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Urwen 09-06-2021 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733699)
Is there any reason why I should be familiar with the Bible, or expect biblical answers in a Tolkien puzzle?

He translated one, plus he based his works on Christianity. I don't see why not...

Not that I am a religious person myself, but I can't deny that some of the stories in are quite fun.

Pervinca Took 09-06-2021 05:05 PM

I'm familiar with quite a lot of the Bible, but not the book of Kings.

I'd use biblical stuff as parts of clues. Just not as answers.

Huinesoron 09-07-2021 03:27 AM

Seems to have been lost with the last page:


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 733700)

Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733698)
You're not familiar with the Bible, I take it? The fact Haman is there should have tipped you off...

Oh well

That would have been a great hint 20-odd days ago.

I'm guessing the password is TANAKH, and the second A is some variant on ANGELS. My Biblical Kings memory is limited to four, none of whom start with T or A, and unlike with the Legendarium I have no interest in digging through the Bible for more.


Urwen 09-08-2021 02:57 AM

You know what, if you're so against it, then let's shelve this one. Huey got the password anyway, so he can go next

Huinesoron 09-08-2021 03:59 AM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733719)
You know what, if you're so against it, then let's shelve this one. Huey got the password anyway, so he can go next

Sure, then.

1. - The numinous root, otherwise known as a gift.
2. - Perfume from one Italian city.
3. - Chronic rails, year by year.
4. - A French one, conceived by the first to rise.
5. - Not grey... not gray, a German guest.
6. - In the round, Hell ends, and I am telepathy.
7. - Let's begin: Oh, snigger backwards, but with me instead of the example.
8. - Spiritually scary.
9. - The queen's scrambled citrus - o! Change it for two others.
10. - Go in, men in the corruption, and enjoy it.

All answers are English words or Tolkienian proper names, though two of them are borderline (one is both an English and Elvish word, and the other is a Tolkien coinage in English).


Pervinca Took 09-08-2021 11:55 AM

5. Rad-a-gast?

Huinesoron 09-08-2021 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733728)
5. Rad-a-gast?

That's the chappie!

1. - The numinous root, otherwise known as a gift.
2. - Perfume from one Italian city.
3. - Chronic rails, year by year.
4. - A French one, conceived by the first to rise.
RADAGAST - Not grey... not gray, a German guest.
6. - In the round, Hell ends, and I am telepathy.
7. - Let's begin: Oh, snigger backwards, but with me instead of the example.
8. - Spiritually scary.
9. - The queen's scrambled citrus - o! Change it for two others.
10. - Go in, men in the corruption, and enjoy it.


Pervinca Took 09-08-2021 12:06 PM

8. Wraiths? Barrow-Wights?

1. Death? Andor?

Huinesoron 09-08-2021 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733730)
8. Wraiths? Barrow-Wights?

1. Death? Andor?

No and no. 8 has both a straight and a cryptic clue, and 1... well, you're in the right area, just not the right answer.


Pervinca Took 09-08-2021 01:26 PM

There's Scary in the Eastfarthing, but I can't find anything spiritual there.

Huinesoron 09-09-2021 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733733)
There's Scary in the Eastfarthing, but I can't find anything spiritual there.

You mean you haven't heard of St. Melian's Without? It's all in the Hostetter book. :D

Nothing to do with Scary, or the Shire.


Galadriel55 09-09-2021 05:19 AM

I wonder if we're looking for some sort of ghost-like creature with a name that means "scary". Anything called The Horror? I suppose BALROG vaguely fits that, I seem to remember the name means something like "powerful demon". Demon, horror....

Huinesoron 09-09-2021 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 733740)
I wonder if we're looking for some sort of ghost-like creature with a name that means "scary".

Technically, technically, this is precisely correct. But not in the way you're thinking, on either part.


Pervinca Took 09-09-2021 07:45 AM

Is it just a pun on FEA / FEAR?

Huinesoron 09-09-2021 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733744)
Is it just a pun on FEA / FEAR?

Who you callin' a pun? :mad: ;) It's spiritual (being a spirit), and it's scary (because the only thing we have to fear is... you get it.)

1. - The numinous root, otherwise known as a gift.
2. - Perfume from one Italian city.
3. - Chronic rails, year by year.
4. - A French one, conceived by the first to rise.
RADAGAST - Not grey... not gray, a German guest.
6. - In the round, Hell ends, and I am telepathy.
7. - Let's begin: Oh, snigger backwards, but with me instead of the example.
FEAR - Spiritually scary.
9. - The queen's scrambled citrus - o! Change it for two others.
10. - Go in, men in the corruption, and enjoy it.


Pervinca Took 09-09-2021 01:12 PM

2. Tempted to say A-ROMA, but no obvious Tolkien connection.

9. MELIAN? It has a scrambled lime. Although I suspect we have to take IT from CITRUS O, add 2 more letters and scramble it.

Unless it's LIME plus A (sort of Elvish for O/Oh), and can become LEMON with a bit of changing.

Huinesoron 09-09-2021 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733746)
2. Tempted to say A-ROMA, but no obvious Tolkien connection.

Trust your instincts. Aroma is correct, and does have a Tolkien connection.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733746)
9. MELIAN? It has a scrambled lime. Although zinc suspect we gave to take IT from CITRUS O, add 2 more letters and scramble it.

Unless it's LIME plus A (sort of Elvish for O/Oh), and can become LEMON with a bit of changing.

LEMON, scrambled, with O changed for two other vowels (IA).

1. - The numinous root, otherwise known as a gift.
AROMA - Perfume from one Italian city.
3. - Chronic rails, year by year.
4. - A French one, conceived by the first to rise.
RADAGAST - Not grey... not gray, a German guest.
6. - In the round, Hell ends, and I am telepathy.
7. - Let's begin: Oh, snigger backwards, but with me instead of the example.
FEAR - Spiritually scary.
MELIAN - The queen's scrambled citrus - o! Change it for two others.
10. - Go in, men in the corruption, and enjoy it.


Pervinca Took 09-09-2021 04:17 PM



Galadriel55 09-09-2021 05:26 PM

7. ORIGINS? Oh=O, snigger backwards is REGGINS, with e.g. replaced with I.

Huinesoron 09-10-2021 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733749)




Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 733751)
7. ORIGINS? Oh=O, snigger backwards is REGGINS, with e.g. replaced with I.

And exoctly.

1. - The numinous root, otherwise known as a gift.
AROMA - Perfume from one Italian city.
3. - Chronic rails, year by year.
4. - A French one, conceived by the first to rise.
RADAGAST - Not grey... not gray, a German guest.
6. - In the round, Hell ends, and I am telepathy.
ORIGINS - Let's begin: Oh, snigger backwards, but with me instead of the example.
FEAR - Spiritually scary.
MELIAN - The queen's scrambled citrus - o! Change it for two others.
ENTERTAINMENT - Go in, men in the corruption, and enjoy it.

Only four to go!


Pervinca Took 09-10-2021 03:30 AM

1. Is 'numinous' to indicate NUMENOR? Known by other name(s?) as the Land of Gift.

It's SOMETHINGS OF ME (ME as in Middle-earth), I guess. I'd say something like properties or qualities, but what are Melian and Radagast doing there?

NAMERS? NADIRS? (Nadirs doesn't make sense at all).

Huinesoron 09-10-2021 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733754)
1. Is 'numinous' to indicate NUMENOR? Known by other name(s?) as the Land of Gift.

"Numinous" is derived from the Latin root "numen". "Otherwise" is actually a cryptic clue for "or"! NUMENOR is right. :)


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733754)
It's SOMETHINGS OF ME (ME as in Middle-earth), I guess. I'd say something like properties or qualities, but what are Melian and Radagast doing there?

NAMERS? NADIRS? (Nadirs doesn't make sense at all).

'OF M-E' is correct, but not the rest. Ummm... and I've just noticed I lost a word in #6; added in.

There's a reason I crafted this puzzle now. :)

NUMENOR - The numinous root, otherwise known as a gift.
AROMA - Perfume from one Italian city.
3. - Chronic rails, year by year.
4. - A French one, conceived by the first to rise.
RADAGAST - Not grey... not gray, a German guest.
6. - In the round, Hell ends, and I am retro-telepathy.
ORIGINS - Let's begin: Oh, snigger backwards, but with me instead of the example.
FEAR - Spiritually scary.
MELIAN - The queen's scrambled citrus - o! Change it for two others.
ENTERTAINMENT - Go in, men in the corruption, and enjoy it.


Galadriel55 09-10-2021 05:03 AM

Is telepathy OSANWE, or perhaps EWNASO, if it's retro? I don't see how it fits cryptically but it's worth a shot.

Pervinca Took 09-10-2021 05:08 AM

Nature of m-e?

Huinesoron 09-10-2021 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 733756)
Is telepathy OSANWE, or perhaps EWNASO, if it's retro? I don't see how it fits cryptically but it's worth a shot.

It is not; the telepathy is cryptic and modern.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733757)
Nature of m-e?

Bingo! I felt a new book by Tolkien deserved a Password. :D

NUMENOR - The numinous root, otherwise known as a gift.
AROMA - Perfume from one Italian city.
3. T - Chronic rails, year by year.
4. U - A French one, conceived by the first to rise.
RADAGAST - Not grey... not gray, a German guest.
6. E - In the round, Hell ends, and I am retro-telepathy.
ORIGINS - Let's begin: Oh, snigger backwards, but with me instead of the example.
FEAR - Spiritually scary.
MELIAN - The queen's scrambled citrus - o! Change it for two others.
ENTERTAINMENT - Go in, men in the corruption, and enjoy it.

All remaining answers are English words, though one of them is probably a Tolkien-coined compound.


Pervinca Took 09-10-2021 07:37 AM


Huinesoron 09-10-2021 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733760)

Almost, but 'born' isn't a synonym for 'conceived'.


Pervinca Took 09-10-2021 07:43 AM

Unthought? Unplanned?

They didn't have the Hostetter book at Oxonmoot.

Pervinca Took 09-10-2021 07:46 AM

ESP can be a synonym for telepathy. Maybe that clue ends PSE.

ECLIPSE? (If so, I wouldn't know why, except that it uses 4 letters of CIRCLE and perhaps there were eclipses due to some early doings of Varda?)

Huinesoron 09-10-2021 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733762)
Unthought? Unplanned?

They didn't have the Hostetter book at Oxonmoot.

Neither of those; you were closer with 'born'. :)

I swiped the last copy at our bookshop; for some reason I don't think they're stocking vast numbers of "the bottom of Tolkien's scrap pile". :D


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733763)
ESP can be a synonym for telepathy. Maybe that clue ends PSE.

ECLIPSE? (If so, I wouldn't know why, except that it uses 4 letters of CIRCLE and perhaps there were eclipses due to some early doings of Varda?)

It does end PSE, and you're actually only one letter off with your answer. :)


Pervinca Took 09-10-2021 09:16 AM

Other than ELAPSE, and Virgil's ECLOGUES, (both more than one letter out), I can't think what other word there is.

Unseeded? Unfertilised? :D

Huinesoron 09-10-2021 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733765)
Other than ELAPSE, and Virgil's ECLOGUES, (both more than one letter out), I can't think what other word there is.

I promise there is one. The one letter is one that needs to be changed in "Eclipse", not added or removed.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733765)
Unseeded? Unfertilised? :D

I mean, technically the latter is close to being a synonym? Think that and Unborn. The answer is used as a Capitalised Proper Noun.


Pervinca Took 09-10-2021 12:30 PM

Undead was the first one I thought of.

Unsung? (By the Ainur).

BTW I knew of Hostetter's book, but not the name of it. It really was just a guess at something to hopefully refer to all the answers.

Huinesoron 09-10-2021 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733767)
Undead was the first one I thought of.

Unsung? (By the Ainur).

Uhm, no; apparently this one is a bit tricky... okay, this term refers to the first elves to awaken by Cuivienen. Like Unborn, but a bit more Tolkieny.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733767)
BTW I knew of Hostetter's book, but not the name of it. It really was just a guess at something to hopefully refer to all the answers.

We have a thread on it if you're interested. I suggest stopping when WCH and I descend into an argument about whether lembas is cornbread. :D


Galadriel55 09-10-2021 07:36 PM

Ellipse? I supose it makes sense, as (H)ELL + I + ESP. All kudos to Pervinca for getting 99% of the word. I would never have made it past EPS.


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 733768)
We have a thread on it if you're interested. I suggest stopping when WCH and I descend into an argument about whether lembas is cornbread. :D

You kidding? That's my favourite part! Fine, I skim through most of the argumentation, but the spirit of the debate is priceless. :D Also, I gotta say, the greyed out text makes it so much more intriguing to read, but I think I keep subconsciously expecting some dramatic revelation, because it all seems rather mundane compared to the types of things I imagine as I mentally fill in those blanks. Why am I expecting scandalous gossip in the first place? Dunno, maybe I'm just conditioned to associate "Hostetter" with the HOMEXIII jokes?

Pervinca Took 09-11-2021 01:10 AM

I guess ellipses occur in writing, but I've only heard of an ellipsis and its plural, ellipses, so didn't guess it.

Ah, hang on. G55, you mean ELLIPSE = regular oval? Does it refer to the original shape of Arda?

Galadriel55 09-11-2021 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733772)
Ah, hang on. G55, you mean ELLIPSE = regular oval? Does it refer to the original shape of Arda?

No idea what it refers to, but yeah, I was thinking about the shape. You're totally right, it could be the shape of the world.

Urwen 09-11-2021 06:21 AM


Huinesoron 09-11-2021 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 733770)
You kidding? That's my favourite part! Fine, I skim through most of the argumentation, but the spirit of the debate is priceless. :D Also, I gotta say, the greyed out text makes it so much more intriguing to read, but I think I keep subconsciously expecting some dramatic revelation, because it all seems rather mundane compared to the types of things I imagine as I mentally fill in those blanks. Why am I expecting scandalous gossip in the first place? Dunno, maybe I'm just conditioned to associate "Hostetter" with the HOMEXIII jokes?

Oh, there's weird stuff. AROMA is in the password because Tolkien reveals that invisible Maiar can be detected because of their fragrance. If they're evil Maiar, they specifically smell bad. :D This is why Sauron only ever shows up embodied - because he knows his BO would give him away otherwise!


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 733770)
Ellipse? I supose it makes sense, as (H)ELL + I + ESP. All kudos to Pervinca for getting 99% of the word. I would never have made it past EPS.


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 733772)
I guess ellipses occur in writing, but I've only heard of an ellipsis and its plural, ellipses, so didn't guess it.

Ah, hang on. G55, you mean ELLIPSE = regular oval? Does it refer to the original shape of Arda?


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 733773)
No idea what it refers to, but yeah, I was thinking about the shape. You're totally right, it could be the shape of the world.

ELLIPSE it is, and, well, Tolkien drew sketches of the world as an ellipse which bulges in the middle. I'm honestly not sure if I imagined the part where he discusses how the Elves believed in a reverse Arda on the underneath, which of course would be uninhabited because the people would fall off.


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 733777)

Is correct!

(Urwen, you'll be pleased to know that Maeglin gave Tolkien endless trouble when he decided that elves don't marry until they're several hundred years old; there's multiple places in NoME where he tries to resolve it.)

NUMENOR - The numinous root, otherwise known as a gift.
AROMA - Perfume from one Italian city.
3. T - Chronic rails, year by year.
UNBEGOTTEN - A French one, conceived by the first to rise.
RADAGAST - Not grey... not gray, a German guest.
ELLIPSE - In the round, Hell ends, and I am retro-telepathy.
ORIGINS - Let's begin: Oh, snigger backwards, but with me instead of the example.
FEAR - Spiritually scary.
MELIAN - The queen's scrambled citrus - o! Change it for two others.
ENTERTAINMENT - Go in, men in the corruption, and enjoy it.

One left, and it's the first one I thought of.


Pervinca Took 09-12-2021 02:45 AM

Could it be TALES?

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