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Indeed.bridge over Esgalduin. Well done.
]1 NINIEL Drippy girl.
2 AEGLOS Lo! Sage bewildered gives arm for hero. 3 American mystique muddled elf. 4 Article originated ranging in the South. 5 Mount mythical bird before entrance alternatively? 6 IANT IAUR Old Elvish spanner 7 in France this twisted "The Lion King" by substituting ruler. For the new page... |
Password: Namarie?
1 NINIEL Drippy girl.
2 AEGLOS Lo! Sage bewildered gives arm for hero. 3 MAGLOR American mystique muddled elf. 4 ANBORN Article originated ranging in the South. 5 ROCHALLOR Mount mythical bird before entrance alternatively? 6 IANT IAUR Old Elvish spanner 7 ECTHELION In France this twisted "The Lion King" by substituting ruler Yes it is. |
I thought either Narchost or Namarie, but I couldn't think of a bridge starting with I, which was why I (wrongly) guessed Sarn Athrad.
Not sure about the mythical bird, as the only one I know of is the phoenix, but could 5 be ROCHALLOR, Fingolfin's horse? |
It is. ROC is a giant mythical bird that could give the great eagles a run for their money. Could they carry off mumakil I wonder? Then HALL+OR.
Yes, I saw HALL + OR, but when I couldn't fulfil the bird element I wondered if using the word "hall" for entrance was more of a northern thing I got from my parents. We always called the entrance corridor of a house the hall, but elsewhere I've only heard hall to mean something like an assembly hall, and wondered if the proper term for the former was really "entrance hall."
P.S. Wonder if Roac, (son of Carc), the raven in The Hobbit, had any echo of Roc, subconscious or otherwise. 7 E In France this twisted "The Lion King" by substituting ruler Could this be ECTHELION? Contains THE LION plus EC which is CE (the end of France) twisted round, and the twisted round bit of France substitutes the word King. Also, Ecthelion, father of Denethor, was a Steward of Gondor, so kind of a substituting ruler until the king returned. 4 A Article originated ranging in the South. ANBORN? The indefinite article AN plus BORN for originated. A Ranger of Ithilien (or Ranger of the South). I thought the only two named ones were Mablung and Damrod, but then I remembered the one who (I think) asked Faramir's permission to shoot Gollum. I always thought it began with A for indefinite article (AN fits this too, of course), but was toying with ideas of a southern mountain range before I remembered that there was a southern ranger beginning with A. 3 M American mystique muddled elf. Having struggled unsuccessfully to merge something like US +SPELL, I googled American Mystique, and apparently they are a company that makes bomber jackets and flight jackets. But how on earth I get from that to Maglor, Maeglin, Maedhros, Mahtan, Miriel or Mithrellas, I'm sure I don't know! |
Both correct...not sure I can quite explain what I was trying to do with last clue but couldn't resist trying.
The only other thing I can think of is Moriquende for Dark Elf, which contains some letters of American Mystique, but is a bit of a long shot. I suppose if something is dark it has a certain mystique, though.
You werw closer by far in the edited in post, nb I only found that after I wondered what you meant by other. Find it rather confusing to havecearler posts added to and it doesnt register new activity on the feed.
I thought you were offline when I edited the post, so would see the fully edited post when you logged back in. Sorry about that. I try to merge consecutive posts after you've read them to avoid leaving double posts.
There's Makalaurë, the mother-name of Maglor, but I can't make that work either.
I never log out and since I had posted pre edit adding new information makes the response rather halfwitted.. I don't think double posts matter so much in this type of thread.
Anyway I will confirm that the remaining answer is an individual but since it is an "honest" clue for a non obscure character I am not going to pick from a list when you are nowhere near on the reason why. Not yet. However some of your wrong reasoning has provided a useful hint if you look afresh,:D |
How about–
Maglor = anagram of glamor = (presumed) American spelling of “glamour”. |
That's it...though further investigation reveals that those inconsistent Americans do prefer the u in glamour even though they eviscerate colour, honour and the like.. however the variant is there...:cool: and it saved me going Mitford....
All done and over to Pervinca. |
British spelling is never inconsistent, of course. :D
And I think glamour was one that came up as a synonym for mystique, too! Excellent clue. My brain just wasn't seeing the "American spelling" angle. Still, at least I now know all about the history of bomber jackets. (I'm intrigued as to what the "Mitford" clue might have been, though). ;) 1. Confused lamentation rising from water source. 2. Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker. 3. Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower. 4. Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire. 5. Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling. 6. Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor. 7. Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage. 8. Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts two fortnights. 9. Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor. |
U and non -u phone for the fish knives norman and all that..
Oh but we never claimed it was... Noah Webster ha! |
3 Poros, tributary of the Anduin anagram of spoor?
1. Confused lamentation rising from water source. 2. Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker. POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower. 4. Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire. 5. Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling. 6. Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor. 7. Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage. 8. Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts two fortnights. 9. Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor. |
4 Haysend shire village and hand split by an anagram of yes.
Affirmative, captain.
1. Confused lamentation rising from water source. 2. Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker. POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower. HAYSEND: Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire. 5. Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling. 6. Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor. 7. Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage. 8. Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights. 9. Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor. |
A wild(flower) guess...
Is the password Niphredil?
N: Confused lamentation rising from water source.
I: Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker. POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower. HAYSEND: Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire. R: Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling. E: Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor. D: Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage. I: Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights. L: Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor. |
In that case I will try Ithilbor for first I..father of Saeros Broth and two "I"s and an l for liquid muddled up.
'Tis e'en so.
N: Confused lamentation rising from water source.
ITHILBOR: Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker. POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower. HAYSEND: Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire. R: Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling. E: Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor. D: Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage. I: Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights. L: Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor. |
I: Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights - Ivanneth?
Indeed! IVAN + N + ETH.
N: Confused lamentation rising from water source. ITHILBOR: Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker. POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower. HAYSEND: Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire. R: Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling. E: Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor. D: Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage. IVANNETH: Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights. L: Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor. |
Not ver confident guess of Elu forcthe E since there is an ule tree though I don't see that it is dreadful
Not Elu, I'm afraid.
It isn't a tree with a reputation for being terrible (not to my knowledge, anyway). But both the tree and the "terrible" element are in the answer. |
Try working backwards on the clue with the tree in it. ;)
Ok..well the thing about half elves is that if you are ancestor of one you are often anc3stor of most. Ao posibles are Earwen ancestress of Elladan, and Elrohir and Arwen. But can't find a tree there. Ditto Elenwe grandmother of earendil. So no to Elu, Elwe I can't make work either. Elmo...I think was meant to be celeborns gfather. Tree there but not mingled and o as a vocative is quite mild. I think I need to look at more family trees. I suppose elwing earendil and elrondare possibles aa halfelven parents of those deemed halfelven. I may need to look at tree names too.,
R: Rosghobel (or is it Rhosgobel?) HORSE+BLOG
Just supposing the tree was elm ... could you combine that with a short word meaning terrible?
Galadriel - yes, well done!
N: Confused lamentation rising from water source. ITHILBOR: Mix broth with liquid, adding two eyes, we hear, for the father of a mocker. POROS: Muddled wild animal’s trail leads to a flower. HAYSEND: Saruman’s symbol found around troubled affirmative in the Shire. RHOSGOBEL: Equine creature and online entry mix together in a humble dwelling. E: Dreadful tree mingles for a half-elf’s ancestor. D: Confused dwarf? Well, the chap has complex parentage. IVANNETH: Terrible man finds way to join ancient character. It lasts about two fortnights. L: Record sprinted in minor confusion for a First Age captor. |
Elm is in Melian but Ian the dreadful? Well done Cubling. I thought blog but was thinking of ME HORSE NAMES.
Close. Try the male ancestry of the same half-elf.
Male ancestry, but not necessarily a male ancestor.
Emeldir: ELM+DIRE. Two things helped: knowing that it's an elm and looking at The Sil's family trees. Mith did all the hard work, though. :)
At first I thought that that's such a trivial name, and how am I supposed to know that. Then I remembered that three years ago I would have known the name off the top of my head. Bad Tolkienista. :( |
Will now go and find out who emeldir is. Not even smallest bell tinging
Oh, mother of the drip...
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