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Pervinca Took 12-14-2013 12:15 AM

Yes, and it sounds like "harder" (more laborious) with a dropped "h" (i.e. not strictly drawing-room fashion).

Well done all. In case you hadn't noticed, the password appears twice:

ElenwE: Innovative sea or river creature gets confused and lost on the Grinding Ice.
RochalloR: Scottish interjection and French greeting, flanked either side by the same direction for a mount.
IshI: Hush ordered between two optic organs, we hear, for an orcish preposition.
ArdA: This world sounds more laborious (and perhaps not strictly drawing-room fashion).
DolmeD: Vaulted? Swallows liquid for a mount.
OthO: This great one of Keatsian fame could be rather rude and mercenary in the Shire.
RagnoR: Alternatively, this warrior telephoned (but there was confusion and displacement).

Over to Mithalwen. :)

Mithalwen 12-14-2013 05:23 AM

OMG you are Lucy Yenic and I claim my five silver pennies.

Mithalwen 12-16-2013 03:15 PM

1 FARAMIR Just Arian disturbed noble warrior.
2 OROME Lover head over heels (or perhaps reverse) over hunter.
3 LISSUIN Comfortable bloomers in Tol Eressea
4 CREBAIN Nice bar ~ mingle and meet birds!
5 RATH Anger loses direction on elf path.
6 E Boy meets girl in the House of Elrond
7 DIMHOLT Here is a dark dwelling for a mustelid.

Pervinca Took 12-16-2013 04:01 PM

Tentative guess for number 6 of IMLADRIS? LAD + IRIS (but I'm not sure what to do with the M, unless Imris is a name).

I did say it was a tentative guess. ;)

Mithalwen 12-16-2013 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 687790)
Tentative guess for number 6 of IMLADRIS? LAD + IRIS (but I'm not sure what to do with the M, unless Imris is a name).

I did say it was a tentative guess. ;)

No but have a play around

Pervinca Took 12-16-2013 04:06 PM

4. Crebain? (Anagram of "nice bar.")

Mithalwen 12-16-2013 04:52 PM


Pervinca Took 12-16-2013 05:27 PM

I found a tree called "Lavaralda" whilst looking for flowers that grew on Tol Eressea, and on Wikipedia it said:

"It is said by mariners that the scent could "be felt on the air long ere the land of Eressëa could be seen, and that it brought a desire of rest and great content."

Probably barking up the wrong tree (terrible pun), but trying to satisfy the "comfortable" part of the clue.

Mithalwen 12-16-2013 05:32 PM

Right track wrong destination

Pervinca Took 12-16-2013 06:04 PM

Hmmm ... athelas is a plant that brings comfort - eases pain and clears and calms troubled minds - it was brought over from Numenor, so may have originated in Tol Eressea.

Or asëa aranion, as it might have been called there.

7. Angband? (Assuming that Carcharoth could be classed as a mustelid).

Mithalwen 12-16-2013 06:10 PM

Getting colder with the plant and miles awy with carcharoth. I may have cut the clue down too much..goes to amend.

Pervinca Took 12-16-2013 06:20 PM

Perhaps lissuin for the bloomer, then ... "said to bring the heart ease."

Mithalwen 12-16-2013 06:47 PM

Lissuin is correct.

Pervinca Took 12-17-2013 08:00 AM

"Right track wrong destination" - that reminded me of a game from the 70's where you had to put a combination of coloured pegs behind a little screen thing and your opponent had to keep trying to get the same combination as your hidden one. There were longer black and white pegs to indicate things like "right colour, wrong place."

Encouraged by the feeling that number 2 might begin with a vowel, how about OROME, the hunter ... the O jumps from the heel of the name Romeo (the lover) to its head?

I was sure it would be a Tolkien lover AND a Tolkien hunter until I saw Romeo. I considered several pseudonyms of Orome and several different lovers, but none of them had the "head over heels" bit of the clue.

And based on that guess, I'll make a tentative guess at FOLCWINE for the password.

Mithalwen 12-17-2013 11:49 AM

Master mind..not linked to the game show as it happens....

Yes to Orome I nearly put Shakespearean lover but thought it made it too easy and decided that Romeo was generic enough.. as for the

Pervinca Took 12-17-2013 01:28 PM

There was another version of the same game with letters, too, as I recall.

I expect Romeo is another of your fave lit guys, Mith, along the lines of Beren? :D

Whoops ... Folcred? I miscounted the letters ....

Mithalwen 12-17-2013 02:56 PM

Never studied Romeo and Juliet thiugh have seen the play and opera. No stromg feelings. Je didnt kill Finrod.

Pervinca Took 12-18-2013 11:24 AM

7 D Here is a dark dwelling for a mustelid.
Could this be DIMHOLT? "Dim" for dark, plus "holt," which apparently (following a Google definition search) means an otter's den.

I found this place completely by accident whilst (as Gollum might say) "sssearching for pathsssss" for clue 5 ... in a write-up on Tolkien Gateway about the Paths of the Dead.

Apart from things like the Spider Pass (which doesn't begin with R in any ME language AFAIK ;)) and roads through the Shire and to Bree etc, I could only think of Rath Dinen for named paths, although strictly speaking this is a street.

Hmmm ... wrath loses the direction W to give RATH, the elvish word for path/street, thus justifying "elf path," and Dinen is not part of the clue ... the answer is just the elvish word for path?



Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 687818)
Never studied Romeo and Juliet thiugh have seen the play and opera. No stromg feelings. Je didnt kill Finrod.

True. And Finrod was much nicer than Mercutio.

Mithalwen 12-18-2013 12:22 PM

Both correct. I didn't realise holt as an otter dwelling was obscure. But I be a bumpkin....

Pervinca Took 12-18-2013 01:36 PM

It probably isn't. I just didn't know it.

Lovely clues BTW - I love clues that make "internal sense," like "comfortable bloomers," "lover head over heels," and the "bar and birds" one.

I will try Faramir for the first one, but I don't think it's right. It does have "fair" for just, and he's certainly a noble warrior, but unless a ram could be described as a heretic .... ;)

Mithalwen 12-18-2013 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 687859)
It probably isn't. I just didn't know it.

Lovely clues BTW - I love clues that make "internal sense," like "comfortable bloomers," "lover head over heels," and the "bar and birds" one.

I will try Faramir for the first one, but I don't think it's right. It does have "fair" for just, and he's certainly a noble warrior, but unless a ram could be described as a heretic .... ;)

Not sure where you get heretic from. It is Faramir and ram is the siymbol of the star sign Aries.

Pervinca Took 12-18-2013 02:18 PM

"Arian - definition of Arian by the Free Online Dictionary ...
Ar·i·an 1 (âr-n, r-) adj. 1. Of or relating to Arianism: the Arian heresy. 2. Of or relating to Arius. n. A believer in Arianism. Ar·i·an 2 (r-n, âr-)"

Oh, Arian from Aries ;) (plank, facepalm, etc).

Is 6 Elladan? Ella plus Dan = boy meets girl?

Mithalwen 12-18-2013 02:36 PM

Oh.. no much more low brow....

Yes to Elladan. it would have been too much of a giveaway to point out the other meaning of house.

Pervinca Took 12-18-2013 02:54 PM

A double plank am I. The second meaning of house sailed right over my head! I knew Imladris wasn't quite right, because Elrond's house is in it rather than it being in his house, without the extraneous m from lad + Iris. Then I tried to make Erestor work ... I think he was in Elrond's house at least once! (I think he spoke at the Council).

They were darned challenging clues, and beautifully written!

I still had one left in my password hoard. Here it is:

1. Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
2. Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
3. Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
4. Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
5. Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
6. Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
7. Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
8. Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
9. Hungry baby in the Shire?
10. Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
11. Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
12. Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
13. Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
14. See tray is arranged for the special day.

Mithalwen 12-18-2013 04:57 PM

Of course the letter E doesnT tie things down much. Just as well Elves used messengers more than a redular postal system. E Peredhel would have several potential recipients. But here wasnt anything obscure save lissuin so I had to be sneaky with the clues.

Oh Eru for Ultravox as in Ure wee Midge...and dare I guess Teleporno for one.

Pervinca Took 12-18-2013 05:47 PM

You guess aright.
Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
2. Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
4. Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
5. Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
6. Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
7. Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
8. Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
9. Hungry baby in the Shire?
10. Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
11. Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
12. Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
13. Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
14. See tray is arranged for the special day.

Mithalwen 12-19-2013 01:29 PM

12 Argon. Noble inert gas if my limited chemistry knowledge hasn't failed. Also son of Fingolfin in some draft s

Pervinca Took 12-19-2013 02:36 PM


Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
2. Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
4. Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
5. Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
6. Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
7. Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
8. Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
9. Hungry baby in the Shire?
10. Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
11. Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
13. Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
14. See tray is arranged for the special day.

Galadriel55 12-19-2013 04:44 PM

A quick search wields 14. Yestare

Pervinca Took 12-19-2013 06:01 PM


Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
2. Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
4. Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
5. Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
6. Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
7. Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
8. Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
9. Hungry baby in the Shire?
10. Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
11. Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
13. Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

Mithalwen 12-21-2013 05:41 AM

10 Dain - contempt is disdain take away Dis?

Pervinca Took 12-21-2013 05:34 PM

Yes. I wrote down Dis as the answer, but either would do.

Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
2. Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
4. Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
5. Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
6. Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
7. Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
8. Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
9. Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
11. Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
13. Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

Mithalwen 12-23-2013 11:55 AM

13 Balin? Balding minus g andd?

Pervinca Took 12-23-2013 03:22 PM

Balin is correct.

Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
2. Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
4. Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
5. Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
6. Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
7. Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
8. Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
9. Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
11. Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
Balin: Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

Galadriel55 12-26-2013 08:20 PM

4. Beor

Pervinca Took 12-27-2013 10:11 AM

Beor = anagram of "robe."

Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
2. Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
Beor: Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
5. Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
6. Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
7. Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
8. Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
9. Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
11. Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
Balin: Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

Mithalwen 01-04-2014 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by Pervinca Took (Post 688098)
Beor = anagram of "robe."

Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
2. Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
Beor: Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
5. Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
6. Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
7. Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
8. Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
9. Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
11. Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
Balin: Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

Speculative googling provides confirmation that there be a town called Brill that influenced Bree...and the password seems to be the Bird and Baby

Pervinca Took 01-04-2014 08:27 AM

Doubly affirmative.

Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
H: Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
Beor: Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
I: Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
R: Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
D: Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
A: Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
N: Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
Brill: Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
Balin: Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

Mithalwen 01-11-2014 01:34 PM

There was an early Took named I sembard, close enough to the gloriously named Brunel

Pervinca Took 01-11-2014 01:42 PM

Yes. "Sounds like" because Brunel was an Isambard with an A (as well as a Kingdom!) and the Tookish personage was an Isembard with an E.

Teleporno: Galadriel’s lord – or a possible alter-ego thereof who might – ahem – indicate misuse of Mirror?
H: Halbarad initially joins the chaotic destruction visited upon him.
Eru: Ultravox’s leader returns? Be that as it may: he commands the music.
Beor: Garment disarrayed for this crosser of mountains.
Isembard: Tookish engineer? Sounds like it!
R: Alice Munro’s sister is perturbed before taking wing?
D: Company, in short, joins moped binge in confusion in the valley.
A: Rise high and mingle to find a water source.
N: Hungry baby in the Shire?
Dis: Contempt loses one dwarf, but leaves another?
Brill: Fab village which inspired Butterbur’s home?
Argon: Inert or noble grandson of Finwe?
Balin: Losing hair? Loses a couple of notes, too, but remains a valiant fellow.
Yestare: See tray is arranged for the special day.

Just had another read about Mr Brunel on Wikipedia. His mother, Sophia Kingdom, was the youngest of sixteen children! Whether one woman bore them all, though, I don't know.

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