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Urwen 05-15-2019 04:26 PM

This correct or no?


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716835)
3. ARTANIS (STRAIN+A, muddled)

Pervinca Took 05-15-2019 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716831)
ANGROD: Naught splendid about him.
I: More exquisite direction is what he's all about.
SIt's a strain and a muddle to find her.

To be fair, Urwen did guess DIS or EOL.

Once the D was there, I thought it only fair and sensible to honour your first guess. Yes, you guessed two, (like Gollum's 'String, or nothing!') But once the D was there I decided to give it to you. Then, you instantly posted it anyway. But I gave it to you before I saw that.

Pervinca Took 05-15-2019 04:31 PM

ANGROD: Naught splendid about him.
FRERIN: More exquisite direction is what he's all about.
ARTANIS: It's a strain and a muddle to find her.

OK! Theme, please, before I hand it over.

Urwen 05-15-2019 04:31 PM

That doesn't answer my ARTANIS guess.

Urwen 05-15-2019 04:32 PM

As for theme, why it's brother-sister pairs again.

Pervinca Took 05-15-2019 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716840)
That doesn't answer my ARTANIS guess.

The post straight after it does! Flipping heck, woman, there's no pleasing you!

Pervinca Took 05-15-2019 04:43 PM


ANGROD: Naught splendid about him.
FRERIN: More exquisite direction is what he's all about.
ARTANIS: It's a strain and a muddle to find her.


(Or 'How to use up your leftover clues.')

Although I really do think DIS deserved a password of her own, in any case.

Over to you, Urwen!

Urwen 05-15-2019 04:54 PM

You used a different name for Galadriel, am I right?

Urwen 05-15-2019 04:58 PM

But can you solve this dilemma? If you have two [x] and three [x] with the final [x] being the password, how do you fit in the remaining clue?

Pervinca Took 05-15-2019 05:13 PM

Yes, Galadriel has lots of names. Artanis is one of them.

I don't understand your dilemma. Do you mean a pairs and trios one?

When it's pairs, you need a password with an odd number of letters.* Always worth counting the clues when tackling a new password, for this reason.

* Unless the password isn't a clue, of course, like with your SWEETHEART one.

Urwen 05-15-2019 05:39 PM

This particular one has an even number of letters. I wanted to attempt trios.

Urwen 05-15-2019 05:40 PM

I got it.

Urwen 05-16-2019 03:01 AM

Here it is.

1. For him, there are 24 of these (without direction) in circulation.
2. Note an unidentified flying object for him.
3. Returning endless knowledge? Behold it for him.
4. Two elements come together for him.
5. Complain in turmoil for him.

Huinesoron 05-16-2019 04:43 AM

2 - is this UFFO (UFO + F) Boffin, grandfather of Frodo's cousin's wife?

I'm getting a 'short words' feel off several of these.


Urwen 05-16-2019 04:49 AM

1. For him, there are 24 of these (without direction) in circulation.
UFFO: Note an unidentified flying object for him.
3. Returning endless knowledge? Behold it for him.
4. Two elements come together for him.
5. Complain in turmoil for him.

Huinesoron 05-16-2019 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716854)
1. For him, there are 24 of these (without direction) in circulation.
UFFO: Note an unidentified flying object for him.
3. Returning endless knowledge? Behold it for him.
4. Two elements come together for him.
5. Complain in turmoil for him.

4 could be Barium + Indium = BAIN.

Or Sodium + Lithium = NALI of Moria (who died in the East Hall).

Or, of course, Osmium + Selenium = OSSE.

(Sodium + Indium gives multiple NAINs...)

... or it could not be chemistry at all, but where's the fun in that?!


Pervinca Took 05-16-2019 04:56 AM

4. AULE?

Au is gold. I think Le is something.

Urwen 05-16-2019 04:57 AM

Nope to both.

Huinesoron 05-16-2019 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716856)
4. AULE?

Au is gold. I think Le is something.

It isn't. You'd be amazed how much chemists hate the letter E.

(Possibly, come to think of it, because e-for-electron shows up a fair bit.)


Nope to both.
Aw. :(

The one answer so far is an obscure Hobbit... is the password 'KUDUK'?


Urwen 05-16-2019 04:59 AM

Nope, the password isn't that.

Pervinca Took 05-16-2019 05:02 AM

Could be MUNGO or BUNGO (the password).

Pervinca Took 05-16-2019 05:03 AM

5. Namo (moan).

Huinesoron 05-16-2019 05:12 AM

4 again/ Hydrogen + Americium = HAM(fast Gamgee).

But please tell me if I'm on the wrong track with these. :)


Urwen 05-16-2019 05:27 AM

1. For him, there are 24 of these (without direction) in circulation.
UFFO: Note an unidentified flying object for him.
3. Returning endless knowledge? Behold it for him.
4. Two elements come together for him.
NAMO: Complain in turmoil for him.

Urwen 05-16-2019 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716860)
Could be MUNGO or BUNGO (the password).

Neither the password nor the theme are connected to Hobbits in any way. :p


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 716862)
4 again/ Hydrogen + Americium = HAM(fast Gamgee).

But please tell me if I'm on the wrong track with these. :)


Elements are chemical elements, but none of these.

Huinesoron 05-16-2019 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716864)
Elements are chemical elements, but none of these.

O+In (no, wait, you said not Indium)
Not Sam, because Americium


Pervinca Took 05-16-2019 05:41 AM


Urwen 05-16-2019 05:43 AM


Pervinca Took 05-16-2019 05:46 AM

That pesky brother of yours again?

Urwen 05-16-2019 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716868)
That pesky brother of yours again?

Nope, not this time. :p

Pervinca Took 05-16-2019 05:48 AM

1. TWO DOZEN minus a direction


II DOZEN minus a direction.

Hmmmmmmm ....

Pervinca Took 05-16-2019 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 716869)
Nope, not this time. :p

Dad, perhaps?

Urwen 05-16-2019 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716870)
1. TWO DOZEN minus a direction


II DOZEN minus a direction.

Hmmmmmmm ....

Nope, Carol Ann says nay.

Urwen 05-16-2019 05:51 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 716871)
Dad, perhaps?

*insert shrug emoji here*

Pervinca Took 05-16-2019 05:52 AM


Gawd, I feel dim.

Does that give us HUOR?

Urwen 05-16-2019 05:56 AM

HUOR: For him, there are 24 of these (without direction) in circulation.
UFFO: Note an unidentified flying object for him.
R: Returning endless knowledge? Behold it for him.
I: Two elements come together for him.
NAMO: Complain in turmoil for him.

Galadriel55 05-16-2019 06:01 AM

3. Rollo = lor(e) + lo

Galadriel55 05-16-2019 06:03 AM

Making the last one Irmo - Iridium and, dunno. Hui, help me out please? :Merisu:

Pervinca Took 05-16-2019 06:03 AM

Now, there are 2 dwarves . . Ibun and the one I can never remember.

Urwen 05-16-2019 06:06 AM


HUOR: For him, there are 24 of these (without direction) in circulation.
UFFO: Note an unidentified flying object for him.
ROLLO: Returning endless knowledge? Behold it for him.
IRMO: Two elements come together for him.
NAMO: Complain in turmoil for him.

(Theme are pairs of brothers, by the way. I originally wanted to use Feanor as the password, but ran into several kinds of troubles there, so I had to use my dad instead.)

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