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Pervinca Took 09-27-2018 09:59 AM

Willow-meads of Tasarinan (nen?)

Huinesoron 09-28-2018 02:25 AM

Nope. Keep trying!

Imagine they were making a sequel to the almost-Hobbit that Warwick Davis starred in.


Aganzir 09-28-2018 03:17 AM

Is there any chance (no?) that 9 is Tom Bombadil? Not new = oldest, not two = ?, not race = fatherless, not safe = BOMB. :D

Huinesoron 09-28-2018 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 712600)
Is there any chance (no?) that 9 is Tom Bombadil? Not new = oldest, not two = ?, not race = fatherless, not safe = BOMB. :D

Hah! No, but one of your guesses comes close to the right interpretation for that part of the clue.

(I should probably note that one of the four 'nots' is a straight clue, and the others join together to give the answer.)


Pervinca Took 09-28-2018 03:43 AM

Willow people? Sons of Willow? Willowlings? Willow's children?

I only saw the film once, and it was years ago!

The PALANTIRI for not new, not two, not safe, not race?

Huinesoron 09-28-2018 03:50 AM

Ah, yes, the Sons of Willow, those famous Middle-earth characters. :) Perhaps instead of his kids, you could have Warwick Davis come back - but he wouldn't be playing young Willow any more, would he?

Not the Palantiri, I'm afraid.


Pervinca Took 09-28-2018 03:52 AM

Willow lands?

Huinesoron 09-28-2018 04:23 AM


Pervinca Took 09-28-2018 04:25 AM

Old Man Willow?

Huinesoron 09-28-2018 07:56 AM


1. C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
3. - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
4. T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
5. I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
6. - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
7. - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
8. R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
10. O ld Man Willow - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
12. - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
14. - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
15. O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
16. R angers of the North - Before they were grey, they served still.
There ya go! Old Wo/Man [Blank] is currently a thing in comic books - I think Wolverine, Hawkeye, Harley Quinn, and the Phoenix have all had the title recently. A Willow sequel (where 'almost a Hobbit' in the clue = Willow, therefore 'almost a Hobbit sequel') could do worse than following the trend.

Look, you give us clues from 19th century literature, I get to respond with comic books. ^_~


Pervinca Took 09-28-2018 09:19 AM

3. You said the door *was* Bag End ....

60 - 10 = 50 = L.

Totally ridiculous guess: Lotho, who got to live in Bag End in the end? Or L plus Otho, who ... didn't.

Huinesoron 09-28-2018 09:39 AM

The door is indeed the door to Bag-End. 60 and 10 refer to different, countable things.

(So no, it's not any of the Sackville-Bagginses.)


Pervinca Took 09-28-2018 10:24 AM

Unless 3 is the two Frodos ... Frodo Baggins ceased being Master of Bag End about 60 years before Sam did the same, making Frodo Gamgee/Gardner the new Master.

So is the answer Frodo?

(No, I have no idea what to do with the 10).

Huinesoron 09-28-2018 02:16 PM

Not Frodo, though very clever. 60 years is a good line to follow.


Pervinca Took 09-28-2018 04:31 PM

Well, 60 years is the amount of time Bilbo spent at Bag End after *his* quest. (Age 51 to 111). It's the only other 60 year stretch I know of. There's Bungo and Belladonna, of course, but not sure if the date of the completion of Bag End is recorded. Bungo built it for his wife, partly with her money, but how long it took and how long they lived there I don't know. I don't think the dates of Bungo's or Belladonna's deaths are recorded.


Last Trip to Rivendell from the Shire?

Bilbo is 60 years older than the previous time. Frodo is 50 (60 - 10) and it proves to be his *only* trip to Rivendell from the Shire. Rivendell *is* Frodo's destination when he first sets out.

Huinesoron 09-29-2018 12:49 AM

In this post you have identified the correct 60(ish) years. :) The -10 does not refer to years, but to something else involved in stepping out of that same door.


Pervinca Took 09-29-2018 01:03 AM

Is it 'ten less dwarves than last time?'

So ... 'Bilbo and dwarves?'

The Squatter of Amon Rūdh 09-29-2018 07:15 AM

Or just Dwarves. 13 after the unexpected party, then three leaving with Bilbo sixty years later.

I think that 12 is Fatty (Bolger and Lumpkin)

Formendacil 09-29-2018 08:41 AM

Could 7. be "Glorfindel and the Three Bears?"

Huinesoron 09-29-2018 09:23 AM

You wait ages for a clue, and then three come along at once...


1. C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
3. T hree Dwarves - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
4. T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
5. I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
6. - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
7. G lorfindel - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
8. R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
10. O ld Man Willow - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
12. F atty Bolger - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
14. - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
15. O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
16. R angers of the North - Before they were grey, they served still.
I will never not find Glorfindel's name translating as Goldilocks funny.


Pervinca Took 09-29-2018 11:56 AM

Cutting Room Floor!

Being where these scenes/elements ended up - very generous of you to suggest that PJ ever filmed them, of course!

(Makes me think 11 should be Peeves!) ;) (And a brilliant Rik Mayall performance we never got to see). :(

For ages I was convinced the password was 'Someone of Arnor.'

Pervinca Took 09-29-2018 12:27 PM

Is 2 maybe UDUN? Dun for dark, u for under(score).

11. Oliphaunt? Well, the rhyme/song was left out.

Huinesoron 09-29-2018 12:53 PM


C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. U - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
T hree Dwarves - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
6. N - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
G lorfindel - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. O - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
O ld Man Willow - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. M - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
F atty Bolger - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. L - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
14. O - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
R angers of the North - Before they were grey, they served still.
[Theme: Things not in the Jackson movies.]

Correct, Pervinca! To be honest I don't think any of this was ever filmed, though Old Man Willow gets sort of used in Fangorn. (I was surprised to find no mention of the Old Took in the script, though!)

Neither Udun nor Oliphaunt (though I considered it); you're right to be looking at songs for #11, while #2 consists of a straight and a cryptic clue.


Pervinca Took 09-29-2018 02:00 PM

Is 6 Nob? Half of bonbon backwards.

I was trying to get Nob or Bob to work for the taproom clue. Or Bar(liman) with bar for taproom, but Barliman is in the films (well, one of them).

Pervinca Took 09-30-2018 02:01 AM

Is 13 lager? :D

Lembas is scrambled around inside the word 'scrambled' - but lembas does feature in the films.

Huinesoron 09-30-2018 01:15 PM


C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. U - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
T hree Dwarves - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
N ob - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
G lorfindel - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. O - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
O ld Man Willow - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. M - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
F atty Bolger - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. L - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
14. O - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
R angers of the North - Before they were grey, they served still.

[Theme: Things not in the Jackson movies.]
Nob, yes, but neither Barliman nor lager. I'm afraid #13 is a properly evil clue that has me giggling to myself, so I can't really give any hints. ^_^

Oh, well, maybe this one: all but one of the remaining five answers occur in the same book (not volume, book) of LotR.


Galadriel55 09-30-2018 01:30 PM

I was working with old=not new in #9, but given that you already have Old Took and Old Man Willow I'm not sure how much more Old you can fit in one password.

Huinesoron 09-30-2018 01:54 PM

Do you realise how much Tolkien hated starting words with O??? ;)


Pervinca Took 09-30-2018 03:30 PM

Disagree. Orofarne, Oiolosseo, Osgiliath, Orodruin and Onodrim, to name but five!


However ... I think 14 is ORALD, another name for Tom Bombadil. It's lost in Ladros in that all of its five letters are in the name. Bombadil is a singular fellow (no other like him) ... and is his house by the Withywindle?

I guess Tom has to feature somewhere in a list of things/people not in the films!

Pervinca Took 09-30-2018 04:00 PM

Just a guess at Mithrandir for the M clue, because the elves sang 'Mithrandir! O Pilgrim Grey!' in a lament for him.

Of course he's in the films, but is the name Mithrandir ever used?

Galadriel55 09-30-2018 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 712637)
Just a guess at Mithrandir for the M clue, because the elves sang 'Mithrandir! O Pilgrim Grey!' in a lament for him.

Of course he's in the films, but is the name Mithrandir ever used?

Gsndalf as a serial harasser? You know what, I might just buy it. :p

Is 2 Underhill?

Pervinca Took 09-30-2018 05:51 PM

Thought of Underhill, but Film Frodo does say 'My name is Underhill' in the Prancing Pony, IIRC.

Pervinca Took 09-30-2018 05:55 PM

Could the other O clue be Olog or Olog-hai? I seem to recall there being two trolls in Moria in the book. The film has only one. They are a race, though.

Or maybe Old Stone Troll, viz Sam's song, left out of the films.

Pervinca Took 10-01-2018 01:29 AM

And L could perhaps be LIMPE, reflecting the fact that miruvor does not appear in the films, but I'm not sure that's wicked enough for you, Huinesoron. Although it's NEARLY a scramble/anagram of Mewlip!

Edit: (And Lemsip).

(And a full anagram of 'impel').

Huinesoron 10-02-2018 01:50 AM

Okay, let's take this in order:

14 is indeed ORALD, for pretty much the reasons you said. 'Singular' indicates that you need to lose the S from Ladros.

11 is not Mithrandir; I don't know whether it shows up in dialogue, but the haunting Elvish lament in Lorien does include this name. The character you need for this clue shows up with a name in earlier parts of the Legendarium, and without a name in a song. Except in the movies, where he doesn't appear at all.

2 is not Underhill. The first half of this clue is a description of the thing, the second half can be translated to find the precise name. (As Pervinca says, 'Underhill' does appear in the movies - I would've much preferred to use it, honestly!)

9 is not Olog(-hai) or Old Stone Troll. You're on the right track with 'not new', but you need to be looking for a different use of the word 'race'. ('Not safe' is the fairly vague straight clue.)

13 is not Limpė. The answer here is not particularly wicked - in fact, it's a common English word. It's the way of getting there that I consider truly malevolent. ^_^

(Limpė = lemsip is my new headcanon now.)


C onspiracy - If three (3) is company, then what is five (4)?
2. U - Twixt dark below and dark above, below & between.
T hree Dwarves - + 60, -10, still stepping out of the same door.
T ower Hills - A place of first meetings, lingering glances, and (nearly) last farewells.
I mrahil - Twenty-second in the line.
N ob - A bit sweet, but backward, and if I gave a direct clue it would probably be crude.
G lorfindel - Elvish ... and a trio of Beornings.
R ed Arrow - Gondor calls, "The flaming cursor!"
9. O - Not new, not two, not race, not safe.
O ld Man Willow - They could make almost a Hobbit sequel, but Warwick is necessary first.
11. M - With a name, he's a stalker above all others; without his name, sing who he is.
F atty Bolger - Left behind; his namesake is on the Barrow-downs though.
13. L - Scrambled in an anagram: retained in the taproom.
O rald - Singular, lost in Ladros, in a house by the river.
O ld Took - Bilbo passed, and the Age removed
R angers of the North - Before they were grey, they served still.

[Theme: Things not in the Jackson movies.]

Pervinca Took 10-02-2018 03:49 AM

Is M Mairon for Sauron, probably appearing in a song as the Dark Lord?

(It appears in the Ring Verse and the Barrow-Wights' chant, if either of them count as songs).

P.S. I sincerely hope Limpe tastes nicer than Lemsip!)

Huinesoron 10-02-2018 03:53 AM

Sauron is in the movies, y'know... :D (Also 'Mairon' is a name; you need a description.)


Pervinca Took 10-02-2018 03:56 AM

Ents don't usually race anywhere. Could the 'not race, not safe' one be ONODRIM, based not on them being absent from the movies, but this name for them not being used in said movies?

Pervinca Took 10-02-2018 03:57 AM

Oh ... answers can't be in the movies by other names either?

Huinesoron 10-02-2018 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 712649)
Oh ... answers can't be in the movies by other names either?

Correct, so it's not Onodrim. Think more cryptically - the three components don't necessarily have anything to do with the answer as a thing, just as a word/words.


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