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Pervinca Took 09-18-2015 12:07 PM

They were great clues. Did you realise that 'twice noted' was both cryptic and straight when you wrote it?

The next password:

1. Old-fashioned sweetheart changes note in a tumult in the sky.
2. Letters lose approval, we hear, in the pass.
3. Direction found in muddied clay leads to the light.

Urwen 09-18-2015 01:16 PM

1 is Menel. Leman-A + E equals Lemen. Switch that around and you get Menel, or the sky in Arda cosmology.

And with that alone, I say that the password is Mim.

Pervinca Took 09-18-2015 01:48 PM

MENEL: Old-fashioned sweetheart changes note in a tumult in the sky.
2. Letters lose approval, we hear, in the pass.
3. Direction found in muddied clay leads to the light.

Yes, you have one of the passwords. But I am not putting it in until you work out where it is. ;)

Urwen 09-18-2015 02:11 PM

3 is Ormal, loam+r, also switched to make a lamp.

Now to crack the 2nd.....I will crack it, I swear.....

Oh, and methinks the other password is Oin. Methinks someone is fascinated with dwarf names....;)

Well, despite not being able to crack it yet, I still say 2 is Cirith, elvish for pass.

Galadriel55 09-18-2015 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 701932)
They were great clues. Did you realise that 'twice noted' was both cryptic and straight when you wrote it?

No. I was only intending the cryptic part. Is he actually mentioned exactly twice? I remembered that he only appears very briefly, but I haven't thought of that. One time or three times were just as good to me.

Pervinca Took 09-18-2015 03:30 PM

He may be mentioned 3 times, but very close together.

Ormal is right, and so are Mim and Oin. Cirith is the correct pass, but it is not the answer to clue 2.

Urwen 09-18-2015 03:36 PM

Cirith Ungol?

Pervinca Took 09-18-2015 03:53 PM

No pass is the final answer. How about the rest of the clue? ;)

Galadriel55 09-18-2015 03:55 PM

Cirth? Cirith loses "aye"?

Pervinca Took 09-19-2015 12:38 AM


And so over to Urwen.

Pervinca Took 09-19-2015 12:43 AM

MENEL: Old-fashioned sweetheart changes note in a tumult in the sky.
C IRTH: Letters lose approval, we hear, in the pass.
ORMAL: Direction found in muddied clay leads to the light.

Urwen 09-19-2015 02:26 AM

Take a crack at this.

1. Sob in confusion for him
2. Rare metal follows proposition for him
3. Lady of the flies
4. A bruise in confusion followed by a material for her
5. Ancient city preceded by a chemical element for him
6. In confusion, Nordic poem loses a note followed by a reversed trunk for him
7. Female name is followed by a pronoun for her
8. Direction precedes confused flower for him

Galadriel55 09-19-2015 02:14 PM

7. Elenwe

Urwen 09-19-2015 02:32 PM

1. Sob in confusion for him
2. Rare metal follows proposition for him
3. Lady of the flies
4. A bruise in confusion followed by a material for her
5. Ancient city preceded by a chemical element for him
6. In confusion, Nordic poem loses a note followed by a reversed trunk for him
ELENWE: Female name is followed by a pronoun for her
8. Direction precedes confused flower for him

Pervinca Took 09-19-2015 02:32 PM

3. Elwing?

5. Orome?

Urwen 09-19-2015 02:36 PM

Nope to 3. It's far easier than that.

1. Sob in confusion for him
2. Rare metal follows proposition for him
3. Lady of the flies
4. A bruise in confusion followed by a material for her
OROME: Ancient city preceded by a chemical element for him
6. In confusion, Nordic poem loses a note followed by a reversed trunk for him
ELENWE: Female name is followed by a pronoun for her
8. Direction precedes confused flower for him

Pervinca Took 09-20-2015 05:10 AM

3. Shelob? Metaphorical flies?

8. There are so many flowers of both kinds, but I will try SAEROS, s plus a rose, although I doubt if there should be an article as well as the bloom/river.

Urwen 09-20-2015 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 701974)
3. Shelob? Metaphorical flies?

8. There are so many flowers of both kinds, but I will try SAEROS, s plus a rose, although I doubt if there should be an article as well as the bloom/river.

Nope. For 3, try finding synonyms for 'lady' and 'flies' and that will give you the answer. For 8, the flower is a Tolkien flower.

Pervinca Took 09-23-2015 01:58 PM

I can make GALADRIEL from the word GLIDE and the woman's name LARA, but the clue says flies, not fly, and Lara is a girl's name, not an anagram for lady.

Urwen 09-23-2015 03:03 PM

Okay, 3 is the wife of certain farmer, and 8 is an Easterling.

Pervinca Took 09-23-2015 04:04 PM

Farmer Cotton's wife is called Lily, I think. Farmer Maggot's wife isn't named, and I don't think Farmer Giles is married.

Pervinca Took 09-23-2015 04:13 PM

8. Lorgan. L + Narog (confused).

Pervinca Took 09-23-2015 04:17 PM

Nimrodel for the password.

So therefore Mrs Maggot for Lady of the flies - maggots are the larva form of flies, and I guess Mrs for lady.

Urwen 09-24-2015 02:31 AM

1. Sob in confusion for him
2. Rare metal follows proposition for him
MRS. MAGGOT: Lady of the flies
4. A bruise in confusion followed by a material for her
OROME: Ancient city preceded by a chemical element for him
6. In confusion, Nordic poem loses a note followed by a reversed trunk for him
ELENWE: Female name is followed by a pronoun for her
LORGAN: Direction precedes confused flower for him

Password is correct. I wanted to make her the password for a long time.

Pervinca Took 09-24-2015 11:20 AM

Is 4 Rose Cotton, with sore as the answer to bruise?

I still think 6 can only start DAE, (Edda minus D), but the only person I can find is the well-known Daeron, and I can't find a way for NOR to mean trunk.

Urwen 09-24-2015 01:57 PM

1. Sob in confusion for him
2. Rare metal follows proposition for him
MRS. MAGGOT: Lady of the flies
ROSE COTTON: A bruise in confusion followed by a material for her
OROME: Ancient city preceded by a chemical element for him
6. In confusion, Nordic poem loses a note followed by a reversed trunk for him
ELENWE: Female name is followed by a pronoun for her
LORGAN: Direction precedes confused flower for him

For 6, thinks about my previous passwords and clues in them that involved wood.

Galadriel55 09-24-2015 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 702201)
I still think 6 can only start DAE, (Edda minus D), but the only person I can find is the well-known Daeron, and I can't find a way for NOR to mean trunk.

Huh, I tried that too with no luck.

Pervinca Took 09-25-2015 02:35 AM

Is there a Daedor?

Urwen 09-25-2015 03:08 AM

No, but there is someone else. Maybe this would help

Pervinca Took 09-25-2015 03:30 AM

Deagol. Could not think of any Dea starting names and forgot about log.

Mithalwen 09-25-2015 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 702187)
Farmer Cotton's wife is called Lily, I think. Farmer Maggot's wife isn't named, and I don't think Farmer Giles is married.

Farmer Giles was married I am not certain of her name (Agatha has popped in to my head) but IIRC getting round her was a long walk.

Urwen 09-25-2015 07:19 AM

1. Sob in confusion for him
2. Rare metal follows proposition for him
MRS. MAGGOT: Lady of the flies
ROSE COTTON: A bruise in confusion followed by a material for her
OROME: Ancient city preceded by a chemical element for him
DEAGOL: In confusion, Nordic poem loses a note followed by a reversed trunk for him
ELENWE: Female name is followed by a pronoun for her
LORGAN: Direction precedes confused flower for him

Pervinca Took 09-25-2015 09:16 AM

1. Namo, from moan?

Pervinca Took 09-25-2015 09:41 AM

Could 2 be Ingold? I thought the proposition bit would have to be idea, but that doesn't seem to work for this clue. If you propose something you're in? (Not sure).

Urwen 09-25-2015 09:54 AM

NAMO Sob in confusion for him
INGOLD: Rare metal follows proposition for him
MRS. MAGGOT: Lady of the flies
ROSE COTTON: A bruise in confusion followed by a material for her
OROME: Ancient city preceded by a chemical element for him
DEAGOL: In confusion, Nordic poem loses a note followed by a reversed trunk for him
ELENWE: Female name is followed by a pronoun for her
LORGAN: Direction precedes confused flower for him

And you're up.

Pervinca Took 09-25-2015 02:28 PM

And so is the next password!

1. Forest lord meets a matriarch in a muddle!
2. Behold! A twelvemonth.
3. An obsessed philologist, when bothered, can be a bit of a monster!
4. He sounds like the knowledge of journals.
5. One frost maiden.
6. Censure without appliance. Wayward thing!
7. Mixed scoop for him?

Galadriel55 09-25-2015 03:41 PM

Heh, I like #3! Made me chuckle. :)

(still working on Mr. Philologist)

Pervinca Took 09-25-2015 07:06 PM

Just thought, Urwen ... was proposition a typo for preposition?

Galadriel55 09-25-2015 08:46 PM

Not sure of this one, but want to put it out - Neldoreth for #1?

Galadriel55 09-25-2015 08:49 PM

Double posting to avoid invisible edits
And 2. Loa?

7. Posco? (Not sure if this character exists, but sounds like a Hobbit)

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