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Nori is correct. Elessar is not. You were closer with Tar.
Not sure if we need to account for 'label' apart from its just being the word/name for a king? But will guess at ARAN, the Quenya word for king.
Not Aran. The clue is cryptic; thus, there is a straight clue and a cryptic part. The king is the straight clue.
1. TURIN He wrecks destruction and drink, did you say? 2. NORI Dwarf confused foreign colour. 3. EDAIN One European mixed up men. 4. ELLADAN Girl and boy make a cross-breed. 5. King label 6. Tree (or is it?) endlessly shot. 7. BILL Animal, master, and statement. 8. LOTHO Behold! Feverish, confused man. 9. Leader mixes small direction. Any thoughts for #6 or #9? |
Ah ... could it be label as in brand? The brand of goods on the label?
King BRAND of Dale? (Son of Bain, son of Bard, if I've got them in the right order). |
I'm not going to be around for a couple of weeks to post another password if I'm right (so please, if I'm right, someone else step in once the clues are all correctly guessed), but is the password UNDERHILL, going in a zigzag from top to bottom between the 2nd and 1st letters of the answers?
The thought that it might be gives me an idea for the tree clue, but I will not post this until I can justify the cryptic part of it. |
Unless ... perhaps 'endlessly shot' is what happened to the huorns under Saruman's orders?
And it's sort of debatable whether or not a HUORN is actually a tree. |
1. TURIN He wrecks destruction and drink, did you say? 2. NORI Dwarf confused foreign colour. 3. EDAIN One European mixed up men. 4. ELLADAN Girl and boy make a cross-breed. 5. BRAND King label 6. H Tree (or is it?) endlessly shot. 7. BILL Animal, master, and statement. 8. LOTHO Behold! Feverish, confused man. 9. ... L Leader mixes small direction. |
'Endlessly shot,' and looking for ways to make it work, has made me envisage Vollywood - the Valinor equivalent of Bollywood, and all the handsome elves as film stars ... oh dear.
A pleasant image, though. :) |
I've been thinking 'family tree,' but ...
Go on then! ;) EDIT: Haleth, who founded a family tree? Because I think she was a hunter, and they would shoot (but 'shot' is passive voice). |
There are two Tolkien elements in the clue. Huorn is indeed the tree (or is it), but that's not the straight clue (or the answer).
PS: sorry for the late response, I didn't see your post until now. I was writing a post for RP and I forgot to refresh... :( |
An endless Huorn would be HUOR - was he a good shot? Handy with a bow and arrow?
EDIT: Well ... he was shot in the eye with a poisoned arrow, and so died. |
1. TURIN He wrecks destruction and drink, did you say? 2. NORI Dwarf confused foreign colour. 3. EDAIN One European mixed up men. 4. ELLADAN Girl and boy make a cross-breed. 5. BRAND King label 6. HUOR Tree (or is it?) endlessly shot. 7. BILL Animal, master, and statement. 8. LOTHO Behold! Feverish, confused man. 9. ... L Leader mixes small direction. |
9. ... L Leader mixes small direction.
Although 'low' is a bit of a stretch for 'small,' I'll have a guess at OLWE (with E for the direction).
Oh! ELWE - wee for little? (And L for the direction).
Perfect. :D Over to you.
Yay! And a great zig-zag password (applauds again). :)
This took me a little while to put together, because I no longer have a piled-up stock of password clues, but I hope you enjoy it: 1. Bold grey takes direction for her. 2. Sauron’s speciality loses humanity for a flower. 3. Lament mingles with horse colour. Loses note but adds direction, for a sombre portal. 4. Leaf mingles with crude fertiliser, but the result is high and Noldorin. 5. Old English chill mingles with bitter liquid, but loses note at the peak. 6. Hesitate, know, mark him. 7. Here interweave many tales, if French direction meets the Aylesbury rockers. 8. Quaint tile around the mountain. |
I'll hazard a guess - Celebdil for #5? Google etymology tells me chill once used to be cele or ciele. It's a peak. No clue how to make bitter liquid out of bd(i)l.
I suspect bile is the bitter liquid and d or the extra e the lost note
1. Bold grey takes direction for her.
2. Sauron’s speciality loses humanity for a flower. 3. Lament mingles with horse colour. Loses note but adds direction, for a sombre portal. 4. Leaf mingles with crude fertiliser, but the result is high and Noldorin. CELEBDIL: Old English chill mingles with bitter liquid, but loses note at the peak. 6. Hesitate, know, mark him. 7. Here interweave many tales, if French direction meets the Aylesbury rockers. 8. Quaint tile around the mountain. Both close enough for a cigar. It's actually Old English CEALD for cold - I started the clue with 'Old English cold,' but thought chill flowed better in the 'sense' of the sentence, and 'chill' can be synonymous with 'cold.' So CEALD mixes with BILE and loses the A. |
Not really - your answer was correct, and your reasoning nearly correct. ;)
It happens a lot to me at least with cryptic crosswords. You know it has to be a certain word - or when you get the solution - but you don't quite see why.
6. Erkenbrand? Er=hesitate, brand=mark, ken = ??? somehow must become know.
ken does mean know though it is archaic save in some dialects. I guess it is linked to the German kennen. It isn't widely used save in expressions like "beyond my ken" or the old song "Do you ken John Peel?"
Erkenbrand indeed
1. Bold grey takes direction for her.
2. Sauron’s speciality loses humanity for a flower. 3. Lament mingles with horse colour. Loses note but adds direction, for a sombre portal. 4. Leaf mingles with crude fertiliser, but the result is high and Noldorin. CELEBDIL: Old English chill mingles with bitter liquid, but loses note at the peak. ERKENBRAND: Hesitate, know, mark him. 7. Here interweave many tales, if French direction meets the Aylesbury rockers. 8. Quaint tile around the mountain. 'Ken' is still widely used in Scotland, and I remember it being used in a cryptic clue on a game show in the 80's. ;) I think you've started with two of the hardest clues, by the way. |
3. Morannon = Roan+moan-a+n
Also, I found these clues easier because I knew where to start. I tend to get lost with clues that have synonyms and anagrams because there are so many possibilities. Like, for the past few days I've been trying to name Sauron's speciality, but things like "trickery" and "evil" don't really work well. ;) My trouble is with finding the right words, not with sticking them together. PS: also, my first thought about this clue was Doors of the Dead. :D |
Oh! Ringlore - re = Ringlo for 2!
Ah I was reverse engineering from Ringil which was a struggle...
Well done!
1. Bold grey takes direction for her.
RINGLO: Sauron’s speciality loses humanity for a flower. MORANNON: Lament mingles with horse colour. Loses note but adds direction, for a sombre portal. 4. Leaf mingles with crude, backward form of fertiliser, but the result is high and Noldorin. CELEBDIL: Old English chill mingles with bitter liquid, but loses note at the peak. ERKENBRAND: Hesitate, know, mark him. 7. Here interweave many tales, if French direction meets the Aylesbury rockers. 8. Quaint tile around the mountain. Indeed! Ringlore minus RE (the humanity subject, Religious Education). |
Methinks the answer for 4 is Finrod. Tried the combinations and he is the only one that makes sense.
You ARE right ... in a sense ....
But not quite right enough to justify the cryptic elements. ;) Can you tell me the thinking behind your answer? |
Simple. The synonym for leaf is Frond. If you add letter I which I think is the fertilizer and changed the order a bit, you get Finrod.
Ingenious ... but wrong. ;)
'I' is a bit of a stretch for a fertiliser! Try again. You are very close, but the word 'frond' is not involved. |
But there must be a frond somewhere in there and I don't know anyone else who has frond as part of their name.
Sometimes you don't need a synonym. ;) That's also true of the last of the clues ....
I've added a little to clue 4, to hopefully make it easier. |
In that case, the answer is either Faelivrin (nickname for Finduilas) or Feanor
Both wrong, I'm afraid. You were closer with Finrod.
ahh 4 is Felagund anagram of leaf and dung. I thought of dung ages ago but couldn't make it work
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