a gemstone because it's also a woman's name (although now very old-fashioned). |
Wrong green stone ooops. I have a neighbor Beryl hut she must be seventy and it isn't an old name that has become fasionable again.
1. Three directions to hills
2. One of those mixed in no ion star here 3. ORODRUIN Ring's endpoint 4. RANA Numenorian port without men - O! - receives one wanderer. 5. BERYL Small fruit switches direction in stone. Very much correct! I'm not too certain about beryl in our modern world, but in ME is is an elf-stone, one of which Strider found when he went to scout the bridge - a message from Glorfindel. As for the remaining 2 clues, both have been attempted in the right direction, just not taken far enough. :) |
Tyrn Gorthad? Desperation Turn go and...oh i dunno
Far Downs would be Far + Down + S, but Far isn't really a direction and I think it's more likely, if Downs, to be North, South, East or West. I need to look up which of these exist in the Shire, though.
Off the top of my head, I think North Downs might be the one that does. EDIT: North Downs does indeed exist, but it's Fornost way, north of Bree, and not actually in the Shire. EDIT: There are also the South Downs, though, which are south of Bree. BTW I had assumed that Heren Istarion was a place. Looking it up, of course, it's the name given to the order of Five Wizards (which wouldn't make sense with the clue, even if it did have another i). |
Missing something hete do we know it has to be in shire?
It doesn't. That was just me trying to solve the clue. I thought the North Downs were in the Shire. I was just pointing out that they weren't when I found out where they were.
Ok, occurs that the no isn't needed into make Heren Istarion wonder if that is significant.
You mean you think the answer could be one of the five wizards? One of them mixed in the no (number) - one of the five which make up the Heren Istarion?
Hmmm - Gandalf/Mithrandir/Olorin, Saruman/Curunir/Curumo, Radagast/Aiwendil, Pallando and the other one ... Alatar. EDIT: I'm going to guess BROWN LANDS for the password, reading up from the bottom on the first and last letter of every name. With WIZARD for the Heren Istarion clue and NORTH DOWNS for the first one. |
Oll Korrect! :)
1. NORTH DOWNS Three directions to hills
2. WIZARD One of those mixed in no ion star here 3. ORODRUIN Ring's endpoint 4. RANA Numenorian port without men - O! - receives one wanderer. 5. BERYL Small fruit switches direction in stone. *bows* Over to Pervinca! |
I am being thick here but I don't get why three directions is north? V clever password btw
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